Are My Table Relationships Ok? Pic Attached

Jul 23, 2007

My database is to track customer incidents. Can anyone tell me if my relationships look ok? I'm a remedial access user to any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for the help.

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Tables :: How To Have More Than One Sub-datasheet Attached To A Table

Apr 5, 2013

Is it possible to have more than one subdatasheet attached to a table?

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How To Make Table With Multiple "sizes" And Attached Quantity?

Feb 17, 2005

Hi ppl,

I'm trying to make a database table for a sneaker inventory display/controller, it will be displayed on website using Dreamweaver to pull out the records. I can't figure out how to have a "size" entry in the table, let me explain:

Here is my current table structure:

[CatID] [ProdID] [ProdName] [ProdType] [ProdDesc] [Quantity] [Price]
[11] [TR-01] [Nike SB] [Plain] [Running] [5] [$45]
[11] [TR-02] [Nike SP] [Color] [Running] [2] [$25]

Here is the problem, I need a "Size" field in there, but a sneaker will have multiple sizes (i.e. 6-11) and each size will have different quantities. Is it possible to incorporate a "size" field in my current table? or should I re-do my table in another way? How?

Thanx in advance.

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Checking For Attached File

Jan 25, 2005

I would have thought this was easy, but I keep getting an error.
I have a form with a save button. When the save button is clicked, I want it to check if user has attached an OLE object to a bound object frame. If they have, I'd like a checkbox to be true.
Here's the code I tried:
If Attachment.LpOleObject = 0 Then
Attach.Value = False
Attach.Value = True
End If
This seems so incredibly straight forward and it does work if there is an attachment. If there isn't I get the message that my database can't retrieve the value of this property.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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View Attached Image

Sep 21, 2006

Okay, my boss gave me this killer project and I just have a brief question to see if anyone thinks I can do this.

Right now, I have a database for business card management.

I have 2 tables

1)Contact Info - Has various contact info fields
2)Business Card Table - Have 2 fields, CardID and Card (field is OLE object to attach business card to the database.

I have the CardID field in a relationship with the same field in Contact Info.

I have 2 questions:

1) I am using Access 2000, and would like to know if there is a way to allow the OLE field to be a jpg attachable field. I did not see it as an option, only .bmp Cry

2) Is there a way, that when I pull the information up in a form, it can display the attached business card that is attached to the database?

What can I do?

Thanks for any help in advance.

Shannon Ann

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Table Relationships

Oct 14, 2005

I am trying to put together a sales/purchase/stock control/accounting program using Access. I have put together a number of tables that I feel will be required and now I'm trying to set the relationships between them. The primary end document to be printed will be a Sales Order and a Purchase Order, likely generated from the reports module, so I have a table called Purchase Order and another called Sales Orders, related to Purchase Orders will be a table called Suppliers and another called Customers will be related to Sales Orders. Another table is called products.
For the Purchase Orders table, do I only add fields that are the primary key from the Suppliers table in order to list the full customer name and address stored only in Suppliers table. Would the supplier table be the parent and the Purchase Order the child ?

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Table Relationships

Feb 15, 2006

I have setup a number of tables for a booking system. The tables are as follow:


When a booking is made for just any time, it is in the tblBookings table. Regular bookings for example, every week, are put in the tblRegularBookings. In each of these tables, a booking cannot be made for the same date and time period. I am wanting to link the tables, so that when a normal booking is made in the one table, it cannot be the same date and time period as a regular booking as well.

The fields in each are as follow:

Booking ID
Customer ID (linked to tblCustomers)
Date for Booking *
Time Period *
Weddings/Birthdays (yes/no)
Extension (yes/no)

Regular Booking ID
RegCust ID
Date For *
Time Period *

What should i link to allow me to not create a normal booking on the same date as a regular?


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Need Help With Relationships In Table

Nov 25, 2004

Here are my relationships for my 5 tables I created. My database is something that a turn key automotive performance shop would use. Tell me if my relationships are correct and what I need to do. I think I got a good start but I am not sure on a few things. Also what do I need to do for my validation and look up tables. Any help on that would be great. Thanks.

