Auto-Updating Date?

Mar 16, 2005

I was wondering if anyone knows any way to have the date/time field in my database automaticaly update itself to the current date when I change part of the data in that same line.

For instance, if I change the entry for last name, is there anyway to have the date field automaticaly change to the current date without me entering it manualy? Thanks for your time.

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Auto-updating Name List???pls Help

Nov 25, 2004

I'm creating database that will display about 6000 different names. My question is how can i insert a last name into the last name field, and have the first name of that specific person automaticlly filled in in the field next to it titled, First Name. The answer is probably simple, but i'm as stupid as they get right now. I would like to thank everyone in advance for their help!

Justin Fiorilli

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URGENT HELP PLEASE! Auto-Updating Field Using A Calculation (Complex)

Aug 8, 2006

Hi, im relatively new to access but my problem is fairly complex.

I'm creating a database for a school project, and it is focused on improving the way a flying club runs.
I have been able to solve most problems myself, but this one truly has stumped me.

The basics:
There are two tables - Instructor Details
- Flight Completion

And one form - Flight Completion

On the instructor details table i have a field called 'Hours Flown'
The purpose of this field is to show the total hours flown by an instructor.
On the flight completion table i have a field called 'Flight Duration'
This field is for the duration of the flight the instructor just flew.

I want it so that when the instructor presses a button on the flight completion form, the duration entered into the 'Flight Duration' field is added to the 'Hours Flown' field and then the 'Hours Flown' field is updated with the new total.

I hope that is clear to you, but if not please let me know and i will try and clarify it for you.

I really do need help.

Jared James

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Forms :: Form Auto-Updating Other Text Boxes

Jun 26, 2014

I have a form where I type in the time a person starts a job. The format is Medium Time. I also have a box where I type in the End time for that job. Also formatted in Medium Time. I have another box that is for if a break happens during that job to return the value 10. My formula for that box is: =IIf([Start Time]<"9:00 AM" And [End Time]>"9:10 AM",10,0). The problem that I am having is that it only works when the time is in the 9:00 AM to 9:59 AM time frame. I need it to work where if a person starts at 6:00 AM and gets done at 2:30 PM to return the value of 10.

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Auto Lookup In Query Not Updating Underlying Table

Jan 6, 2012

I have created a 'junction' table between 2 many to many tables:

Jobs table (details all jobs)Jobparts table ('junction' table details Job ID, Part ID, quantity and unit price)Stock table (details all stock).The fields Job ID, Part ID and Unit price are each lookup fields from the corresponding fields in the jobs and Stock tables with quantity being a manual entry. This works fine.

I discovered you can automatically populate the unit price field using autolookup based on the entry of the Part ID field on the form. However having amended some pre-existing jobpart details randomly on the form when I checked back to the table they had not updated. Similarly when creating new entries while the form 'unit price automatically updated on entry of the 'Part ID' these details did not feed through into the table.

I assume it has to do with how the table was originally set up the field properties will need to be changed.

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Auto Updating Total Order Cost After Quantity Is Changed

Oct 11, 2006

Ok so here is my problem:
I have a form that is realted to four differnt tables with the names: CUSTOMER, ORDER, PRODUCT AND ORDER LINE. With-in the table Order-Line there is a entity called, line_item_cost whcih is the total amount of the order with respect to Quanity_Ordered which comes from the ORDER LINE table and Price which comes from the PRODUCT table and Discount (%) which comes from the CUSTOMER table. When the users goes to change the Quantity_Ordered I need the form to automaticly update the line_item_cost which would calculate [Price]*[Quantity_Ordred]-[Price]*[Discount] . I tried to build a code in VBA to do this, Here is the Code:
Dim a, b, c, d
a = Me.[Quantity_Ordered]
b = Me.[Price]
c = Me.[Discount]
d = a * b - b* c
Me.[Line_Item_Cost] = d

VBA Complies the program but it does not show up in my form.
I think I might be updating it at the wrong point.
Any Suggestions.????

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Forms :: Auto Age Calculate From Birth Date To Selected Entry Date

May 11, 2013

I create a database through ms access and there have a birth date box and admission date. Another box for Age.I want to see the age in month or year figure in to the age box when I go next field. Which will be calculate from admission date to birth date.

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Auto Fill Field In A Table By Comparing A Given Date Against Current Date?

Aug 18, 2015

I am building a database to track contract of employees so that I can know which contracts are valid and which are expired.

