Append Multiple Records
Oct 25, 2005
I Have a situation where a client will want to pay some lump sum amounts of money off a loan and it may be something like $100 per month for 10 months. I have created a table for lump sums payments into which this info would be entered but I need to create an individual payment for the period of time designated ie 10 individual records of $100 each starting in a month and incrementing the month.
I see it being a append query but do not know how to make the append query create 10 instances of the one record based on a field value. I also do not know how to make the Month increment by one for each record ie Mar05,Apr05,May05 etc.
If this is possible any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Feb 18, 2007
hi Guys,
I have been looking at different post and checking Microsoft help files as well, but still can't seem to fix this problem.
I am having 2 tables. The first table is connected to a form for viewing and entering data, and in the second table i am just copying 3-4 fields from the first table.
I am trying to use the insert statement to insert records in the second table, and everytime i click on the "Add" button to add the records i get the following error "MS access can't append all the records in the append query ... blah blah blah"
However if i close the form and reopen it, and goto the record (as it is saved in the first database) and now click on the add button to add the fields to the second table/database, it works.
What am i doing wrong???
Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.
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Jan 2, 2008
I´m trying to improve my appl. but I´m stuck trying to figure out how to append multiple rows on a table using the Append query.
My problem comes since I have 4 tables with the following fields:
1) Orders
OrderID (number)
CustomerID (number)
Date (date)
2) OrderDetails
OrderDetailID (number)
OrderID (number)
ProductID (number)
3) TmpOrders
OrderTmpID (Autonumber)
CustomerID (number)
4) TmpOrderDetails
OrderDetailTmpID (Autonumber)
OrderID (number)
The problem comes since the Tmp tables are used just to record temporarly the information before the transaction is completed.
Whe the salesman at the desk finish the sale, a command button is presseed and an append query runs to transfer the data from Tmp tables to the Definitive tables. Another query (Delete) is excuuted inmediately after the append qry. and it deletes the information recorded on Tmp tables.
I need to reset the autonumber or create a field that records the line number so I can add up to the Maximum OrderDetailID found on the definitive table, but the problem is how to create the "controlled" autonumber.
Please help.
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Oct 25, 2006
I have two tables I want to update...One table is a lookup table (Dates) and the other holds most of the information (History). I then have a query that finds the information i need that will be appended to both tables. One field in the query needs to update the dates in the lookup table "dates" and then the history need to get all related info.
Before Query -
(In Date Table) (In history table)
1/2/06 Jane Doe $10
1/3/06 John Doe $40
After Query -
(In Date Table) (In history table)
1/2/06 Jane Doe $10
1/3/06 John Doe $40
1/4/06 Jeff Doe $50 <---- How do I add this info, to both tables
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May 29, 2007
I inherited an interesting problem. I have 3700 tiny MDB files all of which contain the same table (same name, field structure, etc.), but different data. Each database has a slightly different name. It's the result of XML data mining.
I need to combine these 3700 tables from these different databases into one table in one database.
I can't see any way to automate this and as it's a one-time only project I don't know whether it's worth trying to automate it or if I should roll up my sleeves and just start apending tables.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
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Aug 1, 2006
Hi all
Can someone help me with an Append query problem I am having. The end result I need is a Work sheet that has a Customers details, Plant details, Work required and a Subcontractor name. I have a search function that I use to select either a Customer name or Plant ID. Once I have selected the Customer name/Plant ID, I use a button to append the Customer Name and the Plant Id to a Plant_History table. This table uses an Autonumber field to create a unique identifier for each entry which I am using as the Work Sheet number. I have then added coding to open a form which accesses the Plant_History table directly so I can enter the work required and the contractor to carry out the work.
My problem is that the Customer and/or Plant will have multiple entries in the Plant_History table. Currently, when I select the button to append the details to the Plant_History table, if the Plant ID is already in the table, the number of records is doubled in the Plant_History table (eg if the record has previously been entered 4 times, 8 records will be appended to the table). I am not sure why this happens, if someone could point out the fault in my work, it would be much appreciated.
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Nov 29, 2007
Can a Append Query move all my data stored in multiple tables to another database with a identical table structure?
Because as I try to work the query, I keep getting prompted to "Select a table" I want to append to, and I don't want to append to just one table...
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Oct 6, 2005
With referential integrity enforced, is it possible to use append query to append to multiple tables based on only one parameter that applies to only one table. If so, please enlighten me with a detailed explanation.
Thank you
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Jul 16, 2013
I am setting up VBA to run multiple append queries in consecutive order. The append queries are supposed to pull a four digit number off of a form that will allow them to know which data to append. I want the number to be stored as text to correspond with the tables I am working with, but I am having trouble getting the form to work.
