Append Example And Clear Clip Board?

Dec 3, 2006

Hello all, I am new to the site and have found so much useful information and examples but one thing I haven't found yet. I am interested in knowing can someone post up an append example. Here is what I am trying to accomplish. I have a database with two tables. The fields are identical and I can vew either one with ease. The problem is I would like to be able to copy the information from the current table to the second one with a push of the button. I can create a button with the help of the wizard that copies the record but it only copies the record to the current table which I have open.

Another thing is when I try to close access, I notice I always get a messagebox asking me about the information that is copied on the clipboard (due to me trying to copy a record). Is there a way to supress this message so people won't see it.

I know this alot to be asking and I just got here but I will be sure to help out other members when I have the knowledge of the program.

Thank you all for reading this long post!

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Tables :: Get Total Of Clip Size And Also Total Of Clip Duration

Dec 31, 2012

I have a table with 4 field which describe clips.

ClipName (txt)
ClipSize ( Long Integer)
ClipDuration (HH:MM:SS)
Date created (dd/mm/yy).

I would like to get the total of ClipSize and also total of Clip Duration either in table down or in query.

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In/out Board

Jun 21, 2007

Hi all
I have been asked to build an in out office notice board that will keep track of all employees in the building. we use windows server 2k and I would like to record in/out in an access / sql database.

Any one know how I could go about this. Thank

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General :: Access To Display Paper Clip Icon

Dec 21, 2012

I am using the attachment field in my form in Access 2010. I downloaded a picture (a picture of paper clip) from the web to use it as the display image for the attachment field. When using the form, the paper clip picture is displayed so long as there is no attachment. When a file is attached, the display image changes to the type of file (in my case pdf). However, I want Access to display the paper clip icon.

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Switch Board Question

Aug 28, 2006


I wanted to have a switch board available to my users. On the switch board I wanted to have a combo box where the users have multiple choices. For example, if a hotel was offering choices. The choices could be:

Room Reservation
Conference Room Reservation
Dance Hall
Local Guide Information

After they select one of the choices, I wanted to put command buttons on the side that would take them to a form specifically related to the choice they made. So, some of the command buttons might be:

Send an Inquiry
Make an Online Reservation
View information only

I haven't seen any Switch board that has choices so I don't even know if this is possible. If so, I'm happy to try.

Meanwhile.... I've never done VBA or any type of programming. I'm a beginning Access user.


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Forms :: Switch Board Manipulation

Nov 18, 2013

I know that i was discussed a lot but now it's about accexx2010.

I need to have more than 8 items on my switchboard but can't find any code for that in VBA.

I'd rather not use the option of building a regular form as switchboard.

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Forms :: Getting Error After Using Switch Board Wizard

Nov 2, 2014

I use the switchboard wizard to set up a switchboard. At the moment my main switchboard has 3 items and they are all set to 'open form in add mode' and they all point to the same form at the moment (which does exist).

When I try to go to form view of the switchboard I get the error 'The control name label1 is misspelled or refers to a control that doesn't exist'. Behind it I can see the form in form view and I can see there are the 3 menu items I would expect but when I close the error dialogue and the following 'close macros' dialogue' it goes back to design view. In design view I can only see one menu item (which seems to be a text box rather than a label) instead of 3. I changed it to a label but it didn't work.

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MS Access Can't Append All The Records In The Append Query

Feb 18, 2007

hi Guys,
I have been looking at different post and checking Microsoft help files as well, but still can't seem to fix this problem.

I am having 2 tables. The first table is connected to a form for viewing and entering data, and in the second table i am just copying 3-4 fields from the first table.

I am trying to use the insert statement to insert records in the second table, and everytime i click on the "Add" button to add the records i get the following error "MS access can't append all the records in the append query ... blah blah blah"

However if i close the form and reopen it, and goto the record (as it is saved in the first database) and now click on the add button to add the fields to the second table/database, it works.

What am i doing wrong???

Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.

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How To Append Multiple Rows Using Append Qry?

Jan 2, 2008

I´m trying to improve my appl. but I´m stuck trying to figure out how to append multiple rows on a table using the Append query.

