Append Query Out Of My League...

Sep 26, 2005

Hi there.

I am trying to create an append query that will update employee time cards for holiday hours without having to enter each time card individually.

* I have an employee table which has the employee id, first name, last name and so on.

* I have a timecard table which holds the employee id, date and time card ID.

* I have a time card hours table which holds the time card detail ID, time card id, work order id, job code id, reg hours, ot hours, holiday hours, etc

* I have a time card expense table which holds the time card expense id, time card id, work order id, inventory item id, cost, total, etc

I need to create a form with a multiselect list containing a list of the employees and a box for the date and for holiday hours. I need to be able to select the employees, enter the date, enter the holiday hours and append it to the time card table AND the time card hours table.

For example I need to append and create new records from the form: the employee id (from the multi-select combo list) and date (txtDate) would pass to the time card table and the holiday hours (txtHours) needs to pass to the time card hours table.

I cannot for the life of me figure this doesn't seem like it should be too hard.

Can anyone help?

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General :: Possible To Have A Query To Calculate League Table

Sep 5, 2013

I have created a database that records the scores of each player etc and puts them in league table like structure.

Within this database which I would like to extend I would like to know if its possible to have a query to calculate a league table for the teams if home team overal score is greater than away team home team get 2 points for win 1 for draw no points of loss and same if away team won.I also want to be able to change it to a web database and add club address details like contact list to it.

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League Standings

Aug 9, 2007

Hi everyone, im new to this forum as well as MS Access. Over the past week or so Ive been reading through a lot of tutorials and watched a few videos on how to master Access. I've learned a handful of things, however its not enough, so i need some help.

Im trying to create a simple database for our local community football/soccer league. It's nothing fancy, just simple information to keep things tidy and organised.

The main features include Keeping a track of all results and outputting an up-to-date league standings, so it can be printed and available for everyone to see.

Few details: in soccer, there are 3 possibile outcomes of a match (win,draw,lose). Each win earns a team 3 points, draw 1, lose 0. Of course, the standings table will be sorted by the amount of total points each team has uptodate (descending order). Oh, and the goals scored - goals conceded should also be summed up for each team and displayed.

In theory, it sounded easy to me, but when i actually started doing it, i got stuck right at the beginning... :confused: So, here's what i got so far:
tblResults table that collects the following information: Date, TeamAName, TeamBName, TeamAGoals, TeamBGoals (the last two collect how many goals team a and b scored)

...well, thats pretty much it... lol :o

I've been experimenting with queries for a while but feel without some help i wont get it sorted...
Would appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction... :)

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Squash League Ladder

Jan 10, 2005

Hi does anyone know of a system out there in MS Access that can do what this program does in word. i have been using this word version but i wanted to keep a history of records...

I use this for Badminton and not squash, so if anyone wants a game i am happy to play

anyway have a look and let me know how hard this would be to achieve.



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Mildly Stumped League Tables,

Jun 3, 2005

I've been asked to collate some information based on a kid league, I am trying to sort out how precisely it works

the data I have is this

finish position, name, club

I need to calculate the best kiddie based on 3 of a possible 6 races

So tbls



SELECT tblResults.fldSeries, tblResults.NAME, tblResults.CLUB, Sum(fldScore.Points) AS SumOfPoints
FROM tblResults LEFT JOIN fldScore ON tblResults.Pos = fldScore.Pos
GROUP BY tblResults.fldSeries, tblResults.NAME, tblResults.CLUB, tblResults.Pos
HAVING (((tblResults.fldSeries)="220-2005") AND ((tblResults.Pos)<51))
ORDER BY Sum(fldScore.Points) DESC;

I need this to be changed to only pick up athletes with only the best three scores?

any hints?


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MS Access Can't Append All The Records In The Append Query

Feb 18, 2007

hi Guys,
I have been looking at different post and checking Microsoft help files as well, but still can't seem to fix this problem.

I am having 2 tables. The first table is connected to a form for viewing and entering data, and in the second table i am just copying 3-4 fields from the first table.

I am trying to use the insert statement to insert records in the second table, and everytime i click on the "Add" button to add the records i get the following error "MS access can't append all the records in the append query ... blah blah blah"

However if i close the form and reopen it, and goto the record (as it is saved in the first database) and now click on the add button to add the fields to the second table/database, it works.

What am i doing wrong???

Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.

