Allow Users To Enter Hyperlink Addresses

Aug 30, 2006

I have a database set with user level security (via the wizard) and I want to give "Full Data
Users" the ability to enter hyperlink addresses. Currently only I can do
this as I am set to "Full Permissions / Admin"

The associated table is set to accept hyperlinks, and the relevant text
boxes are in place and unlocked on the forms, however when logged in as a Full Data User, you currently can not set or add a hyperlink address, only follow the hyperlink path's that i've already put in.

It's driving me nuts.... help please!

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Tables :: Change Hyperlink Addresses?

Nov 11, 2013

I have a massive database...100,000 records (well, it seems massive to me right now!).

A part of each record is a hyperlink to a PDF document on the server. I didn't map a drive letter for the path, as everything I've researched has said to not use drive letters but the actual server name and the path.

I did that. Unfortunately, they had an issue with the server a couple of weeks ago...and in mapping it again, they added another layer of folders on the way to the location of these PDFs.

Now I have to go in and edit each individual hyperlink to reflect the new path.

1. Is there a faster way to do this? They want their first report half an hour ago.

2. They have a whole new set of these PDFs to be attached to the records that don't have them yet. Is there a faster way to do it than to have to open each record and put in the path to the document?

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"hyperlink" Data Type For Email Addresses?

Jan 17, 2006

Is there an easy way to have Access format all values in a particular field with the hyperlink data type to add the mailto: prefix so you can just click on the links to email someone?

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Forms :: Force Users To Enter Data

Aug 4, 2015

My database is tracking Job/Project information. The users must assign the Job Contacts which can be both internal and external (ie: Contracts is a Client Contact, while Engineer is an Internal position)..

tblContactTypes which defines each of the 10 types of job contacts.
fldTypeID: fldTitle fldClient fldInternal
1 Contracts True False
2 Engineer False True
3 Other True True

The Job Specific data is stored in tblJob_Contacts

fldJobID (PrimaryKey)
fldTypeID (from tblContactTypes)
fldEEID for Internal Contacts (from tblEE)
fldContactID for External Contacts (from tblClientContacts)

My question is this...How can I force the user to enter the Contact information for Contact Types 1,2,3, and 4 while leaving the remaining contacts types as optional?

I would like a form with combo boxes for the first four Contact Types which must be assigned for every job and then a continuous subform where the user can assign the remaining contact types if needed.

Initially, I planned to store the first four Contact Types as separate fields in the main table (tblJob) - however, distribution lists are needed and it makes more sense for all the contact information to be stored in the same table.

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Forms :: Password To Enter Data For Users

Mar 12, 2014

I am trying to set up a password on a for different users to have to enter pins to enter data. When a user selects his/her name from the combo box the next field will be something like pin. When they enter the corresponding pin this will allow them to edit and start or continue (if they left) fill out the rest of this form.

The reason being this way is that if one of them goes back to a previous record done by another user (which I want them to be able to view) they can view it but cannot edit it because they do not have the users pin (or password). Is this able to be done, only allowed to edit or create a new record if you enter your pin every time.

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Can Multiple Users Enter Data At Same Time?

Aug 20, 2013

I have several forms will be filled out on a daily basis by 50 different people. Does Access have a way of allowing multiple users to fill out the forms at the same time and still track the data? Or is it like Excel and can only be viewed as "Read-Only" once opened by someone else?

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Mandate Users To Enter Data In Textbox Before Proceeding To Record On Form

Nov 21, 2012

Any way (VBA script, etc) to make it mandatory for a user to enter data in a textboxes in a form before proceeding to the next record on a form? I know I am able to do this in the table by selecting the value "Yes" in the Required area in the General Tab but I was wondering if there is a VBA script you can enter it in a form instead.

On attachment is an Access Database in winzip. In the __Property form, I want to make it madatory for users to enter data in the County Shapefile Gross Acres, Township, Mineral Severance Tract, and Unit name fields before proceeding to a new record. If data is not entered in these textboxes for these field, then a person will not be allowed to go to the next record.

