AutoNumber Generated In Case Of Record Not Entered.

Dec 13, 2005

I m using autonumber in my ID field.My other table fields are mandatory.
There is no problem when I enetered Record completely.
Now if I have 20 records. automuber is also 20. Now I want to eneter new record. 21 autonumber generated. But I have not completed the form/table.or I didnt want now that record.So I didnt save it.

But next time I come autonumber 22 is generated for my new record.
Now I have 1,2,3,......19,20,22,23....

here 21 has lost.Now is there any option to recover or restict that without completing the full table if the record had not saved autonumber again generated.

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Case AutoNumber

Jan 1, 2007

How can I set up a table so that as we assign a case it generates a new number with the year in front of it. I would like for the case number to be generated by the program and when someone enter a new case the program generates the next case number and assignes it to that case. The format we use for our file numbers are year-XXXX (ex: 07-0001). With the new year I'm trying to set this up so that as we start the year the computer will generate the new number.

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Create Random Number To Be Automatically Generated As Default Value For Record ID

May 28, 2015

I've been building a CRM in Access that allows for creating profiles for our accounts. When we add a new account, I'd like an Account ID to automatically generate and look like this: CRMXXXXX where the X's represent a random number. I originally wanted to set the field as autonumber to just count up, but unfortunately I need to append this value to another sales database we have; you can't store the text "CRM" with an autonumber in a table.

Right now, all I've done is place an equation in the default value of a textbox I have on my 'Add Account' form. I then made the control source of the text box the Account ID field. My equation is as follows:

="CRM" & CStr(Int(Rnd(Now())*10000))

This appears to work, as it generates a value in the correct format. However, I've realized that each time I open the CRM, the random numbers start over again and I run into issues of trying to create a new record with the same ID as a previously created record. I assume I need to incorporate some sort of timestamp to it in order to change it.

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In Case Of Missing Record

Mar 10, 2006

Hi All!

I made a query that calculates the sum of from a table that contains defect types and numbers.

The problem is when after the inspection there's no defect no values will be entered in the mentioned table. And running the query the result is 'NOTHING'.

I tried to deal with this 'nothing' putting this in another query:

result: IIf(IsEmpty([QF_VISUAL_INSPECTION_sumdefect!SumOfdefect_no]);0;[QF_VISUAL_INSPECTION_sumdefect!SumOfdefect_no])

but it didn't succeeded in gaining '0' instead of the 'nothing'.

How could I cope with this problem?

Any help would be appreciated.


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General :: Input Data In Lower Case And Automatically Change First Letter Of Word To Upper Case

Mar 16, 2013

Is there any way of making data that is inputted in lower case to automatically change to the first letter of each word being a capital ...

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Email Last Record Entered

Mar 18, 2005

I have a form that the user will enter data, when the user has finished entering the data, i want them to click on a button, with a yes or no option button on it.

if the user selects yes (approved)......i want the record to be emailed to a few peoples email address.

i was thinking that i could store the email address's in a table and email the record to whoever appears in the list.

if the user selects no (Amend Record)..... i want the set focus to go back to the first field of the last record for Amendment.

Can this be done easy enough ?

if so how please.



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Record Entered Multiple Times

Mar 12, 2008

Hello All,

I am creating a database that is supposed to capture the employee's type of work, time it takes to do the work, etc...

So far, it does what it's supposed to do but my record's are all over the place.
E.g. i have tables called:

tblDailyActivities - this table is supposed to store all record without sorting.

tblemployees - this table is supposed to have a list of employees and when maximized, all records associated to that particular employee should be listed.

However, the i have right now is that instead of listing it under the particular employee, it lists the employee's name individually for each item listed.

What i want is to for the tblemployees to be listed like tblfunctions.

see attached database since i probably am not making any sense right now.

Thank you,


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Can I Set My Form Default To Last Entered Record

Oct 1, 2005

Hello, I have a program/database that I'm building in Access 2003, It has new client/bid entry form that has many text boxes for instance: Client, address, Phone numbers, Date etc. These text boxes are actually populating the same text fields in the PrimaryBid_Master form.

