Auto Entering Field From Another Field With Tax

Feb 28, 2008

Please help,

I want to make field to insert automaticly data from other filed but without tax (18%)

I have filed [Iznos] where the price is with tax and I want to make another filed where data will be entered automatically and without tax

I tried in "defaul value" to enter
[iznos] * 18/100
but don't works.


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Auto Entering Field From Another Field Without Tax

Feb 28, 2008

Please help,

I want to make field to insert automaticly data from other filed but without tax (18%)

I have filed [Iznos] where the price is with tax and I want to make another filed where data will be entered automatically and without tax

I tried in "defaul value" to enter
[iznos] / 118
but don't works.


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General :: Populate Field By Entering Date In Another Field?

Oct 24, 2013

I am wanting to populate a field by entering a date in another field. I am trying to determine age(years, months, and weeks) of something by entering a date in another field. Is that possible in Access?

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Entering '0' In A Field.

Jul 13, 2006


I am creating a form and one of the fields are 'Area Code'. Input will be along the lines of 02 and 03, but whenever I do this it deletes the 0, just leaving a 2.

How do I make access leave the 0 in the field?


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Forms :: Can A Field Auto-fill From Previous Entry In Separate Field

Mar 21, 2013

I've just returned to work after kids and started managing a large Access database related to health, back-tracking over many years.

Currently in filling a form we physically enter:
Apples 2.2
red apple 2.4
red apple cut 2.45
Oranges 5.6
Cucumbers 8.5

Is it possible to get field 2 to automatically fill with a number code due to the text typed in field 1?

FWIW, I'm confident at more basic Access e.g making follow on default value = Dlast("field""table") type stuff but the more complex stuff I haven't touched since Uni over a decade ago and you will need to be gentle while I blow away the cobwebs

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Tables :: Auto Populate Field Based On Answer Of Another Field In Same Table

Feb 28, 2013

Within my table if Field 1 has an answer of Self (from drop down), then, I would like Fields 6-12 to auto populate; however, if Field 1 does not have an answer of Self, then leave Fields 6-12 blank.

I am not quite sure how to lay this out. I am using Access 2010.

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Make Field Auto Populate Based On Value Of Field In Another Table

Mar 4, 2008

I'm creating a database that keeps a track of questions and scores.

The questions in the database need to be dynamic and are changed frequently.

I have a scorecard table which keeps a record of scores and the applicable question at the time the record was saved. I need to do this because in 6 months time we may want to provide feedback. As the question may have changed we need to be able to refer back to what the question was.

I want the question field in my scorecard table to populate with the value in my question table.

I have tried a number of things including setting the question field in the scorecard table to a lookup based on the following query:

FROM tblQ1;

This works however only as a list or combo box. I don't want the user to have to select the question. I want it to auto populate, is this possible?

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Tables :: Auto Populating A Field Based On Selection Of Other Field

Jun 27, 2014

I (will have) a form which a user fills in to enter new data.

I have two fields,

"Branch" and "Branch ID" (Branch ID will not be on the form, just in the table)

Branch will be fed by a combo box with seven choices. I would like it so that when "Branch" is populated it autopopulates Branch ID with a code which relates to the branch, so for example

Braintree BRA
Colchester COL

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Auto-filling A Field Based On Entry In A Separate Field

Jul 17, 2015

I am creating a database tracking physicians and their contracts. I currently have two tables: PhysicianT and ContractsT, with corresponding forms to enter information in them. I have an issue with the Contracts form; I want to be able to select a physician from a dropdown list (looked up from PhysicianT) and have Access autofill their Physician ID #.

PhysiciansT looks like this:

physicianID (AutoNum) name (Calculated)
1 Barker, Bob
2 Burgundy, Ron
3 Stark, Tony

Upon selecting Barker, Bob from my dropdown list, I want "1" to appear in the Physician ID # field in my Contracts form.

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Finding Field When Entering ID

Oct 30, 2006

I have a form where I want to enter an ID and then see the Name in the next field.
How do I do that? Everytime I enter an ID I get "?Name" in the next field.

The Table is "BudgetLine" and I enter an ID from a table "Item"


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General :: 2 Field Look Up To Auto Fill Another Field On Form

Jan 2, 2013

Is it possible to look up 2 field to auto fill another field on my form?

Field 1 is "RiskLetter" this is autofill with "Risk" is user input.

I need to lookup RiskLetter and Risk and autofill from "Number" field. This to stop incorrect data being inputted.

So I need to look at the "Risk" & "RiskLetter" to come up with a "Number"

Would it be possible to use a Dlookup to look at RiskLetter and Risk to give me the score.

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Entering Values Into Field On Form

Jul 14, 2014

I have a form for entering Retirement Plan information (frmRRSP) that has tblRRSP as its recordsource. The RRSP Rate is a field with a Number datatype (in the table) and a Percent format on the form. When I enter a value on the form it originally displays the value I enter, until I press the Enter key, then it changes to "####" an enters a value of 0 in the table field.I tried entering a value directly in the table and it changes to 0 when I press Enter.I have an almost identical form and table for Vacation and it does the same thing.