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Table Relationships

Feb 9, 2005

This is a simple video library database, 1 member can have many loans, 1 video can have many loans and 1 loan can have many videos, so with that in mind woud anyone be able to make my relationships right? because at the moment you cant take out more than one video on each loan?

thanks in advance

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3NF & Table Relationships...

Apr 1, 2005

I have restructed my original tables into 3NF and added relationships. But I think I am missing a few more items to go on to next step. Help me, please! I am putting together an automated Time Card Entry Database based on a timesheet and other reports already existed in Excel.
I have the following fields on this form as follows:
1. Week Ending: automatically populates with "mm/dd/yyyy" date format from tblPayrollSchedule. This field will insert the correct pay period with comparing against today's date.
2. Employee Number: combo box that will populate next fields (1. Employee Last Name; 2. Employee First Name) after user select correct Employee Number.
3. Employee Last Name: automatically populates when Employee Number is selected.
4. Employee First Name: automatically populates when Employee Number is selected.
5. Acct Id: combo box containing a list of labor description that has associated fields as follows.
6. Description: Text Box will populate after selecting Acct Id.
7. Cost Center: Text Box will populate after selecting Acct Id.
8. Acct: Text Box will populate after selecting Acct Id.
9. Category: Text Box will populate after selecting Acct Id.
10 Pay Type Id: combo box that will populate Pay Type.
10. Pay Type: automatically populates when Pay Type Id is selected.
11. Allocation: Free form, to type comments.
12. Days of Week: Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
13. Total Wk Hrs: total hours for the week for per line of Acct Id.

Here are my tables:
1. tblEmployees:
1) pkeyEmployeeId = AutoNumber
2) strLastName = Text
3) intStaffNumber = Number
4) fkeyEmployeeTypeId = Number

2. tblEmployeeType:
1) pkeyEmployeeTypeId = AutoNumber
2) strEmployeeClass = Text
3) strEmployeeType = Text

3. tblAccounts:
1) pkeyAcctId = AutoNumber
2) intCostCenter = Number
3) intAcctNo = Number
4) intCategory = Text
5) strAcctName = Text
6) strAcctDescription = Text

3. tblPayType:
1) pkeyPayTypeId = AutoNumber
2) strPayType = Text
3) strDescription = Text

4. tblPayroll Schedule:
1) pkeyPayrollScheduleId = AutoNumber
2) intPayPeriodId = Number
3) dtmPayStartDate = Date/Time
4) dtmPayEndDate = Date/Time
5) dtmCheckDate = Date/Time

5. tblTimecard:
1) pkeyTimecardId = AutoNumber
2) intStaffNumber = Number
3) fkeyPayPeriodId = Number

6. tblTimecardHours:
1) pkeyTimecardDetailId = AutoNumber
2) fkeyTimecardId = Number
3) fkeyAcctId = Number
4) fkeyPayTypeId = Number
5) strAllocation = Text
6) intSat = Number
7) intSun = Number
8) intMon = Number
9) intTue = Number
10) intWed = Number
11) intThu = Number
12) intFri = Number

Here is the layout of my form in this order:
1. Pay Period Id
2. Week Ending
3. Employee Number
4. Employee Last Name
5. Employee First Name
6. Acct Id
7. Description
8. Cost Center
9. Acct
10. Category
11. Pay Type Id
12. Pay Type
13. Allocation
14. SAT
15. SUN
16. MON
17. TUE
18. WED
19. THU
20. FRI
18. Wk Hrs

Question 1: Please review table relationships to see if I overlooked any tables that can be broken down or named its column differently?

Question 2: I have restructured these tables into 3NF, please see my previous posts under AccessRookie (although before 3/2005, someone used this ID).

Question 3: what code do I need to automatically populate "Week Ending" field with the correct "CheckDate" that will compare against today's date and insert into "Week Ending" field? Currently, user selects from Combo Box(Pay Period Id) then it populates Text Box(Week Ending).

