Assigning More Than One Person To Specific Patient In Scheduling?

Feb 1, 2013

I am creating a scheduling database for patient home visits and need to see specific people assigned to one visit, and it will always be at least 4. Could I create a drop down list that will show all team members? How would I design the scheduling table to have multiple people for one scheduling record? I have table for Teams and one for Team members, but when creating the appointment form realized I will only see one team member assigned to one specific appointment.

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Patient History Db

Mar 19, 2006

I need to write a db for my boss where he can access his patient treatment information. How can I make the db (Access '03) to be able to add new treatment to the same patient and to display all treatments seperately on a form? There are about 500 patients. Appreciate any assistance.

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Need Help With Patient Database

Feb 12, 2008

Hi, I am a newb at databases and Access, I work in a hospital that does not yet have an electronic medical record, so I am trying to make a simple database for our trainees to input patient information and print out daily progress notes. There is no money to buy one that is already made, and I'm very much interested in learning the basics of database design.

Our system currently has 12 teams defined by colors (red, blue, green etc.), each with 2 interns (intern 1 and intern 2).

Currently my 3 tables are:

Team_Id (autonumber, PK)
Team_Color (text)

Intern_Id (autonumber, PK)
Team_Id (number)
Intern_number (text)

Patient_Id (autonumber, PK)
Intern_Id (number)
Last Name:
First Name:

Teams are set up 1 to many with interns which is set up 1 to many with patients. I've already inputted all the team colors (red, blue, green etc.) and the interns (since there is a set number of these)

I'm having a few problems

1) on a basic note, how would you go about assigning a patient first a team color, then an intern. The way it is set up now I can assign them an intern who is already assigned a team. But then I have to pick through 24 interns (12 teams x 2 interns) to select the intern. Ideally I want to first select a team, which then narrows it down to only 2 interns.

2) is there a way on a form to display text in a combo box, but have the database enter a number in the actual database. The way I have it set up above, everything is assigned an autonumber. I want to set up an easy to use form for interns to enter patient info. If I want to assign a patient an intern I would like the combo box to say (intern 1, intern 2). However each intern is assigned an autonumber so in the form it lists autonumbers 1-24 (since there are 24 interns overall)

Sorry if I am not explaining this very well. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Generate New Patient ID Number

Nov 30, 2004

I am working on a database for our health services office, which includes a table "Tbl_Patients"

THe Key in this table is a number the office will enter. They have an ID number for existing patients that they will use when they come in.

However, should a new patient come to the office, they would like for the database to assign a new number, the first one starting at 4000.

I would like to put a command button on the new patient form that says "Assign Number" and have that number generated and used as the new ID.

THis may not be real clear, so ask if you have any questions

Thanks in advance!

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Help On Patient/physician Case Management File

Apr 15, 2008


I need some help.

I have the following tables:

Patient demographic info (Patient ID, First Name, Last Name, Address, date of birth, etc...)
Physician demographic info (Physician ID, Name, Last Name, Specialty, Phone, Fax

I also have another table with patients that are being case managed. I have those ID#'s. However, I want to be able to auto-populate a form with the patient's demographic info by only typing the patient ID. Also, there are cases when the patient ID will not be in the patient demographic info table. Therefore, I will need to enter all their demographic info manually.

Same with the physician. I want to be able to select the physician and auto-populate the demographic info. However, there are occassions where the physician will not be in the main file...therefore, I'd like to add that info manually.

Please help.

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Patient Management Database, Help Needed For Tables And Relationships

Jan 16, 2008

I am new to this post. I am a physician with interest in database designing. I have been trying to design a database for my clinic for few months but am unable to make one. I have been searching/ reading alot of info and came across this thread. Maybe someone can help me.
Actually, I want to make a database regarding ultrsound scan examinations of patients.
I have five tables.
1. Patients. (patinetid*, patientname, age, sex, address, contact no)
2. Physicians. (physicianid*, physicianname, speciality, address, contact no)
3. Scans. (Scanid*, scanname, charges)
4. Scan orders.(scanorderid*, patientid*, physicianid, scanordernumber, scandiscount, totalcharges)
5. Scanorder details.(scanorderdetailid*, scanorderid, scanid, charges, discount)

I want to have primary key for scanordernumber which wil be the patient number and should this be placed in patient table??
All the ids have been linked with one to many reltionships. Actually I am unable to set proper relationship.
So when the patient arrives he is registered with a unique number, a physian name with date added and scan ordered is entered. Sum calculated. I have done the later part with the form all designed but the relationships and primary key are all messed up.

I can post an image of relationships or blank database.

Kindly advise. Thanks in advance.