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Entering Data In A Field Through Filtered Records Only

May 4, 2006

uh.. I guess the title pretty much sums it up... Is there a way to enter data in a text box or something once, and have it applied to all the filtered records?

I have it set up so that we can sort by project number, and it displays only the invoices that havent been assigned to a bill (we recover the expenses form our parent company). I dont want to have to enter the same bill number to each of the filtered records individually.


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Forms :: Message Box Pops Up When Entering Field

Aug 2, 2015

I have message box come up in the On Enter of field (ContactTypeID):

Select Case MsgBox("Take care when editing this field!", vbOKCancel Or vbExclamation Or vbDefaultButton1, "Access DB")
Case vbOK
Case vbCance
End Select

to warn the user that this will change the contact type of the record.When I click the field everything works fine except I'm not able to enter the next field. All other fields I'm able to enter. Also, when I try top enter the next field (Phone) I get the message box for the other field even though I have nop message box function for that field.

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One Field Auto-populated By The Sum Of The Records Of Another Field

Dec 3, 2007


This is my first post. Thank you for reading it. And thank you in advance for your assistance.

I have an invoice table and a payments table. One invoice can have many payments (a deposit, final payment etc). The relationship is created.

I have a form with tabs that hold subforms. One of the tabs contains fields from the Invoice Table (i.e. Invoice Number, Invoice Amount, Total Paid). One other tab has a subform that contacts fields from the Payments table (i.e. Invoice Number, Check Number, Check Amount). I would like to auto-populate the Total Paid field in the Invoice Tab with the SUM of the Check Amount from the Payments tab BY Invoice Number.

This doesnt seem to difficult but I'm having trouble with it. Any assistance would be much appreciated.

Thank you!

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Auto Populate Linked Field With Key Field

Mar 22, 2005

I have a form with a main form and two subforms. The first subform automatically populates it's linked field with the data in the key field of the main form, but the second subform does not auto populate it's linked field with the data from the key field of the first subform. I have created main forms and subforms before and this was not a problem.
Is there a way to cause the second subform to automatically populate it's linked field with data from the key field of the first subform?

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Tables :: How To Auto Populate Field 2 From Key Field

Oct 17, 2012

I need a continuity field...transaction number..that can be both a parent and child key. Would like to create this upon accessing a new record / row.

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Lookup 2 Field To Auto Fill Another Field?

Dec 30, 2012

Is it possible to look up 2 field to auto fill another field?

Field 1 is "Exposure" this autofill with "Probability" is user input.

I need to lookup Exposure and Probability and autofill a score in to "Risk Rating". This to stop incorrect data being inputted.

I have a table with all the results combination in it.

Would it be possible to use a Dlookup to look at Exposure and Probability to give me the score

I tried a Combox with autofill. But the power to be would like it done without user input.

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Modules & VBA :: Entering Data Into A Table Using Record Field

Jan 19, 2015

I am creating a log in form, it checks the user name which is unique. if the user has entered a password, it shows only one password text box, they enter the password, if it is correct they enter the database, otherwise they return to the text box.

But if they have not entered a password before the form opens with two text boxes, one for the password and one to confirm the password is typed correct, if the are different a message box shows telling them that they are different, now is where i having problems, when they have typed the two passwords and they are correct i want them to save this password in the same record "Password" as the selected "username" record, I can find the "username" record by doing a Dlookup, easy, but i am stuck how to then save the password from the text box where the selected username record is.

My table "staff" has fields of "IDStaff", "FirstName", "Surname", "Password", "Username".

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Entering Current Date In A Field Via Form Button?

Aug 16, 2012

I am trying to figure out to have the current date populate in table field by using a button on a form and not having much luck.

I have a table with 2 date fields, a 'created' field and a 'received' field. I already have the date set to auto populate for the 'created' field but I don't want the 'received' field to populate until the employee has gone into the database to receive the work.

I know I could have the employee just enter the date, but i want to avoid any typos or people simply forgetting to do it.

Ideally I would love the button to enter the current date into the 'received' field and save the entry, but I fine it needs to be 2 seperate buttons.

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Populating A Field Automatically OR Allowing Manual Entering Of Data

Sep 26, 2005

I have a simple table with two fields in that table called:

1. BankName
2. BankNumber

Each bank has a bank number. For example Bank XYZ and all of its branches have the same Bank Number 123. There are 5 banks I have listed in a combo list under the BankName field. I can also type in a different bank in that same field if it is not listed in the combobox list.

Now, I want the BankNumber to automatically populate based on what I choose under BankName. If the BankName is manually entered (for banks that are not in the combobox), or if the BankName field is blank, I want the BankNumber field to be able to enter a number manually.

For example, if I go to the BankName field and under the combobox I select Bank XYZ, i want the BankNumber field to automatically populate as 123. If the BankName has a bank name that was manually entered, i want BankNumber field to allow me to manually enter a number.

Thanks for ur help. I couldn't figure this simple request out.

