Auto Refresh

Jun 1, 2007

I have a form with four subforms which display highest scores in four categories during a competition. At the moment I have to manually refresh the form to see the latest scores. How can I get this to happen automatically say every 2 minutes?
Thanks Dennis

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Auto Refresh Table Content

Feb 27, 2012

I have a database in access that i have shared it and 5 person write in it. I want to show the datasheet in a monitor but my problem is hat I cant use auto refresh the Table datasheet. How can I auto refresh the datasheet of table when every client change it?

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Auto Refresh Opened Report Every X Seconds

Jun 26, 2013

I am working on making a DB to use as a production schedule. tblBuilds holds a list of builds. I have several reports to show this list with different filters. One such report is rptBuildsToday. This report will be open on the production warehouse computer and displayed on a huge screen all day every day.

Is it possible to make it so this report auto runs again every so often? When new builds are added to tblBuilds, or if a record on the table has its date changed to "today", It would be nice to have the report reflect this change within a certain time without having to manually refresh the report. The people looking at the screen will be doing so from their work benches and nowhere near the computer that has it opened.

If this is indeed possible, could the proposed method also work on a report or form inside the tab of a navigation control?

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Modules & VBA :: Click Button (auto) - How To Refresh Navigation Bar

Jul 1, 2015


ExportWindow = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Output To")
OkButtonTest = FindWindowEx(ExportWindow, ByVal 0&, "DUIViewWndClassName", vbNullString)
ButtonOKTest = FindWindowEx(ExportWindow, ByVal 0&, "Button", "OK")
mouse_event MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0
mouse_event MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0

The above code works and my issue is how can I move the mouse to the OK button and click on it to. The reason why is when I SETTEXT to the address bar it does not refresh so I SETTEXT to the file name box to navigate to the prescribe address which will refresh the navigation bar once the OK button is clicked. How to refreshing the navigation bar.

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Queries :: Column Totals To Display On A Form - Auto Refresh After 2 Minutes

Mar 5, 2014

I have a database which has a table for the quotes prepared, each record has a quote amount. In a query linked to that table I have the ability to get just a specific month view which shows all totals in that month. I want to calculate a grand total for the amounts shown in quote amount:

Record 1 : 100.00
Record 2 : 100.00
Record 3 : 50.00

Grand total : 250.00

Then I want to display this grand total on a form which is visable on a screen based in the office that has an auto refresh on it so after 2 minutes any new records added to the table will increase the grand total on the form on the screen.

I have worked out how to do the totals bit, but now I need getting this figure (I.e. 250.00) on a form without having to run the query and have it looking in the background.

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Auto-trim / Auto-crop A Picture & Screenshot

Mar 20, 2006

we use access database for printing lab reports. and a small graph is also printed on this report from another software(not an access application).

what i have done is that first we print the txt report from access and then use the same paper to print graph on it. I have alligned the report in such a way that these two reports fit perfectly.

we have to print twice and sometimes the graph is deleted in the other application, so we have to make the graph again.

what i want to do is:
1) prepare graph in the other application.
2) take a screenshot of it.
3) save this as an image file (jpg or bmp)
4) reference this picture in the access application and print it with the report.

So the problems are:
1) when i take a screenshot, how do i save it as a file,
2) how do i just get the area of the graph and remove all extra space. (usually all the other space is white as background)

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Feb 13, 2006

I have two questions for someone

Is there a way to have the database auto refresh ?? If so how is that done

I use the service management template in Access. The problem we have is there a way to write a script to check for existing names when entering new ones. Like after entering all the information in a new record have it look at the first and last name and if it does exists have a alert come up stating that it already is there

THXS Steve

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Refresh One Sub From Another

Apr 30, 2005

Hopefully this is an easy one...... Have a form... With two subforms. Info is entered into first subform... Second subform shows a recap of info entered. Kind of a running total of an "Average" based on info input on the first subform.
OK... Problem is... The second subform updates... requeries the info on close. I want it to update the info every time a new line or record is entered into the first subform. I have tried a couple of ".requiry"s on the first subform... but no luck. I'm not that hot with VBA yet.... And can't seem to get anything else to work. Solution????

