Attaching Hyperlink File To An Email Through Code

Dec 4, 2006

A have a table with many records and each record has a hyperlink to a document. Based on some criteria i want to attach the hyperlink file to an email. Don't want to have to do this manually. Is there anyway i can write code to go and get the hyperlink file and then attach the physical file into the email? This could result in 1 file being attached, 13 files being attached, 0 files etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Modules & VBA :: Email Hyperlink / Attachment To Open Access File?

May 15, 2015

I have created an action log database that sends an email when a new action is entered. I would like to launch the database using a hyperlink in the email, but can't seem to get it to work. All users have a copy of the front end on their desktop, so whatever I add to the email needs to launch the front end for any user signed on to their own desktop.

This is what I have and it sends a hyperlink but I click it, I get an error saying it can't find the file. I don't know how to word the path name for any user?

With obMsg
.subject = "New action request for " & team
.To = people


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Modules & VBA :: Create Some Code For Button In A Report That Will Follow A Hyperlink To Specific File

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to create some code for a button in a report that will follow a hyperlink to a specific file. The problem I'm having is that the files that are at the end of the hyperlink can have various extensions (*.doc, *.docx, *.pdf, etc.) I'd like to be able to put a wildcard in the code to allow the opening of the file regardless of the extension.

Code so far:

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Application.FollowHyperlink ("C:UsersjbeggDocumentsAccessTestFolder" & [FileName] & ".*")
End Sub

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Attaching PDF File

Oct 11, 2005

I'm creating a simple db on shared network drive and I need to upload or attach documents into it. Mainly PDF but may need to add .doc or .xls. I cannot use hyperlink since I cannot store the files where they are easily accessed due to security issues. So my only recourse was to create a secured db. Size is not an issue due to limited use. How do I do this?


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Queries :: VBA Code On Subform To Lookup Email Field On Table And Launch Email?

Jun 26, 2015

VBA Code to go in the on double_click event of a name field in a Subform bound to a table. The subform is just a copy of a data table and within the subform view, When the field "employee name" which contains e.g. John is double clicked, I would like access to Lookup and get John's email in the employee table under field "Email" and launch outlook application and insert it into the To field.

I assume hyperlinking the field can also achieve this similar to what excel does but I am fast learning that what is standard functionality in excel is a whole another story in Access..

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General :: Follow Hyperlink To A File Without Using File Extension?

Sep 6, 2012

Is it possible to follow a hyperlink to a file without using a file extension?

I have links being created based on the name of a file, but because I haven't used a file extension it crashes.

I know I can give the user a choice of what the file extension is and add it to the hyperlink, but it's an extra step, and another place for someone to make a mistake.

I'm potentially using 3 different file types, Word, Excel and PDF's.

The hyperlink works if I just reference a drive/folder, or if I add the file extension.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Hyperlink In Email

Aug 1, 2013

I have an Access 2010 database which has a table with several fields with the Hyperlink data type. Some of these hyperlinks reference files stored in a SharePoint database. I am relatively new to using hyperlinks. The task is to insert those hyperlinks into an email using VBA so that the recipient can just click on them to view the documents.

I have no problems with using VBA to create emails or to add attachments. My issue is with adding hyperlinks to the body of the email.

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Email Hyperlink With Predefined Message

May 29, 2012

I have a form with contact info (name, address, postal code, email etc.) and I have set up the e-mail as a hyperlink to outlook. I would like the hyperlink to not only start a new email to that person but also have text in the message field (a template). For example,

"Hi, [Name]

I would like to confirm your address of [Address] for delivery of a package.


Is something like this possible? The template would include much more text than this but if this works, I can do the template myself. If it is not possible to personalize the name and address automatically within the message, they can be entered manually in the message but ideally, I would like to do it automatically.

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Modules & VBA :: HTML Format Email With Hyperlink

Aug 20, 2014

I am using the following vba code to create and send an html format email message. The key information in the email is a hyperlink to a network drive folder location using [Directory] as a hyperlink table value to get the address that is stored like this:
K:PipelinesP9 - TEP ProductsMOP AID-1500Final Approved

The email hyperlink that is produced looks like this:

Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Dim MOPVDB As String
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")


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Newbie Needs Help With Hyperlink Code

Mar 11, 2007

I am trying to create a hyperlink from other values in a number of fields, I have found a thread which I think anwers my problem:

Link to Thread (

Only problem I is I don't really understand it. :confused:


Dim stGunlib As String
Dim stGunlib2 As String

stGunlib2 = Me![Stock number]
stGunlib = "#" + stGunlib2 + ".jpg#"
Me![Link] = stGunlib
Me![Picture] = stGunlib

What does Dim, Me!, As String mean? and where would this code be entered, is it part of a module or just in the properties of a table/form etc?

