Append Statement Help

Jun 19, 2005

i'm using the Microsoft Access XP template "order entry", i have populated the product table with products. and i wrote an append statement.

INSERT INTO [Order Details] ( ProductID, OrderID )
SELECT Products.ProductID, Orders.OrderID
FROM Products, Orders
WHERE (((Orders.OrderID)=[Forms]![Orders by Customer subform]![OrderID]));

(i need the where clause the pull the OrderID from the Order by Customer Subform, i hope i did that correctly, someone please let me know)

On the Order Details subform, i'm trying to get it to display all the products at once.

Is there any way to get this SQL statement to execute after the form loads and refresh the output on the subform? Or is there any other way i could do this

I'm thinking we might have to do this in VBA, not sure

Let me know, Thanks

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Modules & VBA :: SQL Statement For Append Query?

Jul 28, 2015

I have a database where I am pulling my data in my subform from a tbl made by a make table query. However, Once a month the data will be updated and sorted by "Retrieve Date". I have made a function through a module that updates the queries with the latest retrieve date everytime new data is pasted into the database.

I am looking for a way to make the make table query only update the new data and not post records into the tables more than once. Should this be done by writing an IIF then statement and using an append query? I will copy the SQL code from my make table query below.


SELECT qrySummary.CounterpartyName, Format([CDSsprd],"Standard") AS CDSspread, Format([Gsprd],"Standard") AS Gspread, Format([RatingsGrade],"Standard") AS RatingGrade, Format([BloombergCDS],"Standard") AS BloomCDS, Format([Avgerage],"Standard") AS [Avg], qrySummary.RetrieveDate INTO tblSummaryQry
FROM qrySummary;

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Queries :: Append Query - INSERT INTO Statement Contain Unknown Field

Sep 19, 2013

I have two tables each with an ID field (autonumber/PK/No Dup etc).

I want to append two fields from one table to the other table. I have set up an Append Query to do this but it won't work - I get the following error - "The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field: 'FiID'...."

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Modules & VBA :: How To Append Text To A Text File With The Print Statement

Jun 5, 2013

I'm trying to figure out at what point an error message occurs while a database is closing. This problem only occurs if someone clicks on the red close button on the top right of the screen when there are several forms open. If the user exists normally there is NO problem.

I am attempting to use the print statement to write to a text file to track what is happening as the database shuts down. Unfortunately, the open (print) statement, when issued, zaps any prior contents which precludes having a full printed record. I am hoping for a print syntax that would allow appending.

Open "ErrorReport.txt" for Output as #1
Appended text to the file to show what is happening in that event.
Close #1

The program, in closing, does stop with an error message that a certain file can't be found. But when I click on debug, the program simply closes. I have also commented out VBA references to the file that can't be found, but the error still persists .

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Hide "Do You Want To Append X Rows" Statement

Jun 27, 2007

I have made an own copy button that make a copy of current order to a new order and also copys all it data. I am using INSERT INTO but I get "Do you want to append " box all the time. Is there someway to allways make answer yes or block it out so it doesnt show up?

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MS Access Can't Append All The Records In The Append Query

Feb 18, 2007

hi Guys,
I have been looking at different post and checking Microsoft help files as well, but still can't seem to fix this problem.

I am having 2 tables. The first table is connected to a form for viewing and entering data, and in the second table i am just copying 3-4 fields from the first table.

I am trying to use the insert statement to insert records in the second table, and everytime i click on the "Add" button to add the records i get the following error "MS access can't append all the records in the append query ... blah blah blah"

However if i close the form and reopen it, and goto the record (as it is saved in the first database) and now click on the add button to add the fields to the second table/database, it works.

What am i doing wrong???

Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.

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Queries :: Update Statement For A OUTER JOIN Select Statement

Feb 12, 2014

I have the following Select Statement:

SELECTTenant.ID, Tenant.[First Name], Tenant.[Last Name], Tenant.Address, Tenant.City, Tenant.State, Tenant.Zip, Tenant.[Home Phone], Tenant.[Cell Phone], Tenant.[Work Phone], Tenant.[Rented Unit],
Tenant.[Security Deposit], Tenant.[Move In], Tenant.[Move Out], Tenant.TenantID, Tenant.UnitID, Tenant.PropertyID, Tenant.OwnerID, Owner.Company, Owner.ID AS Expr1, Property.[Property Address],


Now, I know that something in the UPDATE statement does not match my select statement.What should my Update Statement be, in order to update all the columns in the joined tables?