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Queries :: TOP N Subquery (Scores) For Each Member In Race League

Jan 5, 2014

I have a race league, I want to select the top 10 point scores for each member.

I have read the Allen Browne article (and many others) and tried many variations on his code but cannot get this working.

I face two issues
- The ORDER by clause has no effect, points are not sorted with largest first
- Access being unable to differentiate between scores with the same value and returning additional records. I have added an "Event" field to make the record unique, but this does not seem to work.

Query code is

SELECT qLeague.Member, qLeague.Event, qLeague.Points
FROM qLeague
WHERE qLeague.Points IN
(SELECT TOP 10 Points
FROM qLeague AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.Points= qLeague.Points
ORDER BY Dupe.Member, Dupe.Points DESC
ORDER BY qLeague.Member ASC, qLeague.Points;

This returns more than 10 results per member:

Member Event Points
Alex Peters SDMC North Weald Sprint 3
Alex Peters HCAAC Debden May 3
Alex Peters GB/Harrow TAMS NW Sprint 4
Alex Peters HCAAC Debden Sprint 5
Alex Peters Llys y Fran Hillclimb 6

etc ....

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Tables :: Setting Up A Soccer League Database To Track Attendance

Dec 7, 2012

I run a soccer league where we track players attendance for each game. I currently do it on a spreadsheet where each game date is a column and each player is a row. We also track which team they play on at each game (they can play on different teams different weeks). I currently have a second tab in the spreadsheet to record which team a person plays on each week.

Setting up a table of fields for this is relatively easy. The problem comes to data entry. I want to be able to visually see the data like I can in a spreadsheet (names in rows, dates in columns, intersections containing either team name or whether attended) and whilst a cross-tab query gives me the layout, I cannot input data in a cross-tab query.

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Football League Table From Fixtures Table

Feb 10, 2008

Hi i am wandering if anyone can help me complete this problem:

i have a table full of fixtures/results in the following form:


is it possible to create a league table on those results.

1. There is more than one competition in the table so it would have to be by compID
2. There is fixtures without results so they would have to be excluded as well.

Any help?

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Queries :: Opening Design View Of Append Query Without Timing Out Source Query

Mar 4, 2015

In some cases I create pass-through queries and use these in an Append or Make-table query to bring data locally.

All is well and fine until source data changes and the pass-through query runs too long and times out.

If needed, I can extend the timeout value in the Parameters of the pass-through query no problem, but when I try to open the Append or Make-table query in Design view to do the same, the pass-through query is first triggered and then throws the timeout, and I cannot access the Design view of the Append or Make-table

Is there a way to open an Append or Make-table query in Design view without invoking the source query?

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Append Query .v. Table Query .v. Headache!

Mar 20, 2007

Ok, this is what I want to do :

I want to 'append' individual records from 2 tables and place in an archive table or within another database, whichever is the best option.
I then want to be able to 'delete' the relevant records from one table.

The tables are tproperty and trents. This property paid rents but has since been sold. Therefore it no longer belongs in the database, however client wishes to keep details of the property/person/and rents paid in past, for any future ref. These tables are linked in relationships to tlessee and tbilling.
I've read books/notes/looked on here for inspiration and the right direction! If I choose 'append' which seems pretty straight forward then a 'delete' query, how do I choose only one record? Is a make-table onto a different database a better option? It would appear that the whole table is copied over? Can't understand the issue about auto-numbers being copied over? Do I have to use an append/delete query for each individual property that's ever removed?
I'm at a loss! :) Thanks

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Help With Append Query

May 11, 2007

I have a database that contain foreclosure records. I'd like to create a query that will ask for a date and all records that are LESS than the date will be moved to a different table.

I'd also created an icon on my form and I'd like to attach this query to it.

Any help will be appreciated.


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Append Query

Oct 6, 2006

Please how can i use a procedure to create a query, then append the content of the query to a table (am using MS Access Project)? i did it in Microsoft acess database but now i need it on Microsoft access Project beacuase am transfering to SQL server.

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Append Query + Sum ?

May 26, 2005


i have 3 tables:




Now i want to create an append query that will add in table ZALGA fealds PROIZ_I, TIP_I, DN_I, KOS_A, KOS_I by critera if TIP_A = TIP_I AND DN_A = DN_I then calculate KOS_Z = KOS_I - KOS_A?

Can someone pls tell me how to do that?