My problem comes since I have 4 tables with the following fields:
1) Orders
OrderID (number)
CustomerID (number)
Date (date)
2) OrderDetails
OrderDetailID (number)
OrderID (number)
ProductID (number)
3) TmpOrders
OrderTmpID (Autonumber)
CustomerID (number)
4) TmpOrderDetails
OrderDetailTmpID (Autonumber)
OrderID (number)

The problem comes since the Tmp tables are used just to record temporarly the information before the transaction is completed.
Whe the salesman at the desk finish the sale, a command button is presseed and an append query runs to transfer the data from Tmp tables to the Definitive tables. Another query (Delete) is excuuted inmediately after the append qry. and it deletes the information recorded on Tmp tables.

I need to reset the autonumber or create a field that records the line number so I can add up to the Maximum OrderDetailID found on the definitive table, but the problem is how to create the "controlled" autonumber.

Please help.

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Clear A Combo Box

Jan 13, 2006

what's the best way of clearing the contents of a combo box? i don't want to change the row source, just make it blank as though a selection has not been made.

i have two unrelated combo boxes on a form; there will probably be more later. when i pick a value from one i want the other(s) to clear.

on the after update event of each combo i've tried clearing the contents of the other combo with these:

- me.othercombo = null
- me.othercombo = 0
- me.othercombo = ""
- me.othercombo.value = ...
- me.othercombo.undo
- etc.

'= null' clears the other combo.
'= 0' also clears the other combo.

but i think i'm missing something here. each combo also has a cmdbutton that will take the user to another form based on the selection made.

if i use '= 0', the other combo clears but its cmdbutton still works. even if the combo appears to be empty its associated cmdbutton still opens the next form (it should produce a msgbox asking the user to make a selection).

'= null' clears the combo and its cmdbutton produces the appropriate message to make a selection. so that's what i'm using right now. is this the best way? can something = null?

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What Is Best Way To Clear Tables?

Apr 2, 2007

I need to b able to clear records from 3 tables with one click

I tried opening each as a record set and looping through deleting each in turn with a loop, however this I know to be poor practice and it also errors as i cannot delete a record that is part of a relationship.

is there a more suitable way to do this?

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Clear All Values Except N/A

Feb 10, 2008


I have a table setup to enter dates for each person that requires safety quizes for the month those that don't have an "N/A" for the month by thier names.

Each year I have to start over and it is a real pain to manualy delete all the dates for each person for Jan through December.
I only want the dates gone not the name or the N/A values.

Is there a sub or query that will search each record and only delete the dates?


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Clear A Listbox???

Feb 21, 2005

I'm using access 2003, and for some stupid reason they decided to remove the "clear" method from listboxes... In previous access version I could clear a listbox using "listbox.clear", but now I have no idea. Does anyone know a good way to clear listboxes in Access 2003.

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Clear A Form

Apr 12, 2005

Hey all,

I have some code that looks like this to control a form;

Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
Dim UserName As String
Dim Initials As String
Dim Password As String
Dim OutlookName As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

'Check each control, is their a value? if not, set focus to control
If IsNull(txtUserName) Then
MsgBox "You did not enter a new UserName nobby!"
Exit Sub

ElseIf IsNull(txtInitials) Then ' return value of UserName variable;
MsgBox "You have not entered any initials for user: '" & Me!txtUserName & "'"
Exit Sub

ElseIf IsNull(txtPassword) Then
MsgBox "You must create a password for user: '" & Me!txtUserName & "'"
Exit Sub

ElseIf IsNull(txtOutlookName) Then
MsgBox "You must enter a Outlook name for: '" & Me!txtUserName & "'"
Exit Sub

End If
' Pass the variables to the table.
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(("Users"), dbOpenDynaset, [dbSeeChanges])
With rst
![User] = Me!txtUserName
![Password] = Me!txtPassword
![Initials] = Me!txtInitials
![OutlookName] = Me!txtOutlookName
![Level] = 1
![Select] = 0
![dummy] = Null
Set rst = Nothing
End With
End Sub

Private Sub btnCancel_Click()
' Confirm Cancellation Box
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to quit?", vbYesNo, "Caution") = vbYes Then
End If

End Sub

What I really want to do is once the update has occured is set a label I have as hidden, to show and to clear all the controls.

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Clear The Form

Jun 5, 2005

Now I can populate text fields by selecting any one of the combo box selection.

But I need to clear the form to insert next record. Currently I am inserting record by using Save_cmd button. I can insert second record but couldnot clear all the fields after inserting automatically. So I am doing clear all the fields manually or overwriting values.