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How To Append Multiple Rows Using Append Qry?

Jan 2, 2008

I´m trying to improve my appl. but I´m stuck trying to figure out how to append multiple rows on a table using the Append query.

My problem comes since I have 4 tables with the following fields:
1) Orders
OrderID (number)
CustomerID (number)
Date (date)
2) OrderDetails
OrderDetailID (number)
OrderID (number)
ProductID (number)
3) TmpOrders
OrderTmpID (Autonumber)
CustomerID (number)
4) TmpOrderDetails
OrderDetailTmpID (Autonumber)
OrderID (number)

The problem comes since the Tmp tables are used just to record temporarly the information before the transaction is completed.
Whe the salesman at the desk finish the sale, a command button is presseed and an append query runs to transfer the data from Tmp tables to the Definitive tables. Another query (Delete) is excuuted inmediately after the append qry. and it deletes the information recorded on Tmp tables.

I need to reset the autonumber or create a field that records the line number so I can add up to the Maximum OrderDetailID found on the definitive table, but the problem is how to create the "controlled" autonumber.

Please help.

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Queries :: IIF Statement With And In True Statement

Oct 31, 2014

I have a query with the following criteria in one of the fields:

>=DateAdd("m",-12,fom()) And <=DateAdd("m",1,fom())

fom is a function for first of the current month. I need this query to be specific to what month it is when its ran so i want to only have this criteria if the month is > = october. If it isnt October or greater, i want the criteria to reflect this.

>=DateAdd("m",-12,fom()) And <=fom()

Which also works by itself. But when i add it to an iif statement it always produces no results. Below is the iif statement.

Iif(month(date())>=10, >=DateAdd("m",-12,fom()) And <=DateAdd("m",1,fom()),>=DateAdd("m",-12,fom()) And <=fom())

I have also added the column name to each expression and it still doesnt produce any results.

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Creating IIF Statement In Between Statement For Dates?

Apr 28, 2015

I am creating a multi-search form for a student database, where after I enter my search criteria I hit a "Run Query" command button and then it opens a query form with all of my criteria.So far I can search using last name, first name, and middle name. When I try to search with a start date and end date I am have issues.The start date and end date is for the class date. In the query form under the field, class date, for criteria I wrote:

Between IIf([Forms]![Search Form]![Start Date]="",1/1/10,[Forms]![Search Form]![Start Date]) And IIf([Forms]![Search Form]![End Date]="",4/25/15,[Forms]![Search Form]![End Date])

I want it when I write a date in the start date and end date I want it to give me a list of all the students who took the course between those dates. Also, if I leave the dates blank I want it to search all dates. The dates 1/1/10 and 4/25/15 are just the dates I gave because that is far back as my database goes.

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Not Able To Append.

Aug 16, 2005

I have a table which is connected to a form. I am able to see records in the form fields but i am not able to add anything in that table using form fields.

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Sep 28, 2006


I have this survey application with the following tables - tblRespondent [PK RespondentID, other fields], tblAnswers [PK AnswersID, FK RespondentID, FK QuestionID, Answers {yes/no}, Notes {text}], tblQuestions [PK QuestionID, FK CategoryID, Question {text}], tblCategories [PK CategoryID, Categories {text}]. All ID fields are numbers, and all PKs are auto-numbers.

I also have a form based on a query that in turn is based on tblRespondent. That form is my main form, and I want to get the questions on it with the help of a subform, which is where my Append query comes into play.

When I enter a new respondent in my form, I put in some biographical information first, and then would like to send the newly-generated RespondentID to tblAnswers, together with QuestionsIDs from tblQuestions so that the Answers table receives a record for every question that I have.

I'm not having any luck with this, and am probably making some mistake somewhere.
It would be great if somebody could point me in the right direction.

Thank you.

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Append Help!

Feb 27, 2007

I have 3 tables which I export as 3 separate text files each having different fixed length records.

Is there a way to append these three tables together? Union all does not work because they have different columns and field lengths.

I really need to figure this out today.


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Append Using VBA?

Dec 14, 2004


I was wondering if anyone had code for VBA to write an append query to append from one table to another, as i cannot seem to achieve what i want by using the wizard, any help is appreciated.


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Help With Append Query

May 11, 2007

I have a database that contain foreclosure records. I'd like to create a query that will ask for a date and all records that are LESS than the date will be moved to a different table.