Here is how I would like it to work:
I enter my 4 digits in the text box on the form. Say "1305" for May 2013. I want to then run my vba (my queries update using the forms!txtupdatequery!textbox I have put in the criteria of the queries) and all of them run.
I enter my date (as a number but I want it to be text) and the form gives me a #name? error.
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May 12, 2005
I have a dilema on my hands as I can't seem to figure out the best way to accomplish this. I created a database to handle all of our letters for my department in the company. The problem I am having is that we have 26 people who could possible access the database at the same time. The letters are created using a form. (not a problem with multi-users) When someone wants to print the letter the do a search either by "Letter Date", "Provider Name", "Provider Number", or "Group Name". I set it up so either one of these search queries append data into one table called "Letter Report Information" all 38 letters get there data from this 1 table. The problem I am having is that if John and Mary try to pull different/same letters at the same time or while one is viewing their letters the data is getting pushed onto the others Letter.
Mary goes to print her Welcome letter
John also goes to print his Denial letter at the same time
When John's letters show up.. the Denial letter shows up with his data, but also with Mary's Welcome letter data.
What can I do or what kind of query can i use to avoid this problem as it is becoming a very prominent issue? ::Please Help::
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Aug 12, 2005
Hi Guys and Girls.
I have about 100 or so tables that I need to append back into one table :eek:
However all of these 100 tables all begin with the number 100 at the beggining. I know that you can append tables - but as far as I know you can only do one at a time. Is there any easy way to do this - for example writing a small SQL statement - saying select all tables that begin with 100* and then append into a master table :confused:
Alternatively are there any programs on the net that can do this (I just wrote a massive macro to import them from a text file in to access- not realising this problem would happen!) :(
Unfortunately each of the tables has the first row as the column heading too?
Any help would be much appreciated!!
Cuurently using Access 97 though.
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Aug 6, 2013
In access Im working with two tables, this is my setup
Both tables are filled with data, Table B contains the same kind of data as table A, But tableA has documentnumbers with different revisions (for example revision a,b,c, for each revision a seperate row). Table B might have an identical document, but just one revision (like revision a).
Now I like to append the data of tableA to tableB, except if a revision is similiar to a revision in table A. (There is more metadata involved, but I will do it step by step)
Im not working with primarykey data, becayse in the end result table B will also have multiple (identical)document numbers with different revisions on different rows.
I tried to use the update query but it doenst append the documentnumbers where the revision is not present in table B I attached a image of the tables.
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Jun 28, 2005
I want to append records that I have created in Table1, via a form (Form1), to Table2, using Form1's OnClose event. (Table2 will be amended later, but I need to preserve Table1). Is there a way to append only the records from Table1 that haven't been previously appended to Table2? Also, can I turn off the warning messages in an append query? TIA
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi all,
Am a bit stuck with this one.
I have a table "tblReviews" with the following fields:-
I have an unbound form with the following txt boxes:-
txtReviewStartDate (Format dd/mm/yyyy)
txtAmountOfReviews (Number)
What I would like to happen is after I have completed the above fields, appends the rows to my table.
So if
txtLearn_ID = Ajwebb0982
txtReviewStartDate = 01/09/2005
txtIntervalWks = 1
txtAmountOfReviews = 4
txtReviewer = Ann
I would like to Add 4 rows to my table which should look something like the following:-
Learn_ID, Review_PlannedDate, Reviewer
Ajwebb0982, 08/09/2005, Ann
Ajwebb0982, 15/09/2005, Ann
Ajwebb0982, 22/09/2005, Ann
Ajwebb0982, 29/09/2005, Ann
I'm sure it is possible, just stumped on how to go about it. :confused:
Thanks in advance for any help.
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Apr 17, 2008
I need help with ACCESS query. I am not at all good with access queries and am unable to figure this out even though it may have an easy solution.
There is an existing query designed by our company in a database. This query links different fields from 4 more queries and finally generates 16 columns as shown below. (I have also attached excel file with the same example as the text below is not aligned)
Name(1)ReportDate(2)TB(3)MV(4)NC(5)AI(6)SN(7)LN(8)SID(9)Country(10)PVS(11)BMV(12) Fund Code(13)MV by Fund code(14)Total TNAD(15)CUR(16)
ABC3/31/2008USDACDUDna0$150.00abcd $731.00 $745.00 CAD
ABC3/31/2008USDBCDUDna0$256.00abcd $731.00 $745.00 CAD
ABC3/31/2008USDCCDUDna0$325.00abcd $731.00 $745.00 CAD
XYZ3/31/2008CADACDUDna0$112.00wxyz $387.00 $420.00 CAD
XYZ3/31/2008CADBCDUDna0$275.00wxyz $387.00 $420.00 CAD
PQR3/31/2008EURCCDUDna0$60.00pqrs $166.00 $200.00 CAD
PQR3/31/2008EURACDUDna0$72.00pqrs $166.00 $200.00 CAD
PQR3/31/2008EURBCDUDna0$34.00pqrs $166.00 $200.00 CAD
In this example I am just showing 8 records, but in reality there usually about 4000 records and the number changes every day.