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Entering Field Value With Code Doesn't Trigger New Record With AutoNumber

Jan 4, 2006

In trying to respond to another thread, I have run into something that is confounding me (or maybe I'm just getting dense).

We have a subform. One field has an event on DblClick to launch a search form. When the user identifies the target, he/she clicks a button on the subform. This pushes the appropriate value into a field on the original subform using VBA code and closes the search form. This all works fine.

The behaviour that is driving me bugging is when the user clicks on a new record (i.e. new line) on the subform, we would like to automatically generate the next record (E.g. when you type in a field of a record with autonumber in datasheet mode, Access automatically generates the next record). Currently this doesn't happen - Access generates the PK for the record being modified, but doesn't generate the view of the next record.

What really confuses me is that I have created similar looking example in which this works just fine. I can't figure out which of the differences between the two samples is causing this behaving.

Also, typing information into the field on the subform does cause the next record to be generated. It is just doing this via code that works in one case but not another.

I have narrowed it down to the actual subform. Even as a standalone form the form exhibits the same behaviour.

For reference, the original thread is

Any suggestions?


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Forms :: Popup Error Upon Entering Field For Search Purpose

Nov 19, 2013

I get this strange behavior in multiple forms I have. When I click on a field for the first time, I get a quick popup that immediatly disappear. It only get the popup when I enter fields I added for search purpose (a listbox which has a query as source, which I build with the value from another input field that the user type in).

I get the error when :
-I enter the input field for the first time
-I type in a value for the first time
-I select an element in the listbox
-Also when I open a form for the first time (happens only for the first opened form)

I don't even have time to see what it is in fact. I had to time a screenshot to see what it was.

So, I get an error like this : "Search referenced file : MSOUTL.OLB". No text in the msgbox, only that title.

[URL] .....

I checked google, found various reference to Outlook stuff. Problem is, I don't use any outlook stuff. I don't get any of those popup when I open the projet under Access 2013, but under Access 2010 I get them. I created the project under Access 2013, but users will use Access 2010.

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Problem In Entering Data Into A Field In A Table. Screen Shot Provided

Mar 3, 2006


im having difficulty adding data into a table which i created, i want to use two or more of the same Student_ID's into one field, while adding different data into another field Subject.

i attached a screen shot of the error.

i would appreciate any help

Many Thanks.

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General :: Scientific Notation Displayed When Entering Data In Number Field

Mar 4, 2013

I have a "Currency" field in a table and it holds large numbers (on which I will need to do basic arithmetic operations at some point, so I must store them as a numbers). I have set the "Standard" format on the TextBox used to display it on a form because I want to have thousand separators; I've also set "0" for decimals as I don't need to display them.

So everything displays as I want it even with the largest number that can be stored all the decimals are showing in the text field, but when I click on the field to edit the value instead of having the complete value it is displayed as scientific notation. I would like to display the complete value when editing it instead of the scientific notation, how can I achieve this, if it is possible?

A numeric example: If a user enters 1234567891012, the value displayed is indeed 1234567891012 but if they click on the field again the displayed value while editing is 1.23456789012E+11 (and it switches back to normal notation when the focus changes to another field). I would like to show 123456789012 all the time. I know that Access is capable of it most likely because if I set the Format to "Fixed" the values are always displayed completely (no scientific notation), but unfortunately I would like the thousands separators to show and it is not possible with the "Fixed" format.

Two last details, the scientific notation while editing does not kick in unless there is more than 11 digits in the number and the field width (and/or TextBox width) are sufficient to display up to 20 digits.

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Problem Entering External Data From Excel Into Access Field Using Input Mask

Mar 5, 2008


I'm new to this. I'm trying to enter data (it's actually Latitude and Longitude co-ordinates) from an existing Excel source into an Access database which has input masks of 00°00'00.00"L;0;0 (Latitude) and 000°00'00.00"L;0;0 (Longitude) in the respective fields. However I cannot get the information to import or display correctly. I did an "export data" of the respective table (hence fields) to Excel to try and get the correct entry format. An example of the Lat exported was 24°49'41.81"N and Long was 067°01'44.02"E (but with a very small ' in front but only visible in the data entry line in Excel, not in the actual spreadsheet table???)

However when I try to enter the data (even using the exact same little degree symbol, apostrophe, and quotation marks) it does not enter the access fields correctly. On closer scrutiny of the exported Excel format I note a small ' at the very beginning of the 24°49'41.81"N or 067°01'44.02"E string. But as I said previously only visible in the data entry line next to the formula button. Not on the spreadsheet cell.

However even when I "Paste Special" "values only" my new co-ordinates into the same entry location as one exported, it will still not import, or display correctly. If I go into the Access database directly there is a form where if I need to enter the new co-ordinates (using lat example above) I only have to enter 24 49 41 81 N (spaces between) and it will show correctly as 24°49'41.81"N

I'm getting desparate as I don't want to have to change all the details manually. Anyone know what my correct format from an Excel spreadsheet should be?

Apologies for lengthy story! Difficult to describe problem with degree symbols etc

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