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Auto-insert And Auto-update Help

Sep 1, 2005

Hi all!
I was wondering if you guys can help me out with this one:

I would like to have data auto-inserted from a particular colum in table 'x' in to a defined column in table 'y'. similary, I'd like to achieve auto-updation of this data as well as deletion. Can anyone please provide some guidelines?

A little more detail :

I have a column "Client ID" in the table client_personal_info, the rows of which I'd like to have updated in the "Client ID" column in the client_business_detail table.

So if say, ClientID_1 is a row that has been added by the user, I'd like to have it auto-inserted in the client ID column in the client_business_detail table

thanks in advance for your help

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Modules & VBA :: Name Auto-Correct Off But Auto Changes Appear

May 22, 2014

Access 2010 keeps changing the Capitalization of objects when I don't want it to.

For example "Cancel" becomes "cancel". Later it will be changed back to "Cancel".

There is also a table with a field "FULLNAME". Several Queries build a field "FullName". As a result FullName, even in places like Application. CodeProject.FullName get changed to Application.CodeProject.FULLNAME.

(Track Name AutoCorrect is off. ) It is especially irritating because I export the code to text files and check it into source control. Sometimes dozens, or even hundreds, of files will show up as changed because Access did it's rename thing.

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Refresh Of Subform

Apr 13, 2006

I have a form with one subform that lists trucking loads. The form is set to run modal. There is one button on the form to add new loads which when clicked opens a popup form to enter new load. When you click on the Save button on the popup form it saves load to table and closes taking you back to the Form/subform with list of trucking loads. I have tried various refresh tips to get the new load to show, but I have to close the Form/subform and re-open for the new load to show up. Is there a way I can get the Form/subform to refresh after I click the save button on add load popup form so it shows this new load without the need to close/re-open the Form/subform?

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Subform Refresh Help

Apr 14, 2006

In my database, I have a form that has 2 subforms on it. Both subforms are set to run off a query that is driven by a text field on the main form. I want to have a button on the form that when pressed, it will refresh the subforms based on the value in the textbox. I can't find a good way to go about this, any ideas?

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Refresh Problem

May 5, 2005

Hi All!

Can anyone help with the following problem?

When clicking a button on a form the code behind that button minimizes that form and loads a second form which just has a label on it stating "Please Wait........" and then my database carries out a number of functions. However, it takes a long time for the "Please Wait...." message to appear and so the user has a blank screen for some time. Is there any way of delaying the database carrying out any other action until the "Please Wait..." message is visible? I have tried:


but this does not work. Any ideas most appreciated.


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List Box No Refresh

Aug 28, 2006

:confused: I have a listbox which using "Table/Query" RowSourceType lists all records in table of Access 2003. The Add Record button clicked, a new record will be inserted to table, and then requery listbox.
But it's so strange, the record already existed in table, but listbox still doesn't refresh after requery, I have to presss F9 several times to refresh manually. The update record button clicked, the listbox doesn't refresh too, but when I check the value of the row, the value is new value, but ths listbox on screen shows old value. for deleting, has the same problem.

So I'm not sure, if this is a bug of Access, or I missed something have to do. I already tried many way to solve this problem (sleeping, check if updated listbox, etc), all of them aren't work well.

Please give me a help!!!


I have a listbox which using "Table/Query" RowSourceType lists all records in table of Access 2003. The Add Record button clicked, a new record will be inserted to table, and then listbox will be requery to show updated table.
But it's so strange, the record already existed in table, but listbox still doesn't refresh after requery, I have to presss F9 several times to refresh manually. The update record button clicked, the listbox doesn't refresh too, but when I check the value of the row, the value is new value, but ths listbox on screen shows old value. for deleting, has the same problem.

