Animated Gif Files Embdedded In A Form ...

Dec 6, 2005

... anyone know how to insert these?

I'd like to put a couple of small animated gifs in one of my forms. Importing them as a picture doesn't give the animation (it's a static picture).

Any thoughts on a simple solution would be appreciated



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Is It Possible To Place An Animated Gif Image On My Form?

Sep 21, 2006

No? Yes? If, so how?

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Animated - Auto Hide Form

Oct 26, 2006

My fellow developers

I want to develop an Ms Access Main Form, which will be able to :

Move automatically to the Left of the Database Window
On Mouse over to be able to show with animation (done that)
When Mouse pointer isn’t on the form to be able to hide with animation (partially done, only when the form loses focus)

Actually I want to have a form with buttons placed on the left of my desktop (hiding Ms Access Window – done that after Internet searching), which will be hidden and when I move my mouse pointer over the form to show.

Check my example. I’m waiting for your comments – suggestions

Best Regards

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Forms :: Adding Animated GIF Onto Form?

Jul 25, 2014

I am trying to add an animated gif file onto a form in access 2013.

I am trying to add a active x control Animation control but get an error,

Database doesn't support this active x?

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Animated Pictures

Nov 12, 2006

:confused: Could someone please help me. is it possible to add an animated microsoft GIF to an Access 2003 database splash screen. the picture works but the animation doesnt. If someone could please help i would be very grateful as it is needed for an assignment very soon. Thanks in anticipation.

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Animated Image

Jul 2, 2007

How can I get an animated image on my switchboard? I found an animated image on the internet and I copied it. I went into design view and pasted it onto the switchboard then I went back to form view. I can see the image but it is not animated. How do I animate it?

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Animated Graphics

Jan 18, 2008

Is it possible to insert animated graphics into a switchboard?

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Animated GIF's On Forms?

Feb 10, 2005

Didn't see this one when I browsed the existing threads...

Is there a way to include animated GIF files in an MS-Access form? I've used tons of static images on forms in the past, but never tried an animated image until now. Hopefully it's obvious and I am just having a mental moment!

Many thanks to all,

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Animated Gif Image

Nov 2, 2005

Is there a way using the OLE Object type to get an Animated Gif to appear on a form?

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Animated Splash Screen

Oct 18, 2005

I have learned how to create animated command buttons within a form. This works out great, but this brought on new ideas.

Currently, all I have is a stand alone picture (our logo) that is stored in the same directory as the db and to my knowledge this has nothing to do with access at all (other then it pulling the .bmp). I would like our Logo to be animated (simple rotating) during the Intro Splash screen.

Is this a possible task?


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Animated Pictures In Access

Sep 10, 2004

I know its possible with the right code because I put animations into my VB assignment last year. I just need to know how to do those group things where several objects of the same type (like twelve picture frames) have the same name and are told apart by a number in brackets. eg. imgThewave(1).


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Can You Use Animated Icons Or Titles In Access 2003?

Oct 27, 2007

I would like to create some custom icons and use them in Access. Does anybody have an experience doing this that can start me down the right path? Thanks:)

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Files And Then Compare With Files In Database Table

Nov 11, 2013

I have to write a code for my database,i have folder with files "pending Review" and a table with column "tblExcelLocation". when i run my database all the files from pending review folder goes to "tblExcelLocation" on a click of button.But,if the files already exists it should not insert those files and insert the rest.For this i tried to write a code but i think i m unable to do that .

Loop through files in folder
folderspec = "O:QA FilesQC ReportingPending Review"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFolder(folderspec)
Set fc = f.files


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Form Fill PDF Files

Nov 9, 2007


I need to be able to take information from a table in access, use this information to populate a PDF file, and then save the PDF file.

i.e. I have leads in a database and I want to pre-fill in application forms (PDF) for the clients.

I did some searching pertaining PDF, but didn't find exactly what I was looking for.

Where should I start?

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Playing Mp3 Files From A Form

Mar 10, 2006

I'm new to Access but have made a database of my music collection. Is it possible to get the selected mp3 file to play on the click of a button directly from a form? My music collection is store in several sub directories on my hard drive.

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Launching Files From A Form

Aug 19, 2004

I want to link files that are associated with a row in a table. I have added a field to the table that contains the file name and have added a field on my form to display the filename. I have set the "Is Hyperlink?" option to yes on the properties panel. But when I click on the link, nothing happens. I get no error message, nothing. I want to be able to link, word, powerpoint, visio, etc. Any suggestions?