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Append Query

Jun 14, 2005


I am building a database to hold information of training courses and staff that have requested or completed the training course.

I have built a form which the team leaders can use to request training for their team, basically when the form opens up it asks for team name and training session and then appends the names and training session ID to the main table. This then allows the team leader to tick the "request training" tick box which updates the table for each member they request trainig for.
They would then send this using a custom command button which is linked through outlook.

The problem I am encountering is that if they were to selct the same team and training session again it would then append the same data to the table and this would create duplicate entries.

How can I set it up so it appends only once and then any other time the same data is selected by team leaders it would populate the form with the existing date rather than appending the same data.

thanks in advance.

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Append Query

Jul 28, 2005

Dear all,
I have a trouble to run the append query. It is failed due to the key violations. Could you please help me how to solve this problem?
Many thanks.

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Help With Append Query

Sep 22, 2005


Any assistance someone can give me with this append querry issue is appreciated.

I have a table called tblRoleAssignments that has three fields RoleAssignmentID (PK), RoleprofileID & ApplicationrightID. It looks something like this.

58, 12,317
59, 12,796
60, 12,1
61, 13,179
62, 13,84

my append query will write new records depending on the RoleprofileID's I entered, for example If I run my append query on the above list I get the following output

63, 0, 317
64, 0,796
65, 0, 1
66, 0, 179
67, 0, 84

My problem is when I run my append query I want it to enter a specific value in the role profile ID column (taken ideally from a field on a form that will be loaded) so instead of the query entering a zero it writes to the table a vaule I want. Below is how I want my append querry to write the data if I wanted the RoleprofileID to be set to 35.

63, 35, 317
64, 35, 796
65, 35,1
66, 35, 179
67, 35, 84

Any ideas????????

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Append Query

Sep 27, 2005

I think i need to use an append query for this but have never used on before so just need to know if it is the right thing to do.

I have two tables [tblPoles] and [tblPoleInstructions].

I have a form set up for [tblPoles] so the user can enter the data required. One piece of data required is a start date. The only fields the tables have in common are the PK which is the Pole Number and the start date.

I want the user to be able to enter the start date on the form for tblPoles and it to be automatcially entered into tblPoleInstructions. Is an append query the right way to do this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Append Query Help!!

Oct 15, 2005

I have made some amendments to my brothers Database. Now I have a problem. How the hell do I append the data from his old one into his new one? It all seems very complicated. Can anybody advise? Basically the tables of primary interest are:

Append From tblCustomers1 to tblCustomers
Append From tblCustomerContacts1 to tblCustomerContacts
Append From tblOrders1 to tblOrders
Append From tblOrderDetails1 to tblOrderDetails
Append From tblPayments1 to tblPayments

How is this possible as Orders relate to Customers, Order Details relate to Orders, Payments to Orders, Contacts to brain is scrambled!!

Help on understanding Append queries appreciated.

PS: Have attached a small sample DB.

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Append Query Help

Oct 17, 2005

I have a simple one here I think, but I am a newbie to SQL and Append Queries.

I have an Order Tracking Database with three tables:
Orders (contains PK OrderID)
OrderDetails (Contains PK OrderDetailsID and FK OrderID)
Updates (Contains PK UpdateID and FK OrderDetailID)

The Orders table contains customer info and an order number (OrderID). This is manually entered, not an Autonumber. The OrderDetails table contains line items for products sold with that order. The OrderDetailID is an autonumber, and each record contains the OrderID field as a FK in a one-to-many relationship. Basic stuff. The Updates table is used for tracking the status of each product associated with an order as it flows through the back-end sales process, from production to shipping. The UpdateID field is the PK (Autonumber) and each record contains the OrderDetailID as a FK in a one-to-many relationship.

I do a monthly update of Orders and OrderDetails into those respective tables in Access on a monthly basis. I am just using cut and paste from a .csv file at this time. I am doing this because our company uses a Siebel program for tracking front end sales, but it does not do any back-end tracking at this time. So, I export the monthly sales as a .csv and import into Access. It seems to work fine for now, but it has been suggested in other discussion groups to use a temp table of the raw .csv data, import into Access, and create an Append query to update the Orders and OrderDetails. I will look into that.

The problem I have today is how to get Access to automatically create a new record in the Updates table for each OrderDetailID. So, when I paste (or later append) OrderDetails into the OrderDetails table, Access creates at the same time a new corresponding record in the Updates table. Each OrderDetailID can have many UpdateID's (one-to-many relationship).