So I'm not sure, if this is a bug of Access, or I missed something have to do. I already tried many way to solve this problem (sleeping, check if updated listbox, etc), all of them aren't work well.

Please give me a help!!!


I did it, but it didn't work. Ever I looped 10 times.

you could try requerying the list box on the onclick event of the Add record Button


I did it, but it didn't work. Ever I looped 10 times.

you could try requerying the list box on the onclick event of the Add record Button


Thanks for you help. My code is

With Me.lstISG
.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
.RowSource = "SELECT * FROM InternalServiceGoal WHERE Year='" & Trim(lstYear.Value) & "' ORDER BY Year, Department, Service_Category, Service_Category_Details, Objective, Measure;"
.ListIndex = -1
End With

Add button and ListBox on same Form. Add button captures text fileds and insert a record to database, ListBox just display all the records after click Add/Update/Delete button. All of three buttons clicked, the ListBox (lstISG) will be requery. but it doesn't work, I have to presss F9 several times to refresh the Form.

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Automatic Refresh

Dec 5, 2007

Hello everybody,

I have many front end's (using ACCESS 2007 runtime version) in different terminals. Suppose that from 'terminalA', I am assigning a task to an employee who's using 'terminalB'. The user is already looged on to the program by this time, so I want that 'task' to appear on his terminal without him having to press the 'Refresh' button (that I placed on the form) every time I give him a new task when he's logged on so he could see it. How would I do this?

Thank you very much.

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Combo Box Refresh

Jun 1, 2005

I tried in many ways, but Coudn't refresh the combo box values.

the problem is,
I hv created combo box contains Subject "Account","Maths","English". If I select "Account" from combobox, the Teachers name should display in text box which I created in form.
One teacher can take more than one subject.
Ex. First selection is Account, teacher name may be "a","B","c" and for "Maths" teacher name as "a","D","e"

By selecting particular department, the teachers name who all involving that department should display. And also
i need to display in how many classes that teacher involved in text box next to teacher name in the Form.

selecting one option from combo box then how to refresh for another selection in combo box Is anyone there pl.

your immediate reply will be highly appreciated

Thanks in advance

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Refresh Problem

Feb 24, 2005

Hello, I have a problem maybe you guys can help me with.
I have a text field, and I did those code for it:

Private Sub SearchRecord_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
dim strSQL As String
dim search As String
search = Me.searchField

strSQL = "SELECT [Mytable].[mycolumn], [Mytable].[mycolumn2] FROM [Mytable] WHERE [Mytable].[mycolumn] = '" & search & "';"

Me.ListBox1.RowSource = strSQL
End Sub

As I type it in it doesn't seem to change the RecordList list box. When I put in a message boxlike this:

MsgBox ("anything doesn't matter")
Me.ListBox1.RowSource = strSQL
End Sub

It works, and it brings lists my query in the list box as I type, which is what I like, but it keeps bringing up the annoying MsgBox. So what I did is, I removed the text box, and tried running it again (didn't work again), so I type in the query without the last letter, so instead of "Smith" I typed in "smit" then I right-clicked (in form view) the list box and hit Properties. I didn't change anything just closed the properties again, as I typed in "h" to finish "Smith" it found it and displayed it (worked). When I deleted the whole thing in the text box and no matter what I type it still doesn't change the text box (even though it should make it blank because it didn't find anything), so it remains Smith it found last time and wont' get refreshed. When I hit properties and close it and as I type in another letter it querries it (something that it wouldn't find results for) and it erases my old Smith entry, and displays no results (what it should do).

This is very weird and it somehow needs some user acknolwedgement or something in order to change the row source of this object, regardless if it is a property box or a message box. Is there any way I can make it work without the message box and not having to right-click properties anc close it every time I type in a letter for it to work propertly?

Thank you very much for your help iin advance.

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Refresh Issue?

Mar 9, 2005

Good day all!

