Auto Lookup In Query Not Updating Underlying Table

Jan 6, 2012

I have created a 'junction' table between 2 many to many tables:

Jobs table (details all jobs)Jobparts table ('junction' table details Job ID, Part ID, quantity and unit price)Stock table (details all stock).The fields Job ID, Part ID and Unit price are each lookup fields from the corresponding fields in the jobs and Stock tables with quantity being a manual entry. This works fine.

I discovered you can automatically populate the unit price field using autolookup based on the entry of the Part ID field on the form. However having amended some pre-existing jobpart details randomly on the form when I checked back to the table they had not updated. Similarly when creating new entries while the form 'unit price automatically updated on entry of the 'Part ID' these details did not feed through into the table.

I assume it has to do with how the table was originally set up the field properties will need to be changed.

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Forms :: Update Form / Query Without Updating Underlying Tables To Query

Jul 23, 2015

I have a form which will be used as the basis to print a label.

It is bound to a query and when I open the form I pass over a 'where' condition to return 1 record. I then use the query to produce a report/label.

What I want to do is to update the form/query without updating the underlying tables to the query.

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Updating A Table Using A Form Lookup

Aug 7, 2005

Can anyone help?

I'm having trouble storing autofilled data from one of my forms and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas.

My data is as follows




Now I have a standard order entry form which works fine, my problem is with the subform:

On my form Description and Nett are auto populated referencing ProductID but this information does not transfer to the table tblPurchaseOrderDetail. The main problem is that a nett price can occasionally chanege (inflation) but I need to be able to look back to a particular order for audit purposes and be able to see what I paid.

I'm sure there is w way round this, but I've been unable to figure it out. I've gone through loads of different threads on the forum and as a result am sure it can be done, I've also looked at the examples posted by several users, but none seem to approach the lookup quite from this angle, does any one have any idea...sorry for the long post, thanks.

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Table Lookup And Auto Insert Data

Nov 24, 2007

Hi All
I am new to this, hope you can help!!

I have 2 tables,
Customers and Routes
I want to auto insert data from Routes when I select the route Number from Customers,

the tables to auto update are


I have read HELP in Access but I am a layman when it comes jargon. 'from the many to the few'??
Hope you can 'Plain English'

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Auto Query Lookup

Aug 20, 2004

I am new at creating databases, and I have the jist of creating tables. But my boss wants me to create a database that notices two fields such as (Item and Size) and when I enter and Item such as Helmet and then small for the size, he wants the (NSN-national stock number) to appear which consists of 11 digits. I viewed other forums and usually in a form in Access you enter a number and the rest of the information appears. However I need the autolookup to recognize the text and output the number. I understand that I have to create a table that contains all of the information so it has something to refer to. I am not familiar with Visual Basic, to write a program code. Second, I he doesnt want the information to appear in a form, but in a query. If anyone could please help, I would greatly appreciate it, because I am pressed for time.

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Tables :: Select Table Lookup And Auto Fill In Another Field

Apr 10, 2014

i have a user permission table.that consists of PermissionPK, UserFK, CompanyFK. I also want the username to be automatically filled in?So when a user ID is filled in on the table, it also fills in what that UserID's Username should be?As i need both the UserId and Username text for code that looks at the Environ username.

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Forms :: Populating Invoice From Underlying Table?

Jun 14, 2015

As simple as it sounds. I have set up a table with a list of items and the costs. I then created a form with a list comprising 10 combo boxes. I want to be able to select one record from the underlying table per combobox on the form.

I am able to do this but the records in the underlying table keeps switching to the primary key field as I go along using the combobox.

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Update Combo Box When Change Made To Underlying Table

Feb 24, 2005

I have a form with a Combo box, populated from table A. From this list, the user can select a item for data entry into table B. If the desired item is not found in the combo box, the user can launch another form that will allow the item to be added to table A. However, when the user returns to the data entry form for table B, the new item doesn't appear in the combo box.

I saw this problem addressed in another posting, but the solution (which required code behind an Exit button) will only work if the data entry form for table B is open :eek: . So, if the user wants to only do data entry into table A, an error will be raised when they try to exit.

Other than creating a seperate data entry form strictly for table A, is there an easier way to update the combo box on the entry form for table B?