I'd also created an icon on my form and I'd like to attach this query to it.

Any help will be appreciated.


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Can't Append To Table

Jan 6, 2005

I use a query daily that appends records to a table. I used it this morning but now it will not append records. It is odd because when I switch from design view to results my records are there but when I run it the records do not populate. I am not getting a pop-up message like usual either. It appears as if my access 2003 has disabled that function, which I can;t even find to turn back on. Any suggestions?? Thanks.

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Append Many Tables To 1

May 5, 2005

I have 72 tables all the same structure. I want to put them all in one table. How can i do it without making 72 append queries?

Thanx already,


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Append Query

Oct 6, 2006

Please how can i use a procedure to create a query, then append the content of the query to a table (am using MS Access Project)? i did it in Microsoft acess database but now i need it on Microsoft access Project beacuase am transfering to SQL server.

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Append Query + Sum ?

May 26, 2005


i have 3 tables:




Now i want to create an append query that will add in table ZALGA fealds PROIZ_I, TIP_I, DN_I, KOS_A, KOS_I by critera if TIP_A = TIP_I AND DN_A = DN_I then calculate KOS_Z = KOS_I - KOS_A?

Can someone pls tell me how to do that?


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Append Query

Jun 14, 2005


I am building a database to hold information of training courses and staff that have requested or completed the training course.

I have built a form which the team leaders can use to request training for their team, basically when the form opens up it asks for team name and training session and then appends the names and training session ID to the main table. This then allows the team leader to tick the "request training" tick box which updates the table for each member they request trainig for.
They would then send this using a custom command button which is linked through outlook.

The problem I am encountering is that if they were to selct the same team and training session again it would then append the same data to the table and this would create duplicate entries.

How can I set it up so it appends only once and then any other time the same data is selected by team leaders it would populate the form with the existing date rather than appending the same data.

thanks in advance.

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Update And Append

Jun 21, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to modify data in a querry befor appending the data to a new table


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Append Query

Jul 28, 2005

Dear all,
I have a trouble to run the append query. It is failed due to the key violations. Could you please help me how to solve this problem?
Many thanks.

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Append TABLE_B

Aug 5, 2005

I want to append the records of table_A (cd name omada) to table_B (cd name omada) only if [] does not exist in
How can I do this?


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Help With Append Query

Sep 22, 2005


Any assistance someone can give me with this append querry issue is appreciated.

I have a table called tblRoleAssignments that has three fields RoleAssignmentID (PK), RoleprofileID & ApplicationrightID. It looks something like this.

58, 12,317
59, 12,796
60, 12,1
61, 13,179
62, 13,84

my append query will write new records depending on the RoleprofileID's I entered, for example If I run my append query on the above list I get the following output

63, 0, 317
64, 0,796
65, 0, 1
66, 0, 179
67, 0, 84

My problem is when I run my append query I want it to enter a specific value in the role profile ID column (taken ideally from a field on a form that will be loaded) so instead of the query entering a zero it writes to the table a vaule I want. Below is how I want my append querry to write the data if I wanted the RoleprofileID to be set to 35.

63, 35, 317
64, 35, 796
65, 35,1
66, 35, 179
67, 35, 84

Any ideas????????

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Append Query

Sep 27, 2005

I think i need to use an append query for this but have never used on before so just need to know if it is the right thing to do.

I have two tables [tblPoles] and [tblPoleInstructions].

I have a form set up for [tblPoles] so the user can enter the data required. One piece of data required is a start date. The only fields the tables have in common are the PK which is the Pole Number and the start date.

I want the user to be able to enter the start date on the form for tblPoles and it to be automatcially entered into tblPoleInstructions. Is an append query the right way to do this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Append Query Help!!

Oct 15, 2005

I have made some amendments to my brothers Database. Now I have a problem. How the hell do I append the data from his old one into his new one? It all seems very complicated. Can anybody advise? Basically the tables of primary interest are:

Append From tblCustomers1 to tblCustomers
Append From tblCustomerContacts1 to tblCustomerContacts
Append From tblOrders1 to tblOrders
Append From tblOrderDetails1 to tblOrderDetails
Append From tblPayments1 to tblPayments

How is this possible as Orders relate to Customers, Order Details relate to Orders, Payments to Orders, Contacts to brain is scrambled!!

Help on understanding Append queries appreciated.

PS: Have attached a small sample DB.

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