Auto Center Forms & Reports

Mar 19, 2007

I have quite a few forms and reports in a database that are pop-up and modal. I've also auto centered them so they do not jump all over the screen. However, these forms and reports are centering when you open them but move whenver you close them. I am hiding the database window, which usually means that it minimizes to the upper left corner of the desktop screen. These forms then wind up closing or relocating to where the minimized database window is. Is there any way to fix this problem so that the users see centered forms and reports every time they are using the program?:eek: Thank you

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Auto Center

May 19, 2006

Why is it that auto center doesn't auto centre? Yes it centres horizontally - but not vertically. Does anyone know how to actually center horizontally and vertically i.e centre!? (I have used both spellings in order to appeal to a larger audience!)

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Reports :: Center Check Box Under Label On Report In Access 2007

Mar 21, 2013

I have created a report with the report wizard in Access 2007 that includes a check box. The check box is located under the label but to the far left side. How can I center the check box under the label?

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Reports :: Call Center - Creating A Report To Show All Associates Under Error Type?

May 23, 2014

The database is to track and evaluate call center associate phone calls. I created yes/no fields for multiple common errors (accurate/complete, Security, and client experience. and under each are @ 20 common errors)

(the problem is that I did not create a seperate table for each main category which I think might have made things easier)

Now what I am trying to do is create a report that allows me to show (or select) an error and have it show all the associates that had that error in a given time frame.

I already have a report to show all associates and all the errors that each had in a certain time frame. (so vertically I have associate detail and horizontal I have error detail).

is there a way, without creating 25 separate reports, to show all associates under an error type?

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Call Center Operation

Feb 25, 2008

Hello All,

I have a call center and Im trying to work out a call que.

I have 8 operators.

10000 records that need to be called.

I'm trying to create a query that will select the first record avilable from my table. when the next operator has completed his call do the same thing and so on without duplication of efforts.

Any help would be appreciated


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Center Form When Maximize

Aug 21, 2005

When i make the maximized on opening by docmd.maximize, coud i get the form centered too?
right now im just adding form space on the leftside so it comes somewhere in the middle but if somone has a diffrent ressolution then it wont work as well.

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Modules & VBA :: Offset Center Pop-up Form

Jan 21, 2015

I am using the below code to centre a popup form, both horizontally and vertically. All my non-popup forms are 25cm wide. It looks weird that the popup forms appear on the centre of the screen, when the centre of the form is more towards the left. This is especially true in widescreens. How can I alter this code, so that the popup form appears on the centre (horizontally only) of the first 25cm of the screen.

25 cm = 9.8425 in = 14173 twips = 945 pixels

' API declarations:
#If Win64 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Function apiGetClientRect Lib "user32" Alias "GetClientRect" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As typRect) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function apiGetWindowRect Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowRect" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As typRect) As Long


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Modules & VBA :: How To Center Logo In HTML Code

Jul 22, 2015

I'm try to centre a logo image in the middle of email but I having issue doing it doesn't seem to matter what I try I can't seem to get it to do what I want . The code below works but doesn't centre the image

Dim txtLogoURL As String 'this is for your logo
txtLogoURL = "C:UsersDellPicturesoie_transparent.png"
strHTML = strHTML & "<p>"
strHTML = strHTML & "<a href=""""><img border=""0"" src=" _
& txtLogoURL & "' align='Centre' width =200" & " alt=""testing"" /></a>"

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Sep 30, 2004

hi people.

A slight ponder here. is there a way to create reports automatically, using a macro or VBA or some such.
At the moment, I have a macro that runs a VBA function that archives monthly faults in a new table. i also want it to create a report for that month, based on a template (if possible) so no user input is needed.

Is this possible in access?

any thoughts would be great

Mark W

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Reports :: Auto-run Report Until Cancel?

Jul 21, 2014

I followed directions on a Microsoft site which created a desktop shortcut to auto-start a Report in Access 2003.Is there a way to re-show the Report query box until the user hits Cancel?The end-user is non techy and wouldn't remember how to run it manually once the first Report was ended.