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

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Forms :: Combo Box Populating Underlying Table Incorrectly?

Mar 9, 2015

I am using a form with a combo box (FieldExpenses) that lists from a query row source (SELECT statement). Whether entering a new record or editing an existing record on the form, the selection in the combo box populates the field in the underlying table (TableTransactions) with the row ID (ex: 105), not the desired field (ie: Telephone).

I tried using a split form and the table in the form shows the field correctly. If I open the underlying table separately, the field displays the row ID. It's not working as I wish.

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Form With List Boxes Won't Populate Underlying Table

Oct 10, 2013

I have a form called Adaptation Form in which Last Name and Course Number are entered.

The user looks up Last Name using a listbox on the form, and looks up Course Number using a second listbox on the form.

To use the form, the user looks up Last Name in the listbox, finds the ID number associated with the Last Name, and enters the ID number on the form. The form then autopopulates with the last name. The process for entering a Course Number is the same.

This populates the query underlying the form, but not the table. All that gets populated in the table is the ID Number for Last Name and the ID number for Course Number.

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Populating An Underlying Table When Using Cascading Combo Boxes In A Form

Jun 1, 2005

Hello everyone

I have read the FAQ on cascading combo boxes and have managed to apply the theory to my DB's data input form (frmDataEntry) which is very cool and prevents a lot of errors however in doing so it no longer populates the underlying table (tblProductionDetails).

I am at a loss as to how to correct this as you can see from the example I need the customer and description field to be populated with the correct data rather than the fields I am using to make the cascading combo boxes work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



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Forms :: Underlying Query In Subform Creating Duplicate Records On Form

Jun 18, 2014

I have an "Returns" master form that contains two subforms. The subforms contain items that we are returning back into our inventory. The underlying queries in each subform show only those records where the "Return Date" is null. The query(s) works fine, except that if there are 3 items that need to be returned there are 3 records that show in the master Returns form. I tried the Totals option in the query but the I need that Return Date on the subform. I only want one Returns master form to show the 3 records (not 3 records of the same master form).

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One Lookup Or Auto Populate Field

Feb 25, 2006

Haven't touched Access in quite some time and now I can do a simple task.

Here's what I have:

2 Tables

Table 1 includes 2 fields COURSE CODE and COURSE NAME

Table 2 will be a list of students and the courses they have taken

What I'm trying to do is as I'm entering a new student in the database I want the course name to automatically fill in when I type in the course name.

I did lookup fields for both the course code and the course name to ensure the correct codes are entered. However since the data in table 2 does not autofill there is the posibilty of having a row with a course name that does not match the course code.

How can I force table to 2 match the course name and code relationship from table 1?:confused:

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Using Lookup In One Field, Auto Fills In Another

Jan 11, 2005

I have 2 tables and I am trying to link them using a 3rd table, as per a previous discussion, this is a new enquiry.

I have two fields on the new table that I want to display the same information as the first table. Ie. Co ID and Co Name.

Is there a way to when selecting the Co Name auto fill in the Co ID?

This would also be usefull in my call record form, where I select a name and the Phone numbers auto fill in.

I can put several fields in the lookup combo box, but I cant get the info from them to the other field.

Thanks :)

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Lookup In A Query With Unrelated Table??

Feb 29, 2008


Is it possible to create a lookup in a query against a table which has not relationship but has a match?

E.g. iif(spec(in query)=Spec (match table) then bring back cost in (match table)

Hope this makes sense?


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Lookup Value From A Table To Input In A Query

Oct 11, 2006

I am building a mortgage/amortization database and I need to look up the "points paid" from another table and also the "adjustment to margin" based on the points paid and the index, "MTA" or "COFI". I have no idea how or where to write this lookup. Any suggestions?

Thank you!


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Auto Lookup Of Fields From Seprate Tables

Apr 24, 2007

I'm new to access and trying to figure out how to use a field to look up and return results from multiple tables. I've tried several books and also the northwind traders example. What i'm trying to do is just like the oder form in the orthwind traders example on the order form. I would like to insert the customer name via a combo box then have the address, phone etc. automatically update as well as automatically update the shipping address etc with the current billing address. I know this is pretty basic but I must me missing a step.