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Query / Report Question (print A Patient Record)

Jun 28, 2005

Hi again.

I've a database with patient information. The database is structured in the following way:

tblPatients - patient information
tblVisits - visit information (one patient can have many visits)
tblInfo - extra information related to a visit
tblTreatment1 - treatment1 (linked to a visit)
tblTreatment2 - treatment2 (linked to a visit)
+ a couple of dozen minor tables and subtables

What I need is to be able to print out a patient record with all the information related to the patient in question. A patient may have one or more visits, and one visit may include one or more treatments or several instances of one treatment. A visit may or may not have some extra information on tblInfo (etc.)

Tables are linked to each other via key fields in a normal way. (= tblVisits is linked to tblPatients via patientID field, and tblTreatment1 is linked to tblVisits via visitID field etc.) All keys of the main tables are auto numbers.

My question is: how to gather this information from the tables? This seems to be too complex for Access's report wizard to accomplish. My Access Bible -book advices to create a query to collect all the information first, but I'm having problems with this, too. One problem is that not all tables have information related to a certain patient, or one patient can have more than one record in (eg.) tblVisits.

What do you suggest? I'm starting to think it would be best to write a query directly in SQL and base a report on that query. Could you give me some advice as to where to start and how to create the SQL statements? I hope I can work out the details myself, but a general advice would be most helpful.


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Forms :: Duplicating Values From Previous Record Of Patient In New Form

May 17, 2014

In my database scenario, a patient would see a doctor and the doctor would check off fields in a form representing different disease symptoms that the patient has to calculate a final score (for ex. if the patient has 2 symptoms, the final score would be 2).

After a few months, the patient would visit the doctor again, and the doctor will have to fill out the same form, adding any new symptoms the patient might now have. I would like to have the disease symptom fields checked off in the previous visit automatically show up in the new form, so that the doctor only has to add the new symptoms, and then recalculate the score using both the old and new data (for ex., if the patient had 2 symptoms before and 3 more symptoms now, the score would be 5).

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Forms :: Limiting Input Data Record For Patient In Same Month

May 23, 2015

How to limit input data on the same month for each patient? The field is a data/text box on a subform

I found this code on Form Current Event!:

Private Sub Form_Current() Dim intMaxNumRecs as Integer
intMaxNumRecs = 5 'Max Number of Records to Allow
If Me.NewRecord Then With Me.RecordsetClone
If .RecordCount > 0 Then .MoveLast: .MoveFirst
If .RecordCount >= intMaxNumRecs Then
MsgBox "Can't add more than " & intMaxNumRecs & " records in the demo database!" .MoveLast Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
End If End If End With End If End Sub

But I want a monthly limit...

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Multiple Visit Dates For Separate Patients In Patient Attendance Database

May 22, 2012

I am trying to create a database for a clinic, and am severely stuck on how to input appointment dates for individual patients.

I have been using the 'student' database from as a template for how to save the dates (given that appointments and attendance are exactly the same!), however, even after following what has been set up in the 'student' template database, I can't seem to replicate it.

Every time I add multiple visit dates for a specific patient, these exact dates show up for every other patient in the database. I need to be able to add different dates for all the different patients.

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Setting Up Basic Hospital Record System - Linking Forms With Patient ID Or Name?

Aug 21, 2015

I work for a charity in the Pacific. I am trying to develop a very basic patient electronic health record for a new hospital, to be used until we get a more comprehensive patient management system in place.

I have set up basic tables, forms, and a welcome screen.

The idea is that the doctor or nurse will start at the welcome screen. From there, they can either enter a new patient, or add a new patient encounter.

There are four types of patient encounters: assessment, treatment/surgery, refraction, and follow-up. I have made tables and forms for these encounters.

My issue is finding an easy way for the doctor or nurse to quickly and easily make sure that the encounter form they are filling relates to the appropriate patient. I already have a patient form, and patient ID field across the tables. But I would like to be able to add a 'search for patient' button on each of the encounter forms (or any other relatively easy method) to make sure everything lines up.


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Can More Than One Person Be Using....

Mar 25, 2008

I've set up a database and set up User-Level security for each user.

While they are entering data, can I go in and change some items in design view?


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Scheduling Database

Jun 1, 2006

Hi all, I'm just starting on a new project to create a scheduling database for a small company (about 20 people). What i aim to do is to edit calander entries (Month view) and view calander entries hopefully using a control that looks as much like Outlook as possible again this would hopefully show what these 20 people are doing over the month.

My question is: Can you use outlook to do this, or would you have to use a control and does anyone know what/how to use this control.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


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WorkForce Scheduling......

May 14, 2007

HI All....

