AutoLookup Or Maybe Other Feature HELP>???

Feb 23, 2006

I'm trying to establish a ticket/citation database for a college security office at which i work at. I have two tables, table 1 includes the ticket information (date of ticket, citation number, *tag #, amount etc.), table 2 includes Repeted offenders information such as (name, address, city, zip, phone number, student ID# etc.).
I would like to have a table or query(preferably table) which automatically matches tag#'s to student information as soon as a new ticket is entered, *if the student information is available.
Thanks a lot in advance

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Apr 28, 2005

I apologize for asking yet another question about autolookup but I have poured of Pat Hartman's example and all the posts in this forum and still can't seem to make it work. I have attached my db. I want to type in the asset number and autofill the rest of the form. Can someone please look at this and tell me what I am doing wrong. Thank you very much.

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Nov 5, 2004

I am building a purchase order database that derives its subcontractor information from a separate table.

I want to be able to drop down a list for the subcontractors and once selected, the entire subcon area will be populated.

Another section of this PO is the project name, etc., which is a similar scenario, which has to be populated in the same manner.

Word file shows the structure of the PO.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Autolookup On Tables

Mar 20, 2005

I was just wondering if anyone knows how to sort of mask an ID as text. For example in this assignment I am doing at university I have a field named Flower ID which is a number. However, instead of displayign that number in forms and tables I want it to display its equivalent Species and Variety of flower. Is there anyway to fix this? Thanks for your help.

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Autolookup Problem

Apr 24, 2006

I'm getting very frustrated with trying to get this working. I've tried following other suggestions in this forum but must be mucking up on one vital peice.
From a choice in a combo box I want other values filled in on a form.
Can someone link me to a small, easy to follow example? I think I've got the query part sussed but fall down on the form side.Cheers:(

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Autolookup With Autofilling

Jan 5, 2006

Hi there!
It's been almost 10 years since I've done any work with databases, so I'm really REALLY rusty and I barely remember how to do anything. I was wondering if you guys could help me out with a question I have in making a form.
I have 2 tables. The first table has a list of names and ID's. There exist some duplicate names, as some people are associated with more than one ID.
And there are two fields to the ID. One is Called the Client Code, and the other is the Client Division.
So the 1st table, in datasheet view, is basically:

# | Last Name | First Name | Client Code | Client Division

The second table is a list of addresses based on Client Code and Client Division:

# | Client Code | Client Division | Address 1 | Address 2 | Etc

What I'm trying to do is the following:
I'm trying to create a form such that as I'm typing in a last name, it does autolookup and auto filling. I may have multiple people with the Last name of Smith, so then it dynamically creates a dropdown box with all possible unique first names associated with the last name Smith. And after I choose/type in the first name, I get to two more dynamically created drop-down boxes that list all possible Client Codes and Client Divisions associated with this name. After choosing that, I figure it's a simple autolookup to populate the address fields.
Does anyone have any insight on how I can get this done? Another piece of functionality that I'm trying to work into this is that if the name doesn't exist or if there's a new Client Code and Client Division or a new address, the data gets automatically added to the respective tables.

Does anything of what I wrote make any sense?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Multiple Table AutoLookup

Jan 3, 2005

I am trying to pull information from 2 seperate tables and store that information in a 3rd table. I need to autofill information from both tables when I select the information from the field that joins them. Then that information needs to be saved in the 3rd table. I have to store this "duplicate" copy of the informaion becuase one table's inforamtion changes quite frequently and I needs to be able to find historical data. Here is a simplified version of my tables for example.

Products: ProductID (KEY), ProductDescription
Quote: ShipID (KEY), ProdcutID(KEY), Price (changes per ShipTo)
ProdutsOrdered: OrderID (KEY), ShipID, ProductID (KEY), ProductDescription, Price

Again, all information has to be stored in ProductsOrdered because things like Quote.Price can change frequently.

Another important feature is I have to beable to add records with what ever method I use. This Is being done in a sub form so that many products can be placed on an order form. I can get the tables to combine in a way that will allow me to view the information, but not add to it.

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Autolookup Not Working When Maths Involved

Jun 16, 2006

I have an autolookup that changes the numbers 2, 4 and 6 into P, M, and D so they look easier for my purpose. However, when I use a select query to find the max number for each criteria it shows a number not the letter. Do lookups stop working when you apply maths or can i change this.

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Cancel Feature Help

Jan 31, 2006

Hi, I want my user to be able to "cancel" his entry. At first I tried just deleting the record they were working on. But that added numbers in the auto number "ID" field, and I also needed the feature for editing, so deleting wasn't an option. As of now I have something that works, but is kind of messy. I made a mirror "temp table" that I write the record to. If they "save" i append/update the record to the regular table, then delete it from the temp, if they "cancel" I just Delete it from the temp. Was wondering if there was a cleaner way to do this ?

