Appending Values From Form To Table

Nov 8, 2007

I am stuck on a problem!

I have a table containing line items which are appended to another table using Append Query. But in the table being appended to I have a field 'QuoteRef' and i need to append a value from a form into this field but am stuck how to do this.

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General :: Totaling Line Values In A Query Before Appending The Data?

Oct 21, 2014

we have a calculated field in an append query Line_Cost which eventually creates a purchase order.

We have to have a minimum order value of £1500.00, so, we need to total the values before running the append query.

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Queries :: Appending From One Table To Another Table To Specific Data

Jan 16, 2015

I am developing a database for incoming inspection. I have set up two tables, one with spec callouts per product and the other table contains fields where I want the specs from the tblSpec table to be Append into the tblMeasurement table. Now, within the tblMeasurement table (where I am trying to append specs from the tblSpecs table into), I also have additional fields for actual measurements from received goods.

My plan is as I go through and select the Vendor, it populates the associated products to that vendor (no problem there). When I want to select the product, I would like the specs from the tblSpecs to dumped into the tblmeasurement table that correlates to that product on the form.

How can I have this automatically append after selecting the product? I am not sure if I have my relationships set up correctly or not, but I cannot see to append when I am trying to execute this function while in Query view.
I have the db attached in a zipped format.

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Tables :: Appending Data From One Table In Database To Another Table

May 31, 2013

I am assisting my employer by combining two databases into one. Both databases have the same field "structure" but the data differs. When creating my append query.

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General :: Importing Data To A Table And Appending To Another Table

Aug 24, 2014

I have to import a file from an external website into a table (tableA) that I have established. The issue is that I don't need all that data, just specific ones (the website does not allow me to select the specific data to export). I created another table (tableB) to capture the data that I require for my report.

How do I take raw data from tableA to append to tableB the required fields that I want?

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Appending A Date Value To Another Table

Jan 10, 2008


I am trying to write an update query which will return a value within a new table, based on a date in my import table.

The date format is dd/mm/yyyy and I want to return the month in another column (ie 01 to 12).

To complicate matters, I want to return a value based on some additional logic. My invoice statements run on a cycle of 17th of the month to the 16th of the next month.

So if a date value in a line item of text in table 1 says 17/11/2007 to 16/12/2007, I want the value returned in my new column to be 11. If the date range is from 17/12/2007 to 16/01/2007 then I want the value returned as 12.

My American colleague wrote the following expression, but due to the different way we write dates in Europe, can't quite get this to work.

Expr1: IIf(Day([call date])<17,Month([call date])-1,Month([call date]))

I'd be grateful for any thoughts.

best regards


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Appending A Recordset To A Table

Oct 20, 2004

I have rather complex select statement (at least for me) that produces a summary of how a team scored in a league competition that week. I would not even worry about this issue, except that people float around as alternates and I deduced it would be easier to compute and store scores for a team the week they shot with a given group of people versus keeping track of who shot on what team over a 10 week period.

The selection takes 40 individual scoring records and consolidates them into 10 team summary records. I have verified that the query works, but implementing it has turned into a problem.

Problem one: my knowledge of recordsets is almost purely theoretical at this point, having never worked with them. Therefore commands and structures are a problem - mainly, I'm not sure what code is needed to post a recordset to a table

Problem two: the select statement that works as an Access query is bombing in VB

My code to date:

Dim RS As Recordset
Dim DB As Database
Dim strSQL As String
Dim inpWeekNum As Integer

inpWeekNum = 0
'InputBox "Enter Week Number" 'eventually request week number from user. an integer from 0-9