Question 4: how come "tblTimecardHours.fkeyTimecardId" field is not populating? I think it is my table relationship: tblTimecard & tblTimecardHours.

Question 5: what code do I need for "Wk Hrs" on subfrmTimeEntry, this column needs to sum these columns: SAT, SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI).
No need to store total since it is only need to display in data entry form (subform) and printing report.

I need your assistance since sometimes, it just takes another pair of eyes to review another peers' work. It's been ages since I've done any development from scratch. Help!!! Is there any way, I can attach my zipped database? It is 217KB zipped but this site only allow 100KB attachments.
AccessRookie =)

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Table Relationships

Oct 5, 2005

I Have These Tables:
Case, Agents, Forwarders, Orders.
1 Case Has Each Time 1 Agent, Many Forwarders And Each Forwarder Many Orders
1 Agent Many Forwarders
Can Someone Suggest The Best Way To Link Them?

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Table Relationships

Jul 11, 2006

Can anyone look at this pdf and let me know if my relations are correct, i know i haven't marked on if its one to many etc but i just need to know if it'll work?

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Help With Table Relationships

Jul 15, 2006

Ok im extremely new to this whole Access thing so I have several questions. First, let me give you an idea of what I am attempting: I am a member of a committee and we are involved in multiple projects. Each person is either inactive (working on no projects) or active (working on 1 or more projects). I want to set up a table that lists the member names, contact info, and which project(s) they are currently working on. I set up the basic table (not sure if its set up correctly or not though) but since some people are on more than one project, how do i make it so i can enter multiple values for the "Current Project" field? Also, I would like to make another table that lists Project Names, members (the members that are working on each specific project), and project description. How do I set it up so that under members (on the project table), it will gather the info from Member table (the one with contact info and such) and automatically list which members are working on each project? Also, There is one Leader per project and the rest working on it are just normal members. Can anyone suggest a good way to display who is leader on each project?

if this is confusing, just ask and i'll try to clarify for you

thanks, TRC

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Table Relationships

Sep 22, 2006

Hello all,

I have tables related by key fields. Is there a way to enter data into one table and have the key fields of the related table automatically enter into the key field of the related table?

Also, can you make custom drop down menus in a field? For instance, I have field that I would like to have a text in, there are only three values that are needed but spelling is important so I would just like to pull a list down to enter the data.

Thanks for any help!

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Table Relationships

Mar 6, 2008

im using access for the first time in years as iv not used it since college and im having problems with table relationships. i have 3 tables "cusomer details", "product details" and "purchases".

i have created a relationship between customer_id (primary key) in customer details and customer_id in purchases and product_id (primary key) in product details to product_id in purchases.

the idea is every time a customer makes a purchase i enter their customer_id into purchases and it will automaticaly bring up their name and address and enter the product_id and it will automaticaly bring up the product name in that table (purchases)

this does not appear to happen???????

i know its been a few years since i last used access but im sure iv done it right, what am i doing wrong?


Customer Details


Product details




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Table Relationships

Aug 9, 2006

I am new at Access. I am doing a database tracking the test results of eight different grades of students. The primary key is the name. When I try to add the 3rd test score table, I lose all information of all of the tables. I have tried changing the relationships, and cannot make this work. Any suggestions, please help.

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Table Relationships...

Mar 29, 2007

I have 2 tables. One is JOB TRACKING and has all the information about a certain job and all the trades involved. The other is a table of email address for the managers of each of the trades. I have them connected (with relationships) so the trades match up.
There is a form that I fill out each time a new job comes in and I check off the trades involved on that form. Is there a way for that form to pick up the email addresses of the managers of the trades checked off? So then I can create a button some how to send an email to them containing that particular form...


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Keyword Search Query (example Attached)

Mar 18, 2008

Hi All,

As shown in the attached database, I have a multiple criteria query with a front end (see frmIssue). I am trying to add a keyword search on the field 'Issue' by having an unbound textbox in frmIssue and linking it with a 'Issue' field in the query 'MyQuery'.

An example search would be looking for an issue with the keyword 'misfiring' in project 'A'.