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Reports :: Print Report Based Upon Auto-number?

Sep 6, 2014

I need VBA code to print a report (rptLoadSheet) when the autonumber field (Auth Num) ends with a zero.

For example:

The autonumber is report.

The autonumber is 100...print the Load Sheet report.

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Reports :: Save Report As PDF And Auto Populate File Name

May 8, 2013

My reports are saved as a PDF at the moment I click the print report button, select cutePDF Writer then manually add the Quote number stored in Field from the Table or form into the file name, then select the location to store the PDF file

Can I make this process automated when I click the print report button to auto select PDF Print, then auto populate the file name with the quote/Inv Number and then save to nominated directory.

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Reports :: DLookup With Auto Date - On Load Sequence

Dec 17, 2014

Ok, so I have this table (tblPayPeriod) with the fields Start Date, Stop Date, Pay Period & Percent FY. The Percent FY field is a Number field that gives off the percent of the fiscal year (FY) that we are in.

Then I have a report (rptDistrictMgr) that in the header I want it to display what percent of the fiscal year we are in based on the Auto_Date that is in the header.

So, if the Auto_Date is December 17, 2014, we are (according to tblPayPeriod) 24.1% into the fiscal year and I want the 24.1% to display in the text box which called Text99.

I would just like a simple dlookup that I can use as the control source of the text box or an expression to put into the On Load sequence.

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Reports :: Auto Generate Report Or Records From Table

Nov 5, 2013

I have a table called bookings, three records within that table are;


This Table (Bookings) is linked to the guest table via GUESTID..Assuming that a guest arrive on the 5th and leaves on the 10th, I am trying to create a breakfast voucher for the guest for each day of their stay.

So 5 vouchers, 1 each for the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th.I have created the breakfast voucher as a report and a query to include data but I dont know how to propagate the new data to actually create the vouchers. All I can get is data for the arrival or departure fields.

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Reports :: Auto Generate Invoice Number On Report

Jul 1, 2013

I have created invoices as reports but now I'm looking for a way to add an invoice number to it. It needs to be an auto increment number for every invoice for every client.

I have 10 different clients and I want them to have their own incremented invoice number. Every client has it own unique number. So for example in week 1 I want to have the following invoice numbers; 01-0001, 02-0001, 03-0001 etc. In week 2 I want them to be; 01-0002, 02-0002, 03-0002. It is important that every client has the invoice numbers without gaps.

What is the best way to realize this?

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General :: Auto Email Personal Reports To Multiple People Automatically

Nov 21, 2013

I have put together some Access 2010 Databases and I am about to embark on another soon. I have been given a request that I can't seem to solve yet so I am goint to ask it here as a good starting point. The goal is to build a database for a magazine. They want to be able to run a report to generate slips for subscribers whose subscriptions have expired. I would like to, if possible, generate reports and send them to the respective clients via email, all with the push of 1 button. I don't want to have to find each subscriber and do one off reports.

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Reports :: Print Out Single Page Reports (or Forms) To Show Detail From Several Tables And Queries

Apr 21, 2014

I have a database of high-school football players, and I am looking to print out single page reports (or forms) that will show detail from several tables and queries. This will act as their resume when they visit schools on recruiting visits. The reason for needing query items, is that I have developed queries that return the most up to date height, weight, 40 time etc., and that single most up to date number is what should print, not the entire table. When I try to build a report it will let me bring in multiple tables, but not queries.

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Forms :: Auto Numbering Access Report Forms

Dec 11, 2013

Is there a way to auto number a report form.

I have attached my database for a better understanding of what I am trying to do.

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Reports :: Label Orientation In Reports (and Forms)

Jun 8, 2014

Can we change the orientation to 45 degrees in a label ?

