Allowing Duplicate Data In A Query

Jun 13, 2007

I have a database that allows multiple entrys of the same information. I also have a report based on a query that pulls out said data.

I just need my query to pull out every record regardless if it is indentical to a previous one. I found under queries > design > properties there are two options unique values and unique records. According to a source online, these are what control allowing duplicates through, but I have swapped them around with no luck. Currently they are both set to "no".

Is there some other setting I have to switch up in order to allow the duplicates to come through?


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Storing Data In Two Fields Without Allowing Duplicate Entries

Mar 19, 2005

I need to know if I can store data in more than one field, without allowing Duplicate entries.

Example: We have to send out letters with a claim number on it, sometimes we need multiple claim numbers on a letter, up to about 10 claim #'s is the most I've seen thus far.

We mail merge into Word to create the letters.

However, these claim numbers cannot be duplicated within the database and in order for this to work with the mail merge, I need several fields to store the claim numbers.

Fields are:

To be more specific. I probably have a bad data structure as I was kind of rushed and a little inexperience with putting the database together. It's for work and sometimes management just doesn't want to wait, they are so negative.

In brief, most everything is in 1 table and I know from reading this forum that I shouldn't do that, but that's another story.

Further, a claim# is tied together by the same claimant, the relationship code is what separates the claimant with the family, the insured id# is used for all claimants within the family.

You can also tie the claim# to a provider id#, some providers such as clinics and large hospitals have multiple providers that use the same provider id#, so a suffix code is used to separate the providers within that same #.

Please feel free to ask additional questions and I will give you the additional information you need to help me. Thanks again.

P.S. - Last year I created the database and this year I am improving it, so expect more posts from me in the future. I really appreciate all the help I get from everyone here!!!!

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Storing Data In Two Fields Without Allowing Duplicate Entries

Mar 19, 2005

I need to know if I can store data in more than one field, without allowing Duplicate entries.

Example: We have to send out letters with a claim number on it, sometimes we need multiple claim numbers on a letter, up to about 10 claim #'s is the most I've seen thus far.

We mail merge into Word to create the letters.

However, these claim numbers cannot be duplicated within the database and in order for this to work with the mail merge, I need several fields to store the claim numbers.

Fields are:

Any help would be appreciated.


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Need Help With Allowing Duplicate Selection For Transferring Listboxes

Jul 1, 2006

I found this sample ( which allows you to move your selections from one listbox to another with four buttons (<<, <, > and >>) which is just perfect.

Well, almost, actually.

This is already set up to protect against duplicates and that's a good thing. However in my case, my uppers want me to allow duplicates. The code is beyond my ability and my attempts only caused more problems.

The code requires a unique index be generated when the selection is moved between the listbox. Duplicating the index will cause error, and my attempt to circumvent that has either failed totally or is inconsistent (e.g. works if it comes up with a unique value, but will fail if it happens to duplicate a key).

Can anyone show me how I can modify the code to allow for duplicates? The selections then will be looped into a many side table.

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Table Allowing Duplicate Primary Keys

Jun 13, 2013

I've set up a table with 2 primary keys but it is allowing me to input the same combinations twice!

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Allowing Data To Be Filtered

Aug 8, 2006

I'm new to Access and am trying to work out the best way to achieve the following.

I need a way for users to be able to filter the data which is displayed by forms or output in reports. For example, suppose that a user wants a list of all customers in either of two specific towns with a specific date of birth.

Obviously this could be achieved using a query and setting the criteria of the towns column to be:

"Anytown 1" or "Anytown 2"

and setting the criteria of the Date of Birth column to be the specific date required, e.g.


However, so far everything about my database has been very user friendly with forms for data entry and presentation, so I don't really want to force my users to start creating their own queries.

The alternative I'm thinking of is as follows. Provide a query to pull together the required information (from various tables) but without any specific criteria. Then create a form with a field for each of the columns in the query, and allow the user to type their critieria into these. Then, place If statements as the criteria of the query to check if there is anything typed into each box on the form and, where there is, set it as the critieria for the query, then run the query.

With the above in mind, I have two questions.

1) Is there a better, more "standard" way to achieve a system of allowing users to create customised filtered data without requiring them to write queries?