My question is every time I fill out the client entry new bid form and then exit to the PrimaryBid _Master form it defaults to the very first record entered, and I would like it to default to the last record entered, The record I just got done entering into the new client bid form, this would save me from having to filter/find it every time I enter a new bid/client, Is this possible and if so Can you describe to me how I can have my program do this?

Thanks--Chuck I really appreciate any help/suggestions.

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Storing The Date The Record Was Entered Into A Table

Jun 27, 2006

Hello everyone. I am wanting to store the date the record was entered into the table. But I don't want the users to have to type this in; I thought that Access could grab the date from the system date.

I am new to this and I looked at the Date function but I am thinking it will just always update to the current system date.

Thank you very much if anyone could point me in the right direction.

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Data Entered In Form To Record Source

Aug 26, 2005

I have a form where users enter data in various ways - combo boxes with drop down selections and text boxes where users manually enter some data. I also have several text boxes that return "answers" based on calculations from user entries mentioned above. The form is bound to a table where all the entered data is stored. I'm having trouble saving the calculated information to the bound table. It's easy in all the non-calced boxes, I just put the column name of the bound table in the control source, but in the calculated fields, I already have the formula in the control source. How can I identify the proper column to save the data in this case.


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Export Newly Entered Record To Excel

Oct 6, 2006

Hi All,

I have a form from with a button that exports data in to excel using the following on click code
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "qrySoftPDR2", acFormatXLS, "FOBPDR.xls", True 'open in Excel
The problem is that if I go in to an existing record it works fine.
However if I have just input the record then it comes out blank. I'm guessing there is some sort of record update code I can use, but I've been unable to figure oput what it may be,

Thanks again

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Change Case To Title Case

Aug 24, 2004


help is needed yet again :-)

I know when creating a text field in the format option
you can use the > or < sign so that when text
is entered it automatically changes it to uppercase or
lowercase - but i need it to be Title Case, any one know
how I can do this....

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Limiting The Number Of Times A Record Can Be Entered Into A Table

Sep 21, 2004

I want to limit the numer of times a record can be entere into a table. After a record has been entered 3 times, I want an error message or validation rule to tell me it can't be done.

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Forms :: Message Prompt When Editing Already Entered Record

Apr 22, 2013

But how do I have a message box pop up that warns the user he is about to edit an already entered record?

Is there a setting for this in the form design. Or do I need VBA, in which case what form event would I tie the msg box too?

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Forms :: Signature Field - Finding Out Who Entered Each Record

Jul 1, 2013

I'm looking for a way, when entering form, to force a field to accept a value, rhs;jjc;cjs. then every record will automatically contain the accepted value time you go to a new record. That would only be for newly added record. It would stay this way tell exit forum and the next time is open. It starts the same way.

It's my way of finding out who entered each record.

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General :: Save Record Instantly When Text Entered Into Textbox In A Form

Aug 4, 2012

How do i save a record as soon as text is entered into the textbox in a form?I need it to save without moving on to the next form without having to click a button


If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False

but it doesnt seem to work

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Deleting The Last Record Where Key Is Autonumber

Nov 3, 2004

I have a situation where I need to delete the last record I entered.

This is the sequence

1. The user selects that they want to add a new record (customer order)
2. I (using a macro) append a new record with some information filled out. This is shown in an input form (with lots of other info displayed) and I save the autonumber key to an invisible text field.
3. The user can then either SAVE or CANCEL. In the cancel I need to delete the record that was just added (see step 1.)

The problem is I need to close the form before I delete the record (thus removing the invisible text field containing the key to the newly created record). Once I close the form I don't know how to determine which record to delete (since I no longer know the Key) and I can't delete the record while the form is open since it is locked.

I am probably not doing this incorrectly but my issue is:

How do I delete (using SQL) the latest record an individual has created (which will always be the highest autonumber Key with the userID equal to this users's ID)?

Any ideas????


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Autonumber Not Updating Until End Of Record Set

Feb 2, 2012

I constructed a database in access 2007, when you entered a new record the autonumber would be generated once you started typing in values. I have since upgraded it to an SQL back end and now the autonumber does not update until the recordset is completely entered. This is causing me serious problems with my subforms since the record will not update before I need to go to the subform.

