Alternate Parameters In Querry

Aug 30, 2004

I have 3 unique numbers that can identify a specific customer. I would like to my form to locate a specific customer by using whichever parameter the customer can find. Is putting 3 seperate queries on the form the best way to acomplish this?

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Each Alternate Record A Different Colour?

Aug 7, 2006


I am trying to produce either a report or a form that displays records 1 to a line. That bits easy enough using a tabular layout.
I would like to make text boxes that hold the data a differnt colour on each alternate line. So the background colour changes from white, then green, white , green etc.

Anyone give me a starter on this one please?

Thank you

David Williams

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Turn Off Alternate Row Color

Feb 14, 2012

how to set the default in Access 2010 so that alternate row colors do not display when you create a new table, query or report.

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Forms :: Set Default Alternate Row Color

Jul 29, 2015

Is there a way to permanently set the alternate row color in access, so that whenever you create a form it will always be what I want.I know that I can make a template and always use the template, but I would prefer to just change the access settings if that is an option.I checked the access settings but couldn't see an option to do this.Also if you can set sub-form's to always have a transparent border, so that you don't have to change it every time you add a sub-form to a form.

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Alternate And Related Parts From 1 Table

Aug 2, 2012

I have a table with an ID and PartNumber field.

Parts tbl
PartNumID PK(Auto)


Heres some example data:
1 M24308/2-2F
2 M24308/4-2F
3 ORD9F0000
4 ORD9M0000
5 D90000VLO
6 D90000JOO

How would I design the table to allow me to define alternatepart numbers and also related parts? For example:

Record 1 is the primary part and record 3 is the alternatepart.
Record 2 is the primary part and record 4 is the alternatepart.
Records 5 and 6 are related parts to records 1, 2, 3 and 4.

I have a form that allows the user to select a part and displaythe part data. But I also want the alternate parts and related parts displayedon the form, maybe in a subform with tabs. I havent gotten there yet because Icant determine the table design.

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Display Alternate Column In A Query

Jul 1, 2015

I am using the Desktop Project Management template in Access and want to change a Open Project query from displaying the "id" which is a number, to the name column. In the projects table the field is set to number which is in a relationship with the employees table. Without changing any of that is there a way to run a query that will display the name instead of the number?

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Dispaly Alternate Coloured Records On List

Sep 19, 2006


Is it possible to display records in different colours in a list? e.g. 2 colours: first line will be colour 1. Second line will be colour 2. third line will be colour 1...etc


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Color Alternate Rows In A Continuous Form

Oct 25, 2005


Does anyone know how to color alternate rows in two different colors in a continuous form?

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Alternate Row Colors On Reports With Microsoft Access

Dec 6, 2006

Dear All:

I have a report in Access 2000 showing names, ID numbers, Address and dates.

I wish to have alternate colors instead of the default white backgroud Access has.

Any ideas on how to start?

Many thanks,


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Queries :: Alternate Rounding On Dates In Query?

Aug 13, 2014

I have a query expression that calculates the number of years between 2 dates using DateDiff. Here is the equation as it is:

BudgetedHQPCalc: Round(DateDiff("yyyy",[DateHired],[DateTerminated]),1)

What I would like this to do, is if the difference is, for example, 1.4, I want the number rounded down, if its 1.6 I want it rounded up, and if its 1.5, i want to use alternate rounding (1.5 down 2, 2.5 up to 3).

Is there an easy way to do this?

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Reports :: Formatting Report - Alternate Row Coloring

Sep 25, 2014

I am working on a report and I am having issues changing the coloring of the rows in the report. If possible, I would like the first column to be completely white with no alternating color because there is only data in one cell at the top of each grouping. So the column with "Aggregates", "Attachments", etc would have no alternating color rows below them.

In addition to this, I am having difficulty changing the alternating row color for the other columns. I'd like to use colors with more contrast. I have tried changing the color in both design and layout view, but the options for formatting row color is also greyed out, and not available for me to use. In other words, the alternate row color button on the home tab is unclickable, for lack of a better word.

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Reports :: Alternate Back Color Not Printing Correctly

Sep 25, 2013

This is re-statement for clarity of earlier thread deleted.

In Access 2010 I have a Report with a Detail Section that shows a record and a Sub-report that shows the many records of a one-to-many relationship.