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Modules & VBA :: Bulk Update Of Hyperlink Text To Display Not Hyperlink

May 29, 2014

i have thousands of data records with hyperlinks that are correct. Each data record shows the actual link (,,, etc.). However, i want to change all of the records to just say "link" instead of saying, etc. How can i do this automatically without having to manually right click, edit, and changing the text to display?

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Question About: A Table Of Users Who Have Relationships To Other Users??

Feb 21, 2006


I have a table of users somthing like this:


Users can be friends with one another and I need some way of logging this.

My 2 options (that i can see) are:

1) Putting a friends entry in the main user table then comma delimiting the User_ID's in the friend entry like so:

User_ID: 001
Name: John
Hobby: Frizbee
Favorite_Food: Cake
Friends: 002,004,010

2) Making a seperate table with multiple entries for each user like so:

User: 001
Friend 002
User: 001
Friend: 004
User: 001
Friend: 010
User: 002
Friend: 001
User: 004
Friend: 001
User: 010
Friend: 001

The database has to be handled by a web service and/or a web appliction making the comma delimited option occupy more server time breaking down the string into usable user_ID's.
But (and this is probably my actual problem) if i was to impliment my second idea, I'm not sure what I should make the tables primary key or the best way to relate it to the main user table.

My initial thought is to just have a, technicaly useless, ID be the primary key and impliment a one(User) to many(friends entries) relationship... but im a bit of an access n00b so thought i better come ask for some advice.


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Use Of IP Addresses In DB

Sep 6, 2005

we want to run a ping command via a radio button or command button. We have IP addresses set up for multiple pieces of equipment, each IP address consisting of 4 different text boxes. We want to be able to launch a ping and have the program read the values from each of the 4 text boxes that make up the IP address.

Any ideas/suggestions greatly appreciated.

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Sorting Addresses

Feb 28, 2007

How can I sort string addresses so as to get the correct number order? I know that strings sort on each character, which causes the problem. I have tried some things (with VAL and Len), but was not completely successful. I do not want to enter an address number as 0630, when I want 630.

Why does this not work:IIf(Len(Str(Val([address]))=3),"0" & [address],[address])? Address has 3 and 4 numbers only.

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Storing Addresses

Apr 11, 2005

I am currently designing a contacts database for my business and need some advice on how to store addresses.

As I see it, I can either use a single field and carriage returns, or multiple fields which for some records may leave some blank fields.

The data will be used to perform mailmerges and will also be output to a contacts directory and I would be looking to display the address both horizontally and vertically. Is there a simple way of manipulating a multi line field so that it can be displayed on a form across the page on one line in a report?

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Best Way To Deal With Addresses Please.

Jun 10, 2005

I have an Access 2000 database running on Windows 2000 Operating System. The database is on a shared drive on a network with approx 20 concurrent users. It runs a bit sluggishly so I am looking for ways to speed things up. The network guys say that the bit rate is OK so I need to tweak the database. I have run the performance and table analysers and get no suggestions for improvement. However, I have spotted a potential problem with the way addresses are stored.

Currently addresses are stored in the person table along with personal stuff like date of birth, gender, ethnicity etc. the address part has six fields:

Oh by the way - this is for the UK so the address structure has to be a bit flexible to accommodate quite a few variations of how addresses can be written but a reasonable guide is:

Number (or house name) and street name
(often a second line for part one of address)
Village / urban area

Part one of my question is - is this the best way to store this information or should I just gather it like this on a form and then store it as concatenated text in a single field.
I have tried this on a small test database and it works OK and prints address labels etc. - - But is it better or not?

Part two is - should the addresses be stored in the person table at all or should it be in a separate table. This is the bit I cannot get my head round. If it is in a separate table then each record in the table needs to be unique but because of the nature of the client base (i.e. students) many students share accommodation - OK a 1 to many relationship - but what about students in halls of residence they will have an individual room but the remainder of the address is the same. So for say 1000 students in the same hall 95% of the address is repeated although each address is unique overall. And with 4 halls there are 4000 entries that could potentially be reduced to 4 plus a room number and hall name, but I am not at all sure how to achieve this. And then what about addresses for students not in halls but shared houses? I cannot get my head round this. I can see why it was set up the way it was but there must be a better way.

