Are Primay Key Autonumber Fields Chronologicaly Ordered?

Jan 24, 2007

Rephrasing: I have a table that has a PK that is autonumber. As I add records, the PK number always increases, with the last entry always larger than the previous (but the PKs may not always contain the next number in the sequence, e.g. 2,4,6, instead of 2,3,4). I need to do a query on this table to get fields from the most recent record that was added.

So, If I do a sort on the PK field and get the record with the largest primary key, am I assured that this is always the most recently added field????

If not, how can I construct a query that will provide me with the most recently entered record?

Why I need to do this: I do a query on table 'A' and then append one record from A to table 'B'. Then, using the record I just copied, I do an append query on another table and then place those results in yet another table.

Or, is there another way to accomplish this?

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Customers Who Have Not Ordered During The Last Week Query

Dec 18, 2007

Hello all, I'm new to this forum.

I'm having problems creating a query for a database (which I am building as part of my university assignment).

The database is a simple ordering system style database, and contains the tables customer, order, order/product and product. I am trying to build a query that can identify customers who have not made an order during the previous week.

I have tried a criterion " <(now()) - 7 " but all this does is show old orders. I am completely stuck. Any help would be appriciated.

In case it is needed here is a list of fields in each of my tables:

Customer ID (PK)
Company Name
Company Street Address
Company Town
Company Region
Company Postcode

Order ID (PK)
Order Taken By
Date (DD/MM/YYYY) ( =now() )
Customer ID (FK)
Delivery Street Address
Delivery Town
Delivery Region
Delivery Postcode

Order ID (CK)
Product ID (CK)
Quantity Ordered

Product ID (PK)
Product Description
Product Cost

Any help would be appriciated. Thanks for reading.

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Tables :: How To Break Down Repeated (Quantity Ordered) 1 Through 5

Apr 17, 2013

Right now I have a flat database with too many unnormalized fields. I am trying to figure out how to break down the repeated "QuantityOrdered" 1 through 5. "QuantityReceived" 1 through 5.

"RequestedItems" 1 through 5 and "Price" per unit 1 through 5. I'm not sure if they go into the same tables, if they are each listed 5 times and if in different tables how many instances 1 or 5 to show each as seperate and how to create a relationship between them.

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Queries :: Show Total Ordered For Week By Fish For Single Customer?

Aug 19, 2014

I need a report that show Total ordered for week by Fish for a single customer. I have customer table and OrderDetals table with order date. Shipping date Monday to Friday. When preview the report the it shows the current week Total order quantity for each fish for single customer. How do I get this.

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Turning Current Fields Into Autonumber

Jun 26, 2007

Hi all.

I have been tasked with replacing an external database in house and obviously the external database has multilpe tables joined by various id fields. I'm assuming when they created the db they were assigned autonumber qualities etc to create unique numbers.

However, I can't replicate that in mine. I have the external references for existing data fine. But ho do I now create a new record with a unique number in the existing field.

I tried setting it to primary key and/or no duplicates etc but it's expecting me to enter a number.

I imagine I've got to set some kind of loop to count from one and matech it and then when it finds a number not currently in use it'll stop and use that but how to do that........

Cheers for any help.

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Modules & VBA :: Chart To Show Total Sales Ordered By Customers - Graph Method?

Sep 10, 2013

I've created an access chart to show total sales ordered by customers.

I'm using a form with 5 comboboxes to select 5 particular customers from a customer table and pass this information into a query.

This query is then used on a report to create the graph.

Finally there is a button on my form that prints this report.

My problem is that the chart displays the customers in alphabetical order and I would like to order the customers numerically based on total sales value.

If I change my query so that the total sales order by is ascending then when I run the query from the report I am asked to enter a parameter value for the total sales field. Entering nothing and pressing ok simply returns the same graph I would have got had I not changed the order option at all.

*The customer filed in the report is set to group by and my totals field is set to sum - but I need both of these set to produce the graph.

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General :: Creating Unique Ordered Number Field With Auto Shifting Values

May 31, 2013

I'm creating a database using existing data from an excel file full of contact details. What I need to add is a queue type system where each contact in the database has a "Place in Queue" number which is unique obviously.

Lets say Alan is number 1, Bob is 2 and Chris is 3. They have these corresponding numbers in the queue field for their entries.

Now what I need to have, through use of a form, is a way of changing Chris from number 3 in the queue to number 1 and thus have Alan automatically shift down to number 2 and Bob to 3.

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Tables :: Autofill Additional Fields From AutoNumber

Jul 8, 2014

I'm creating a database for a travel agency. There are 2 tables, one for customers and one for their bookings. I have established a relationship between the tables so the AutoNumber for customer ID links to a field on the add booking table.

In practice though, it would be easier to enter the customer NAME into the booking table and have it retrieve their ID that way to link them. This seems like I am missing something simple but can't fathom a way to do it.

The other factor is obviously more than one customer will have the same name so I may need to link first name as well to differentiate?

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Controlling Autonumber Field - Start Autonumber From 1 Everyday (Composite Key)

Nov 21, 2013

I have two tables linked to each other in one to many relationship. Instead of auto number, the date and shift (Text) is being used as the primary keys (Composite Primary Key). Here is the tables structures,

Payouts Table:
Date: Primary Key
Shift (Day or Night) : Primary Key

Bills Table:
Date: Primary Key
Shift (Day or Night): Primary Key
Autonumber: Primary Key

The tables Payouts and Bills has one to many relationship. One payout row can have many bills. The problem is that I want to start the Autonumber in bills table everyday from 1. As date and shift are different for every day so even if i start bills from 1 everyday, it wont make same primary key. I can do it manually but I want to make it automatically.