I have a question which I believe I may already know the answer to but Here it goes. I am trying to create a db that can track and employee shift schedules. I have 28 employees and we work 24X7 so we have 3 shifts, days, evenings and night. I cant seem to get my head around how I would create it. I have tried like 10 different ways but I keep running into Form limits. They want to be able to schedule for the whole year out by month. I have attached a sample of what they want it to look like. If anyone knows of anything out there or could assist me in at least a correct starting point, I would be forever in debt to you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I look forward to hearing from you.

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Room Scheduling

Nov 8, 2005

Can anyone point me in the direction of a room scheduling example or a tutor site. I originally wanted to use Outlook but my boss, after seeing another Acces Project I did, asked for it in the Access. I can build a basic data base on a daily basis showing rooms against hours, but my problem is forward scheduling eg "every Thursday meeting room 1 will be for Group A" etc. Can anyone please get me started - I'm tearing my hair out on this one!

Thanks in advance.


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Totals By Person

Aug 25, 2005

I have a table where 4 different people enter their amount of work sheets they complete each day via a form. Each person could have a different total each day. Example:


Each person will have a entry for each work day of the month.

I am creating a query that needs to show each persons total for a month. I know how to get the month but how can I total each persons page count all together and then separately? Example:

All four combined total page count

AJ Page count individually
CH page count individually
MH page count individually
Ca page count individually

Thanks for all help

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Scheduling Software Needed

Jul 13, 2006

I am looking for some scheduling software to meet the following requirements:

The ideal requirements for a new scheduling tool would be:
•More robust than LaunchPad, but less complicated that Maestro
•ability to initiate specific Access macros (not using an autoexec macro) REQUIRED
•must provide detailed audit logs to show success or failure of each job REQUIRED
•ability to monitor shares for files or file changes
•Networked version for shared access?
•Must be controlled from within the team

Does anybody have any suggestions?

Thank you.

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Calendar: Scheduling Meetings DB

May 11, 2007

Hello Guys:

I need help creating a small Access Database to be able to make Schedules for Conference table Meetings. I am hoping to find an example, or if someone could please direct me to the right place where it’s been done before in Access 2000!?

I was asked to use this Calendar: (“Calendar Control 9.0”) because all my co-workers have this Active X Control, which has Dates but not Time in and Out. I need to add Time or think of some other general Control, to add to this Database along with the Date Calendar.

What my co-workers would like to do is to go inside the Database > choose their Name > pick a Date in a Calendar > pick a Time to RESERVE the meeting > place/ location, etc.

The only thing right now I have is a Table for the Users, and I also need to figure out how to place it in the DB for other people to select their name and precede with other options.

I need to make the DB recurring (like Outlook), notifying (e-mailing) of weekly Staff Meetings, for EX: every Wednesday for next months. So that next time, when somebody goes into the Database, they can see what Time slots are taken or Available on the Calendar. We tried this with Outlook, but it didn’t work due to the Conference table not being customized and not listed in the Company address List. Don’t mean to make it confusing - basically Outlook seems to be out of the question for my Group, therefore I was asked to look into Access :) .

I don’t even know where to start. Can someone please help me modify this or I would be glad if you provide an Example for me to visualize where to start? In this Calendar, people want to be able to choose Hours. In addition, I need help with aesthetics for the Database tables, queries, forms/ Switchboard.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks a bunch in advance,

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Employee Scheduling Database

Feb 24, 2008

Dear Access Expert.

I would like to create a Scheduling database for employees. The database would include:

- list all of the employees
-tabs to look at schedule for this week, 1 week from now, 2weeks from now, 3 weeks from now, long term (1-2 months), etc
-small comment section within each day for the guys to enter some comments...e.g. dentist at 10, holidays, etc

There has to be something like this already out there that I can modify and work with. Is there anything like this already in the NorthWind Database that comes with Access? What about some free examples Access developers made?

What about Outlook? Can I modify Outlook and use VBA somehow to accomplish this? Outlook is basically on an account basis so I don't know if I could tailor it to my 30+ employee database.

Thank you very much for your input.

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Calander Control W/ Scheduling HELP!

Aug 1, 2005

I have never used the calander control in access I am Very new to Access code as well. But I am Learning.

This is what I am trying to do

I have a Customers tbl and a Salesmen tbl

I would like to have a calander that I can use to set appointments for multiple salesmen in a form. I have looked at the calanders posted here and now of them do anything like what I am trying to do. Is this possiable to do?

