Auto-running Through Combo Box

Feb 8, 2006

When a Combo Box is first opened, the vertical slider doesn't quite sync up with the contents. The slider will move up and down, but the contents of the combo box won't automatically slide up and down with that slider until the slider has first gone to the bottom of the list.

I've sat here for 10 minutes and waited -- no difference. Unless I physically slide the slider all the way to the bottom of the list, the contents of the combo box will not slide with that slider.

How can I make the contents sync up with the slider right away so that I can more easily find things 1/3 of the way down without sliding the bar all the way to the bottom to sync it up then back up to slowly slide the slider until I see it?

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Modules & VBA :: Can Manually Stop Auto-Exec Macro From Running By Holding Down Shift Button

Dec 22, 2014

I can manually stop the AutoExec macro from running by holding down the shift button - how do you do it by VBA? I'm opening the db from Excel, and I don't want the Switchboard to display ...

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Running A Query By A Selection From A Combo Box

Dec 10, 2007

I have a query that runs info selected from safety visits. I have made a form with an unbound combobox that selects the supervisors name and after the name is selected, I have a button to run the query. When a name is selected, the query comes up blank. When I do not select the name, the query is populated.

My criteria on the query is [forms]![personnel]![combo9]

Combo9 is the unbound dropdown menu with the supervisors name that is taken from a table of names.

Any help?

Thanks in advance.:(

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Display Combo Box Before Running Query

Mar 14, 2008

Hello I have Supply order Database
I want to display combo box
after selecting the month the query will run

plz tell me how to do it.......

kindly reply

if any 1


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Running A Query Based On Item In Combo Box

Nov 12, 2004

I am trying to select the records I want displayed by what category is chosen in the combo box.

Say there are two fields in the combo box: Red / Blue

I want the query to only display the records associated with the Red Category.

If I set the criteria in the query to [Show only Red] and type in Red when the query is run I get blank lines.

Is there an issue when choosing a category from a combo box for the query to be specific on?

My other issue is.... does the problem originate because I am trying to run a query from a table that is being filled in by typing the
information into a form? I wouldn't think so, but I am not sure.


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Forms :: Running SQL Statement With Combo Box Values

Apr 4, 2013

I have a form that has a combobox with table names in it. I want to execute a very complicated SQL statement but I want to put the table name (from the combobox) into the SQL statement. I'm planning on making a button to do this, but I don't know how to put the SQL statement in VBS which would use the combobox value as the table name in the SQL statement.

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Running A Query Based On A Combo Box Within A Form

Apr 6, 2012

how I can have a combo box on a form, and once a value is picked, return a query that displays all the data based on that value. I have tried using sub forms and the after update but I cant seem to figure it out.

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Auto Populate A Combo Box

Jan 21, 2006

I accidentally posted this in "general" I am posting it here under "forms", since it is "form" related. My intention was not to double-post...sorry.
Summerwind had posted an example to auto populate a combo box. The code below follows his example, but is not working for me:

The fields I have on my form are:


cboCompany is based on tblCompany( with fields CompanyName, Location)

When I update the cboCompany field, I want the cboLocation combo box to populate with all locations for the company that was entered into the cboCompany combo box on the form. E.g. The company "Visions" may be exist in the tblCompany with 3 different locations: Visions (Las Vegas), Visions (Ohio), Visions(California). When I pick the company "Visions" from the cboCompany combo box, I want the cboLocation combobox to be populated with "Las Vegas", "Ohio", and "California".

The code is as follows but returns empty records in cboLocation:

Dim StrSource As String

StrSource = "SELECT Location FROM tblCompany WHERE tblCompany.CompanyName Like " & Me.cboCompany.Column(1)
With Me.cboLocation
.RowSource = StrSource
End With

Can anyone help with this...thank you.

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Auto Drop Down In A Combo Box

Jun 1, 2006


I remember seeing it. i just don't remember if i need code for this or not. I would like to the combo box to open and show the full menu upon entry.



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Making A Combo Box Auto Populate

Sep 8, 2005

I am creating an inventory database and was wanting to know how to make a combo box or any box auto populate information from tables. I would like to have a combo box so that you can do a search inside of it and find the necessary product, select it, and all the product specs will be displayed. I have created the combo box with this information, but no luck getting it to populate on the form itself. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Combo Box Auto Expand Not Working

Sep 22, 2005

Any ideas why combo boxes that all have their "auto expand" option set to YES are not auto expanding as I type-in text? They were working last week and I have no idea why they're not working now. Strangely, if I type in any of the entries present in the combobox list (text such as "St. Louis City") exactly as it appears in the combobox list, and then press enter, I get an error message telling me the value is invalid. Then, if I use the drop-down list to find and select "St. Louis City", it allows me to enter this value.

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Auto Fill From Selection Of Combo Box

Sep 13, 2006

I set up an Access database to track visiting families. Each person in a family is inserted as a seperate row in my table. The table has the following columns: Visitor # (which is an auto #), Head of household, last name, first name, phone, email, address and etc.