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Cancel Feature

Oct 12, 2006


After looking through the forums, i couldn' really see the answer i was looking for.
I have a form, that users can enter in details (with an auto-number created which is assigned to each record). Once they have entered the detials, theres a 'save' button which will save the record - which is fine. I also have a 'return' button which should return to the previous form and doesnt save the record. But as it stands, the record is saved when i click this return button. How do i make it so that the record isnt saved untill the save button is clicked? so if i return from the screen (pressing the return button), the record isnt saved (i.e. a cancel button).

Thanks in advance :)

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Access Help (Lack There Of) Feature

Sep 23, 2006

Periodically, I use the Access (2000) Help Tab (as a last resort) to get an answer. In certain situations I get the message "Selection not associated with any topics." For example, this happens when I look up in Methods Reference either "Connection (ADO)" or"Fields (DAO)".

I assume that this issue may be caused by not having a reference file checked under Tools in the VB window. Specifically references to DAO and ADO help files. I Have the "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library" and "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library" checked. Also based on Allan Brown's ( website, I do not appear to be missing any references. Obviously something is missing. Any thoughts?

Update (9/29/2006)DAO Language Reference (

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Zoom Feature In A Form

Jan 1, 2015

I would like to add a zoom feature to a form. If I size the window down to the point where it cuts off some of the fields, I enabled the vertical and horizontal scroll bars for the user to navigate throughout the form to see everything they need to. However, is there a way to size the contents in the form down, in other words, zoom out so even if I size the window down, I can see everything in the now smaller window?

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Import Feature Not Working Properly...

Sep 12, 2005

Hey all, I have a strange problem that I can't seem to find the solution for...

At my work we have a number of computers running W2k with Office 97.
We daily have to import excel spreadsheets into Access.

This is never usually a problem as obviously as soon as you click import the import spreadsheet wizard appears.

But on one particular machine it doesn't.

Basically on this computer Access will import the excel file, but won't bring up the wizard that lets you say what to import, whether the first row contains a header, the data type for each field etc, it just asks you to select what sheet you want, then imports it, no options.

Now the ironic thing is that usually this is not a problem as the file is still imported without any problems, but the other day we had a file that once imported was all messed up, all fields all over the place.

When done again on a different computer there were no problems so I'm assuming that this peculiar way of importing is to blame for messing up the data.

Does anyone know how I can resolve this? I have tried dragging the accwiz.dll over the regsvr32.exe and it says it's registered successfully, and I have checked that it is the correct version number, what am I missing?

It would make more sense if it just didn't import, then you could better understand how to fix it, but it's the fact that it does import, just not in the 'usual' way that bothers me. How can I make it bring up the proper import spreadsheet wizard?

Kind Regards

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How Does The Quick Search Feature Work?

Dec 20, 2006

I need to implement a Quick search feature in my employee application.

So that when any text is typed into the textbox, it searches the db for a match:


It returns the record in the employee table that consist of the text typed in the search box. Most websites have this quick search feature (blanket that what it's called?) and a link for advanced search, where they can select specific fields to search.

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Command Button Feature Not Working

Mar 24, 2007

I was trying to incorporate the changes suggested by a member of this forum into my Form. I opened the Form in Design View. I clicked the Command Button and placed the mouse at the insertion point. The command button also appeared. Thereafter, nothing happened. Earlier, whenever I placed a command button, it asked for action to be performed in relation to that command button. But now nothing happens and I don't know what to do. Please tell me how I can bring back the feature.

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Trouble With Export Feature In Access

Sep 6, 2005

I have a form whose fields are calculated based off VBA code, including fuctions, SQL, etc. Because of the nature of my form, I cannot save the calculations to a table before exporting to and excel spreadsheet.

When I use the File>Export feature of Access and save to and Excel format, I am not able to change the format of my numbers in Excel. For example, I have tried to highlight some of my exported numbers, right-click, and change the format to currency in Excel (or even decimal places). In order for excel to change the format, I have to select the cell, place my cursor in the edit window, and hit enter.....then the format will there any way to avoid this?

Please let me know if this isn't clear, and I'll attempt to explain it better.

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General :: Use Feature To Split Database

Jan 22, 2014

i have created a database and just use the feature to split the database. i then set a password on the back end database. however now when i use a macro to open a form in the front end it won't open the form and just says incorrect password.