'strSQL = "SELECT tblRoster.* FROM tblRoster WHERE (NIGHT = 'Fri');" 'a test str. this worked.
strSQL = "SELECT tblRoster.TEAM, tblScores.WeekNo, " & _
"Sum([A1T1]+[A1T2]+[A1T3]+[A2T1]+[A2T2]+[A2T3]+[A3T1]+[A3T2]+[A3T3]) AS TeamTotal," & _
"Sum([A1T2X]+[A1T3X]+[A2T2X]+[A2T3X]+[A3T2X]+[A3T3X]) AS TeamXs" & _
"FROM tblRoster LEFT JOIN tblScores ON tblRoster.HEDR = tblScores.HEDR" & _
"GROUP BY tblRoster.TEAM, tblScores.WeekNo HAVING (((tblScores.WeekNo)=0))" 'hardwired week number
' "GROUP BY tblRoster.TEAM, tblScores.WeekNo HAVING (((tblScores.WeekNo)=inpWeekNum))" 'user prompted week number

Set DB = CurrentDb()
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

Do While Not RS.EOF
'Appending Code here... 'obviously missing code, but I know that it does cycle through as I would expect it to.

'This was a previous test based on a canned qry I had saved (that resembles the above qry.
' this successfully posted, but only one record
'DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO [tblTeamScores](TeamNo, WeekNo, TeamTotal, TeamXs) " &_
' "VALUES (" & TEAM & ", " & WeekNo & ", " & TeamTotal & ", " & TeamXs & ")"

The select statement correctly produces this output in Access (for Week 0):

TEAM WeekNo TeamTotal TeamXs (how does one properly post a table in this interface?)

1 0 2397 182 0 3152 333 0 3292 664 0 2014 135 0 2836 186 0 3652 577 0 2024 198 0 1108 29 0 2630 2210 0 1977 11

Anyone out there have some suggestions? Am I even on the right track?



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Appending To A Table From A Query

Jan 4, 2006

i have a table with tons of records in it. There is a field called "date to return by" that previously had a default value of Date+30. Now, some things changed in our company, and under certain conditions, the "date to return by" for new records will be Date+14, or Date+30. At first, i tried making this relationship in a table as a default value, but, you cannot make a relationship like this in a table.
So, i made a query to evaluate the relationship.
what i want to do, is have a query that will have all the same fields the table had and evaluate whether a records' "date to return by" should be Date+30 or Date +14, and then put that new record back in the table.. but, this will only be for new records, as i will be keeping all the old records in the table as they are.
how can i do this?
all of my reports read off of my table so i want to keep the table. can i make a query that will put new records into a table one at a time as i make them?

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Tables :: Appending Attachments From One Table To A New Table

Mar 17, 2013

I currently have an unnormalized table that consists of individuals (employee profiles) which currently has a field for attachments. I am using the "attachments" for photographs of each employee however I dont want to maintain photographs for former employees, or if I do not forever. I was told to normalize the table by removing the "attachment" field and placing it in a new table with referene to the employeeID.

Since I currently have something like 200+ records where I want to relocate the employee picture, i tried to create a make table query off the origional table and only referencing the employeeid and "attachment" to the new table however I keep getting an error when running the query. The error indicates something to the affect of having multiple values.

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Appending Multiple Records To A Table

Sep 11, 2005


can someone please help me with this problem.
currently im working on a student management system with MS ACCESS. Im stuck on the create_assessment_form that allows you to query previous assessment results or to create a new assessment. It has a subform that shows the assessment results of all the students relating to a selected assessment_ID.

The query of the results are working properly,
But I need everyone's help for the creating new assessment part.....

When I create a new assessment, I have to choose a course_ID the assessment is relating to.
How do I make it so that it will generate a list of assessment_results record for each of the student relating to the new assessment?

maybe my explaination is a bit messy. Please let me know if you do not understand my question. But I really need an answer to this question urgently!!!

Thanks in advance...

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Import Is Appending Data To Table

Jan 7, 2005

I want to import an Excel spreadsheet into a table in my Access DB.
I am using following: DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 0, "tblSchedule", "C:mailinimport.xls", false
This code works but it is appending to the table.
What is the best way to update the table - or would it be best to delete the old table and then to create a new one to import tha data into?
If the latter would be most elegant solution, can anyone help with some code that would do this ?

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Tables :: Appending Data To A Table

Mar 17, 2015

I have a linked ODBC table in my database that contains data like this -

Task Serial CrewAmount

[Code] .....