However, having tried the Like expression on the field 'Issue' a few times, I'm still having trouble making it work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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Calendar Control Attached To Parameter Value

Aug 7, 2006

I can't figure out how to further explain what i needed to do. I hope the attached file could solve my issue.

Thanks for your time!


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Need Help Figuring Out This Search Form (example Attached)

Dec 6, 2006

I have found an example of a search form that I really would like to replicate, but I'm have no idea how to implement it into my database. i have attached a stripped version of my database (only consists of a table) and the database with the search form i would like to implement.

Basically, I need my search form be able to sort through a list of consultants so that the user will know whether or not they're in the database already. The fields that I would like displayed are last name, first name, and phone number and social security/fed. tax ID. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

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Help Needed Urgently - File Attached...

Jan 22, 2005

I have been trying to solve this problem for two weeks and am almost tearing my hair out! I have attached a scaled down version of the database I am working in - could some kind person have a look at it and help me, please?

I am trying to make a combo box on my form that will allow me to click on the CID (CustomerID) field, let me click on my customer, and have the rest of the fields filled in automatically.

I have followed the instructions in 'Step by Step - Microsoft Access 2000' to do this, but although it shows the fields, I can't actually select them on the form....

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Modules & VBA :: Rename PDF Attached To Email

Dec 13, 2013

I'm using 2013. The first version of my code works great. It opens the correct report and attaches it to an e-mail as a pdf with all of my text etc.


Private Sub btnEMail_Click()
On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim strReport As String
Dim vMsg As String
Dim vSubject As String
Dim strWhere As String
strReport = "RptJobDSD"

[Code] ....

The problem I have is I would like to rename the pdf, so instead of "RptJobDSD" everytime, it can have some fields [DSDDate] and [JobID] etc.

Before trying the fancy field stuff I thought I'd try just "DSD Test" and see if I could rename it in the first place!

I added this and am getting - Error(32004) - The control name 'RptJobDSD' is misspelled or refers to a control that doesn't exist.


DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewPreview, , strWhere
DoCmd.SetProperty strReport, acPropertyCaption, "DSD Test"
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, strReport, acFormatPDF, , , , vSubject, vMsg, True

My confusion comes as the OpenReport and SendObject recognise strReport why doesn't SetProperty?!

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Access Table Relationships

Jul 12, 2005

I'm using Access 2003. When I open the relationship window, one table linked to my main data table appears six times - the name is the same but with the addition of a number 1 -5. I can delete the five spare ones and drag a relationship to the main table but it keeps dissapearing.When I try to change the primary key in this table, it tells me that there is a relationship established which I must break - unfortunately, I can't see any relationship between the two tables in the relationship window. Any ideas?


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Relationships Table Not Saving.

Nov 15, 2005

Hi. I've been trying to create a link between two different tables which i've put on the Relationships screen. Any type of link made between RepairScheduleID on the one table and RepairScheduleID on the other table disappear when I reopen the database after closing access. This happens if I save, if i don't save it requests me to save then doesn't store the changes anyway.

Ideas? What on earth is wrong?

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Problems With Table Relationships

Nov 28, 2006


I was wondering that is it possible that is in one field I select a certain name, say a type of product and that in another field will automatically display the price of that product based on another table.


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Table Relationships Broken

Feb 27, 2008

I have a database which has been running well for four years. There are four tables that are linked from one to another in a one-to-many relationship, i.e., Table1 to Table2 to Table3 to Table4. We recently had a power failure and our network went down. Now the relationship between Table2 and Table3 is broken. When I try to rejoin them using the Relationship View, Access tells me that the relationship between the tables is "Indeterminate". I have run queries testing for unmatched records between all of the tables and the data appears to be fine.

My only guess at this point is that the structure of one of the tables is corrupted. The problem is that each of the tables has an autonumber field. If I build a new table structure, and append my old data, isn't that going to renumber all of the records?

I have run a compact and repair on the database and that didn't help. I have made copies of the tables and tried to use them in the relationships. The copies don't work either. Other than not being able to link the two tables, everything is working fine.

Does anyone have any ideas?



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