2) In some cases, e.g. like with my specification of a town above, it would be good if the user could select the town they want to filter for from a drop-down combo box, rather than typing it in and risking entering details incorrectly. However, this would obviously allow them to select only one town, and not two as was required in my example. Is there an equivalent to a combo box which would allow multiple selections?

Thanks in advance if anyone can help me - and please remember that I am new to Access so whilst I want the best possible solution, I need a plain English explanation!


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Not Allowing LINKED Data To Be Updated

Jul 27, 2005

I have a very simple database used by 3 users at a time. It is split into BE and FE. One user accesses the DB with queries only so I have created a DB with the master file linked - and literaly nothing else, She will then create and save all of her queries here. But - I want to keep her from accidently updating the file from here. I can't seem to find a simple solution to simply not allowing her to update. Any ideas? Thanks - Dika

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Sub Form Not Allowing Data Entry

Jul 1, 2005

I have a main form with 2 sub forms built in. my propblem is that i can't enter data into either of the sub forms

pls help

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Forms :: Allowing Editable Data

May 29, 2014

The first relates to the fact that in the crosstab is a field that is set to Yes/No. It appears as a textbox with a value (0 or 1) in it. I want to replace this with a tickbox but when run neither the textbox nor the tickbox will allow any changes. Is it possible to set this to be editable? I cannot see how this would relate back to the actual data table but if it is possible then this should become clearer.

The second issue relates to the fact that the crosstab obviously creates the number of columns in relationship to the maximum number of values of the relevant field. So, I have a field that can have values from 1 to 15 but in most cases the actual value runs no further than 9 and 10. So for those records where the maximum number is not being used I want the unused tickboxes NOT to appear. Again, is this possible.

In connection with the second, if I have (as I do) this group of 15, which is in fact made up of 3 groups ranging from 1-8, 1-4 and 1-3. So number 8 may not be required in the first group and numbers 3 and 4 in the second. I would prefer there not to be a strange gap between the datasets when run. Is it possible to set up a continuous form so that all the potential boxes are in place, that I run code on load that puts the values in from the query, hiding the end tickboxes and so collecting the groups together - then allowing the changes to be detected through code and re-assigned to the table?

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Populating A Field Automatically OR Allowing Manual Entering Of Data

Sep 26, 2005

I have a simple table with two fields in that table called:

1. BankName
2. BankNumber

Each bank has a bank number. For example Bank XYZ and all of its branches have the same Bank Number 123. There are 5 banks I have listed in a combo list under the BankName field. I can also type in a different bank in that same field if it is not listed in the combobox list.

Now, I want the BankNumber to automatically populate based on what I choose under BankName. If the BankName is manually entered (for banks that are not in the combobox), or if the BankName field is blank, I want the BankNumber field to be able to enter a number manually.

For example, if I go to the BankName field and under the combobox I select Bank XYZ, i want the BankNumber field to automatically populate as 123. If the BankName has a bank name that was manually entered, i want BankNumber field to allow me to manually enter a number.

Thanks for ur help. I couldn't figure this simple request out.

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Forms :: Allowing Data Entry For Unbound Fields (not In Table)

May 1, 2013

I'm trying to build a form based on a table where the user can also enter data to update the table but with data fields not originally in the table. Below is a summary of what I have and what I need:

1.) A file that will be uploaded daily into a Table (ie name Denials extract table).
2.) A form bound to table Denials extract
3.) Additional fields that will be updated by users that is not included in this table b/c they are not available in the system we are getting the data extract from.
4.) The user will look up a key field that will allow them to review it in our system. Once they "work" the record, there will be multiple fields that they will update with this information that are not in the bound recordsource (table Denials extract).

Do I create another table with these fields even though they will be blank at first and make them a subform that will have a "primary key field" that will link the main form with the subform? Will they need to "update" a whole new table? Not really sure how that would work since they will be updating fields not in the bound table.

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Forms :: Forcing User To Enter Data Before Allowing Save

Dec 23, 2013

I have a form that a user fill out to populate fields in my can I make it so that user MUST fill in certain fields before they are allowed to save data?