Now I am asked to design a query based on the query that gives the above results.
The 14th column (heading –MV by Fund code) actually sums up the market values in column 12 (BMV) that has same fund code in column 15. For example for fund code “abcd” the BMV are $150, $256 and $325 which sum upto $731 and hence this number shows up in column 14 against each record with “abcd” fund code.
Now there is a difference of $14 between column 15 (heading-Total TNAD) and column 14 (heading- MV by Fund Code) for fund code “abcd”. I am asked to design a query that will add records on the results generated above by the existing query.
The new record added should show the difference of $14 in column 12 and text “OTH” column 8 and column 9 and should show the fund code “abcd” . The values in remaining columns should be the same as the fund code “abcd”.
The above logic would then apply to funds “wxyz”, “pqrs” and so on
In this example the following three records should be added below the above 8 records with these details
ABC3/31/2008USDAOTHOTHna0$14.00abcd $731.00 $745.00 CAD
XYZ3/31/2008CADAOTHOTHna0$33.00wxyz $387.00 $420.00 CAD
PQR3/31/2008EURBOTHOTHna0$34.00pqrs $166.00 $200.00 CAD
I guess this would require coding in SQL. But I am unable to do so.
Any help is highly appreciated
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Nov 17, 2004
I have two tables.
Table one - tblContent
Table two - tblConentImport
I have built a select query that will identify all records that from the tblConentImport table that do not already exist on the tblContent table.
Here is the SQL -
SELECT [tblConentImport].[ID], [tblConentImport].[LoginName], [tblConentImport].[Title], [tblConentImport].[Type], [tblConentImport].[Code], [tblConentImport].[Date Assigned], [tblConentImport].[Date Started], [tblConentImport].[Last Accessed], [tblConentImport].[Progress], [tblConentImport].[Date Completed], [tblConentImport].[Time Spent (min)], [tblConentImport].[Score], [tblConentImport].[Result]
FROM tblConentImport LEFT JOIN tblContent ON ([tblConentImport].[Code]=[tblContent].[Code]) AND ([tblConentImport].[Type]=[tblContent].[Type]) AND ([tblConentImport].[Title]=[tblContent].[Title]) AND ([tblConentImport].[LoginName]=[tblContent].[LoginName])
WHERE ((([tblContent].[LoginName]) Is Null) And (([tblContent].[Title]) Is Null) And (([tblContent].[Type]) Is Null) And (([tblContent].[Code]) Is Null));
I then built an append qry that appends the new records to the tblContent table.
Her is the SQL -
INSERT INTO tblContent
SELECT [qrySelectContentTable].[LoginName] AS LoginName, [qrySelectContentTable].[Title] AS Title, [qrySelectContentTable].[Type] AS Type, [qrySelectContentTable].[Code] AS Code, [qrySelectContentTable].[Date Assigned] AS [Date Assigned], [qrySelectContentTable].[Date Started] AS [Date Started], [qrySelectContentTable].[Last Accessed] AS [Last Accessed], [qrySelectContentTable].[Progress] AS Progress, [qrySelectContentTable].[Date Completed] AS [Date Completed], [qrySelectContentTable].[Time Spent (min)] AS [Time Spent (min)], [qrySelectContentTable].[Score] AS Score, [qrySelectContentTable].[Result] AS Result
FROM qrySelectContentTable;
This works great as long as the [tblContent].[type] is not equal to "Class".
This select query and append query have not created duplicate records in my tblContent
Please help me. I'm loosing my mind. Below is the address to view this database. The select qry is named - qrySelectContentTable. The append qry is named qryAppend Content Table.
Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
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Aug 19, 2004
I have a macro setup that deletes all the records in 2 different tables, then using about 8 queries, appends several records to the two tables where data was deleted. When these macros run, several Yes/No/Cancel dialog boxes come up for each query, first asking you if you are sure you want to do this, that it is going to change data in my table, and then second telling me how many records it's going to append or delete.
Is there a way to make it automatically run Yes to all of these dialog boxes? That would really help out a whole lot. Of instead of that, but maybe some sort of VB code that could do all the deleting and appending without the need of the Macros, and that doesn't require user intervention. I have my Macro's setup on the "On Click" event in a form, so using VB would be no problem at all.