My table has the following fields:

ID (Primary key)
Employee ID (Foreign key to link to the employee table)
Status (Either valid or expired)

I want when I enter the end date, the system checks the end date against the current date and fills in the status field with either valid or expired as appropriate. For instance if the contract end date is March 10,2016, the status must be filled in the word valid.

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Forms :: Form Auto-populates Date Field - Want To Add Check Box To Enter Alternate DATE

Nov 1, 2013

We use access to enter our service tickets in at work.What we have are three date fields.

Call Date
Start Date
End Date

We are 24/7 operation.Currently all 3 just autopopulate with the current date.What i would like to do is ADD a CHECKBOX next to each Date Field.And make it work like this.

1. let them autopopulate as they are currently
2. if you end the call AFTER MIDNIGHT (the next day). CHECKING the box would automatically populate yesterdays date in each of the fields that has the check box CHECKED

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Updating A Date

May 1, 2006

I need to be able to update all the date records in a table using an update query. Any ideas of what i have to put in the 'update to' box to get all the dates to change from dd/mm/2005 to be dd/mm/2006

cheers for any help

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Updating Date Using SQL

Mar 27, 2006

I have a table which contains dates in the format (mm/dd/yyyy) as well as other information, I am trying to get an ASP website to update the date with values chosen by the user. The problem is that when using the UPDATE command it returns an error, saying the syntax is wrong. Here is my SQL statement and the error message it produces, if anyone has got any ideas, please let me know -:

"UPDATE Users SET Name = '"& UpName &"', DOB = #"& AddMonth &"/"& AddDay &"/"& AddYear &"# WHERE ID = "& ID &" "

The error message I get in return is -:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in date in query expression '#//#'.

Thanks in Advance

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Updating A Change Date

Oct 21, 2006

How do I set up a date field so that it changes to the current date whenever any other field in the record is changed?

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Updating A Field To Current Date

Feb 18, 2005

I have a form named 'Race'. It uses table 'Tasks'. I want to click a command button and have the 'Completed Date' field updated to the current date.

Can anyone tell me how to code the command button?



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Noob In Access Needs Help With Date Updating

Aug 4, 2005

For my own database which i created in Access i have something called a mutation date. so when i changed something i typed the date of that day.
Now i want that to go automaticly. How do i do that???
It would be great if someone could help me with that. Once there's something changed in the record i need to make the date of that record changed.
Hope u can Help me

What doesn't kill u makes u stronger

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Forms :: Updating Date When Modifying Data

Nov 20, 2013

I want to update my date field in my database everytime when the record is changed. I do not want to do this by using a macro and I cannot make it word by using the before update function. In the before update I have tried the following without success (nothing happens):

Private Sub Modified_Date_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Me![Modified Date] = Now()
End Sub

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Forms :: Updating Date Field Via Button

Feb 19, 2014

I'm having a problem trying to update a date field from a button.

I have a form called Add_New_Domain which runs from a table called Domain_Names.

Within the form there is a field called Expiry_Date which tells me when the domain is set to expire. When I first create an entry I manually enter a date in here.

However, every year when the domain renews I would like to increase this date by exactly a year by clicking a button which is also on the form.

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Auto Date

Jan 27, 2005

Good day all. I am very new to Access and have a question ref date/time. I would like to have two fields fill with the "current" date/time when a user clicks on the empty field. Any help would be great!! Thanks all and take care.

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Auto Date

Jul 31, 2006

When The User Checks The Option Box True I Want Todays Date To Display In The Date Feild.....any Help Or Do U Need More Info

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Forms :: Auto Populate Date Field Based On Another Date Field

May 13, 2014

I am building an Access database for a client. It is an employee staffing database. With that being said they would like the ability to automatically populate the "T2PPCD" date field based on what is entered into the "Report Date" field. (Same table)

The date is the Monday after 180 days from the report date.

I already know how to get it to auto fill 180 days from the "Report Date" but I'm not sure how to tell it to give me the Monday after 180 days.

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Updating Date In A Query & Data Access Page

Feb 1, 2007

I am trying to do an auto time stamp in a data access page without having to go to new record. What I am doing is farming out parts of a record to different departments, and I want to time stamp each time each department performs their query, but I want to be able to display the data for the department, and store the timestamp in the original table.

