Auto Cursor To End Of Default Text??

Apr 15, 2006

Access 2003 Form

Can i move the blinking cursor to the end of field? I set in the options but it goes to the start of the field. and wants to overwrite the default text. I would like it to start at the end of the default text.

Can it be done with code?


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Auto Put Cursor In First Position When Clicking In Text Box?

Mar 10, 2005

I have several fields with text boxes and input masks. When a user clicks in these fields, it puts them in whatever position in the text box they click in. If they click to the far right, it takes them to the right position and doesn't let them type the entire date, formula, etc.

Any way to set the text box so that no matter where they click it automatically starts in the first position?

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Auto Cursor Movement

Apr 6, 2006

hello my dear friends...

Few days ago I found some VB code which autometically move the cursor to the left of the field (with input mask) in a form to begin with... I mean whereever you click the cursor in the field it autometically comes in the beginning (left)...

I remember i have tried it with a sample form... but now today i can't find it...

I think i lost it...

Today i have searched the forum for this but coudn't retrive it...

Could someone find me out where it is??

Thanks in advance for your help

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Cursor Location In A Text Box

Jun 17, 2005

Hello all,

I have a text box that allows users to type a letter to a customer with a listbox next to it. The listbox is filled with data such as the customer's name, address, etc.... When the user double clicks an item from the list box, it should insert the appropriate data into the text box.

The problem is, is there a way to determine the current cursor location in the textbox so I know where to add the data?

For example, the cursor location has been determined before the text box lost the focus and now i am inserting the apporpriate data:

Textbox = left(TextBox, CursorLocation) & DataFromListbox & right(textbox,len(textbox) - CursorLocation)

Thanks for all your help.

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Force Cursor To Start Of Text Box?

May 6, 2005

Is it possible to force the cursor to move to the start of a text box when it gets the focus? (I suppose what I am really asking here is, is it possible to force a 'Home' key event?)

There is a text entry box, which when people put the cursor into it, it sometimes sits part the way in, consequently the operator could end up trying to type in more information than there is available space. I know that education might go along way here, but you just can't teach some people.


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Modules & VBA :: How To Keep Cursor Position In A Text Box

Feb 8, 2014

I have below code for maximum 3 criteria dynamic search:

Private Sub SearchFor_Change()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim Criteria As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim A
Dim strAdd As String


There is a problem, since I put the code in a textbox's on change event. then in case i want to revise the first two criteria, the cursor will automatically fleets to the end of the text, I want to know how to keep the position of the cursor?

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Want Cursor To Appear In Certain Text Box(simple Question But Cant Figure Out)

Jul 13, 2006

I have a form. On the form is a pull down box. When the user clicks a submit button on the form, it displays a message box if the name field is not filled out. I want to make it so that after the user clicks 'ok' on the message box, the cursor goes to the name text box so it makes it easier for the user to input his/her name. I would appreciate if some one could help me on this matter. Thank you.

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Position Cursor At End Of Text Box After AfterUpdate Property

Oct 7, 2013

I am using an unbound textbox at the top of my form for filtering purposes. The user types in a string and hits "Tab" which kicks of the filter which is defined in the AfterUpdate property. I want the focus to return to the same textbox and position the curosor after the last character. I am trying to use SelStart but not having success.

Me.Filter = "COURSE_NAME Like '*" & Me.txtFilter & "*'"
Me.FilterOn = True
txtFilter.SelStart = txtFilter.SelLength

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Forms :: Keep Mouse Cursor At The End Of Text Box After On Change Event Procedure?

Oct 30, 2013

I made an On Change Procedure on a textbox, so everytime I input a character, it will trigger the Me.Requery.

However, after that the event, the mouse cursor moved to the beginning of other field. I want it to stay at the end of the textbox so I can enter a full word, how do I do that?


Private Sub Text73_Change()
ProjectSearch = Me.Text73
Me.Filter = "[Project Name] Like " & Chr(34) & ProjectSearch & "*" & Chr(34)
End Sub

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Auto-Complete / Default Value

Jan 24, 2006

I'm using cascading combo boxes with sql in each subsequent combo similar to:

SELECT DISTINCT [incidentnavigation].[type] FROM incidentnavigation WHERE [incidentnavigation].[involved]=cboincidentinvolved And [incidentnavigation].[person]=cbowho ORDER BY [Type];

If the result of the query is one line, i.e. click arrow and there's only one choice, can I get access to auto-fill in the box?

I tried an excel kind of if(count(query=1) then etc and it doesn't like it.

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Default Value In Text Box

Jan 1, 2006

Hi All,

I have a search form with a text box for the user to enter a word or phrase to search the DB. I want the text box to have a default value to say "<Enter word or phrase here>"

I cant seem to figure it out. Any help would be great.



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Date And Text As Default

Aug 9, 2006

I tried searching everywhere and cant seem to find an answer to this one...

Is it possible to have a default value in a table which would be current month and year + text? Eg. mm/yy "text"

=now() & "text"
is fine but I need to format the date to mm/yy and cant seem to get it right.

eg. 08/06 Lease Payments

Also is there a way to do it for previous month, so if processing today it would give 07/06 Lease Payments?

Thanks in advance!

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Text Box Default Date.

Mar 4, 2005

Hi Dudes

I have a text box on a form which is formatted as medium date and I want it to default to the Monday of the following week. So for today it should have 07-Mar-05 in the text box.

Can anyone please advise a method for this.