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Getting The Autonumber Into The Form After Inserting New Record

May 14, 2005

I really hope I can explain this right :o

When a customer makes a purchase I INSERT the transaction into the 'transactions' table, which I have no problems with. My problem stems from that I can't seem to get the 'OrderNumber' back from the 'transaction' table (OrderNumber is an AutoNumber by the way).

I have tried the following code -
TempOrder = DLookup("OrderNumber", "transactions", "customerID = '" & Forms![frmOrder]!TempID & "'")
"Forms![frmOrder]!TempID" is the value I use from another form (to see who the customer is). I want "TempOrder" to be the OrderNumber that is created in the transactions table.

Regards, James

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Insert New Record To An Autonumber Field?

Jan 31, 2005

So, I have a table with an autonumbered key field. I started the autonumbering at 1000 thinking that I may want to manually backfill some old records at a later date. Now I’m stuck.

Is there a way I can insert a new record into this table, filling this field as “950” for example?

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After Delete Any Record, Autonumber Start With Next Number

Jan 16, 2008

I create autonumber as primary key in a table, then i tried to enter a record in that table. Then i deleted it, but when i enter a new record, auto number started with the next number. Ex: i enter a record and autonumber for it is 1. I deleted this record and entered a new record, but i found autonumber is 2. I want the number is 1,

Why is it happen? any solution ? help me pls...


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Tables :: Set Autonumber To Start From Last Record On The Table

Jun 10, 2015

I had a backup from a table that I saved to excel. Somehow we lost all the records from the table 10 minutes later. There where gaps in the id numbers due to some delete records in the past, and when I did try to put it back in the access table the records some how shift. is there a way of still using the ID nr that is an autonumber in the table and when I set the data back from excel and use the append when paste that they show up correctly? Maybe I can set the autonumber to start from the last record on the table?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Get Autonumber ID Before Update / Save Record

Mar 27, 2015

I wanted to get the autonumber ID before a record was saved to the table. My fields are on a form that is linked to the table. Maybe my solution is not the most elegant but it seems to work.

I messed around and came up with this solution: it creates the next record and captures the autoID then increments it and creates the record we will actually use. Since we know the current autoID we know 100% the next will be the current+1


' Code by Witchcraftz
' Button event to add new record
Private Sub cmdAddRecord_Click()
Dim strID As String


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Modules & VBA :: Reset Autonumber After Record Deletion

Jul 16, 2015

We need to reset the autonumber after the last record is deleted.

For example:

if 2008 gets deleted, we want the autonumber to reset back to 2008 rather than move to 2009.

Is this possible? This is the code we are using but cannot get the string to recognize the variable. If the variable is replaced with a number, it works, but it defeats the purpose of adding the plus 1 to the last autonumber.

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim RLMax As Integer
Dim Statement As String
RLMax = DMax("[id]", "Table1")
RLMax = RLMax + 1

strSQL = "Alter table table1 Alter Column Id Autoincrement(RLMax,1)"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
End Sub

I realize we don't want to depend on the autonumber for anything other than a row identifier, but the table is setup that it is important for the rows to be sequential if the last record is deleted. Only if the last record is deleted.

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Modules & VBA :: Duplicating Record With Autonumber Field

May 23, 2015

I am wanting to create a new record in a table copying the majority of the data from another record in the table. I am using the following code which creates new records but the data isn't being copied.

This is the section of code:-

' Return Control object variable pointing to list box.
Set ctlList = Me!lbStudents
' Enumerate through selected items.
For Each varItem In ctlList.ItemsSelected
' Get the info to get the enrolment record
intClientID = Me.lbStudents.Column(7, varItem)


what I'm doing wrong?

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Create New Record & Pass Autonumber To Separate Table

Mar 10, 2008

I have a form, frmSub, that contains the combo box comProducts. I also have two tables, Products and PurchaseDetail. Both tables have the field ProductID.

I want comProducts to create a new record in the Products table, using the input in a field called Product and then to use the value of ProductID to create a new record in the PurchaseDetail table. Ie, so the PurchaseDetail table has a record that links to another record in the Products table via the feild ProductID.

I hope I was semi-clear.

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