Auto Entry Of Repeating Dates

Aug 14, 2006


On my form, we can enter time off for employees. This is working pretty well, but we have some employees that have flex days every other week or even once a month.

What I would like to make possible on my form, when the user is inputing the data, He makes the initial entry, and then he has an option (checkbox?) that they can select to make this same entry every (week, other week, or 1 month from the date). Have it repeat for a year out maybe, so if the user has every other friday off. It will make an entry for every other friday for the next year.

I've been searching the forum, and I've been reading on the dateadd function. But I'm not sure how to implement it on this form, not sure if there is a way to make it repeat for a year? Also not sure if it's possible (or if that's the best choice) to have checkbox for choices using it?

Any ideas suggestions?


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Auto Entry Of Data

Apr 6, 2008

I am new to Access and I am trying to update our existing database. Presently our database is used to report incidents that have multiple subjects per incident. Is there a way to have a field recognize the data ie. the last name of an individual, and automatically fill in the remaining fields for that individual without having to fill in each field over and over again?

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

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Auto Date Value For New Entry...pls Help

Apr 13, 2008

Hi all,
I have made a database containing two columns,one id and other as date,now whenever a new id value is added,i have to add date myself.I want access to input the current date and time.Type of the field is date time.

I am using Java code to fill the columns using JavaODBC execute update

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Auto Data Entry

Apr 11, 2008

Hello All,

I was hoping someone could tell me the correct method of performing my intented function.

I would like for Access to Auto Input data from another table based on one entry in the current table.

Table 1 consists of Field 1 (Part Number), Field 2 (Serial Number) & Field 3 (Description).

Table 2 has Field 1 (Part Number) & Field 2 (Description).

Based on the info from table 2, how do I get the program to auto input Field 3 from table 2 (when I type in Field 1 in table 1)?

Thanks in advance

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Restrict Data Entry For Dates

Feb 9, 2005

I have a HUGE system which presently restricts updating a "Final Action" date to today's date only. However, I want to change it so users can input dates for only the present working week. The present coding is as follows...

Private Sub dteActioned_AfterUpdate()
Dim strTime As String

strTime = "07:30"

gintChanged = gintChanged + 1

If Not IsNull(Me![dteActioned]) Then
If Me![dteActioned] > Now Then
gintReply = MsgBox("Your actioned date is later than today !!", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Oops")
Me![dteActioned] = Null
GoTo Exit_dteActioned_AfterUpdate:
If Format(Me![dteActioned], "dd/mm/yyyy") < Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy") Then ' final action earlier than today
If Weekday(Now) = 2 And Format(Now, "hh:mm") > strTime Then
' If Weekday(Now) = 6 And Format(Now, "hh:mm") > strTime Then
' Not acceptable to enter a previous date
' older than 7 days is not acceptable
gintReply = MsgBox("Now too late to accept this 'Final Action' date !", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Oops")
Me![dteActioned] = Null
GoTo Exit_dteActioned_AfterUpdate:
' Previous date is acceptable but only as far back as 7 days
If CVDate(Me![dteActioned]) < CVDate(Now) Then
' older than 7 days is not acceptable
gintReply = MsgBox("Now too late to accept this 'Final Action' date !", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Oops")
Me![dteActioned] = Null
GoTo Exit_dteActioned_AfterUpdate:
End If
End If
' Actioned date is acceptable since it is today's date
End If
End If
End If
' if today is a Monday Only accept final action dates which fall within the previous week if today


End Sub

Probably very simple but I just can't get it to work. Help please! Time is short.

