Does anyone know if it is possible to create a macro (or whether there is another function) so that a database will automatically close after a period of inactivity.
There is only one form that users will see (or use) but if this form remains inactive for say 20-minutes the program shuts itself down.
My initial thought was to use Form>On Timer facility but I would need to be reset the timer after every update. This seems particularly longwinded and I'm not 100% sure it would work.
Is there a way to automatically shut down Access after a given amount of time?
I have an Access application that runs across a network. Access is the front end of a SQL Server 2000 database.
Some of the users forget to close their application at night when they leave for the day. When I come in in the mornings, I like to run the Compact and Repair, but can't because someone is still logged in. So then I have to go to each and every computer to see if they are still logged in. By the time I vist each computer, the morning is almost started and people ARE logging in for the day.
So I'm hoping to find an application that will automatically either log each computer off across the network, or that will log the application off of each individual computer after a given amount of inactivity.
I've searched the forum for a sample code on how to automatically shutdown database at a given time of the day, but i can't find any. There are lots of codes pertaining to inactivity / idle users but none on scheduled time.
My idea is to kick-off all users every 12:00nn, Monday to Saturday and then compact / backup database after.
I recently got a corrupt backend with the standard "unexpectedly quit Microsoft Access" message. This type of corruption (backend) has never happened before so I'm a little worried. I think I've taken the standard preventitive steps, but I'm hoping I can do more.
I guess I have two questions but my main one is, what's the most graceful/ideal way to close an Access database as to reduce chances of corruption?
My other question is, does the size of the database have any bearing on it's corruptibility?
I am still learning access and have been helped alot by this forrum so I thought someone may be able to help me here. I am trying to experiment with security from a few different angles, privileges to folder, to database, inactivity shutdown, ect. I know that my office shuts down at 1630 hrs every day and noone comes back in till 0730 the next morning. Is it possible to ether load a script/macro on start up that will query the time every so often, and if the time is between 1700 - 0700, automatically close the program? If so could the inactivity timer sample supplied by petersoft be modified to accomplish this? If not possible, could a conditional statement be loaded on start and at a set interval after that to do something like (iif (time())<1,docmd.quit,"").
I download the database from this thread and I copy the table, form, macro and module to my database but and error is appearing showing that missing shutdownform.
The MS Access 2000 application I have developed for my remote client, when deployed, occasionally shutsdown with no error message and no clue as to why.
There is no common pattern that I can establish. Compact and Repair makes no difference. Have tried re-writing objects that I suspect may cause this. I have tried creating new front end and back ends and re-importing all the objects. Have tried programatically deleting and replacing all queries. Have tried converting to Access 2003 and back again.
Is there any third party trace tool that I could use, or expertise that I could engage?
My London based client is losing patience and I am staring down the barrel of 4 weeks worth of work going unpaid.
Is there a way to shutdown an particular db when multiple users are logged on from my pc? i.e. - When I need to get into design mode and can't because of other user's being logged on.
Or at least be able to send them a friendly message from within access to ask them to get out?
we use access database for printing lab reports. and a small graph is also printed on this report from another software(not an access application).
what i have done is that first we print the txt report from access and then use the same paper to print graph on it. I have alligned the report in such a way that these two reports fit perfectly.
we have to print twice and sometimes the graph is deleted in the other application, so we have to make the graph again.
what i want to do is: 1) prepare graph in the other application. 2) take a screenshot of it. 3) save this as an image file (jpg or bmp) 4) reference this picture in the access application and print it with the report.
So the problems are: 1) when i take a screenshot, how do i save it as a file, 2) how do i just get the area of the graph and remove all extra space. (usually all the other space is white as background)
Hi all! I was wondering if you guys can help me out with this one:
I would like to have data auto-inserted from a particular colum in table 'x' in to a defined column in table 'y'. similary, I'd like to achieve auto-updation of this data as well as deletion. Can anyone please provide some guidelines?
A little more detail :
I have a column "Client ID" in the table client_personal_info, the rows of which I'd like to have updated in the "Client ID" column in the client_business_detail table.
So if say, ClientID_1 is a row that has been added by the user, I'd like to have it auto-inserted in the client ID column in the client_business_detail table
Access 2010 keeps changing the Capitalization of objects when I don't want it to.
For example "Cancel" becomes "cancel". Later it will be changed back to "Cancel".
There is also a table with a field "FULLNAME". Several Queries build a field "FullName". As a result FullName, even in places like Application. CodeProject.FullName get changed to Application.CodeProject.FULLNAME.
(Track Name AutoCorrect is off. ) It is especially irritating because I export the code to text files and check it into source control. Sometimes dozens, or even hundreds, of files will show up as changed because Access did it's rename thing.
Here is my issue. In a table with an Auto Number index some records have been deleted. I have been able to recreate them along with their original auto number. The problem is that I do not know how to append these records forcing the original auto number. I have tried changing the auto number field to a number field in the table, this works except I cannot change it back to auto number.
I am sure I’m not the first with this question or issue. I did search through a couple hundred entries about auto number before I posted this question.
I've tried googling this, but I can't find anything helpful. I have five columns in my 'Main' table. In each row, column B, C & D are solely dependant on column A. And column E is completely independant of all of them. I want to be able to select a choice in column A using a drop-down menu (which I know how to do) and have columns B, C, & D automatically fill themselves in (which I don't know how to do). Column E I would just manually enter.