Thanks in Advance for helping a newbie

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Solution For User Scheduling

Dec 30, 2004

Hello All
I am in need of a lot of help. The situation is as follows I have a table with users that have certain classes that they have to take and in another table I have the dates that these classes are offered. My problem is I want to find a way to map all the students to their required class by scheudling them into the required classes taking into account date conflicts and classes required before taking a certain other classes. I guess my question is if there is any possible to do this in access without me phyically having to schedule each users required classes to the correct time making sure there are no date conflicts. Any help would be highly appreciated because we are talking about 3000 users that need to have schedules and that is extremly time consuming if I have to sit here and do the schedule for each user. Thank you in advance for your time

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Add A New Section / Area For Scheduling

Feb 12, 2015

I need to make a random schedule every week. I have a new DB that I have attached and the current one being used that was built by some one else. The reason for building the new one is I could not figure out what to change to add a new section/Area for scheduleing.

What I have are 3 levels of auditors

Level 1 are the basic auditors which I will need 1 per shift per day
Level 2 Are operationl Auditors I will need 2 of the per week
Level 3 are management auditors and I need one of those per week.

When I get these compiled per week I will need to make a report to e-mail out.

I attached both DB's the old one to show what I need, and the new for a more stripped down and easier to update version.

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Appointment Calendar Scheduling

Aug 17, 2011

I'm putting together a Customer Management dbase, in Access 07, and one of the tables is dedicated to scheduling (and the outcome) of customer appointments.

The tables I'm hoping to get a solution for are:

1: Customer Master Data (parent): contains fields such as Name, Address, Phone #, email etc

2: Appointment Master (child): there are 4 Appointment tables/queries, one for each of the available product groups, and contain such fields as Product Type, Lead Source, Lead Status, Appointment Date, Appointment Time, Sales Rep, Appointment Comments

What I am trying to do is find a solution as described below:

1: When the appointment is created the appointment is then pushed into Outlook 07; along with various customer information from the Customer Master table

2: OR is there an appointment/scheduling calendar, preferably with the same look/feel of outlook, available that forms part of the access 07 dbase? This is probably the preferred solution.

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Tracking Person's Work?

Oct 18, 2005

I'm undecided in what I should to to track what an employee does for the day. Currently employees have a 5X7 index card which is printed out fields and they fill it in by hand and turn it in.

Instead of the employees doing this I want to record all of this information in the database.

These are the fields that I will include:
EmployeeName, Book, WorkType, WorkEffort, StartPage, EndPage, StartTime, EndTime, TotalPgsWorked, Comments.

Should I bound all of these fields to the tblWorkLog or should a create unbound fields and create an append query which will add these fields to the table.

I don't want the users to enter their own start time and end time as they might not record it accurately.

Should the time be recorded this way: Have the user open the form, when the form opens that will record the start time. Have the user have the form remained open until the end of the day or when he or she finishes through out the day. When the form is closed that will record the end time.

What is an alternative of doing that though? Have the user open the form record all the info and have the startime recorded. Exit out of the database, when they finish their work, open the database go back to that record and record the end time?

My problem here would be there is no uniqe ID. The user can work on a Book for a week, and can also work on multiple books on the same day. How would they know which record to open.

I'm uncertain how to lay this out and begin it any insight will be greatly appreciated.

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Calculate A Person's Age Not Working.

Oct 11, 2006

Hi all ,
I am trying to calculate a person’s age.
Went to Customer Form
Have a field called cust_birthday ( date/time ) ( 99;00;00;>LL;0; )
Have a field called cust_age ( Number )

Went to Madules / New / then add this code,

Public Function Age(dteDOB As Date, Optional SpecDate As Variant) As Integer
Dim dteBase As Date, cust_age As Date, cust_birthday As Integer
If IsMissing(SpecDate) Then
dteBase = Date
dteBase = SpecDate
End If
cust_birthday = DateDiff("yyyy", dteDOB, dteBase)
cust_age = DateSerial(Year(dteBase), Month(dteDOB), Day(dteDOB))
Age = cust_birthday + (dteBase < cust_age)
End Function

Not Working get no return. Can someone help me. Thank You if you can….


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Forms :: Only One Person In A Field

Sep 26, 2013

I have a form where one person wil insert a new record and click on a button that will display his login name and date she/he inserted the new record. A second person will later check if everything was entered correctly and this person will also press a button that will insert his login name and date in a field.The thing is that the same person can't do the quality check and insert the new record. So if in the field "PersonPassQA" is filled in and the person will do the same in "PersonQA", she/he should get a warning and the field should stay empty. This is the code I use to pass the PersonPassQA:

Private Sub Command24_Click()
'Date pass to QA and person passing to QA
Me.[DatePassedQA] = Date
Me.[PersonPassQA] = Environ("Username")
End Sub


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