Do I need one table, two tables or six tables (one for each field)?

And how do I then enter data? Do I have to have combo boxes on each line to see if that value has been entered before?

The data gathered would always be entered via forms so I can get the fields together but I don't know how many tables I need nor how best to relate them.

Can anyone suggest how I might get round this problem?

Thanks... Sprocket

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Filter IP Addresses

Sep 13, 2005


I have a field in one of my tables that contains IP Addresses. These addresses can look something like or I would like create a calculated field so that ALL IP addresses just show the first 3 octet's. So the first one would just show 142.67.214 and the second one just 192.168.196

Any help would be great .......

Thanks !

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Email Addresses

Jun 12, 2006

Simple query from an amateur. I have a list of people in a table, each with thier email address. How can I convert this into a list of addresses to paste into a group email? (Ideally with ";" as a separator between addresses)

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Query With Addresses

Feb 6, 2008

Hello all I am using MS access for a little personal project and I have house number and streets along with a day they are serviced.

unit road type day
1 main st friday
2 main st friday
3 main st friday
4 main st friday
5 main st friday
6 main st friday
7 main st friday
13 turtle st monday
15 turtle st monday
16 turtle st monday

I want to make a report of this data to look like this

unit road type day

1-7 main st friday
13-16 tutle st monday

I figure I have to do some sort of query before I can make the report im jsut not sure how to seperate it or what symbols to use. I know this is faily simple I just can not get the computer to give me what I want....

ok I think i figured it out what I did was take unit and I put it in 2 times one fo min and one for max and then I grouped the road by ascending and it worked out

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Choosing Addresses

Sep 28, 2007

Hello everyone. I hope you are well. I am new to this forum and need some help with access.

I have a database which records an organisations addresses. There is the main address, where the activity takes place, and then there is the postal address, which is often different. What I want to be able to do is to select all the organisations in one town (e.g. Town1), but send information in the post to their postal address (Town2).

Is this something that can easily be done? I hope somebody can help me (especially with some user friendly terms).

Many thanks,


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All Email Addresses In The To: Field

Dec 14, 2006

Please please please!

It's driving me crazy!

Is it possible to send e-mails to all of your e-mail addresses in one single e-mail?

Right now I am able to open up an individual e-mails for each of my stored e-mailo adresses but it would be so much better (and more user friendly) if I could just have one e-mail with all addresses in the To: field.

Any help would be really appreciated.


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Number Format For IP Addresses

Feb 20, 2007

I need some input on what to use for a field that contains a range of IP addresses, and have it sort numerically by octet. I currently have that field assigned as text, but were not happy with the sort order. I've played a little with the number format type, but still did not get the correct sort order. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

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Formatting Numbers As Addresses

Mar 24, 2008

My database is a maintenance record of our building complex. The unit/building number is the key field. The problem I am having is having access recognizing the unit numbers and building numbers, not as whole numbers.
Example: I-380, 10-380, 2-390, 13-370, and so on. When sorted, access treats them as whole numbers. I have tried two separate fields but it would be nice to have only one field and be sorted by building numbers.
I am not a coder so be gentle.
Can you help?

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Validating Email Addresses

Mar 25, 2008

I have a large file where I am trying to clean up the data.
One of the fields is the email address.
I want to check if the email address has something followed by an @ symbol followed by something else. If it does not, then I want to replace it with a null value.
Can you help?
I thought that I could use the wildcard features such as <>*@* but this does not appear to be working.

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Linking Names And Addresses

Apr 6, 2005

This might be a basic Access application, but I'm having trouble. I want to create a name and address table that will include all patients in my clinic, identified by unique patient ID numbers. I then want to create 3 other tables for the information collected at the 3 appointments I will have with each of these patients. I've created 4 forms, 1 for each table; each a control for patient ID, name and address. How do I create a link so that I can enter the patient ID number in the appointment form and the name and address will appear automatically in my form? Is this possible? Thanks for your help on this.