How do I get columns B, C, & D to automatically fill themselves in my 'Main' table. I would select a value from a drop-down menu in column A and want everything else to fill in. The values for A,B,C,& D are all in seperate tables with an ID and linked to their respective fields in the 'Main' table. Appreciate any help.
Hi all, Is it possible to have different colour fonts in forms automatically?
i want the user to add numerical data into the form but the middle numbers must automatically be coloured red. these numbers are then matched to stickers in the same format for easy identification.
If am a developing the db and just making alterations to forms and reports etc on a developing copy. Is there anyway i can auto pull and replace the ones in the live db rather than going into the live db, deleting all the forms etc and then importing it?? can it be scripted or somethign like that?
I make a data base every year for work orders that my work does for our customers, I have every thing set up and it looks great except for one field, last year I was able to make it do an auto number once I put the date in. for example first box work Order # ___ second box date once I put in the date an work order # would fill in the w/o# box and it would follow what ever the last work order # was (12600). for example I need the year 2006 TO START OFF WITH # 12601, What querie/option do I need to accomplish with this info.
Hi...Im working with this database..its an order tracking database.. everytime we received the shipments we have to update the rcvd items.. i have an attachment here... pls i really need help...
How could i do these automated:
1: if i update the Rcvd status (Y/N) "Y" could i make the Date Rcvd automated.. coz what happens is that.. i have to put date in each items that we rcvd and its a waste of time.. what if.. i have lots of rcvd items..
2. how could i put row count.. so i could know how many items i have and on what row are they...
I have a table already set up in a Subform of a main form
The Table has values like -Date -Time -Name -SchBy
I want to have the subforms table to automatically re-sort ascending by Time, how would I go about doing this so the user doesn't have to click the field then sort ascending button...?:confused:
I was thinking of an idea to backup the database in a multiuser (FE/BE) environment, without disturbing the users. Please comment on it as if it has any drawbacks.
And also soemeone please help me do this, if its does not contain drawbacks.
************************************************** ******** Main Idea
What I want is to automate backup process at fixed intervals, in a FE/BE environment without disturbing the users i.e without disconecting the users. And I think it is possiblke and safe to do if we start the backup process when all users are inactive and stop any user activity or stop Frontend's interaction to the Backend, while in the backup process.
And If no such time is available as all users are inactive within a certian time then forcefully stop user interaction to the backend and start backup process.
To stop user interaction with the backend , we can close all objects (forms, reports, queries etc) and open an unbounded modal pop-up form , with no close exit button. This form can have timer and after 30 seconds or maybe 1 minute we can auto close this form so that the user can again use the application. We can stop new logons by placing an ini file in the folder where the Backend rsides. This Ini file can contain two keys ( "lock time" and "lock status"). At the frontend startup we can query these value from the inifile to check that new logons are allowed or not, and if the "lock time" is greater than 2 minute then bypass the lock status and allow new logons. It means that something went wrong with the last backup process and the ini file was not updated to new lock status. We can have a table or an in file store the normal and maximum time at which the backup process starts. These values can be queried and compared with the current time using a hidden form. If the normal time exeeds the current time then start looking for a state where all logged on users are inactive (i.e all objects are closed in the front end of all users). If such a state is found then warn the user that backup is going to start in 1 minute, lock new logons, after 1 minute close all open objects and then bring up a modal form that i have described in step 1 and start bakup process. And if no state is fount till the maximun time then warn all users that backup would start in 1 minute, lock new logons, after 1 minute close all open objects and then bring up a modal form that i have described in step 1 and start bakup process After the backup is complete set allow new logons in the inifile.
Why is it that auto center doesn't auto centre? Yes it centres horizontally - but not vertically. Does anyone know how to actually center horizontally and vertically i.e centre!? (I have used both spellings in order to appeal to a larger audience!)
Can someone please look at this and help me as it does not work? It stops right away at the "Dim olApp As Outlook.Application". It tells me "user-defined type not defined". I have searched the forums and could not find a solution.
Thanks, RichB
Private Sub Command154_Click() Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem Set olApp = Outlook.Application
'Create e-mail item Set objMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) With objMail 'Set body format to HTML .To = "Forms!FrmPersonal!Email" .BCC = Forms!FrmPersonal!rateremail & Forms!FrmPersonal!rrateremail .Subject = "AUTO EMAIL REMINDER" .BodyFormat = olFormatHTML .HTMLBody = "<HTML><BODY>Blah, Blah, Blah</BODY></HTML>" .Display End With
Hello I am going to be developing a site that will need to give qoutes.
So person will fill out a form and when they send the form. They will receive the exact about of money it will cost them
So I fill out a form asking how much will such and such cost, I send it in With in 2 or 3 minutes I receive an email with the exact amount of the cost.
Can this be done with access database..If so or how would I approach this situations. Remember this is an auto response with the exact answer I was looking for from the form I filled out.
Hi, I have created a database in access to build an inventory. The structure is very similar to the "Home Contents Inventory" template from microsoft.
I want now to generate auto-labels for all contents in the inventory in the format XXX-XX-999 (XXX=Room, XX=Device, 999=number of devices in room) so for example if I have three PC's in the OfficeSpace room the label should be OFS-PC-003
I have created fixed value columns for Room and Device with the abbreviations stored all I need now is to somehow concatenate these two columns and assign an autoUpdate number so that the Label remains unique throughout (OSF-PC-001, OSF-PC-002, PSF-PC-003, BOR-PC-001 etcetc)