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Default Value In Text Or Combo Box

Sep 26, 2005

I am trying to set the result of a query as the default value for a text or combo box. I have tried setting the query as the default value in the box's property. I have also tried doing it in VB. The code looks like this

Dim SQL AS String

SQL = "SELECT Address
FROM Table1
WHERE Name = Forms!Main_frm!name_lbx.Value;"

Forms!Address_frm!address_cbx.DefaultValue = SQL

I have also tried

Dim SQL AS String

SQL = DoCmd.OpenQuery([update address_qry])

Forms!Address_frm!address_cbx.Value = SQL

Where update address_qry is the same as the above.

I keep both forms. I know how to do it by setting the queries as values in a list box, then transfering the values to the text or combo boxes. But I was hoping there was an easier way.


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Default Value In Text Or Combo Box

Sep 26, 2005

I am trying to set the result of a query as the default value for a text or combo box. I have tried setting the query as the default value in the box's property. I have also tried doing it in VB. The code looks like this

Dim SQL AS String

SQL = "SELECT Address
FROM Table1
WHERE Name = Forms!Main_frm!name_lbx.Value;"

Forms!Address_frm!address_cbx.DefaultValue = SQL

I have also tried

Dim SQL AS String

SQL = DoCmd.OpenQuery([update address_qry])

Forms!Address_frm!address_cbx.Value = SQL
Where update address_qry is the same as the above.

I keep both forms open. I know how to do it by setting the queries as values in a list box, then transfering the values to the text or combo boxes. But I was hoping there was an easier way.


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Modules & VBA :: Set Default Value In Text Box

Sep 15, 2013

I have a problem of setting default values for text box.I want that in my database date older than "X" days were canceled.I would like to be able to set this value from the form...Here is the algorithm:

- I open the form - "Formularz1"
- I set the number of days (change value in text box and click "Change")
- I close the form
- When I open the form again, data older than the value (number of days) will be deleted from the database

In a file, which I enclose everything works like I wanted, but the number of days is stored in the table, but I would like to be inserted and changed the properties of the textbox. Is it be possible?

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Default Value - Text Or Date? - Yy Or Mm Format

Mar 6, 2005

I am hoping someone can help me, a real novice at Access 2000 - I am trying to construct a couple fields in a table, 1 of which will show a default value equal to a 2-digit year (yy) based on the current date. The second will display a default value equal to a two digit month (mm) based on the current date. Text fields would be ideal, but date field could work if it's the only way. Thank you for helping out a newbie.

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Variable Default Data In Text Box

Jan 20, 2007

I am working on a database for my boss that stores the results of monthly file audits and generates reports.
Each month about fifty files are checked against a check list and the results are to be entered into the database. Reports are generated quarterly.
I have a date field that holds the date of the review. I would like the default value of this field to be what ever was entered in the previous record. That way this field can be tabbed through until the next month. When the data in the field is changed that will become the new default for the following records.
I don't have any formal VB or VBA training. I just learn what I need for each project and save it for later use.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

Henry L Michel

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How Can I Add Current Time As Default In A Text Box

Aug 17, 2005

I want to add current time as default in a text box, how can i do it?

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Forms :: Default Value For Subform Text Box

Jul 25, 2013

I have a mainform and a datahseet subform.

Mainform = FrmProj_ProjectEntry
Subform = FrmProj_ProjectEntry_Sub1

On my mainform I have a text box (FrmProj_ProjectEntry.txtDueDt) where I enter an expected date.
On my subform I also have a textbox (FrmProj_ProjectEntry_Sub1.txtDueDt) for entering an expected date.

I would like the entered date on the mainform to become the default expected date on the subform for new records only. Once records are created the expected date can then be changed for each record.

How would I achieve this on an after update event on FrmProj_ProjectEntry.txtDueDt?

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Forms :: How To Change A Default Value In A Text Box

Aug 28, 2014

In a text box, [OrderDate], the default value is set to Date(). Now I wanna change the date without changing the default value and the new input value would be carried over to the next record until I say otherwise. Is there any way to do that?

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Modify Default Values And Text Strings

Apr 4, 2006

Hello, I have two newbie questions. First, when I design a checkbox in Form design view, how do I program or script the form so it will enter a "1" value on the corresponding tables database per column. (Just like in the option group design, where a click on each option generates a specific value on the tables database).

Second, how can I design the form where it can accept text strings as input and displays them 'as is' in the corresponding tables database as a text string.

Thanks for looking. :)

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General :: If Expression In Default Control Of Text Box

Oct 10, 2012

I would like to be able to put an if expression in the default control of a tx box.

I would like to say

if txtA = 0 then [Forms]![frmNewAppointment]![OrderTime] else [Forms]![frmAppointmentTreatmentItems]![TextA]+[Forms]![frmNewAppointment]![OrderTime]

Is it possible and am i close to doing it mysel?

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Forms :: Add Default Text To Form On Load?

Jun 22, 2015

Is there a way to add default text on a form when it loads via vba?

I have a form (frm_add_targets), which has 15 fields on it and I would like to add default text to these fields if the field should be null.

For example: one of my form fields is called: w_text1 and I would like to default the value of this field to the following: Significant amount of revenue at risk 1)<50k,2)up to .5mil,3)up to 3mil,4)up to 5 mil,5)>5 mil should it be empty on load,

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Forms :: Set First Day Of Current Month As Default Value To Text Box

Jul 31, 2013

How to set first day of the current month as default value to a text box?

I managed to get current day minus 1 month using:

= DateAdd("m";-1;Date())

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Text Box Default Value With Date / Time / Year

Aug 9, 2012

I am having an issue trying to add the year at the end of the following line:

=(1000000*(Month(Now())))+(10000*(Day(Now())))+(10 0*Hour(Now()))+(1*Minute(Now()))

If I put + (Year(Date())) it doesn't work..What I want displayed is this: 80911512012

8 = month
09 = day
1151 = time
2012 = year

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