The first person I enter when a family visits is the head of the household. I set up a quiery with a pull down combo box in my form so when I enter a new entry I can select a head of the houshold to assign each person to. Since I put the head of the household in first. I can then select that head of the household (this way I can track each family member seperate but still know they belong to the same family). So if we have a family visit that has a husband, wife and a child. There are three entries each having a head of the household as the same. When I use the query to select the head of the household in the combo box I would like the information that is the same as the original "head of the household" entry (address and phone #) to be automacially filled in from the husband's initial entry.

How can I do this? I read some other post with some VB in them like "Me.TextBox = ComboBox1.Column(3)" but I don't understand the syntax too well since I'm new at this.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Forms :: Combo Box Auto Select

Sep 3, 2014

I using access 2010 and I am trying to code (VBA) one of my combo box to auto select if another combo box consist of multiple selections. So for example I have a multi select combo box that has a list of departments and based on what the user selects I want the other combo box to automatically select itself if one or more of the department in the first combo box is selected:


Combo Box 2
Clinical (Auto Select)

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Date Format And Auto Number Combo

Aug 23, 2007

I have a query that I want the Now() function in the year only format and in an expression combine with the auto number one extra field to get the following:date YYYY-------Autonumber---------color----------exp1: ---2007--------------23--------------green-------2007-23-greenThanks for the help

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Auto Fill Text Box From Combo Selection

Aug 19, 2005

I'm pretty new to this type of programming and i was hoping for a little help,

I have completed the majority of my program it's just a few little things i need to tweak.

The main thing is that i am trying to get a text box to autofill from a selection in a combo box i.e.

i have selected a drop down box with 3 coloums looked up from another table i would like 1 of the columns to stay in the combo box after selection and the other two to appear in the text boxes on the same page.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Forms :: Auto Populated Text Box From Combo Box Value

May 8, 2013

I have a form for 2800 different records. I want to auto populate 4 text boxes based on the value of 1 combo box but when I change the data on 1 form, all the forms show the same data. I want to be able to able to change the data on each form and save separately.I have Table with Tech Initials(PK), Full Name(689), CellNum(691), TestGaugeSN(630) and Cal Exp Date(632). Want to use Tech Initials to populate the rest.

Here's what I'm using:

Private Sub Combo687_AfterUpdate()
Me.Text689 = Me.Combo687.Column(1)
Me.Text691 = Me.Combo687.Column(2)
Me.Text630 = Me.Combo687.Column(3)
Me.Text635 = Me.Combo687.Column(4)
End Sub

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Forms :: Combo Box / Text Box Auto-Populate

Oct 14, 2013

I have 5 combo boxes that all cascade into the next, and then when the last combo box is updated from the drop down list, it auto-populates a text box. My issue is that I have a second text box that needs to be auto-populated from the same data table based on what has been entered into the 5 combo boxes and the first text box. I've tried creating parameters and setting a lookuprecord macro in my main table and then using a returnvars RunDataMacro on the actual form, but it says, "Invalid list or query reference 'BillingDataQuery'." I'm not sure if it's because I'm not setting that RunDataMacro on the wrong combo box, or if I've written it incorrectly...

I did this same technique (based on directions in a post from this forum) on another combo box that populates five text boxes and it works just fine, but I don't know how to get this to work based on what's populated in 5 combo boxes to auto-populate the last text box.

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Forms :: Combo Box And Auto Filling Fields

Jul 6, 2015

MS Access 2010

I have a form "Admin" used to create new records in a table "RCJ"

I have a table called "Projects" that contains detailed information for projects.

I have a table called "Waterfall" that contains basic information and schedule information for each particular project.

I have a combo box "Contract" that selects information based on a query "Core" that gathers certain information I want to use of form "Admin"

I understand it's generally not a good idea to duplicate data in tables, but for specific reasons I am here. My combo button "Contract" has an event "On Click" that gathers information I want copied from table "Waterfall" via query "Core" is:

Private Sub Lookup1_Click()

Me![Project Description] = Lookup1.Column(1) =>goes to a text box
Me![TContract] = Lookup1.Column(3) => goes to a text box
Me![Requestor] = Lookup1.Column(5) => goes to a combo box
Me![AEM] = Lookup1.Column(4) => goes to a combo box
Me![AE] = Lookup1.Column(6) => goes to a combo box
Me![Priority] = Lookup1.Column(12) => goes to a combo box
End Sub

Now, the items listed above are sometimes just a text box and sometimes a combo box (because there are times, when items get entered that don't fit the original combo box.

Now, here's the rub. When I select the pull down on the combo box it lists all available projects. You find the one you want and select it. At that point, only Columns 1 (text box) and 6 (combo box) auto fill. The other information does not fill in .. BUT, if I more to the prior record and back, all information shows up OR if I click on any of the particular fields, the information shows up in that field. In theory, everything should show up right away.

I thought it might be because it doesn't like to autofill a combo box, but one of the combo boxes fills fine. And all of the information is acutally going to the various boxes, it just doesn't show up right away.

