Auto Count On Subform

Sep 5, 2006


I have 2 databases. One is Personal Details and the other linked via their PersNumber is Appointment times.

What I need to do in the the Subform, is everytime the client comes to a new appointment where we record the dates and times etc I need it to show in a text box the number of appointments.

So for example if its their 3rd appointment it shows 3 if 4th then 4. Does that make sense?

Autonumber in the Database design doesnt work.



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Auto ID Count

Dec 27, 2007

I am helping someone re-do their database and they would like the autonumber id to reset each year back to zero; something like yr&cnt (070001). This would need to be saved as the auto-generated id number for that data entry; again resetting automatically each 1 January. The next data entry will get the next number for that year (070002) and so on.

Oh, one last thing. There are 4 tables that this auto-generated date & count will need to work independently on. So, the first id in each table will be yynnnn; but will not affect the number sequence of any other table. Each table will track its own set of id numbers independent of any other table's results.

Any suggestions about the best way to go about this before I start that project?

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Resetting Auto Count/Increment

Jul 3, 2007

I'm redeveloping a DB for a new project, so have removed all previous records from relevant tables (to start a-fresh)

One snub, the ID fields in the tables are auto increasing from where they left off, rather than from 1

If anyone knows how to reset the auto counters, it would be very much appreciated

Thanks in advance

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Queries :: Auto-count Once Updated

May 26, 2013

i have a table with a column that reflects the below info, need to work out something for access to keep a count on the numbers of fields, have tried using conditional "count" in queries, the resultant value return is 12, this count omits counting all the "1", which is not i wanted, how do i tell access to start counting from the most recent "1" onward, and in this case the correct count value should return as "5", meaning there are 5 fields being entered after the most recent "1".


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How To Reset Count Of Auto Number Fields After Testing

Dec 12, 2012

I would like to know, how do i reset the count of my auto number fields after testing? is it also possible to specify which number the auto number should start counting from?

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Help With Count Box On Subform

Nov 22, 2006


I have a txtbox on my subform located in the form footer that counts the total number of testers displayed. The name of the text box is txtAN.

I then have txtbox on my main form called txtcountname. When I put the following code in the control source: =frmLinks_Subform.form.txtAN, when I click out of the control source access does this: =[frmLinks_Subform].[form].[txtAN]. So when I view the form I am getting the #Name? error.

I just want to pull the total count off the subform. I have this in another form I have done and it works but access doesn't put the [] around the script.


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Count Of Records In Subform

Nov 4, 2005

I have a form that has a subform in it, which is another table in it. I want to add the number of fields that are in the subform. What is the best way to do so?

I would like to write a VB script so that a field in the master field = the count of the records in that subform. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Auto Fill In A Subform?

Aug 9, 2005

Here is what I have so far. Table 1 has employee info. Table 2 is for the courses that employees take. Table 3 is a listing of available training courses. What I have done is created a form with all the employee info and linked it to table 2 by ss #'s. What I am wondering is if I can create a field, lets say course #, in table 2 and table 3. That way when I input the course number into the subform, then the corresponding info from table 3 is inserted, ie course name and course hours. Any suggestions or help would be great.

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Help In Auto Filling A Subform

Nov 11, 2005

I need to auto populate a sub form.

Main Form
Top Assembly Part Number
Top Assembly Serial Number

Sub Form (continuous form)
Part Number
Part Name
Part Serial Number
Main Form and Sub Form linked by ID

(There is a separate table that has sub form part numbers for each main form part number)

Based upon the part number in Main Form I need to automatically populate the sub form with Part Number and Part Name.

Some Main Form Part Numbers have 85 sub form part numbers others as few as 3 sub form part numbers

Main Form
| ID [123 ] |
| |
| Part Number: |9999999 |
| Serial Number: |ABC-9999 |

Sub Form
| ID [123 ]
||Part Number | Part Name | Serial Number |
|| 1111 | Widget 1 | A11111 |
|| 2222 | Widget 2 | B1234 |

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Count Matching Records From A Subform. Please Help...

Mar 1, 2006

I need to have the sum of the "matching records" of a subform, exported to a variable of the main form, in order to use it in an if condition.

e.g. "IF a client has brought X? times the vehicle A for a service of type B, THEN do ..."
How do I get the X value in a variable within the main form which presents all activity for all clients (by means of a subform).

I hope this is clear.
Plaese help me, guys. You 've done it before, you're so great!

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How To Count Different Dates In A Subform Query?

Apr 29, 2006


I need to konw how to Count different dates in a subform query?

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Modules & VBA :: Count Records In A Subform?

Sep 12, 2013

i want to Count recrods by a pressing a button from a subform.

After counting the records from the subform, it should compare the amount of the records with a number.

The user can put in the number.

The field for the number is called number.

The button is in the form.

I've created the following code.

The Name of the subform ist Abfrage_Vergutungssatze_Unterformular


If DCount("*", Me.Abfrage_Vergutungssazte_Unterformular) > Me.number + 1 Then
MsgBox "Please recheck!"

I've get an error.

error message: errors when compiling

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Auto-width For Columns In SubForm

Jul 10, 2014

I have developed an Access app, which has different navigational tabs which open up different forms. e.g. Tab A has Form A inside it and Form A has SubForm A1 inside it.

For some reason, the following code is not working on any of the fields Me.YourFieldName.ColumnWidth = -2...

What to do that all the fields in the subforms will have auto width adjustable to fit in the text.