Any help on explanations of this would be greatly appreciated!

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Hyperlink - Changing File Location

Mar 12, 2007

I have recently been working on the code below and I have neally completed what I want to do.

Private Sub H_Enter()
Form!H = "hyperlink#E:WORKSPEC PROJECTWORKSPECS" & Form!S & Form!PC & Form!extension & "#"
End Sub

What I want to do is have the file location (bit I have bolded) stored in another form or table and have the code read it from there as the file locations may change, rather than having to enter it for each line I just want to enter it once and then as and when it changes I just change the one line but it changes all the hyperlinks

hope this makes sense.

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Hyperlink To Database Using Workgroup File

Jan 10, 2008

Is there anyone out there that can help me with this problem. I want to create a hyperlink in MS Outlook to my database file using my workgroup. The problem I'm having is when I put the following: file://"N:DbaseFilesSCC_Dbase.mdb" that works. It will open Access to that dbase file. But if I include the workgroup file associated like this: file://"N:DbaseFilesSCC_Dbase.mdb" /WRKGRP "N:DbaseFilesCSS_Issues.mdw" it doesn't work. Can someone please tell me why. I've been struggling with this for days now. I can't find any solutions.

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Modules & VBA :: File Hyperlink In Form?

Jan 6, 2014

Im developing a database for work, I would like to provide a link on a form to run an external program. The form is call frmProfile. The table is called tblProfile and the hyperlink field is called link.

I would like a diaglog box to appear where the user can browse for the file and select it. Ive found various scripts but with my vb skills being very basic its no wonder im getting no joy.

I should add... each record has its own associated file. Its cctv footage which runs from the cctv systems own proprietary software. So its an individual filefor each record not just a program.

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Follow Hyperlink To File In DropBox?

Jun 23, 2013

I am trying to use followhyperlink as a way to open a link in a browser to a file in a shared dropbox folder. I have a form with a control, the control is named LinkToDoc it's record source is a text field in a table. The file path in the table is similar to [URL] ..... I am getting run time error 15, cannot open the specified file.

Private Sub cmdOpenFile_Click()
Application.FollowHyperlink LinktoDoc
End Sub

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Hyperlink String Does Not Open File

Oct 14, 2013

I have a table has two fields: CompanyLocation , FileName

I have a form that uses and unbound field to create a file path string

="file:///s:/My Folders/" & [CompanyLocation] & "/" & [FileName]

In the form it looks like file:///s:/My Folders/My Company One/This Is My File.doc

I then set this to hyperlink in the form but when i click on it nothing happens.

When i copy the link it gives me and paste it into Windows Explorer it works fine.

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Creating A Hyperlink To Open A PDF File?

Jan 22, 2014

I have a form, and on that form I have a textbox called RefDwgNo (user not allowed to make changes...just for viewing). Displayed in this textbox is the name of a file (without the .pdf extension). I changed the textbox to 'is hyperlink' and added to OnClick- this code:

Private Sub RefDwgNo_Click()
FollowHyperlink "***private***engineering_data***Private***Des ignFitoutLabel Plate\_LATEST REV"
End Sub

The user needs to actually open the .pdf file, not the folder its located in. How do I add the file name from this textbox to the code above?

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Insert Hyperlink Dialog Default File Path

Jan 10, 2007

Hello everyone and happy New year.

Ii have a database running on Access 10.0, I am using the insert hyperlink dialog box (access by Ctrl K) to allow users to insert a hyperlink to a file (could be any sort of file), into a text box.

The problem I have is most of the files are held many directories above where the database is (we have a BAD directory policy, 10's of folders within folders) and it gets a little painful to get the user to go up so many levels, due to the hyperlink dialog opening in the "current folder" view, ie where the db is located.

Simple quest, or so I thought. Can I change the default directory "Current Folder" that the dialog box starts in ?

I have already tried chdir"c:" but to no avail.......not that obvious then...

All help greatfully received...

Any help greatly received......