The Report Detail Section Property Sheet specifies a Back Color and a different Alternate Back Color.

Report View alternates the Detail Section background colors correctly.

Print View and Printing DO NOT correctly alternate the background colors. Back color and Alternate Back Color appear in irregular sequences.

how to fix it?

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Reports :: Unable To Turn Off Alternate Row Color Function

Jun 9, 2014

Using Access 10 I am unable to turn off the alternate row color function for my report. The icon is on the toolbar, but is grayed out so I am unable to select it.

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Reports :: Combo Boxes - Using Look Up Box To Retrieve Alternate Data

Nov 22, 2013

Is it possible to use combo boxes in reports? I have a report built but was wanting to use a look up box to retrieve alternate data while looking at the report.

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Use An Option Button On A Form To Select An Alternate Input Mask

Sep 25, 2006

I can create a customized Input Mask, however there are two possible structures that the data may take. I think that this should be doable by the use of two fields, if it can be done with one field it would be preferable for searching options. If I have to use two fields there would only be one or the other used for each record so I would prefer to have the unused field inhibited. Either way the code work is beyond my present ability, any assistance would be appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Database Setup - Send Email From Alternate Account

May 30, 2014

I currently have two e-mail accounts on my computer. One is my default e-mail address with my name on it. The other e-mail account is a generic account with the department name.

I have a database set up to generate and send e-mails to our technicians notifying them when an order they placed gets put on back order. This database could possibly send twenty or thirty e-mails out each time it is run. My manager has requested that the database send the e-mails from the generic e-mail account instead of the default account. That way, when the field replies to the e-mail, they won't bombard my account.

Is there a way to tell the database which e-mail account to send an e-mail from?

I am currently using the below module to send the e-mails:

Option Explicit
Dim appOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim namespaceOutlook As Outlook.NameSpace
Sub Outlook_SendMail(sEmailAddr As String, sEmailSubj As String, sEmailBody As String, Optional sAttach1 As String, Optional sAttach2 As String)

[Code] ....

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AND/OR Querry Help

Sep 16, 2007


Could you please help me to make a query with the below conditions from the attached test.mdb file?

1. Enq Received Date 10 days before the search date AND/OR
2. Technical Sub Date 4 weeks in advance of the search date AND/OR
3. Potential Date 4 weeks in advance of the search date

The querry will display all the records which satisfies the above conditions.

Thanks in Advance.


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Oct 17, 2006

I have a table, [temp_indicateur] which has fields [id,libelle_court,description,calcule,resitute,orig ine,seuil_min,seuil_max]
[number,text,text,boolean,boolean,boolean,number,nu mber]

My querry is this: insert into temp_indicateur (id,libelle_court,description,origine) values (" & rs!id & ",'" & rs!libelle_court & "','" & rs!description & "'," & rs!origine & ")"

But it gives me an error: Too little parameters

The table has no primary keys and no foreign keys. rs!id is the value of an earlier querry which I am running. Independently, I get the values of rs correctly but I can't get them to execute in this querry.

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Use Count In Querry

Jul 19, 2005

My current table

ClassName PropertA
ClassA 1
CassA 2
ClassB 2
ClassA 3
ClassA 2
ClassB 2

THis is my sample table with two columns. Property A can have 3 values 1,2 and 3. I want TO SELECT 4 columns such as classname, CountOf1, CountOf2, CountOf3. I just want ClassA in one row and at the same time get the number of 1's, 2's and 3's for that classA in seperate columns in the same row.
I appreciate your time. Please Let me know how to
write this querry.

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Update Querry

Nov 28, 2005

This may sound too common a question, but I really need help on it. Prior querries in the same do not seem to solve it.

I have two tables, table1 and table2 with the following fields
table1 ( ACID, name, address, Salary, MStatus,Age)
table2 ( ACID,salary, Age)

ACID is the common field in the two tables ( primary key in table1)


I need to update table1 with the colums in table2 for all the similar ACID in in table1.

Basically, after teh update, table1 will have all the information it had before the update, but a few fields will have changed coz of teh new information coming from table2.

Please help with the code. I'm using access, and the table structures are all the same.