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Auto Entry Of Fields From Another Table

Nov 23, 2007

I have a simple table called CUSTOMER with contact details on there...First NameSurnameDate of BirthAddress 1Address 2Address 3Town/CityCountyPost CodeemailetcI have a second table called TOWN_COUNTY_REGION that lists all the towns and cities in the UK. Each Town/City is listed with its corresponding County and Region. This table has 3 fields...Town/CityCountyRegionThe TOWN field in the CUSTOMER table is populated by the user selecting from a list of towns in the TOWN_COUNTY_REGION table. When a user clicks the town that they are in, I would like the appropriate COUNTY and REGION fields to be automatically populated in the CUSTOMER table. So, for example, if the user clicks LIVERPOOL from the list of towns and cities, Merseyside and Northwest should automatically be populated in the other 2 fields.How do I do this ??Many thanksAllan

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Auto Fill Entry If Condition Is True

Apr 19, 2005

I have a table

(Not real names)

RequestType (Lookup to TypeTable)

This table then Relates to a request detail table.

The question here,

There are two types or request (T1 and T2)

In my form to enter new Requests I will have a dropdown box to select the type of request.

The next field is the request number. If the type of request is T1 then the person entering the request will have a 6 digit number to enter. But if the request is T2 then I need to auto populate the field.

Is this possible?
Or should I just build two forms, one for each type.

Also what would be the best way to auto fill in a number that follow this pattern.

05 = year
04 = month
0001 = the number of the request for this month.

Every month starts over at 0001

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Modules & VBA :: Auto-number Stopping Entry

Jul 4, 2013

I have a form that contains an autonumber field. Before any data is entered into the form that field displays the word "(Autonumber)".While it does this the subforms on my form that use that same field to run their querys are empty


Me.AllowAdditions = True
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
[Forms]![InvoiceForm]![CreateNewRecord] = True
Me.AllowAdditions = False
[CreateNewRecord] is just a invisible tickbox that is used to enter some data on the form; I don't want to use it but haven't found another solution.

Anyway. When the user opens the form they have to press this button Unless a new record was previously created and that's confusing. I'd like it in the form load event except I can't "see" the value of the field while it displays "(Autonumber)".My code for the form load is:


If InvoiceNumber.Value = Null Then
End If

Where invoicenumber is the autonumber field and command82 is the new record button.

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Combobox Won't Auto-search When Multiple Periods Are In Entry

Jul 27, 2005

I'm having trouble finding an entry anywhere about this, although I'm sure I'm not the first person to come across it...

When I am typing my entry into a combobox it begins to autosearch, highlighting the part of the entry that it finds that matches the beginning that I typed in (as a normal combobox does in access).

However, when the entry it finds has multiple periods in it (i.e.: S.T.A.R) it stops searching and does not highlight the remainder of the entry it moved to. I'm not sure that searching is the correct term, which may be why I can't find any information on this, but is there a way to correct this problem?

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Modules & VBA :: Automating Data Entry For Weekly / Biweekly Dates

Oct 24, 2013

I am trying to write code for a form. When the user enters the "Number of Payments" and the "1st payment date" it will fill the amount of the payment into a specific month.

For example: 1st payment date would be 10/24 the payments would be bi-weekly and the amount would be $50.00. The number of payments would be 4. I would need it to put $50.00 into a field called "October" $100.00 into a field called "November" and $50.00 into a field called "December". In excel I would do this simply by using a (date)+14 formula. I am sure that I need to do this with loops but where to even begin.

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Forms :: Auto Populate Date Field During Data Entry

Aug 14, 2015

I have created a basic Volunteer Events and Hours Volunteered tracking database.

I created a form Volunteer Hours to allow an end user to use that form to record the volunteer and hours volunteered on a specific Event. There are two tables needed in the form Volunteer Hours to be used for the end users to record the Event, Volunteer, Date and Hours. The form has drill down fields from two tables:

Table A - Volunteer Events (event name, date, descr, owner, co-owner, loc, status)
Table B - Volunteers (name, co, div, emp#,title)

I want to be able to select the Volunteer Event and have the event date automatically populate in the Volunteer Hours form date field when the Event is selected to eliminate the end user from having to enter the date in.

Also; I would like to be able to add more than one volunteer at a time to an event on the form, this would also decrease the data entry time.

Are one or both of these things possible?