I think I need a SQL statement that says "Update the Update table UpdateID with a new autonumber if the FK field OrderDetailsID within the Update table is null" or something like that.

Please help.

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Append Query HELP

Dec 5, 2005

I have a Form with a combo box that takes in formation from a table and auto fills it. But i cant get that autofilled info to enter into the main table.the one that the form is based off of. I tried to use an append query to move the info from one table to the other. It didnt work. does anyone know why this error pops up i cant see anything wrong...

Concrete Pumper Database Set 0 fieldsto Nulldue to a type conversionfailure, andit didnt add 3 records due to key violations, 0 records due to lock violations and 0 due to validation rule violations...

in detail what im trying to do is this. database is for remote control concrete pumpers.

I have a form based on a table. In this table i have fields such as model #, button 1 configuration-button 12 configuration date entered, date shipped etc.I created a form from the table and Instead of entering each of the 12 button configurations I would like to have that entered automatically when a model # is selected from a combo box. So i made a table with just model # and button configurations and set up a combo box on the form to match. now i need to get the button config from the button config table to be entered into the MAIN TABLE when entered into the form by combo box. oh man...i dont know if im too far gone or what...this may not make sence so please give it your best...I appreciate any input at all. I thought i could do it with an append query and a macro but now i dont think so.

thank you

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Append Query

Dec 15, 2005

I have a database with a table linked to an Excel spreasheet. I am trying to create an append query to load data from the linked table into a candidate table. Each record in the candidate table has a candidate number which is automatically generated and is the primary key. When I run the query it cannot update the table because of key violations. I haven't got the candidate number as a field in the append query, do I need to put it in there? and if so how should it be setup? Any help would be much appreciated. :)

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Append Query!!!! Help

Dec 28, 2005

HI there,

sorry a bit of a newbie to access. I am trying to do an append query, or should I say I have done an append query.

I am trying to build a database. The first query pulls data from a server with four tables linked into this, when you fnally get the ODBC to connect the data comes through. I have a delete query to clear down my Import table and then an append query to put all the dat from my query into this. This is where it goes all wrong and its so basic.

INSERT INTO tbl_ImportCenceo ( [email id], process, type, changedate )
SELECT qry_email1.[email id], qry_email1.process, qry_email1.type, qry_email1.changedate
FROM qry_email1;

It has worked once and now it wont??????. The data runs and is in the append query but it is not transferring it to the import table. Can somebody tell me why Pleaseeeee!!! this is doing my head in!!!!.


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Append Query

May 22, 2006

Hello Gurus
I have D/ase (2000)
and one of the queries appended a set of wordings from another table (I'm in insurnace so these are endoresments)
my qry works on the append basis I pick an endorsment from a drop down list and push a button and in gos the wording in to a new field (memo format)

all is fine - now the problem if the wording is over 255 chars long I only get 255 chars - now i know this is something to do with text - the fields where the info is coming from is a memo and the field it is going into is a memo - its the append query that decided to format that field to a text size - any ideas on how to get the querie to append memo instead of text size

many many thanks if someone can shed some light on this

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Append Query

Aug 17, 2006

I have two tables: a project table, and attendance table. I am appending name, id, date, status, etc from the project table to the attendance table. However, I only want the field "status" with XX to be appended once to the attendance table. For example the field "status" with XX would be appended once for that individual's record and date to the attendance table. The field "status" with YY would be appended continuosly for each date to the attendance table. So, I need to build a check before the query appends to the attendance table to check for specific data in the "status" field of the daily attendance table such as XX. If XX is already listed in the status field of the daily attendance table, then that individual's record would not be appended from the project table anymore.

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Append Query

Sep 1, 2006

Hi all..

I have two tables. One I imported from another database. Table: Master and Table: Input. They are setup up exactly the same.

They each have about 16K entries. They each have a PK of IDNumber plus the other 10 fields.

What I want to do is run an append query to add the input data into the master. I want it based on EmployeeNumber because there are PK numbers in each table...

IDNumber 1
EmployeeNumber 34567

IDNumber 1
EmployeeNumber 456789

So i want the append query to look at the employee number. If they are the same no change.. If the employee number doesn't exist I want the entry brought into table:master.

Does this make sense? Am I going about this the right way?


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