Archive Question

Feb 2, 2005

I have a form with names and addresses on it that gets its information from a querry. On the form tis a button that operates a tick box to Arcive a record. I also have a list box that finds a record on my database when I click on the name.

My problem is that even though I archive the record and the persons details dont appear, the name still appears in the list box. How can I remove/hide the name from the list box as well. I tried a requery but it didnt work?

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Archive Question

May 18, 2005

I work for an airline, and we use an Access Database to track all baggage claims. The file is getting pretty large, so we want to remove the closed claims from the main table. Is it better to append the closed claims to a new table, or would it be better to export the closed files to an Excel document?

If I choose the option to Append to a new table, can this be done to a second database or just create an additional table in the existing file?

Any help that you can give, I'd greatly appreciate.


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Archive, Removing Records

Jul 5, 2005


i have a form with various fields, on this form i have an archive button that places certain fields in an archive form. however this does not remove the information from the main form. pls see attached

any ideas, as some will know i'm a newbie

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Creating A Digital Archive

Dec 3, 2007

Here is a question I have been hammering away at for a while but have not come up with an answer yet.

I am trying to come up with a way to make a digital archive in addition to the access database that i have been working on. Right now I have records for customers and all of their reservations, as this is a travel agency. I would like to be able to save all emails, pdf receipts, and any other applicable files that may pertain to that customer and/or on one level lower, their reservation.

Yes, I have heard of the attachment option in Access 2007, but I am getting mixed feelings about using that to solve this problem. One reason is because I have heard that this can make a database absolutely huge very quickly. (One question I have about that is whether or not that large size ends up slowing down the database or not?) My other concern is that after creating everything I would really like to integrate the database into SQL Server and only use access as the front end for forms and reports. And SQL Server 2005 does not work with access's new handy attachment feature in 2007.

This must be a common need with various businesses, so maybe you all have a few ideas out there. I would love to hear them!!! I am open to anything that solves this problem. Thanks for taking the time to read this and help me out.


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Archive Older Entries?

Jan 12, 2007

Hi, we have a database for keeping record of our games (unreal tournament games).... Its just a simple database and we enter our results based on the following fields: -

Game Type:

the file has started to get quite big and wondered if it would be possible to automatically move entries say that were older than a month old to a new table, or archive table. Im not a big access genious so i hope i have explained enough for you to understand what im trying to do here.

Thank you for your time, much appreciated.

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Archive Data From Tables

Sep 2, 2004

How can I remove (delete) a page from a table (the entire row that has that specific data) and have it go into an archive? I don't want to completely delete the information, but I don't want to have it in my current table and have to have all kinds of filters and other criteria to view in my queries and reports.

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Personnel / Document Storage, Archive

Aug 9, 2007

My database is to have a Personnel data area whereby I can store all relevant details for employees within the company.
I plan to incorporate a feature whereby I can alos maintain a history of documentation written and issued including links to the actual documents for that employee during their time with the company.

Has anyone done a similar thing they would be willing to allow me to use?
I figure this would contain links to work documents stored on the hard drive in a specific folder. Selection of a specific item from a historical list - would invoike Word /similar and display the appropriate file...

Any ideas would be gratefully received.
Thank you.

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Exporting Records To An Archive Database

Aug 2, 2005

I have been trying to figure out how to do this and the transferdatabase function wouldn't do what I needed. I have a table that has a bunch of records, each being a request for cad work somebody wants me to do. I change the status of each one to pending, working, or complete. Anyway I want to only keep the completed task records in the database for 90 days. After that the records will be exported to an archive database and purged from the working database. The problem I face is not getting the records I need “I used date stamps ;)” but getting the records I filtered to append the archive database table and not overwrite it. I made backups ;) of my db and am testing on those and cant figure this out. Below is the code I used to export. Like I said it overides the table rather than append...

DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Access", _
"X:Archive.mdb", acTable, "tRequest", _
MsgBox "its done"
Any ideas, pointers, stern words and a link to a post I missed, anything to help is appreciated. :o

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Modules & VBA :: Naming New Archive Table

Jan 8, 2014

I have a Database in which I would like to archive data once it is now longer actively being used. I have VBA code that does everything i need it to, however I would like to name the new archive table related to the dates in the data being archived. Below is the code I am using to archive and delete the information from the main table.

Dim strSQLCreate As String
Dim strSQLDelete As String
Dim strArchiveTableName As String


I know it will be in the "strArchiveTableName" variable, I am just not sure how to pull the dates out of the data being moved. The TestData table holds a date and time for each test, and the earliest and latest dates is what i want to append to the table name.