What I would like to do is remove the duplicate values for the Task field, but show how much time each Crew has spent on each Task per Serial. The end result would look like this -

01_BORESCOPE INSPECTION 70649614.2423.2428.78
01_INSTALL OIL TANK 7073085.67

[Code] ....

What is the best way to achieve this result? I've played around with Append queries, union queries etc, but nothing seems to give me the result I'm after.

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Appending New Records From A Query Into A Table?

Sep 8, 2014

I'm making a database for tracking purchase orders for contract workers in my department. Business rules dictate that a PO is created for each unique Contractor-Project instance.

I pulled a report (.csv format) of weekly timesheets from the company's project management database system. Some of the fields include: EmpUserName, EmpID, ProjectID, ProjectName, WeekEndDate, Hours. I linked to the file in my database and ran a query on it without WeekEndDate so that I get the total hours each contractor has worked for each project they've billed to. I created a table called tblContractorProject and appended the records to it. I'm going to be pulling this report each week so I can see if any contractors start billing to any new projects so I can create a purchase order for it. Is there a way to write an append query that can recognize if the EmpID and ProjectID combination is new and doesn't already exist in the table?

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Reading Appending To A Table, From A Manipulated Input

Apr 1, 2007

I need to grab a record from an input table/record set and de-concatenate it based on the underscore and append each instance to an output table. I know this must be possilbe, we do simular things in GIS programming all the time. Below is my "logic"/psuedo code :)

'loop until end of file
strColumnA = tblNewRelationships.PLACE
strColumnBin = tblNewRelationships.NAMES
'loop until strColumnBout is ""
strColumnBout = Left(strColumnBin, Find("_", strColumnBin, 1) - 1)
strColumnBchop = Right(strColumnBin, Len(strColumnBin) - Len(strColumnBout) - 1)
strSQL = "" 'put strColumnA into tblRelationships_2.PLACE and strColumnBout into tblNewRelationships.NAME
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
strColumnBin = strColumnBchop
'end field loop
'end row loop

Any help is seriously appreciated.

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Tables :: Appending Data To A Linked Table?

Feb 6, 2014

I have a table in MS Access 2010 that is a link to an external data file in .csv format. I assumed that it was not possible to append data to a linked table until recently. I appended 3 records to the linked table and discovered that the 3 records were appended to the table and the external data file it was linked to.

What am I missing ?

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Comparing Data From Two Tables And Appending Into 3rd Table

Dec 8, 2012

I have 2 tables as below

Table 1
ID RID StartM EndM
1 xyz 1100 040.0935 040.1254
2 xyz 1100 029.0110 038.1003
3 xyz 1100 029.0110 038.1010

Table 2RID


Now I need to create 3rd table based on above two tables

for table1.XYZ 1100 table1.StartM>Table2.StartM then table1.ID=2or 3 and
for 1100 table1.EndM< Table2.EndM then table1.ID=1

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Appending Excel Sheets Into Access Table

Aug 17, 2015

I'm having trouble appending an excel sheet into my access table.

I have 8 columns in my excel sheet:

1- full_name (short text)
2- alias (short text)
3- email_address (short text)
4- user_ID (short text)
5- Location (which is annotated using numbers 1,2,3,4 etc.) (number)
6- active (yes/no)
7- TRI (yes/no)
8- Another user ID (Short text form)

I am trying to append this data to an existing table in excel with the EXACT same column names.

I can append each column from my excel sheet separately and they will appear on the access table, but once I try to append all of the columns at the same time, so the records are not placed in different rows, I get a message saying "Script out of Range"

I cannot seem to figure it out since they can be uploaded individually.

Just to clarify, the excel columns are formatted to the access columns.

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Tables :: Appending Changed Records To Archive Table?

Aug 21, 2014

I have a single table database for inventory. Every 3 months or so, some records get changed or updated. My manager wants to keep an archive of all of the records that have been changed so we can go back and look at an history of all of the records. So, My thought is to create an "Archive" table, appended all of the current records to it. Then, when changes are made, create an Append Query, or what ever works, to copy just the changed records from the Main to the Archive table. There are only 200 items in the inventory so it is not a large database.