Thanks in advance

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Update Querry

Feb 21, 2006

I have these three tables A, B, C and D. IN table A, SSN is the primary key. Tables B, C, and D have other columns, but the also have SSN as one of the columns. Also SSN is NOT required in other tables.

What I need to do is to be able to run an update querry that will update the value of the SSN in table A, and in any other table that will have that SSN.

I use Access 2000

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Simple Querry Help

Oct 25, 2006

I Have A Querry That Adds The Amount Of A Certain Light Bulbs I Have Order Since 2003. I Then Subtract The Amount Of That Light Bulb I Have On Hand Gives Me The Amount I Have Used Since 2003. Now I Want The Querry To Take That Number And Divide It By The Numberber Of Months Its Been When The Querry Was Open.

Example...i Open The Querry 10-23-06
It Tells Me The 60 Watt Bulb
Has Been Ordered 900 Times Since 12-2003
I Have 300 In Stock On 10-23-06
I Have Used 600 Since 12-2003

The Querry Needs To Give Me This Answer
You Use 17 60 Watt Bulbs A Month

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Up-date Querry?

Nov 20, 2007

hello all,
i would very much like anyones help with this,, i'm hoping its not too much to ask,, the story is a sfollows,,, i have two tables both conatining the same fields,, table 1 has approx 1k entries, where table 2 has approx 400 entries,, the data in table 2 is the newer data. what i would like to do is run a querry that would enable me to 'post' the data from table2 into table1,, for example table 1 has activity jc111 at 10% where table2 has jc111 at 20%,, if i could simply run this querry that would generate a new table or just up-date table1 my life would be very much better,, i really appreciate anyones help
- please remember that i'm quite new to this
thank you very very much in advance
best regards

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Querry By Primary Key? Is It Possible?

Mar 14, 2008

I am just starting with access and dbs and already have a problem

i am working on a db for managings goods being retured

my db has particular tables:

GUpc (PK)- unique product code

PReference (PK)

CReference (PK)

RGAReference (PK)
CReference (FK)

I managed to get a query working so that i can search the PERSON table searched by surname

PARAMETERS [PSurname] Text ( 255 );
WHERE (((PERSON.PSurname)=[PSurname]));

but i cant get it to work i wanted to search it by PReference

PARAMETERS [PReference] Text ( 255 );
SELECT PERSON.[PReference], PERSON.[PName], PERSON.[PSurname], PERSON.[PTel], PERSON.[PMail]
WHERE (((PERSON.PReference)=[PReference]));

I get a msg that The expression is typed incorectly or is to complex to be evaluated. For example a numeric expression my contain too many complecated elements. Try symplyfing the expression by assigning parts if the expression as variables.


The same situation is with all the other tables- its possible (query- search) for everything apart for the primary keys.

I prepared a querry gathering data from all those tables. I managed to get it work with parameter like the one below with surname

PARAMETERS [PSurname] Text ( 255 );
WHERE (((PERSON.PSurname)=[PSurname]));

but the same situation again, i cant get it to work if i want to get it for RGAReference, CReference, PReference,GUpc

I don't know what i am doing wrong?
have I designed it all wrong or is it just a small thing...

Thank you for all your help

My problems started when I tried to run a querry that will return the GDescription (this tables store data about 3000 products)

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Search Querry

May 6, 2005

I have created a search form made up of a number of different boxes. In my querry for the search I am using the following statement:

Like "*" & [Forms]![Search]![ExerciseName] & "*"

I a have a number of theses all saying similar things. At present I have to put something in each of the search boxes. Is there a way that I can leave a box blank and still search by other criteria. If I leave a box blank at present it returns no results.

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Querry Problem

Sep 20, 2004

Hello All
This might be an easy problem but I am not quite sure how to go about solving it. Presently I have a querry that is linked to a form so that when a person selects a role from the drop down list and you click search it uses the elment selected in the drop down list to show the coreesponding users. My probelme now is that I want to be able to select two different roles and use this querry to give me the users corresponding to these 2 roles. I would really appreciate your help what I have tired to do is create a new combo box and named it role 1 (the first one was named role) and then in the query in the criteria i tired to put the following
[Forms]![Users To Role Search Engine]![Role, Role1]but that give me nothing I am sure there is a flaw in my logic but I am not sure how to solve this. Thank you for your help

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