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Using A Query To Extract Email Addresses

Aug 17, 2005

Hi there,

I am a relative newcomer to Access, and am trying to work out if there is a way to isolate email addresses in a line of text, and delete all the text around them.

I have basically got a column which contains blocks of text and I want to extract the email addresses that are embedded within them. Does anyone know if this is possible by running queries?

Thank you in advance for any help! :confused:


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Combining Fields To Filter For Same Addresses

Sep 17, 2005

I have a political database with a separate field for street number, street name and apartment number. I've been asked to prepare a query that will only list the first member of a household. Example, the query would only show one member from a two person household if they both have the same address. I figured that I would somehow prepare a query that combined these 3 fields in a expression and then display the total row and choose FIRST. That didn't work, perhaps my syntax was off. Here's what I tried:

Expression: (Trim(StrConv([AddressStreetNumber]&" "&[AddressAptNumber]&" "[AddressStreetName],3)

Then I set the Total line to FIRST

Is it my syntax or is it that I can't join separate fields together like you can in a report ?

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Updating 4-digit Zips For My Addresses

Nov 22, 2004


I have a database in which I want to automatically update all the addresses
which have United States Zip Codes to contain the 4-digit zip which can be located at

I am a novice at setting up dbases, but seem to be able to get around when trying to figure
something out. Yet this one has stumped me. Could anyone help me update my data
automatically without having to do the tedious copy and paste of each record into the
website to get the correct address information.

Thank you,
tommyatoes <><

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Multiple Email Addresses In SendObject

Jun 13, 2005

Im using the code below to send information by email. BUT:

I want to send the same information to more than one recipient. can i write more than one address in the SendObject?

What can i do if i do not know prior to sending how many addresses i want to include. (this means that once i might have tosend it to 1, then later to 3, etc...)?

The code is:

Private Sub cmdMailTicket_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdMailTicket_Click

Dim stWhere As String '-- Criteria for DLookup
Dim varTo As Variant '-- Address for SendObject
Dim stText As String '-- E-mail text
Dim RecDate As Variant '-- Rec date for e-mail text
Dim stSubject As String '-- Subject line of e-mail
Dim stTicketID As String '-- The ticket ID from form
Dim stWho As String '-- Reference to tblUsers
Dim stHelpDesk As String '-- Person who assigned ticket
Dim strSQL As String '-- Create SQL update statement
Dim errLoop As Error

'-- Combo of names to assign ticket to
stWho = Me.cboAssignee
stWhere = "tblUsers.strUserID = " & "'" & stWho & "'"
'-- Looks up email address from TblUsers
varTo = DLookup("[strEMail]", "tblUsers", stWhere)

stSubject = ":: New Help Desk Ticket ::"

stTicketID = Format(Me.txtTicketID, "00000")
RecDate = Me.txtDateReceived
'-- Helpdesk employee who assigns ticket
strHelpDesk = Me.cboReceivedBy.Column(1)

stText = "You have been assigned a new ticket." & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _
"Ticket number: " & stTicketID & Chr$(13) & _
"This ticket has been assigned to you by: " & strHelpDesk & Chr$(13) & _
"Received Date: " & RecDate & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _
"This is an automated message. Please do not respond to this e-mail."

'Write the e-mail content for sending to assignee
DoCmd.SendObject , , acFormatTXT, varTo, , , stSubject, stText, -1

'Set the update statement to disable command button
'once e-mail is sent
strSQL = "UPDATE tblHelpDeskTickets SET tblHelpDeskTickets.ysnTicketAssigned = -1 " & _
"Where tblHelpDeskTickets.lngTicketID = " & Me.txtTicketID & ";"

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
On Error GoTo 0

'Requery checkbox to show checked
'after update statement has ran
'and disable send mail command button
Me.cmdMailTicket.Enabled = False

Exit Sub


' Notify user of any errors that result from
' executing the query.
If DBEngine.Errors.Count > 0 Then
For Each errLoop In DBEngine.Errors
MsgBox "Error number: " & errLoop.Number & vbCr & _
Next errLoop
End If

Resume Next

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdMailTicket_Click

End Sub

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