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Reports :: Auto Populate Date And Time Every Time Form Is Updated

Nov 8, 2013

I have a database that stores information for lab testing. Each time a tech does a "step" in the test process he logs it in the table, using an input form. There are different categories, for example preparation, testing, analysis, etc, and each of those steps take time. I have the form autopopulate the date and time with NOW() evertime the form is updated. What i want to do is calculate the time it takes to do each in days. I can easily get how many days it was from now since they logged the test, =NOW()-TestDateTime. What I want to do is get the number of days it took to do each step, ie the number of days between each event. Is there a way to do this?

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Servers,forms And Auto#

Jul 24, 2006

guys i need some quidance...

i have a server setup that i need some help with

i have a database file that holds 1 inventory table.

Then i have 2 other database files that represent 2 retail stores.

my problem is that the store files have a form which acts like a sales invoice. The sales order number is an autonumber. this worked fine in the past with local network setups, but now going to a server the issue is that the sales order numbers cannot be the same from one store to the other. Since its related to the inventory table it steals the invoice from one store to the other..

i tried formatting the autonumbers differently.. like /100 on one and /3000 on the other. And they are still the same autonumber anyway.. the format doesnt mean much other than a different display..

is there a way to control the auto numbers to be in a specified range of numbers...

i would like to be able to say for store 1 the sales order numbers can only be from 1000-5000 and store 2 6000-9000...

is it not possible with autonumbers?

ho can i do this?

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Auto Resize Of Forms??

Sep 6, 2006

Hi People,

Whilst at college was positive there was some coding, to automatically re-size the form when opening?? can anyone help with this, have spoken to a few people and they say to change in design view but i am finding this annoying. Any help would be appreciated.


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Auto Tabs In Forms

Mar 3, 2005

I am releatively new to using Access. I have a form created and linked to tables. I would like to know if there is a way to have the form automatically tab to the next field for me. I have several fields that have the same number of characters entered for every record. I would like it to jump to the next field once I've entered the maximum number of characters in that field. I tried setting the fields in the tables to the length I want, and it does stop me from entering any more than that in the forms, but I still need to press the tab key. Kind of annoying after a while. Anyone know how to do this? THanks.

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Need Help With Auto-Fill In Forms

Mar 21, 2007


First post!

I'm looking for help with auto-fill (more specifically, I believe I need to use the "After Update" function.

What I have is an order form where I will be putting customer orders. I have a form and a subform, and the line items for the actual order go in the subform. Therefore the subform has a combo box for "products" which references the "products" table by fetching "productname" through "productID"

What I need to happen is when I select a specific product in that combo box (which works), I would like the "price" to be auto-filled into the "Price" box I have to the right of "product" and "quantity"

However I can't figure this out for the life of me, and I've searched places and tried different things, but I always end up with it not working. I can do this in Visual Studio with a DDL and a Label and a small function, but Access is way different from what I can tell with my little knowledge.

Any help would be appreciated!!


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Forms :: Auto-fill Domain Name

Jun 21, 2013

I have a form for my customers where i also fill in the email adresses, know i don't wan't to fill in the hole email adres each time. I have seen a acces database before that gives a list when you typed the @ sign in the email adres field.I know that the builder used a tbldomain for listing al the domains that the putin the database. and each time you tab to the field emailsadres you begin to type

example.. markrutten@ and when you type the @ there popup a list of the table [tbldomain] en you begin to type for example but you can hit the entrebutton afther the letters hot because the match of is already in the field.

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Forms :: Auto Month In Series

Jun 17, 2013

I am trying to develop a form in the light of budgeting, therefore, I am designing a form with all possible options being an accountant I can think (it just a try nothing else)

Now here's the scenario

Fiscal Year
Working days

Period - Month - working (are my heading)
1 - Jan - 22
2 - Feb - 18 and so on

This is what I am trying to learn, if I select period 1 "Jan", application/code fill -out remaining months automatically, e.g. Period 2 "Feb"; Period 3 "Mar" .....

and if I select Period 1 "Mar", then period 2 "Apr", Period 3 "May" ......

Currently, I am using combobox, but problem is, if I selection period 1 = "Jan", then I am unable to restrict period 2 using "JAN" as both combobox are separate.

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