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Using MDB Files Which Are Backed Up Hourly Into Zip Files

May 2, 2012

Every hour a zip file is created in an FTP folder. The zip file contains an .mdb access database file with any changes to the data since the last hours file.

What is the best method to get access to connect to the content of the zip files and pick up the changes to the data?

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I Need A Form For Selecting Input Files

Sep 13, 2005

I need a form for selecting input files. I already have my VBA code, queries and so forth for what I am going to be doing to my files, but now I need to have a form that will allow me to select different files for processing.

Does anyone have a sample, a snippet of code, or suggestions as to how I can achieve what I'm looking for?

Thanks in advance!

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How To Embed And Play Wav Files Into A Form?

Feb 17, 2006


This is a new area for me and I am struggling with how to approach the solution. Have searched the archives but still can't figure it out....

I have a database that stores call center coaching events. I would like to insert a wav file (recorded conversation) into each record and be able to play the wav file when the record is current in the form.

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Forms :: Opening Files From A Form

Apr 15, 2013

I have a very simple table of basically a unique number and a couple data fields. On my form with those same fields, I need to be able to create a button that opens a pdf file that is named the same as that unique number. Here is the kicker...I have been able to create a hyperlink with a link to that file and it works fine.... I am trying to set it up so that the file name is automatically put into the hyperlink statement according to what the unique number is for each record.

what I did so far...

in my hyperlink: *file://c:/docubase/3840.pdf (only put * in so not a link here)

this works fine but I need the syntac to make that line take into account the account field (ID) for each record. So something similar to this (already tried this and it doesnt work)


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Form That Searches Query With 30+ Linked Xls Files

May 4, 2006

I've been looking around and have found some posts that pointed me in the right direction, I just can't get it to work. What I have is 37 excel files of competitor cross references. There are 2 columns in each excel file, our number and their number. I have inserted them as a linked table in the db. What I want to do is create a form that has a field for every part number and make all of those fields a search field. That way they can type in any number and get all numbers back. I have created a query but once I get past 4 linked excel sheets then I get errors about a type mismatch in expression. Also I can't get the form fields referencing the query to show up when I open it. If I leave the query at 2 or 3 fields and use [Forms]![CrossRef]![txtItemNumber] in the criteria of our number in the query, it works. I get a window that pops up when I just open the query asking for a number, I type it in and the query returns the number and competitor numbers. Am I doing this the hard way?? Thanks for any ideas...

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Command Button In Form To Open Certain Files

Mar 12, 2005

I have based a form on a parameter query, so that when the user is prompted to enter a 'Hobby' to search on, the relevant records will be displayed on the form.

Now, I have created a command button designed to open a template letter in MS Word for a particular hobby. The problem is, I need the command to open certain file depending upon the value input in the parameter box intially. How would I go about doing this?

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Forms :: Open And Save Doc / PDF Files Within A Form?

May 21, 2014

In a record, I want to have a text box which displays the file path to a .pdf or .doc, docx file. If you double click in the text box the file within the text box opens. If there is no file path I want a small command button to be visible next to the text box, which will launch an explorer that will locate and save the path of a chosen .pdf or .doc, docx file.

I have a field within a tblPriceList called quotefile, which I want to store the file path.

For info. This is not going to be a major multi user database, but the quote files will be stored on a vserver, not the PC the DB is being used on.

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General :: Playing MP3 Files From Command Button On A Form

Apr 3, 2013

Beginner using 2010. I wish to play MP3 files from a command button on a form. I would like to avoid third party / ActiveX controls if possible.

I am aware that use of "CurrentProject.Path" will be useful to locate the MP3 file within a directory within the Project Folder.

But have be baffled by the sparse previous postings about this subject (going back to 2004). Searching this forum yields zero results on the term "MP3".

This accdb/e will be used to present historical information to a small number of people and will be used with runtime without user input.

And all I need is Play / Pause / Stop. No other functions required.

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Attaching WP, Excel, Adobe Files To An Access Database Form Using A Control Key

Oct 18, 2006

Is it possible to attach a WP, Excel, or Adobe file to a form, possibly by using a control key? How?

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MDE Files

Jun 20, 2005

Hi guys.

Just a quick one, I couldn`t find anything on this or in any books I have.

I`m assuming I need to create an MDE file befire I can distribute my database for other people to use ?

Anyway, that I have done, but the question is, I`ve done this and have a select number of ppl using my database, entering LIVE data etc.

Once This has been done can I open this back up in access and make changes to the database, eg forms, reports etc etc ?
If not, is there anyway, I can pull the data out of this and import it into my origanal file, which can then be remade into an MDE ?

I hope I have made myself clear.

Thanks in advance for any help!!


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