Appending From Subform

Dec 29, 2005

Please help me guys, basically i'm having a problem appending a a date value from a subform into a table. My master form "F_ReceivingProcessParts" is running this query "Q_ReceivingDetailSub" from a button command using "DoCmd.OpenQuery "Q_ReceivingDetailSub"". Here is my SQL code for your reference.

INSERT INTO T_ReceivingProcess ( [date] )
SELECT [Forms]![F_ReceivingProcessPartsSub]![txtDate1] AS Expr1;

I'm always getting the "Enter Parameter Value" box and if i click on cancel it says that it can't find the name "Forms!F_ReceivingProcessPartsSub!txtDate1" in the expression.


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Appending Data With Subform

Apr 22, 2008

:( my database is a basic Customer Product Orders model.
i am have trouble when i try to append orders to my archiveOrders table. this error appears.
Microsoft Access can't append all the records in the append query.
Aicrosoft Access set 0 fields to Null due to type conversion failuer, and it didn't add 1 records to the table due to key violation, 0 records due to lock violation, and 0 records due to validation rule violation.
im very new to Access and there other thread i kinda couldn't understand :P.
i have added my database and the current append query i im designing is called qappOrders.
i really do need help, don't no where to start:(

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Report Appending

Jun 13, 2005

Is there a way to generate 2-3 reports and append them together into one preview, or perhaps export them to one Word File?

This would help for generating multiple graphs in reports for a large set of data.

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Appending Three Tables

Feb 4, 2006

I have three tables with a same structure (fields and e.t.c). I wanna append them into one table.
How I do it?

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Appending Records

Dec 6, 2005

I have a 2 databases exactly the same I need to append the records from one of them to the other. The only tables that need appending are "Transactions" & "Details"...that's it.

Transaction Tbl:
TransactionID (PK) AutoNumer

Detail Tbl:
DetailID (FK to TransID)

The problem is how do I combine them because TransactionID is an Autonum?
If I append one Transaction table to the other one (without the autonum of course), a NEW autonum is assigned then I can't link the DetailID's when I append the detail tables together.

What to do?
I only have 44 total transactions to worry about so it's mostly curiousity.

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Appending Query?

Sep 18, 2005

ok im having some serious problems here. im using a tutorial to make a database for my small business and everything was going great, except this 1 problem ive been having for like 2 weeks now. i had my 2 main tables linked together using another table which is my foriegn field i think? anyway i used a query to make this table and to add the data from my other 2 tables to it. now i want to add the data from my suppliers table to it aswell but i dont know how. my original query wasnt saved cause the tutorial told me i didnt need to save. i think what i need to do is append this data to query like i did when i first made it but if the query isnt there anymore how can i append it? does this mean i have to start my database from scratch and do all 3 tables at once? or can i make a new query? ive tried making a new query to add this data to the linking table but no go. im horrible at explaining this so hopefully some pictures will help.

heres my relationships. what i want to do is make my tblSuppliers link to my tblItems. i think i need to link it to tblCategoryItems and do the query thing to add the data to it. is this correct? or is there another way i can do it?

in this pic you can see how the first 2 fields were populated for me by the query but now i added an extra field which i want populated with the supplier ID. i tried to manually add the number of the supplier here but it didnt work either. i think i need another primary key for it to work but i cant add another primary key to this table cause access complains.

this is getting realy frustrating that i cannot do this and i would be overly thankfull to anyone who has the time to help me out here. thanks.

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Appending New Records Only

Nov 1, 2005

I have three tables, table 1 'ServerTest' contains 5 records which should not change, table 2 'Region' has 40+ records.
using an append quary all records are combined into table 3 'Junction1'

my problem...
the Region table will change over time and new records will be added.
how do I append the new records only to the junction1 table?

this is my append quary;
INSERT INTO Junction1 ( RegionID, TestID, TestNumber, TestDescription )
SELECT Region.RegionID, ServerTest.TestID, ServerTest.TestNumber, ServerTest.TestDescription
FROM Region, ServerTest;

thanks :)

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Appending Query

Mar 22, 2006

Can you append to a table that is empty? If you can please let me know. I made table through "make table" query and now I run the append query to the empty table but it is not putting any information in the empty table

Can you append to a table that is empty?

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Appending Query

Jul 15, 2006

Hi all,
What is an Appending Query?
How to create an Appending Query?

Sorry for bothering you...
Thanks & Regards

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Appending 0 Records

Dec 17, 2006

Hi Guys

this is a query I'm running, which I think is quite simple....why does it not bring anything across?

INSERT INTO tblRunItems ( SiteId, RunId )
SELECT tblsites.siteId, forms.frmRuns.runID
FROM tblSites INNER JOIN (tblRuns INNER JOIN tblRunItems ON tblRuns.runID=tblRunItems.RunId) ON tblSites.SiteId=tblRunItems.SiteId
WHERE ((tblSites.CollectionDay)=forms.frmRuns.runDay) And ((tblSites.CollectionZone)=forms.frmRuns.runZone);

Could someone please help me on this....