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Queries :: Hyperlink To A Document - Location Of File In Query

May 23, 2013

I have a query that combines few different tables in order to create a View (Query) that is then used to by and Excel sheet to update a list. The Excel is dynamical updated when new data is inputted in the Access Tables.

But one of the fields in a query is combination of path name and report name (another filed in one of the tables) that crate a complete path to a file that contains some additional information.

Now since the Excel is updated dynamical and users of this Excel sheet are not very advanced. I waned to make it easy for them to just click on the location of the file and the file opens up. But I am not able to make the Query that contains the file destination hyperlinked.

I am using Access 2007

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Forms :: Insert Hyperlink Into Form Pointing To File?

Dec 19, 2013

i have a table of calls, with a field called "link to file".

i have a form where staff fill in their calls and when they have completed the call there is an option to insert a hyperlink to where the file is stored.

i previosuly had an attachemnt there but the database would just grow and grow so now its prefered there is a link to where the files are kept.

i just dont know how to set it up, i have tried adding in a text field and setting it to hyperlink which does work but on the form the user has to right click the button and edit hyperlink to place it in - is there an easier way of just clicking the button and it brings up a folder location where you select the file and it saves it as a hyperlink into the table under linked to file?

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Folder - File Path Hyperlink

Nov 19, 2013

I am using MS Access 2010. I have a code that I am using that loops through a folder gather all the names of the files in the folder and inserts them into a table (shown below). The table is named "tblFiles" there are two columns in the table titled file name and file path. What I want to do is to also loop through the same folder to find the file path of the files and insert them into the file path column has a hyperlink where users can just click on the hyperlink and the file opens.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim fs, f, f1, fc, s
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblFiles")

[Code] .....

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General :: Hyperlink Location - Hide Entire Path In Backend And Show Only Name Of File

Sep 26, 2013

I have a field named Location of type Hyperlink. I have copied the respective filepaths in those location column.The location filed looks like


If the user clicks on this link then the respective file should be open..I don't want the front end users to see the entire path. So, I would like to have the names as 1234.pdf in the location column instead of M:New1234.pdf. Is it possible to hide the entire path in the backend and show only the name of the file. so that if users click on 1234.pdf then the file needs to open.

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"hyperlink" Data Type For Email Addresses?

Jan 17, 2006

Is there an easy way to have Access format all values in a particular field with the hyperlink data type to add the mailto: prefix so you can just click on the links to email someone?

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How Would I Write This Email Code

Feb 22, 2007

Not being good at codes.

What I attemping to do is edit a email address, upon entering that field.

As of now I right click in the field and then edit the email address.

any ideas

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Email Code Correction

Mar 15, 2006

I am sending an email from a form and it almost works the way I want it to. I need to accomplish two more things. Here is an example of what the subject needs to be: 2:00 Report Wednesday March 15th, 2006 I cant get the values into the subject line at all.

I can get the info into the body, but I cant get the date to format as the long date, it only shows as 03/15/2006.

Here is my code, can enyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Private Sub Command4_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim daSubject As String
Dim daBody As String
daSubject = ""
daSubject = daSubject & " " & Time.Value & vbCrLf
daSubject = daSubject & " " & Forms!DispatchDay!Date.Value & vbCrLf
daBody = ""
daBody = daBody & " " & Forms!DispatchDay!Date.Value & vbCrLf
daBody = daBody & " " & Time.Value & vbCrLf
daBody = daBody & " " & Notes.Value & vbCrLf

DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , "Email1", "Email 2", , "Report", daBody
End Sub

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Email HTML Body Code

Aug 27, 2015

I can create PDF's, DOCX's retaining the PDF formatting save them back to different network locations and then retrieve and attach to emails that are generated for different areas, however I have been asked to scrap the attachment and insert the content of the attachment directly into the body of the email. I have had a good browse around the net with no real approach. The code below simply gets the recepients email address adds the subject and then is looking for the .HTMLBody which simply comes through in the body as

"O:divAKLResgroupE - ReportsHTML FilesDRAFT TEST .html".

.To = RScoloumdetail(2) ' Gets Email Address
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""


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Modules & VBA :: Add Multiple Recipients To Email Code?

Sep 18, 2013

How do I add multiple recipients to the '.To' line in the code below?

Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set MailOutLook = appOutLook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With MailOutLook
.BodyFormat = olFormatRichText
If Me.txtDepartment = "IT" Then
.To = "my email"
End If
.Subject = "hi"
.HTMLBody = "hi"
End With

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