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Auto Populate Table With Dates

Aug 4, 2014

I have a table with a few fields, which include a field called StartDate and a field called EndDate. From the table I plan on finding the Min StartDate and the Max EndDate, is it possible, to make a table from these 2 sets of data and have the fields in between be auto populated in increments of a month?

For example. (Dates in dd/mm/yyyy format)
StartDate=1/1/2014 and Max EndDate=1/12/2014

So the table should show:

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General :: Sending Auto Alert On Certain Dates

Jul 16, 2014

Any way to send auto alert without opening Ms. Access program.

I have created a program which requires to send auto alert on certain dates. Due to some travel plans manager might not be able to open the program every day (might not open the program on certain dates where I set the alerts) and the chances are he will miss those alerts if he won't open the program.

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How Can I Configure A Table To Auto Data Entry Into Fields Based On A Previous Field

Aug 31, 2006

My situation is this. I have 3 tables that I have imported from my mainframe system, between these 3 tables I have the data of product code, description,supplier code, supplier name, order method, and ABC code.

I am trying to create another table that I can capture daily Out Of Stock data for products.

What I would like to do is to enter the product number in the first field of my new table, and then the remaining fields will auto populate with the correct details based on the product data stored in the parent tables that I have imported.

How can this be done?

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Attendance Form - Need To Auto Update Names And Dates

Mar 28, 2006


I'm trying to create an attendance form for my school. I have an Attendance Form already that has the following information:

Student Name
Date of Attendance
Attendance Code

What I would like it to do is, automatically populate the date for all the students enrolled in the class. So if the Math class has 5 students, the form would automatically have all five students with March 28, 2006 and the next day have March 29, 2006 and so forth.

Any suggestions on how to go about achieving this task?

Many thanks in advance!

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Forms :: Newly Added Values In Combo Box - Streamline Data Entry With Auto-populated Fields

Jun 24, 2014

I have a combo box that pulls account name data from tblAcctInfo. the combo box has an OnChange event which updates a textbox, txtAcctAddr.

when i have a new account that i would like to be listed in the combo box, i use a form, frmAcctAdd, to add a record to tblAcctInfo.

what i would like to do, is:
1) when i type a new value in the combo box that isn't in the list, have that string value pre-populate in the frmAcctAdd.
2) when i have added the new account info into frmAcctAdd and then saved the record, i would like the new value to pre-populate in the combo box, with the txtAcctAddr textbox also updated via the OnChange event (or maybe a different event is more appropriate?).

I have created a long version of this which requires a lot more user interaction (1-user typing in a new value into the combo box, 2-user RE-typing the SAME value into a data entry form, frmAcctAdd, 3-user saving the new record, 4-user re-clicking the combo box and selecting the newly added value) but i am trying to streamline the data entry with auto-populated fields.

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Data Entry - Auto Fill Data For Exisitng Accounts In Records

Mar 9, 2006

First I would like to give thanks to all the knowledgeable folks here who have helped me with my DB to date. It is working and every one is very happy and I have learned a lot.

So now I would like to add some more functionality to this existing project.

My DB is for data input of customers for a drawing. It has the following fields: Id, account number, first name, last name, date/time, score1, score2.

I t is taking a great deal of time for the users to enter in hundreds of entries a day. Most of the entries are customers who are already in the DB. I would like to get the fields to auto fill the data for existing customers say after the account number is entered. So after you put in the account the name and any other pertinent data would shows up saving users from typing it in again.

The first problem I am having is that this is still a data entry form and I can’t figure out how to be able to see the account information and still add new data to the record? The new data is a daily score they get.

Second I haven’t figured out how to call up the customers information from just the account field.

I’ve googled this and haven’t found anything terribly helpful.

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Forms :: Can A Field Auto-fill From Previous Entry In Separate Field

Mar 21, 2013

I've just returned to work after kids and started managing a large Access database related to health, back-tracking over many years.