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Appending A Year To A Field

Aug 17, 2006

Hi there,

I am making a db that will store complaints for an institution. I currently have a Complaint ID field, however I want to append the current year to the Compalitn ID field.

i tried the following:

Me.f00 = Year(Now()) & f00,

but got an error.

Any suggestions.

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Error Appending Records

Oct 10, 2006


i'm new with access and was wondering if i can get some help with an append query?

I'm getting an error message that state the following below:

*Microsoft Access can't append all the records in the append query.
Microsoft Access set 36 field(s) to Null due to a type conversion failure, and it didn't add 0 records to the table due to key violations, 0 records due to lock violations, and 0 records due to validation rule violations.

This is my append query below:

INSERT INTO CustExportHoldCiti ( Custodian, CustAcct, Ticker, Cusip, CurrCode, SecurityName, Shares, CustCost, CustValue, POI, OriginalDiscount, HoldingType, Loc, Expr1 )
SELECT DISTINCT [CitiBank Current Holdings].Custodian, [CitiBank Current Holdings].[Account Number], SecSymbolsAll.SecSymbol AS Ticker1, [CitiBank Current Holdings].CUSIP1, [CitiBank Current Holdings].Curr, [CitiBank Current Holdings].[Security Description], [CitiBank Current Holdings].Shares, [CitiBank Current Holdings].CustCost, [CitiBank Current Holdings].CustValue, [CitiBank Current Holdings].POI, [CitiBank Current Holdings].OriginalDiscount, [CitiBank Current Holdings].HoldingType, dbo_Locations.Location, [date] AS Expr1
FROM [CitiBank Current Holdings] LEFT JOIN (SecSymbolsAll LEFT JOIN dbo_Locations ON SecSymbolsAll.LocationID = dbo_Locations.LocationID) ON [CitiBank Current Holdings].Ticker = SecSymbolsAll.SecSymbol
WHERE (((SecSymbolsAll.SecSymbol) Is Not Null));

I can't figure out what is wrong with it. Thank you for the help.

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Appending Text Files

Oct 13, 2006


Without importing into Access, how can I append 1 text file to a second text file?
I am using XP.


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Appending Number Of Tables

May 30, 2007

I have two tables of 100.000 rows. Is any way to join them into one table?

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Appending 1200 Tables To 1

May 7, 2005


I have 1200 tables (precipitation data) that I need to aggregate into 1 table for summary and statistical operations. I need to retain each table's name: <month_year>. Is there a way to insert a column with the source table title while I am appending? Or should I go about this in a completely different way?

Thanks for your thoughts,

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Appending Data From Excel

Jan 4, 2006

How do you import data from excel using fields that already exist? In other words, I need Access to append the data to the records rather than try and add it to the recordset and throw a tizzy when duplicates are created.


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Appending To A String In A Query

Jul 4, 2005

I need to build up a string containing values separated by commas. The following almost does this.

I use an update query in which the "Update to" field for 'String field' contains
[String field] & IIf(Len([String field])<1,"",", ") & [Related table]![Value to append]

I would like to have the [Related table]![Value to append] in ascending order.
I.e. I would like the result to look like "A, B, C, F, H", not "B, C, H, F, A". Any suggestions as to how to apply the sort?

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Appending Related Tables

Jan 26, 2006

whats the best way of appending tbl_orders and the related data in tbl_order details to the two identical archive tables when the "COMPLETE" column is "YES" in tbl_orders

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Appending Column Text

Mar 2, 2006

hello all,

I have a table with the following columns

CostType - string

The contractID is not unique.

What I am trying to do is for each contractID I want the cost type

For example if I had 4 rows
ContractID CostType Cost
1 a
1 b
1 c
1 d

I want the following returned from a select statement:
Contact ID CostType Cost
1 a,b,c,d

Can anyone suggest on how I could do this?

Thanks for your help

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Appending Part Of A Field

May 5, 2006

I have a table with names in a field called [Name] in the format Mr John Smith
I need to append the names to another table but to 3 separate fields for title, initial, surname
I know the format for example Left([Name],1) to take only the first letter, but how do I tell it to take from the left up to the first space for the title, how to take between the first and second spaces for the first name etc?
Any help gratefully received

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Appending To End Of Line Description

Feb 16, 2007

I am wondering if it is possible to use a wildcard in an update query. I would like to add text (the same word) to the end of the line item description where the starting text values are different.

want to add Quantum

beginning value is:Trendsetter II -> new output value would be "Trendsetter II Quantum"

Lotem 800 -> Lotem 800 Quantum
8up -> 8up Quantum

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Appending One Record Using A Button

Jun 26, 2007

Hi all. I've done a search for my problem, but its rather specific so I thought I'd just go ahead and post it.