Thanks in advance


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Queries :: Update Query (table To Table) Not Updating All Records

Nov 26, 2013

I'm using an UPDATE query to update records in one table (tblMain) from another table (tblTemp)

Here is my SQL :


UPDATE [tblMain]
INNER JOIN [tblTemp] ON [tblMain].[MainField1] = [tblTemp].[TempField1]
SET [tblMain].[MainField2] = [tblTemp].[TempField2];

I only want to update the records in tblMain which have a corresponding record in tblTemp (linked by MainField1 / TempField1)

If any record doesn't appear in tblTemp, I want tblMain to retain the existing value for that record.

However, it appears that in such situations, the record in tblMain has it's MainField2 value set to null / ZLS.

I've tried using LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN and also tried WHERE clauses but the result is the same every time.

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Paramater Query That Brings Up A Lookup Table

Jun 21, 2006

Hello, is there any way I can have my single-parameter query bring up a lookup list of options from a table field rather than relying on the user to correctly type in the criteria? Then when this query runs I will know the user is picking one of the correct options from the lookup list.


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Select Query Using A Lookup Table As Criteria

Aug 29, 2007

Using MS Access 2002

Need some help trying to filter out some data so it can be deleted from the main table so updated data can be pasted into it that table.

Table name is "dbo_VG_PropertyValues"

AppID - Number
DNIS - Text (This is the column i need filtered)
PropertyName - Text
ProperetyValue - Text

I had a query where i would just type in the 3-4 DNIS numbers that i needed to search for by using "11111" or "22222" or... etc... in the simple query view under criteria..

I'm now getting lists of 50 + numbers i need to do searches for, delete and replace with updated data. I can't run a string of "or" statements on 50+ numbers, it won't allow it. I created a table called 'DNISList" with the 50+ numbers i need to search for out of the "dbo_VG_PropertyValues" table. In the simple query view i linked on the DNIS number from both tables and set the join property to show all the records that matched. Hey it looks good, so far, i got the results i wanted but can't delete anything.

Is there anyway in the criteria field under the column DNIS from "dbo_VG_PropertyValues" where i can so a search on that table without linking the tables? I hope I'm making sense. You know something like:

IN ([DNISList]![TFN])

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Tables :: Possible To Automatically Lookup Data In A Table Without A Query?

Jun 18, 2013

A field in a table can be populated by a lookup up but it has to be done manually or with a form.A "new" table can be created with a query that matches the data.

Is it possible to skip these steps and create a field that automatically populates with the data from another table based on other common data?I can do this in Excel but not sure it can be done in Access.

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Queries :: Lookup Records From Table - Adding A Value To A Query

Feb 12, 2014

I have a query which looks up records from a table, now what I would like to do is append the word All Projects to this query - is it possible, and if so how?

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Lookup Table - How To Make More Than 1 Field From Query Appear In The List

Dec 1, 2014

In Access, when using Look Up function, Table/Query, how do I make more than 1 field from the query appear in the drop down list?I will be doing the same thing for students and some other tables. But for this example I am only wanting to show instructors first and last name and their ID number in the drop down.

I am using

SELECT instructors.first, instructors.last, instructors.ID FROM instructors;
in my Classes table.

What am I doing wrong?

I would like for it to show their instructor first and last name but actually put the ID in the field as I will be using that key for various relationship based functions. Show the first and last name to the person who will be using the database, but actually put the ID in the field so I can use it as a common field across other tables.

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Auto-Updating Date?

Mar 16, 2005

I was wondering if anyone knows any way to have the date/time field in my database automaticaly update itself to the current date when I change part of the data in that same line.

For instance, if I change the entry for last name, is there anyway to have the date field automaticaly change to the current date without me entering it manualy? Thanks for your time.

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Auto-updating Name List???pls Help

Nov 25, 2004

I'm creating database that will display about 6000 different names. My question is how can i insert a last name into the last name field, and have the first name of that specific person automaticlly filled in in the field next to it titled, First Name. The answer is probably simple, but i'm as stupid as they get right now. I would like to thank everyone in advance for their help!

Justin Fiorilli

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Add To A Query Without Updating Table

Mar 3, 2008

Is it possible to update a query without updating the underlying table?

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