Currently in filling a form we physically enter:
Apples 2.2
red apple 2.4
red apple cut 2.45
Oranges 5.6
Cucumbers 8.5

Is it possible to get field 2 to automatically fill with a number code due to the text typed in field 1?

FWIW, I'm confident at more basic Access e.g making follow on default value = Dlast("field""table") type stuff but the more complex stuff I haven't touched since Uni over a decade ago and you will need to be gentle while I blow away the cobwebs

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Forms :: Auto Age Calculate From Birth Date To Selected Entry Date

May 11, 2013

I create a database through ms access and there have a birth date box and admission date. Another box for Age.I want to see the age in month or year figure in to the age box when I go next field. Which will be calculate from admission date to birth date.

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Auto-filling A Field Based On Entry In A Separate Field

Jul 17, 2015

I am creating a database tracking physicians and their contracts. I currently have two tables: PhysicianT and ContractsT, with corresponding forms to enter information in them. I have an issue with the Contracts form; I want to be able to select a physician from a dropdown list (looked up from PhysicianT) and have Access autofill their Physician ID #.

PhysiciansT looks like this:

physicianID (AutoNum) name (Calculated)
1 Barker, Bob
2 Burgundy, Ron
3 Stark, Tony

Upon selecting Barker, Bob from my dropdown list, I want "1" to appear in the Physician ID # field in my Contracts form.

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Repeating Rows

Dec 25, 2005

my problem is when i export data form table or query to textfile it give me repeating rows my computer is win me
help me

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Repeating Query

May 12, 2006

As posted here

I thought its better to mention it here as well:

How do I get the query to repeat itself to gernerate extra rows of info.

I have "[Enter Ingredient Code]" in the criteria section on one column, this gives me a popup when starting the report to enter the code. I would like to have this reappear to enter more information. Maybe the action to with another pop up box like

"Would you like to add another ingredient"
"Yes" "No"

Click on yes and the query will rerun and enter the data in, select no and the report is made.


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Help With Repeating Records

Nov 29, 2006

My table has the following fields

ItemNo Name ImageName DateRecd
123 Foo 00123.jog 1/1/06
123 Foo 00FOO.jpg 10/11/06
123 FOO FOO123.jpg 7/5/04
456 bar 00456.jog 6/10/06
456 BAR 00BAR.jpg 7/5/00
456 Bar BAR456.jpg 11/23/06

How would I write / get a query to run and show me, the 2nd item numbers, the 123 but only the most recent date so 10/11/06 and for itemno 456 the item dated 11/23/06

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Repeating Data

Dec 6, 2006

Here we go again i have another problem.

I am finding it very hard to explain my problem so i have attached a copy of my database:

Have a look at NUMBERPLATE OPTIONS in the booking table. When you click on this field you have to type in the END DATE and the CAR TYPE to generate a list of numberplates that can be selected. This END DATE and this CAR TYPE have already been enetered into the BOOKING TABLE for this particular record. Is there anyway of repeating this data entery?


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Repeating Information On New Record

May 25, 2007


I have a form, and I am on record "A". When clicking to add a new record "B" I want all the same information on record "A" to show on the new record "B".
How can I do this without using default?


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Repeating Names In Combo Box

Aug 6, 2007

Hello to all on this site, I am hoping someone here can help me in my journey to learning Access. I have some experience writing simple/moderate code in VBA for Excel, but I am now using Access to create a database to monitor/track progress on projects for an initiative at my work place.

My question revolves around using Combo Boxes. I have one table/form (tblEventSummary/frmEventSummary) where the user will enter data regarding a project they are working on. One field is called txtEventLeader. What I want to do is to create a combobox which will allow the user to either select a name from the dropdown list (of names that have been previously used) or to enter a new one. When entering a future form, I want any new names used to also be displayed in the combobox.

I was kind of successful doing this already using a query (qryEmployees), but if the same name is used in txtEventLeader, I then see that name twice in the combobox and in the associated query. I would appreciate any recommendations for what to do here. Hopefully I was able to ask a clear enough question...

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