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Apr 20, 2006


I have a question. I would like to be able to have an autonumber in the main form be applied to text boxes on the subform. So If I enter a name in the main form, an autonumber is generated, then that number is automatically entered into the boxes in my subform. My subform is a datasheet view with many records. I want all the records to have the autonumber generated in the main form. Is there a way to do this. Currently I have the boxes in the subform retrieve the autonumber by setting it equal to the autonumber text box on the main form. I would think that there would be an easier way to accomplish this seemingly simple task.



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Feb 26, 2005

I am using SQL INSERT INTO where I insert values from my form Me!value1 etc
I have an autonumber in the table where I am using INSERT INTO, and when I exclude the autonumber it says that the number of columns does not match. I tried assigning a number manually in SQL and it works fine, but I can't use autonumber anymore. Is there a way to use autonumber and still do INSERT INTO or is there a way I can find the highest number and put the next highest in there through VBA?

Thanks in advance

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ID Autonumber Gets Set As 5E+08

Mar 7, 2005

In the main table of my d/base (just testing) - when a new record is entered using a form, the Autonumber Key ID becomes 5E+08.

Whats that imply ? There are some One-To-Many sub tables running off the main table, but I can't see how they could cause a problem.


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May 26, 2005

How do I assign an autonumber to a table after the table is created. I know it ask after you create a table, but I answered no. Now I want it to assign each record an autonumber?


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ID (Autonumber)

Oct 9, 2005


In the table,

I set ID (auto number),
How large the number? What is the limit number?
After it used, will it set back to 1 again?

Please let me know, thanks

Thanks a lot. Thanks.

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Oct 13, 2005

Can any body help please

Is there any way you could renumber the autonumber, I have deleted some records in my table and the numbering orders have a gap and I would like the numbers to rearange automatically as the record or records are deleted.

Thank you.

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Jun 2, 2006

Hello everybody,

I have a problem which I couldn't solve.
I have two tables. There're relationships is one to many (1:N).
The first one is Order and the other one is OrderItems.
Order(order_ID,...) and OrderItems(order_ID, lineitem,...).
The compound key of the relation OrderItems is order_ID and lineitem). What I exactly want? I want for every new Order_ID to have restarting count of lineitem.


Order_ID, LineItem
1 1
1 2
1 3

Order_ID, LineItem
2 1
2 2
2 3

Thanks in advance.

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I Want To Add An Autonumber To...

Jan 11, 2007

I have a fairly small database I recently built that includes a particular table in which I meant for the primary key to be an Autonumber field. Apparently I forgot to set it this way and it currently sits as just a Number field. There are nine tables in this database with a couple hundred records in the main tables.

Is it possible to change this field to an Autonumber at this point? I have attempted to change it and it wants me to remove all the relationships. It also seems to be necessary to copy all the records out before reseting and then copy them all back in or it will not let me proceed.

Will doing it this way work? Is there a better way to do it? Please advise. Thanks.

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Add Autonumber

Jun 5, 2007

Apologies if this has been asked before:

I have a small table in access 2003 with autonumbers. I managed to delete two records by mistake (autonumbers 23 & 24).

Is there any way to add them back in?? It is important as these numbers have been specific to those records for a couple of years.

Thanks in advance!

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AutoNumber ?

Jan 8, 2008

Good Morning,
Is it possible to have an autonumber field start at a given number, say 9999999 and count backwards?

I have a program that is generating badge ID numbers but I have a bunch that already exist and going backwards seems like the easiest way to mesh the 2.

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Apr 2, 2008

Hai all,

My name is Narasareddy. i am using the MS ACCESS.

i am creating one table in design mode that time its allow the autonumber.

problem is i am create the table in rum time that time its not allow the autonumber.

any body help pls

Thanks & Regards


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Jul 20, 2005

I know you can have Access create an Auto-number field when you make a table....

Is there any way (via. code, or gui) to create an auto-number field within a query?


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AutoNumber Help

Sep 13, 2004

Id like to know if there is a way to create an autonumber field via a create table query. ive been searching a lot but without any success. any help would be appreciated.

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Autonumber Help

Sep 14, 2005

Hello All.

I ahve 2 pages, one is a form and the other adds records to a database and prints the result out on the page which all work fine.

My problem is that I am unable to retrieve the autonumber created in the database and also display that.

Attached is my code and db, if anyone can help i would be very grateful.



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Feb 15, 2006

is there anyway i can edit data in autonumber, or work around?


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Autonumber Problem

Apr 28, 2005

The record I was using as a key changed from an incremental to a random number. When I try to change it it won't allow me. I created a new project and imported the tables from the old one but all the attributes followed.
Short of starting from scratch, what can I do to change back to incremental autonumbering.

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Specialized Autonumber

Jun 2, 2005

I am creating a database for my company to register projects. And each project needs to have a unique Project ID number, which (due to the conformity of another software tool) must be 4 characters long. The first character is a specific letter based on the group the project is created by, followed by a 3 digit number. So, for example, one of the group code letters is C, so the first "C Project" would have the ID 'C001'.

I want my database to assign these automatically after selecting the group.

Any ideas?

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