I need to stop users from taking shortcuts when entering data, and skipping a lot of fields. So i would like to be able to specify the minimum fields, and an error message must show when they try save incorrectly to alert them to this.

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Forms :: Allowing Empty String In A Textbox - Variant Data Type

Jan 19, 2014

I have an Access 2010 database where we have a SQL Linked Table with a column that is nVARCHAR(20) Not Null data type. We have created a form for data entry. Currently when the user tries to erase a value or choose not to define a value we get the following error.

"You tried to assign the Null value to a variable that is not a Variant data type."

This field should accept a blank value "" as the user may not want to set the value. We do not have control over the DB schema, so how can I work around this issue in access?

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General :: Microsoft Access Report With Query With Some Data Duplicate

May 5, 2014

so i had created query using query design wizard for which i i needed to enter year of the data everytime the query is being made all my data are correct when just using the query.however when i turning it into report where the query will still be runing and with adding in another field from my original table to get on the montly rearrangement that's where the some record are shown duplicate on the report

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Queries :: Syntax In Query To Remove Duplicate Data For Field

Apr 26, 2013

I'm having difficulty with the syntax in this query to remove duplicate data for the field "StocktransID".

SELECT DISTINCT tblStockTrans.StockTransID, tblItem.Brand, tblItem.Category, tblItem.SubCategory,
tblItem.Model, tblItem.Description, IIf(TransTypeID=3,Quantity*-1,Quantity) AS Qty,
tblTransaction.TranstypeID, tblItem.ItemID, tblTransaction.TransactionID, tblItem.ItemType,
tblItem.Origin, tblOption.ParentID


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Update Query Is Updating Multiple Fields With Duplicate Data

Nov 1, 2012

I'm running an update query that's based on a select query (that runs some calculations). The update query is updating ALL the rows that should be updated with the information in the select query with data from the final row in the select query, and not on a per ID basis as I think I have it set-up to do. The data looks correct in the update query, but again it's not coming out right.

Here's the SQL for what I've written so far:

UPDATE [Customer_Data Query], Customer_Data INNER JOIN Baseline ON Customer_Data.ID = Baseline.ID SET Baseline.[Unit Hours] = [Customer_Data]![Dur_Days]*[Customer_Data]![Dur_Hours]*[Customer_Data]![Number_Units], Baseline.Availability = [Customer_Data]![Perceived_Avail], Baseline.[Hours Available] = [Customer_Data]![Dur_Days]*[Customer_Data]![Dur_Hours]*[Customer_Data]![Number_Units]*[Customer_Data]![Perceived_Avail],
[Code] ....

I've also tried to force the update to the proper row by adding a criteria based on ID.

Select query, here it is:

SELECT Customer_Data.ID, Customer_Data.Data_Set_Version, Customer_Data.Number_Units, Customer_Data.Perceived_Avail, Customer_Data.MTTR_MTBF, Customer_Data.MT_TR_OR_BF_Hours, Customer_Data.Utilization, Customer_Data.Percent_Scheduled, Customer_Data.Sched_Percent_of_PM, Customer_Data.Sched_PM_Duration, Customer_Data.Sched_CBM_Duration, Customer_Data.Sched_CBM_From_PM, Customer_Data.React_Detect, Customer_Data.React_Rework, Customer_Data.React_False_Alarms,

[Code] ....

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Query Results Allowing Edits

Oct 18, 2007

I have 2 related tables. The form to enter new data into the tables is set up with a subform for the second table. I want to allow the user to query for a specific record, have it display in a form that looks exactly like the data entry form, and be able to update the tables from that. I first tried an exact copy of the data entry form, using a subform for the second table. It allows me to update the 2nd table from the query results displayed, but won't allow updates to the main form. So then I tried just doing one form with all the results displayed, no subform, but then it won't allow me to update ANYTHING.

What am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.


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Forms :: Query Using Table - Indicate Previously Input Data In Case Of Duplicate Entry

May 30, 2015

table name : Schedule
Field 1 = Vessel code
Field 2 = Voyage
Field 3 = ETA
Field 4 = berthed
Field 5 = Sailed

there is a query by using above table and data entry form based on that query.

need to add following facilitate

While data entering, if given voyage number is already exist for the particular vessel code, msg should be pop up immediately at that time saying " This voyage number is already exist"

How could this be manage ?