Any Suggestions?
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Jan 9, 2007
Access 2000
My user opens frm_ENTRY. Which is pulling data from tbl_TEMP. They clean up a few fields on the form. Then click a button which executes an append query which appends the data to tbl_MAIN.
My problem is sometimes when it appends the data it is overriding older data. It is not creating a new line each time. It simply overrides an existing record. Does this make any sense at all?
There are many other forms, queries, tables and macros in this DB. If that matters at all. I think it has something to do with a bound form that is connected to a drop down from a query, but I have no way of trouble shooting this? Where do I start?
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Apr 27, 2006
Thanks for taking the time to look at my problem first of all. I have a form that shows records but I want a button next to each record that will append that one single record to another table that is built exactly the same, which is for historic records. Not the brightest on Access and I can only manage to append all records.
As an example, I have an employee record that have a task, when the task is complete I want to append the record to a historic table that I can look up later on. However, just that one employee and not all that are in the current table.
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Aug 15, 2013
How can I modify the below code so that it only adds new records to AttributesTBL from ProductInformation-Consumer?
INSERT INTO AttributesTBL ( Material )
SELECT [ProductInformation-Consumer].Material
FROM AttributesTBL INNER JOIN [ProductInformation-Consumer] ON AttributesTBL.Material = [ProductInformation-Consumer].Material;
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Jul 2, 2015
I've been reading through the Key errors but how they apply to my application. I am appending records into a table from a main form and a sub form. I can append twice and then I get the key error.
Can't append all records in the append query. Type conversion, Key violations for 2 records. I don't understand why the subform lists the first 2 with no problem but if there are more than 2 it throws the error.I have checked the possible reasons but there are no violations.
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Jan 16, 2008
I have attached an image of the 2 tables concerning my question.
The main "transaction" table is the tblAssessments and a linked table tblRisks drives a subform - showing multiple Risks per assessment.
The field "OccupantID" identifies the facility where Assessments are done (there are other tables, of course).
I am using an OccupantID "00000" to store templates - pre-filled assessments with most common options selected.
I am trying to develop code and/or query or SQL that would do this:
copy all templates (records from OccupantID 00000) and corresponding sub-records from tblRisks into the same tables, but under a different (selected by user) OccupantID.
I have no problem just using an Append Query (actually a SQL statement in VBA with variable parameters), but that only lets me copy into 1 table - so I can copy just the tblAssessments records.
but how do I then copy the tblRisks related records and make sure I attach them to the correct AssessmentID?
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Nov 7, 2006
Can anyone help me with this - I have an append query to a statement table for invoices with a macro set. When the query is run the data is added to the statement query.
what is happening is that it is adding the data ok on a seaparate line but is also updating any previous invoices for the same client to the new invoice number obviously not what I want.
many thanks
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Mar 2, 2008
Hi there
I have a spreadsheet that I have successfuly imported into Access but now I would like to maintain it, update/append/delete records etc.
The spreadsheet is produced weekly and Intend to import it into my Access database on a weekly basis there are around 20,500 records and 15 Fields. I have kept the Field names in Access the same as the spreadsheet, except that the Access table has an ID field with PK and autonum. There are no other tables involved, it should just be a straight import update append ...but how?
I am looking for the best way to approach carryingout a regular update, is it best to bring the new import into a Temp table? and then carry out the analysis of what has been changed, deleted or added?
Also the queries to do this, how exactly do you get a query to scan through all of these rows and columns.
one last thing is it possible to create a table during the update/append process that will log all of the changes or flag the records using A=Append, D=Deleted U=Updated...
I've tried looking at various forums but mostly all I find is people with similar problems and no definitinve answer.
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Mar 10, 2008
I have an order system whereby there is a "basket" table and an order detail table.
I want to use an append query to move all the records from the basket table to the order detail table.
However, I also need to mark each record that gets appended to the order detail table with an "Order Id" that has already been saved in an Order table.
I.e. I save the main details of an order into the order table then copy records from the basket table into the order detail table along with an order ID that comes from a form.
The order ID is an autonumber.
Thank you all so much in advance =]
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Dec 2, 2014
I have code that loops through a lot of objects, and adds them to a table. Right now I have suppressed the warnings via the DoCmd.Setwarnings = False command, in order to avoid the user seeing the message confirming that they want to make changes to the table.
However, I WOULD like them to see a warning if any of the table additions were unsuccessful for some reason. Is there a way to eliminate the user needing to confirm adding or modifying records, but NOT lose the warnings related to errors with adding these records? Even if it's a separate table that contains those warnings that they could look at afterward?
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