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Auto Fill Text Box From Dependent Combo Box

Jun 16, 2012

I have dependent combo boxes which is working fine what i want is to select the value from the list and the text box should be filled in my case it is attachment field i want to fill up the value based on combo boxes selection.I have attached the database also.

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Running Balance As Opposed To Running Total

Mar 14, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to get a running balance on a report. I know how to create a running total, by setting the "running sum" property of a text box to "Over all".

I can't however see how I can adapt this to give a running balance (as in a bank statement for example). Attempts to do so end up in failure!!

Many thanks in advance.

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Auto Insert Field Info Based Upon Combo Box

Mar 15, 2005

Someone once posted an database on how to do this but I was not able to see how they were able to automatically input the data into a text field.

I know how to do a combo box to query and input those results into a combo box but I am confused how they got the information from the combo box selection to automatically put the other variables into the testbox. They did this without using the dlookup command. In fact it was done without any code.

They showed how to do this automatically without code and with two other methods (one being dlookup). Can someone please help me if it is clearcut as I don't have too much time to search the forums for empty answers (believe me I have already wasted too much time) Thank You

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Tables :: Using Combo Box To Auto-fill A Column On Table?

Feb 7, 2014

My problem is I have two tables. One of the tables was made specifically to draw information from to populate the second table. The second table has a combo box that draws information from one of the fields from the first table. What I am hoping to do though is have each selection from the combo box in the second table to draw different information from another field in the first table and use that data to populate another field in the second table.

Simplified: Combo box in Field (1) on table two has multiple selections that I want to autofill the data in Field (2) on table two based upon the selection of the combo box. Data from both fields in table two would come from two different fields from table one.

I have tried to work with the After Update button in the After Events section on the ribbon at the top; however, I am simply lousy with coding. Is there an easier way to do it other than using that option?

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Queries :: Auto-Populate Cascading Combo Boxes

Dec 18, 2013

I am working on a database where law clerks input the tasks that they accomplish each day. They use a form called "TaskDetails" to input all of the information related to their daily tasks via combo boxes. The problem I have is: often times the clerks work on the same task more than once and I would like them to be able to continue tasks already in progress - using notes to indicate what particular portion they completed that day.

In order to do this I would like to have a combo box that is based on a query of all of the tasks the clerks have completed. When they select a Task Name from the combo box, I would like all other combo boxes on the page to auto-populate based on the selection.The query that my combo box is based on includes all relevant fields.

When I click on the "Task Name" combo box I am presented with all of the records related to tasks. The fields/columns are divisionofwork, subcategory, workassignedby. I have combo boxes for all of these fields on the same page, bound to the table of tasks. Ideally, a clerk makes a selection from the "Task Name" combo box, and the subsequent 3 combo boxes will reference their relevant column in this selection and auto-populate.

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Forms :: Auto Pop / Fill Based On Combo Box In A Form

Oct 22, 2014

I have created a form based off of one table. I have added an unbound combo box so a user can select a department's number and would like department name and accountable officer to auto pop/fill based on the dept number selection. I'm not sure what I need to put in the "After Update" in the properties in order for this to work.

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Forms :: Auto-fill Data Based On Combo Box?

Nov 20, 2013

I have a combo box that autofills a text box, this has duplicate values and I want to fill the text box based on the selection of the combo box.

Let me explain:The combobox is Suburb, the text box is for Postcode, the data has multiple matches for example FRANKLIN has a postcode match of 2913 in ACT and also 7113 in TAS.

From the combo box I select the record that matches 7113 but 2913 enters into the text box.

This is my code: In Row source of the combo box I have - SELECT [Australian Postcodes].Locality, [Australian Postcodes].Pcode, [Australian Postcodes].State FROM [Australian Postcodes];

In Event on change I have -

Private Sub Suburb_Change()
Me.Postcode = Me.Suburb.Column(1)
End Sub

how to change this to be based on the selected record from the combo box?

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Forms :: Combo Box - Can Auto Dropdown To A Specific Row From Hidden ID

Apr 23, 2013

I have a combo box that I normally type the start of a Surname and it auto drops down from underlying database ID is now show in col count, only 1st two.

Surname Name ID
jones/k kelly 33333
smith/m max 12345
smith/m monty 98765
white/t tom 55555

smith/m will short list to the two above, I can mouse click or arrow down to the 2nd one Press enter & its knowa the corresponding ID (= surname.Column(2)) and goes to the correct record.

What I am trying to do, is from another part of my program, eg an incoming email with the corresponding Surname, Name & ID Automatically go to this main booking form, auto enter surname "smith/m" - which is fine, the list shortens but It goes to the first matching on the list, ie max.

Is there a way to get it to go to monty using the ID 98765 which is unique.

Perhaps an odd request but actually nice to book each time through this same main form, I actually also want it to do the same from incoming phone calls, It can get the unique ID ok but can see a way for the combo box to jump to the correct & only row from underlying register.

Bit worried about trying to change the underlying select statement that the combo seems to be based on, perhaps this is the way forward but not sure how to do this & don;t want to risk messing the most important & already functioning well normal entry style.

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