Everything is stored under the table [Appointments] and different departments enter certain things. For instance, Reception gives the customer a ticket # which they enter into the database based on the query for the customer appointment. On the data-access page, I want them to be able to see their check in time. I am able to do this with an expression, but I can't store it in the field. Here's what I have:

Expr1:Now() (this is in the query)

In the data access page I display Expr1 with no problem. How do I get the field [Reception time stamp] to equal Expr1? When I try to do it in the query, it treats it as another expression and doesn't store it in the field (Reception time stamp = Expr1)

Is there a way to assign a field the value of an expression in queries or data access pages?

In other words, for the field I have named "Reception Time Stamp" is their anyway to plug in the Now() value when I do my query? Not search for Now() but have it show Now() when I use the query in a data access page without having to create new record. I know how to do it when you time stamp it with new record, but how can I do it with a query that pulls up an existing record that more info is being updated on it.

Table Demographics:
Account Number (Primary)

Table Appointments:
Appointment Number (Primary Autonumber)
Appointment Date
Appointment Time
Account Number (Relationship tied to Demographics)
Reception Ticket #
Reception Timestamp
Cashier Amount Collected
Cashier Timestamp

Relationship is One to Many (One Demographic to Many Appointments)

Everybody will be entering data on a data access page using internet explorer, which makes this more tricky, as it would be easy to do using forms. So here's how it works. Appointments enters customer information, appt date, appt time, and account number.

Reception pulls up by date and name(queries) the appointment, and then enters a ticket number (Like taking a number to be waited upon) After they enter this and write this ticket number, I want an auto-time stamp to be saved under the appointment table for reception time stamp.

Then, when their number gets called, the cashier pulls up the patient by ticket number(queries) and collects money from the customer. After they write the amount they collected, I need an auto-time stamp.

The reason I need to auto time stamp is so I can calculate time difference from the customer walking in the door and going out the door. The main reason this has proven difficult is because I am doing all data entry on data access pages, and everybody will be using internet explorer. Another reason is because almost all info is being saved under appointments, and each department only enters a couple of things towards completing the appointment record.

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Forms :: Updating Old Database - Repeat Data From A Given Date

Feb 20, 2015

I am currently updating an old Db which rosters staff. One of the enhancements will allow the user to automatically allocate staff details to a Roster after a given date. i.e. Roster date 20th Feb 15, repeat for 3 days. 21st 22nd 23rd Feb 15. I have created a form with a medium date field and then a Combo box with drop down values of 1 thru 7 days. I want to link the combo box value to the Date box.

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Auto Date Value For New Entry...pls Help

Apr 13, 2008

Hi all,
I have made a database containing two columns,one id and other as date,now whenever a new id value is added,i have to add date myself.I want access to input the current date and time.Type of the field is date time.

I am using Java code to fill the columns using JavaODBC execute update

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Auto Date Field?

Jun 26, 2006

I am an extreme newbie to Microsoft Access and I've created a basic form for entering data about employees for a future review process. I have a Date field which I would like Todays Date (the date the form is filled out) to appear, however I cannot get it to work. I am not sure where to put Date( ) or todays date in order for it to automatically appear when a new record is started.

Thank you to anyone who can help me out with this...


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Date Auto Change Overide

Sep 23, 2005

I have just upgraded my large client database from Access 97 to Access 03. Unfortuntely all date of birth prior to 1930 are being displayed as 20??. IE date of birth 1928 displays 2028. Is there any way to automatically change this without altering the input mask and changeing each record individually. I have approx 15000 on the database, so not looking forward to doing it manually.
Any suggestions appreciated.

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Date Driven Auto Email

Nov 26, 2006

I have a form that contains six boxes with the run out date for six different types of employee vaccinations each box contains a conditional format that allows it to change colour to highlight how close they are to requiring another course of injections (Green = within 6 weeks, Amber = within 2 weeks and Red = Out of date).

What i would like is similar to the conditional formatting be able to auto email the individual on the 6 week 2 week and if they happen to run out of date.

Not sure how difficult this will be my access knowledge is vastly improving so any help would be greatly appreciated.

P.s I have searched the access forums and only came close with a birthday greeting style auto email but the fact i want to be a pain and auto email at different intervals hampered that idea!

Thanks in advance Darren

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New To Access, Auto Date Issues

Apr 4, 2007

Hi all,
I'm new to access and have been creating a table to store data entered by machine operators about product quality checks in my factory. I can create the fields with the relevant data ok and make a form as the interface for the operators to enter the data but i am having trouble with the date and time.
What i need is for the date and time to be entered into the data base for each entry at the time of entry, but i need this to happen as an autodate type function as i dont want the operators to have the ability to fudge the dates or times.
I hope I have explained this well enough.
Any help would be appreciated.


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