For example: Currently "tblTestData_A102Archive"What I want "tblTestData_A102_1/1/2012-1/1/2013"

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Queries :: Archive Database Query

Jul 8, 2013

I need to produce a query that will show only one File and location even though there are multiple records contained within that File. To clarify,

In each individual record I have Id_No, Surname, File_Name, DOB, Location.

I need to shred the file once the person is over 25 years old, but some File_Name have different people with different dates of birth. I would like to display the File_Name only if all of other records in that File_Name are over 25 years. I have attached a picture of the query which I use to find the over 25's

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Read Only Message When Archive Prop Is Checked

Jun 6, 2005

I get the 'this is read only you will not be able to make changes, etc..
whe I open my database. How do i fix it? No one else is in making changes.

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Quality System Archive Resolved Records

May 11, 2006

I would appreciate any tips as to how I can archive records where the yes no field named "Resolved" is ticked. These records may need to be retrieved (as opposed to deleted). Any deletion would be made at some time later as part of a manual database maintenance process. Unfortuantely the database is 200 Kb larger than permitted to upload however, I can forward a zipped copy if required. Kind regards. Bernard

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How To Archive Files/ Table Queries In Access?

Jul 31, 2006

I have created a form in Access updating the files each month but I need to keep the previous month data as historical record . how can I creat and archiving function / command so that the files that have been updated are not lost and will be kept for future use? thank you for your help

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Command Button To Archive Single Record

Dec 21, 2004

I would like to develop a command button that archives the current record displayed in the form - my intent is to move that record from one table to another - a sort of automatic cut and paste from one table to another...can anyone help???

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Forms :: How To Archive Data In Table With Checkbox

Sep 26, 2014

I need to archive some data in a table with a checkbox on a form. I have tenants table & property tables. Sometimes tenants move out & new move in but i don't want to delete information from old tenant. But i can't have duplicate property id's assigned to different tenants.

So I made a checkbox on the tenants form that sets the tenant to active or inactive with a status column in the tenant table. how do i delete only the property ID so i don't have duplicates when the new tenant moves in?

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Tables :: Appending Changed Records To Archive Table?

Aug 21, 2014

I have a single table database for inventory. Every 3 months or so, some records get changed or updated. My manager wants to keep an archive of all of the records that have been changed so we can go back and look at an history of all of the records. So, My thought is to create an "Archive" table, appended all of the current records to it. Then, when changes are made, create an Append Query, or what ever works, to copy just the changed records from the Main to the Archive table. There are only 200 items in the inventory so it is not a large database.

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Tables :: Keep Track Of Checking In And Out - Where Archive Data Stored

Oct 3, 2014

In the case of a system that keeps track of checking in and out (e.g. library books), where is the archive data stored? If a person makes 30 trips to the library, obviously one record will be the current visit - but where do you keep the 29 other visits?

Do you create a separate table for old check-outs: Current_Check_Out and Archive_Check_Out?

Or do you just leave the data in place and as-is: All_Check_Outs?

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Queries :: Append Remove History And Just Keep The Latest Archive Version Set Of Files

Feb 17, 2015

I have a list of archive folders with unquie IDs and images files which have a version history.

I need to remove the history and just keep the latest archive version set of files. It seems an append query would be best but just can't think the best way todo it.

Table Example:

Archive: Folder: User: SubFolder: Filename:

01 TA05420010125-01 8769091 WAG 20010125-01.tif
01 TA05420010125-01 8769091 TIM 20010125-02.tif
02 TA05420110324-01 8769091 WAG 20110324-01.tif
02 TA05420110324-01 8769091 TIM 2011032402.tif
02 TA05420110324-01 8769091 PD 20110324-02.tif
03 TA05420150114-01 8769091 VYE 20010125-01.tif
03 TA05420150114-01 8769091 DFU 20010125-02.tif

In the above example I only want to keep user 8769091 latest filename info from archive 3 and exclude the rest. I need todo this for over 3000 users who could have multiple versions.

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Creating Archive Table For 30 Days To Contain All Data Imported From Multiple Text Files?

Oct 30, 2014

i'm in the process of creating an Access database to import data in text files and then export the data as fixed width text files, this is now working fine

My next step is to be able to setup an "Archive" Table which will hold all the data i have imported across multiple import proceudres for the last 30 days, i then want to be able to "De-Dupe" any files i import against this to ensure i never load duplicate data.