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Access 2007 - Compact And Repair Feature

Dec 30, 2007

Does anyone know where the Compact and Repair feature is to be found in Access 2007? It was on the Tools menu in Access 2003, but I can't find it in 2007!



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Modules & VBA :: Integrating Sms Feature Into MS Access 2013?

Jun 18, 2013

I'm currently working on a project which requires integration of sms feature in ms access 2013.

The sms provider which i use for sending sms is smsglobal.

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Modules & VBA :: Drag And Drop Feature Added To Databse

Nov 10, 2014

I am in the process of trying to create a DragNDrop feature in the Access database that I've built. I have 3 employee with several different txt boxes all side by side and I need to be able to drag and drop the job from one to another.

I need to create a class module to do this but my problem is I don't know how.

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General :: Work Offline Feature In Split Database?

Feb 20, 2013

Any way to "work-off-line" in a split database, and then sync the data when one is done working?

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General :: Web Database - Create Search Feature For Just 2 Of Fields

Aug 13, 2014

I have a web database that I am trying to create a search feature for just 2 of the fields. The search is for a certain date and also a shop are the 2 fields I would like to have the search run for.

Once the search has been run I would like to generate it into a report.

I have already created the report/ form and the query. I am not sure where I need to go from here. I have created the from with the date and also a combo box for the list of the shops and then a button that says search that will go to the report. I just need it to show all the particular items that show the date and or shop. If you leave them both blank it will run a report and show everything. Then if you just put a date in it will run a report with just that date or the same with the shop.

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List Feature Based Upon What A User Previously Typed?

Nov 20, 2013

I have a subform containing maintenance logs for pieces of equipment, viewed as a Datasheet.

I have a field called Comment accepting text. Since comments are similar, it would be nice to have a drop down list so the user can select what was previously typed in other records and then edit it from there, similar to how Google or search engines in its search text box generates as part of its suggestion list the previous searches after typing in the first few matching characters.

I tried looking through, but is there a property that does this?

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Access 2000 To 2003 - Feature No Longer Functioning Properly

Dec 12, 2005

I have built a rather extensive database using Access 2000. When I install it on an Access 2003-enabled machine, the first time it is opened, the user is presented with the following errorbox:

"An error occurred and this feature is no longer functioning properly. Would you like to repair this feature now?"

At this point, clicking "Yes" results in an update the installation of Access 2003. Then the database must be opened manually again. Then, the following is displayed:

"Module not found."

Closing the database at this point and then opening it again results in a normally functioning database.

I have several questions:

1) What is the feature that is no longer functioning properly?
2) What is updated when the installation exec runs?
3) What module is not found? I assume this is one of the VBA modules that I've created, but I've check all 62 of them and they all seem to be there available.
4) My first guess was a reference problem, but I've checked the references used and all are available, as far as I can tell. These are the ones that I have referenced: VBE6.DLL, MSACC9.OLB, DAO360.DLL, STDOLE2.TLB, MSCAL.OCX, MSADO25.TLB, MSO9.DLL.
5) After getting the first error - the one about nonfunctioning feature, I clicked "no" to the repair now question. This does nothing except the database remains open. At this point, I opened the code and tried to compile, but I get the "module not found error". I likewise tried to set a breakpoint in one of the first modules and I get the same result.
6) I even tried to copy the forms, queries, tables, and reports into a blank database with no references and no other extraneous code and received the same result.

This site has been extremely helpful in the past and I am really relying on you guys again for the same stupendous help now.

Forever in your debt,


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Use Auto Complete Feature When Typing Word In Middle Of Field

Feb 26, 2014

I'm working with a DB to enter orders for picking. I have an item list that I'm linking to when entering orders, and bringing in the data from the item list such as item location etc.

It's setup right now that when I type the first couple of letters into the item field it automatically brings up the matching items and if I click enter it completes the item and brings in the other fields from the item list.

Example: If I type in 'tom' I get back 'tomato', 'tomato sauce' etc. and when I choose the right one and hit enter it fills up the rest of the required info such as item location.

What I would like it to do is have the auto complete also check for middle words.

Example: when I type 'alm' it returns 'almonds', 'almond milk', but don't return 'container almonds' or 'container roasted almonds' etc.

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Modules & VBA :: Treeview Feature - Determine Exact String Width (in Pixels)

Dec 12, 2014

I am working with the Access Treeview feature and I'd like to align the different elements in my nodes exactly below each other.

Therefore I need exact distances (if string is longer then XY, cut short, if shorter, extend to XY).

Of course I cannot work with len() and fill with spaces because letters have different widths.

Is there a way to determine the exact width of a string? e.g. in pixels?

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