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Forms :: Record Source Of Query Stopped Allowing Edits

Apr 10, 2013

My form with record source of query has stopped allowing edits.

I have reviewed property setting and do not understand what's going on.

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Queries :: Allowing Users To Select Multiple Table Fields As Query Criteria

Apr 22, 2013

I am fairly new to Access and I would like to create a form to allow users to create their own query. I would like to allow users to select multiple fields (perhaps with checkboxes?) from all possible fields in a table to return either all data from that field or narrow their search by inputting certain criteria or choosing from a drop down into a text box. Is this possible in Access and any detailed specifics on how to achieve this?

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Query To Filter Out "duplicate" Data

Oct 6, 2005

Ok i've got a table with about 105,000 records. It has fields: AccNo, PatientName, MRNO, TestCode, OrderLoc, DOS, TOS, etc, etc.

The table does have records that WE consider as a "duplicate". If two records both have the same "AccNo" & "TestCode", it is CONSIDERED a "duplicate".

I need a query which will FIRST "filter" out these duplicates as ONE RECORD only. The query should only display records that don't have a same "AccNo" & same "TestCode". And also display all other misc fields.

How do i go about doing this?

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Duplicate Data

Feb 10, 2008

Hi I've just signed up to the forum.
I'm currently working on a booking system, where clients can make appointments.
However as I am fairly new to access, I would like to know how I can inforce some sort of validation where for example if a client makes an appointment on 17/02/08, then it checks to see if there are any current appointments of theirs on the day, if there is, then an error message would occur

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Trying To Duplicate Data

Jun 29, 2006

I have a medical database (Access 2003) containing information about patients. There is 1 form that is used to enter the information and a check box to say whether the patient has cancer.

I run a simple query to select the cancer patients.

I want to be able to add a large amount of information about (only) the cancer patients through a separate form. I also want a neighbouring hospital to be able to add cancer patients.

The ideal solution (I think) is to create an extra table to contain the extra information for cancer patients, and some of the informationfrom the original table. Cancer patients need to be automatically added to the cancer table once the "cancer" box is checked.

So far I have not ben able to achieve this - a create table query does not update automatically. I have tried creating a new table with the cancer information and creating a relationship between the tables and basing the form on the cancer table and a select cancer query. This does not work either.

Please can anyone suggest a solution! Do I need another database?


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Sum Duplicate Data

Jul 11, 2007

I am trying to sum values of duplicate data in a table using Make Table query. Can anyone help? I have attached a sample of the data. At the end of the day, the objective is to have a single line with the total of the multiple lines.

BU_Asset IDYTD Depr
US031-00000001 12,962.82
US031-00000001 142,591.07
US031-00000002 356.87
US031-00000002 1,784.36
US031-00000002 2,141.23
US031-00000003 5,344.72
US031-00000003 58,791.92
US031-00000004 37,315.37
US031-00000005 -
US031-00000006 294.13
US031-00000006 1,470.66
US031-00000007 -
US031-00000008 -
US031-00000009 562.04
US031-00000009 2,810.23
US031-00000009 3,372.26

Thank you very much.

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Duplicate Data

Aug 28, 2006


Anyone has experience for barcode. Example, if you scan the first time then it will appear total 1 and if you scan again with the same barcode, then the total will change to 2 ...etc.

Anyone has experience, please share.

Thank you

Richard Tan

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How To Avoid Duplicate Data

Apr 28, 2006

I have inherited a 5 table database which is associated with membership details and all tables are linked via the membership number which appears in every
Main Register
membernumber, surname, forename, age etc etc etc
Home address
membernumber, address1, address2, address3, postcode
Business address
membernumber, company name, address1, address2,etc etc etc
membernumber, grade, subscription, bank account, etc etc
membernumber, college, results, etc etc

I am informed that it is bad practice to have duplicate data in multiple tables (ie. membernumber field) as updating the data item would be difficult (eg. if the members number needed to be changed for any reason). If this is the case how would I restructure the tables but maintain the link through the membernumber?

I am fairly new to you can no doubt tell.

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