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Moving Data From 2 Related Tables To 2 New Tables As An Archive

Apr 3, 2007

I have a form displaying the 11 fields of the parent/primary table using a selection from a combo box. I am using queries and vba code modules respective to form, combo box and command buttons. I have initial code that uses the two fields from the combo box selection to append same to a new parent/primary archive table. I now want to add to the append SQL the remaining fields to the parent/primary archive table. When I add the second sql string for the remaining fields to the same procedure and execute I keep getting 'null in primary key'. If I copy the primary record and paste same into the archive table it works.

Private Sub Command26_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Archive_Primary_Click

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQL2 As String

strSQL = "INSERT INTO ARC_289325045 ([Survey Point ID], [Survey Area Detail], [Date On Site]) " & _
"VALUES ('" & Me.cboAreaDetailDate.Column(0) & "','" & Me.cboAreaDetailDate.Column(1) & "'," & _
"#" & Me.cboAreaDetailDate.Column(2) & "#)"

CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

'strSQL2 = "INSERT INTO ARC_289325045 (RecordID, UnitID, UserName, [TimeStamp], [Survey Point - Area], Measurement, NewArea, [EXIT Form] ) " & _
'"SELECT FORM_ID_289325045.RecordID, FORM_ID_289325045.UnitID, FORM_ID_289325045.UserName, FORM_ID_289325045.TimeStamp, FORM_ID_289325045.[Survey Point - Area], FORM_ID_289325045.Measurement, FORM_ID_289325045.NewArea, FORM_ID_289325045.[EXIT Form] " & _
'"FROM FORM_ID_289325045"

'CurrentDb.Execute strSQL2, dbFailOnError

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Archive_Primary_Click

End Sub

The next step is to do the same for the child table and append related records to the child archive table.

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Moving Data From 2 Related Tables To 2 New Tables As An Archive

Apr 3, 2007

I have a form displaying the 11 fields of the parent/primary table using a selection from a combo box. I am using queries and vba code modules respective to form, combo box and command buttons. I have initial code that uses the two fields from the combo box selection to append same to a new parent/primary archive table. I now want to add to the append SQL the remaining fields to the parent/primary archive table. When I add the second sql string for the remaining fields to the same procedure and execute I keep getting 'null in primary key'. If I copy the primary record and paste same into the archive table it works.

Private Sub Command26_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Archive_Primary_Click

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQL2 As String

strSQL = "INSERT INTO ARC_289325045 ([Survey Point ID], [Survey Area Detail], [Date On Site]) " & _
"VALUES ('" & Me.cboAreaDetailDate.Column(0) & "','" & Me.cboAreaDetailDate.Column(1) & "'," & _
"#" & Me.cboAreaDetailDate.Column(2) & "#)"

CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

'strSQL2 = "INSERT INTO ARC_289325045 (RecordID, UnitID, UserName, [TimeStamp], [Survey Point - Area], Measurement, NewArea, [EXIT Form] ) " & _
'"SELECT FORM_ID_289325045.RecordID, FORM_ID_289325045.UnitID, FORM_ID_289325045.UserName, FORM_ID_289325045.TimeStamp, FORM_ID_289325045.[Survey Point - Area], FORM_ID_289325045.Measurement, FORM_ID_289325045.NewArea, FORM_ID_289325045.[EXIT Form] " & _
'"FROM FORM_ID_289325045"

'CurrentDb.Execute strSQL2, dbFailOnError

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Archive_Primary_Click

End Sub

The next step is to do the same for the child table and append related records to the child archive table.
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Closed Records - Archive Or Label As Closed?

Oct 17, 2006

Evening All! (Old enough to remember Dixon of Dock Green (stupid enough to mention it!))

I'm working on a small database for a small team of support workers with a
client base of 60 clients at anyone time, although the turnover is quite

I have done some searches on archiving records but am concerned that once
archived a record would be difficult to re-integrate in to the live database,
particularly if there have been changes to it?

I have considered that I may be just as well slapping a big label over every
record that has a date in the [CloseDate] field and if a closed case is
re-opened, the closed date is removed and the label disappears.

I'm still open to being convinced that the archiving is the way to go, but
in the mean time I hope someone will be able to help with the expression
needed in the form on_current procedure to make the label visible. If it was
just a tick box I'd be flying by now, but I can't get my head around getting
a populated [CloseDate] field to initiate the CloseRecordLabel.

Thanks in advance

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