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Queries :: Append Query Not Appending Entire Table

Feb 27, 2015

I have a local table that I am trying to append to a linked table. The fields are exactly the same. When I try to append the entire local table to the linked table I get an error code.

ODBC- insert on a link table failed.
[ctreeSQL]-17002 CT- Key value already exists in index (linked table field) (#-17002)

If I specify the criteria in the field to refer to a specific value in the local table, it updates it just fine. I want an append query because I don't want to manually update 500+ records!! I don't believe an update query would work because the values are not in the current linked table... so nothing to update!

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Forms :: Appending Data In Table - Goto Last Record

Jun 17, 2015

After appending data in a table, I open a particular form. I want to display only the last record. I've added the code (DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast) to the On Load and On Open properties without success (opens first record).

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Appending External Text File To Table With Primary Key?

Aug 13, 2014

I have a table that contains a primary key and I am trying to append records from a text file. When I go to append the records, it tell me that XXX amount of records were lost due to key violations. Shouldn't access be able to figure out how to create new ID's on newly appended data?

Access 2007.

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Autofill Table From Hi/Lo Form Values

Feb 13, 2007

Help. I know just enough about Access to get myself into trouble.

What I want to do is have a form where I enter a low work order # and a high work order # with a series of yes/no questions and then have that autofill a table with work order #s incrementally from the low value to the high value and attach all of the yes/no answers to each work order #.

How do I get the table to autofill from low to high work order #?

Thanks for any help in advance and type slowly. I'm not very bright.

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Entering Values From A Form To A Table

Feb 27, 2005

Hi Guyz!! How u doing???!!!

I am new to VBA, and i need some help in my system..... basically i am creating a appointments Form, and in this i have some txt fields and a listbox which contains the available times ... What i want my form to do is that as the user enters the values in the form and the time selected, as clicking the "set Appointment" button it should add the values to the table.

I have included a word document of my form: Just as some help... Could you guyz help me with the coding... I am not at all good at coding! Thanx alot guys.. I really appreciate your help!!

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Forms :: How To Add New Values To Appropriate Table From Form

Mar 14, 2013

I have a data input form with multiple combo boxes. The combo boxes are related to their own separate tables. The Row Source on some of the combo boxes are from queries with concatenated fields.

Not sure the best way to be able to quickly/simply input new values into the appropriate tables from here.

I've attached a screenshot of my form.

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Summing Values On A Form, Then Further Entering In Table

Sep 1, 2005

Hey there, Im currently making a form so users can enter project information. For this particular project, the user must choose from a variety of options, and each option has a number value assigned to it for a rating. Now at the end of this form, I want a sum of the ratings, and then entered into the table. I am using a text box for the sum of ratings, and can get the sum of ratings to work on the form, but this data is entered as a 0 in the table. If anyone could help me find a way to put the actual sum in the table, that would be excellent.. thx a lot.

If it would be any help, here are the names of text boxes that I'm adding:

Health and Safety Rating, Maintenance Rating, Equipment Rating, School Size Rating, Student Enrollment Rating, SD Priority Rating, Project Requested Previously Rating

Those ratings must be added into "Total Rating"


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Adding Values In A Form Then Putting It In A Table HELP

Sep 1, 2005

Hey there, Im currently making a form so users can enter project information. For this particular project, the user must choose from a variety of options, and each option has a number value assigned to it for a rating. Now at the end of this form, I want a sum of the ratings, and then entered into the table. I am using a text box for the sum of ratings, and can get the sum of ratings to work on the form, but this data is entered as a 0 in the table. If anyone could help me find a way to put the actual sum in the table, that would be excellent.. thx a lot.

If it would be any help, here are the names of text boxes that I'm adding:

Health and Safety Rating, Maintenance Rating, Equipment Rating, School Size Rating, Student Enrollment Rating, SD Priority Rating, Project Requested Previously Rating

Those ratings must be added into "Total Rating"


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