I have a field on my form based upon a parameter query to assist the data entry person. Because of the number of entries possible, I thought it might be a good idea to narrow the possible selections based upon a possible name string e.g. I used LIKE "*" & [Enter some portion of the firm name to search on:] & "*" in the specific field criteria of that underlying query. The question I have is: after the first record is built and the field is filled, what do I need to do to get the same prompt in the next record? Only by exiting and re-entering do I get the prompt again. I'm not VB event proficient yet so I hope someone has seen this scenario before.

Thanks in advance.


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Refresh Form

Mar 9, 2005

I have approximately 20 people using a shared database form. When someone updates a form creating a new record I want everyone to be able to see that new form record without having to close the form down and reopening it. Each form is given a form number by autonumber.

Thanks in advance!

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Refresh A Subform

Apr 7, 2005

Refreshing a sub form.

I have a form in which a 'read-only' sub form is placed. The sub form is based on a query. I have a button on the main form which opens another form with check boxes which allows updates the to table.

I want the readonly subform to refresh/requery after the close event of the update form.

What is the event I need to use? I've tried activate, gotfcous on the main form. I am tearing my hair out.

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Another Refresh / Requery

Jun 12, 2005

Hi all

I am sorry if this has been asked already a million times already but I could not find any relavant information in the time I had.

I have a requery / refresh problem.

I have a Customers form showing all customers, I also have a NewCustomer form for adding new customers.

On the Customer form, on activate I have me.refresh

On the NewCustomer form I have in the onclose,

If IsLoaded("Customers") Then

These work well however if Customers is open and I enter a new record in the New Customer Form, then view the Customer form again the new record is not shown.

I can however click back on the NewCustomer from then straight back to Customers and Hey Presto it appears

Any clues as to what I need to do to update the form?

Thank you in advance for your help

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Combobox Does Not Refresh

Sep 14, 2005

I have a combobox with product description in it. If by mistake, I select a wrong value, then the other values are not refreshed. I have to close the form again and then reopen and reselect the values. What could be the problem? Any help?

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Refresh Subform

Oct 6, 2005

Hi All,

I have one main form in which i have 2 subforms on different tabs.All the forms are unbound. Basically i am trying to assign a order to multiple persons.SO the main form has the order information.1st subform shows the already assigned persons and the second one is for assigning new persons.

The problem i am having is that whenever i assign a new person using the second subform i want to refresh the first subform but i am failing in it.

i used forms!firstsubform!refresh on the second subform..but it says object doesnt support the property or method.Then i create a refresh button on the first subform and on its click event i m doing me.refresh but again its failing.

The first subform is not bound and it has datasource as a querry like select a,b,c from order where orderid=txtorderid.

Any help on this pl.thanks

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Text Box Refresh

Oct 21, 2005


I have a small anoying problem that I'm hoping someone can help resolve.

On my main form I have a text box that shows the current number of members that are in the database. The default count is for all members whether they are active or inactive. On this same form I have a list box that I select whether I want to display active, inactive or all. When I select Yes, for example, the text box doesn't display the current count until I either move off the current record or I go to the Records menu and select Refresh.

I have the following in the control source of the text box.

="(" & Dynaset.RecordCount & " " & "Members Found)"

In the After Update event of both the text box and the list box I have added a requery statement.

Text Box:


List Box:


I've searched through this forum and all indications are that this should work. Any ideas anyone? Thanks in advance.


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How To Refresh A Form

Feb 20, 2006

What is the best way to refresh a form that has check boxes, list boxes, and text fields ? The table used as source was cleared, but the form was not.

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Refresh Form?

Jun 8, 2006

I wrote some procedures which handles each a seperate unit.
When a procedure finishes, I want to write an entry to listbox 'lbLogbook' so the users sees what's happening. But the entries in the listbox only appears when all the procedures are finished. When I go into break-mode and go step-by-step then I see the listbox filling up. Do I have to manually refresh the form or so?



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