If there is anyone pl. help me.


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Clear Up Value On Next Record

Feb 16, 2006

Hi everyone

I have a part of the form with the following fields


Address2(street) field is a drop downbox, once selected the area text field will be automatically shown
what I got in AfterUpdate event on Street is as below
Me.txtArea = [cboAddress2].[Column](2)

the problem with this is, even when I move to another record the Area field doesn't clear up which is still using the old Area info that has been selected before,

I belive I have to have some Clear Up function on somewhere, not sure exactly where and what Code will clear up the value,

Can anyone help please!!

Thanks in advance

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Clear Form

May 5, 2006


I would like to put a button on a form I am making so that you can clear it without saving the data.

eg you open the form input a load of data, it is all wrong so you click clear form and start inputting data again

I have the button what do i need to do to get it to do this



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Clear Button

Nov 15, 2006

i have a form that allows to add details to the table "tab_main".

ive got a clear button, it clears all textboxes apart from the textbox "date_issued". i get the following error message:

'Run-time error '2113':

The value you entered isn't valid for this field.'

Why am i getting this?

ive checked the table field and im inputting the right value!

in the command button under EVENT PROCEDURE, im using following code:

Private Sub Command25_Click()

Dim intResponse As Integer

intResponse = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to clear the text Boxs", vbYesNo, Change)

If intResponse = 6 Then
Me.number.Value = " "
Me.username.Value = " "
Me.cost_centre.Value = " "
Me.phone_model.Value = " "
Me.imei.Value = " "
Me.sim_no.Value = " "
Me.puk_code.Value = " "
Me.date_issued.Value = " "


End If

End Sub

Help me!!!! thanks

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Clear Form

Mar 7, 2006

I have a SQL Database that is housing my tables
I have an Access Front end that is Allowing users to view and edit the data residing on the SQL Database.

I have write/modify rights on the database and as such I wrote the code , OnLoad of Form, to Automatically set the Form to "Add Record", thus clearing all the TextBoxes and ComboBoxes. That works alright.

My problem is when a user without write/modify rights opens the Form I am getting an Error "Cannot go to specified Record". If I understand this right this is happening because they do not have suffeciant rights.

How Can I get a form to load and display all the textboxes and ComboBoxes BLANK....this only way I can think of is to set the form to Add Record.


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HELP ! How To Clear A Filter ..................

Jun 14, 2006


How do I clear a filter ? When I re-open a form that is based on a stored parameter query, I get a message about "apply/filter that cannot be applied..."

So, as a result, I put in some code for that command button that closes the form, then reopens it, and I get my prompt from the query. Isnt there a way to clear the filter without closing the form? It looks funny to me and I know the users will have a cow. I sure appreciate any ideas.Im digging around to see what I can do quickly, but I cant find anything that works. thanks a lot!

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Clear On RecordsetChange

Jul 19, 2006

Private sub Form_DatasetChange()
End Sub

I am wanting to move between records but when I return to the records I have just moved from I want to clear some of the text boxes. This code is not working though. Any suggestions

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Clear List Box?

Feb 28, 2007

Where is the ListBox.Clear option??????

How can I clear the entire ListBox?

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Clear Out A Table To Add New Records

Jan 31, 2006

I have a transfertext macro that imports my text file into a table but the table already has data in it so it is not importing and losing all the records. What do i do to clear out the table before i import in.. Can i use another macro ???

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Clear Login UserName

Jul 18, 2006

Hi all,

I've had a quick search but couldn't find the answer to this.

Is there a way that when a user launches the application via my workgroup file, the default login name is always null?

Currently it retains the last users' login name.


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Clear Range Of Data

Jul 12, 2005

Is it possible to clear the cotents from various records but only the values in one column. Like let's say I just want the delete the values in the Price column for a range of about 6000 records. Not the whole records just those price values.

I can't seem to find a way to do this without sitting there and pushing down and backspace over and over again.


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A Way To Clear The Tables In The Database...

Jul 19, 2006

Thanks for considering my question. I have developed a DB with about 60 tables, all related by one-to-many relationships. During development, I placed values in the tables, generated keys, etc. so things have gotten quite cluttered. Is there a way (vb program, access method, etc.) that I can use to remove all the entries from the table, and essentially start with a set of clean tables and no keys? I'd like to be able to run this from a control on a form.

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