I'm trying to set up a Verify type thing. A handful of users are able to "verify" the correct data in a form that has been inputted by other users. I want these "verifiers" to click a button on the main form and by doing this, all of the data in the form will be sent to a totally different table (I know this isn't efficient and you're not supposed to have the same data in 2 different tables, but it's the best thing to do in my situation). Right now I have a button that is tied to a Append query. It works, except for the fact that everytime someone hits the button it copies over every single record on the table again and again. So my small database of only 1000 records or so shot up to 2000 when the button was hit twice and 3000 when it was hit 3 times and so on.

Is there any way to append one record - specifically the record the user is currently accessing on the form?

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Appending Records, But Not The Duplicates

Oct 17, 2007

I have a query that will pull records, and append them to the table. The only problem is that not only will it pull all the "new" records, but also all the "old" records. I just want to append the records that are not already in the table. Any ideas? I have tried using the primary key, but then it dosnt import any records. There will be say 1850 records. And out of the 1850, 1 would be a new record.

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Appending A Date Value To Another Table

Jan 10, 2008


I am trying to write an update query which will return a value within a new table, based on a date in my import table.

The date format is dd/mm/yyyy and I want to return the month in another column (ie 01 to 12).

To complicate matters, I want to return a value based on some additional logic. My invoice statements run on a cycle of 17th of the month to the 16th of the next month.

So if a date value in a line item of text in table 1 says 17/11/2007 to 16/12/2007, I want the value returned in my new column to be 11. If the date range is from 17/12/2007 to 16/01/2007 then I want the value returned as 12.

My American colleague wrote the following expression, but due to the different way we write dates in Europe, can't quite get this to work.

Expr1: IIf(Day([call date])<17,Month([call date])-1,Month([call date]))

I'd be grateful for any thoughts.

best regards


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Appending Tables With One-to-many Relationships?

Feb 25, 2008


I have two auto-numbered tables, each with one-to-many relationships with a couple of other tables.

The two auto-numbered tables have identical column properties, as do the tables each are linked to.

How can I set up an append query to append records from one of these tables into the other, but ensure that all of the links stay intact? (Right now, the two tables duplicate ID numbers.)

I hope this makes sense. Can anyone assist?

Thanks in advance.

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Appending A Recordset To A Table

Oct 20, 2004

I have rather complex select statement (at least for me) that produces a summary of how a team scored in a league competition that week. I would not even worry about this issue, except that people float around as alternates and I deduced it would be easier to compute and store scores for a team the week they shot with a given group of people versus keeping track of who shot on what team over a 10 week period.

The selection takes 40 individual scoring records and consolidates them into 10 team summary records. I have verified that the query works, but implementing it has turned into a problem.

Problem one: my knowledge of recordsets is almost purely theoretical at this point, having never worked with them. Therefore commands and structures are a problem - mainly, I'm not sure what code is needed to post a recordset to a table

Problem two: the select statement that works as an Access query is bombing in VB

My code to date:

Dim RS As Recordset
Dim DB As Database
Dim strSQL As String
Dim inpWeekNum As Integer

inpWeekNum = 0
'InputBox "Enter Week Number" 'eventually request week number from user. an integer from 0-9

'strSQL = "SELECT tblRoster.* FROM tblRoster WHERE (NIGHT = 'Fri');" 'a test str. this worked.
strSQL = "SELECT tblRoster.TEAM, tblScores.WeekNo, " & _
"Sum([A1T1]+[A1T2]+[A1T3]+[A2T1]+[A2T2]+[A2T3]+[A3T1]+[A3T2]+[A3T3]) AS TeamTotal," & _
"Sum([A1T2X]+[A1T3X]+[A2T2X]+[A2T3X]+[A3T2X]+[A3T3X]) AS TeamXs" & _
"FROM tblRoster LEFT JOIN tblScores ON tblRoster.HEDR = tblScores.HEDR" & _
"GROUP BY tblRoster.TEAM, tblScores.WeekNo HAVING (((tblScores.WeekNo)=0))" 'hardwired week number
' "GROUP BY tblRoster.TEAM, tblScores.WeekNo HAVING (((tblScores.WeekNo)=inpWeekNum))" 'user prompted week number

Set DB = CurrentDb()
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

Do While Not RS.EOF
'Appending Code here... 'obviously missing code, but I know that it does cycle through as I would expect it to.

'This was a previous test based on a canned qry I had saved (that resembles the above qry.
' this successfully posted, but only one record
'DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO [tblTeamScores](TeamNo, WeekNo, TeamTotal, TeamXs) " &_
' "VALUES (" & TEAM & ", " & WeekNo & ", " & TeamTotal & ", " & TeamXs & ")"

The select statement correctly produces this output in Access (for Week 0):

TEAM WeekNo TeamTotal TeamXs (how does one properly post a table in this interface?)

1 0 2397 182 0 3152 333 0 3292 664 0 2014 135 0 2836 186 0 3652 577 0 2024 198 0 1108 29 0 2630 2210 0 1977 11

Anyone out there have some suggestions? Am I even on the right track?



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