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Button Enable For Subform Record Count

Sep 9, 2005

I have a parent form containing a subform (Datasheet view). The parent form also has a button that I only want enabled when there are records showing in the subform.

Were the records contained in a listbox (as opposed to a subform) - I could simply check the recordcount property but short of running SQL to count the number of records in the underlying table - how can I do this?
Any ideas please?

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Forms :: Count Multiple Values In Subform

Feb 4, 2014

I have a form and subform. I need to -

1) show the number of records in the subform on the main form
2) count the number of records in the subform where a value [Public] is True
3) count the number of records in the subform where another value [Analyst] is True.

I can achieve the first two by using the following VBA on the Main form current event -


Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim lngCount As Long


when i try to get number 3 done I get the same value as for [Public] (using lngCount for both...not surprising really!)

how i can get a count done for [Analyst] = True in the same event?

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Forms :: Display Record Count From Subform In Tab

Jul 1, 2014

I have a form that contains a number of tabs, each tab then contains a subform. The basic gist is that there are clients and each client chart needs to be audited to make sure that the every clients chart has all of the correct information in it. So if for example, each client needs an initial treatment plan, there would be a tab called Initial Treatment Plan that would contain a subform (continuous form) displaying all of the clients that are missing this information.

I would like to display the number of records that are being displayed in each subform in the tab next to the name to make it easier for the auditor to know how many which tabs have content to be updated. For example, if there are 10 clients that are missing their initial treatment plan, the tab would read "Initial Treatment Plan (10)".

I was able to get a total number of rows in datasheet view, but I don't know if there is a way to have that field as a hidden field in continuous form view that can have its value displayed in the tab.

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Forms :: Finding Record-count In Subform?

Aug 24, 2013

I need to check the recordcount in a subform of a navigation frame form in VBA. What is the proper syntax. I have tried multiple things but cant seem to get it. I would rather not use dcount.

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Forms :: Count Number Of Records In A Subform

Dec 9, 2013

I have a main form [frmZone] and a sub form (single form) [fromZoneSub] linked master/child by [ZoneID]

If there are, say, 5 related sub form records I'm trying to get a label [LabelCount] on the sub form to say "1 of 5" and as you click through the sub form for the label to change "2 of 5", then "3 of 5" etc....basically letting the user know how many records there are and as they click to the next record know which record they're on.

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Subform Record Count Warning Message

Jan 29, 2013

I would like to show a Message box to an operator when a certain number of records have been reached in a subform e.g when 36 records have been entered I want a message to appear telling the operator that a certain report can then be raised. Whether this is possible

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Tables :: Procedure To Restrict / Stop Auto Number Increment For Certain Number Of Record Count

Mar 16, 2014

I would like to know if there is any procedure to restrict/stop auto number increment for certain number of record count (say 50), then increment by 1 for next 50 records.

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Forms :: Using COUNT Function On Subform Which Is Based On Query?

Nov 4, 2014

Doing a school project and need to add a count function to a sub form that is based on my query. The count function just needs to be displayed on the bottom of the sub form showing how many records are in the sub form.

When I do this, the function works all good.

When I add the function to a header or footer, so that it doesn't show a column and repeat itself each time.

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Forms :: Auto Height Of Subform On Base Of Records

Apr 28, 2015

i have a subform (A) which shows records after an query..i want to set height of subform on base of records as some time query shows 2 records and some time it shows 10 can i set auto height of sub form

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Resize Memo Field In Subform

Apr 28, 2015

I have a subform that I use in a few different ways on my database. It has a comment log with a memo field for people to insert their comments. The struggle is some can be long some can be short. Is there any way to have each record height adjust to the length of the memo?

If it cannot be done for the subform in regular use, my main concern is having it formatted for reports that are generated for clients.

I clipped and attached an example from a report. Its not the best example but the extra column height is adding additional pages to my report to accommodate one long comment.

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Forms :: Auto Height Of Subform Based On Record Display

Nov 16, 2013

i have a subform name(SUBSAL)in this subform i get reocrds for some employee as select combobox Name(CMBEMP).some employee having 2 record or some having 6 record as their transaction

i have sum of transaction at subform footer field but when only 2 records shows in subform it shows a major gap or blank space in subform detail section.

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Forms :: Auto Populate Subform Based On Selection In Parent Form

Apr 30, 2015

I've got a Parent form (frmProspectDetails) with a subform linked (fsubProspectSkill).

This form is for users to enter general information on a prospect (names, position, height, weight, etc) on the parent form and skill levels on the subform.

Currently the subform is set so the user has to manually select the specific skill set for the prospects position, and then enter a value for each skill level(1-99).

I'm trying to get the subform to auto populate with a specific skill set based on the position selected in the parent form, so the user only needs to input the skill level without selecting each specific skill.

This data is then stored in a table (tblProspectSkill)

To add, I've created a form (frmPosition) that lists the specific skills set for each position.

I'm not sure how to get this subform (fsubProspectSkill) to auto populate with the specified skill set from frmPosition.

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Having Some Subform Fields Auto Fill From Mainform Fields

Nov 2, 2005

How can I get some mainform fields' data to be the first entry in a subform? From the mainform, I would like the Head of Household name and date of birth to be carried over to the first entry in the HouseholdMembers subform.

The two forms are tied to separate tables. For each household member I need to be able to enter full legal name, date of birth and some additional pieces of information such as income and source of income.

What I'd like to avoid is making the users enter the Head of Household's name and date of birth twice. Is there a way to carry that information over to the subform?

Thank you, Charlotte

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