I have a form for recording site details and have been trying to autofill three of the four categories.
What I have is a Site Index Table that contains the site ID, Name, Description and Type. I want the results to
be recorded in an Affect Table that will also contain text data associated with these fields that I will enter
in manually.
I then have a form with the four fields; the site ID and Type are both bound to the Affect Table that records all the data
associated with each site. The Name and Descritpion source their information from a seperate query of the Site Index Table.
So what I want to do is to select the site ID on the form from a combo box I've created, and once selected it will automatically fill in the relevant text data into the Name, description and type categories on the form. I've been trying scripts with the DLookup function but have continued to encounter errors. If anyone can help PLEASE help me as i'm a novice when it comes to Access
I use a combo box to select products and place in my order details sub form .I now realise i need a catogories table . How can i get my combo to look up a categories table then go the products of that table then enter in my orderdetails.
Suppose I receive boxes and store them in a room. Each box can contain items that are either shaped as cubes or spheres and I have to allow for the addition of more shapes in the future, but only one shape can be in each box. Each box contains a random number of shapes and two boxes may, or may not, contain the same number of shapes as another.Cubes can be either Red or Green, Spheres can be either Blue or Yellow.
I wish to set, and have the ability to change, how many cubes and how many spheres, on a percentage basis, I wish to have (e.g., 60% Cubes and 40% spheres).I also wish to set, and have the ability to change, what percentage of cubes I want to be Red and Green and which percentage of Spheres I wish to be Blue and Yellow (e.g., Cubes -Red 70%, Yellow 30% )
e.g. -- I have several boxes totaling:
Cubes Red 30 Green 40
Spheres Blue 10 Yellow 20
My goal is to produce three reports.The first report would provide the Target and Actual number of Cubes and Spheres expressed as a Value and %. The #'s would simply be calculated from my desired % . So, if I wanted to have 60% cubes and I had 100 Shapes, my target # would be 60. If I had 200 Shapes it would be 120. (i.e., The actual number of shapes I have is simply a factor of how many I receive and I have no control over this.)
The First Report would look like this
Target % - Actual % - Target # - Actual #
Cubes 60% 70% 60 70 Spheres 40% 30% 40 30
The second and third reports would be the same format but would break down cubes into red and green and spheres into blue and yellow.I can accomplish the Report that breaks down the shapes but I am running into problems with the next level as I need the total number of shapes and the the total number of only Cubes or Spheres to insert into the expressions.
Can anyone please help:confused: . I am setting up a database for events for local companies, I have an events table (event title, date, time etc) and a company table (name, address, postcode, tel, etc) They have a one to many relationship, with the events table being 1 and the company table being many.
I have a main form with the event details and I want to add a subform for companys, but would like this form to autofill the companies address and contact details when I enter the company name. Is there a way you can do this? :)
I manage a self-made database of property deeds for my business. Since it often happens that there are multiple owners and multiple buyers of these properties, and that many of the owners and buyers are the same people from time to time, I think I can manage this database more efficiently by using subforms that autofill when I start to type a person's name. I hope this is possible.
My main table and form are based on the deed description. Each deed will have unique buyers and sellers and each buyer and seller can be on many deeds. Thus far I have created tables and queries for sellers and buyers. The seller subform is set up and can accept entries in the form view. When I scroll from record to record, the names seem to show up where they belong, so I'm happy with that. The problem is that when a name comes up a second (or more often) time, I end up typing the entire name in again. This sort of defeats the purpose of having related tables. How can I get it to recognize that the name is already there and perform an autofill for me? What am I missing?
I have a combo box for rooms: single, twin, double, suite, grand suite
This is found from a lookup table
In the next field on the lookup table is the cost per night for the room, how can i get the cost per night to automatically appear in a text box when the type of room is selected?
I am creating an ostensibly simple database, but I need help trying to get it to work. There are three tables.
1.Users – UserID, Dept Code, LName, FName 2.Boxes – BoxNumber, Description, Contents, and many other fields 3.CheckOut (junction table) – UserID, BoxNumber, Description, DateIn, DateOut
I want to create a form that would have the User fields at the top and a subform with the checkout fields.
I need the user fields to autopopulate after filling in the UserID (primary key).
I need the box Description to autopopulate after filling in the BoxNumber (primary key). At the moment, the form thinks that I am trying to ADD new records. There are no new records (boxes) being added. I simply want to use the form to check out and check out boxes.
Hello- I'm new here. I think this is the right place to ask. I'm on Win98 using Office 2000. I have a database that I use to run a PERL script for the record store I work at. The database spits out a text & tabs document via a query that I then run PERL on.
My database has these fields: date added e-mail address (Primary Key) name wants destination
In my form to enter, I use keywords that correspond to catagories in my website (I sell music, records & CDs) and also exact terms for if a customer is looking for specific items.
an example would be:
20060308 tim@couch-fort.com Tim *clrock~~*clrockcomp~~beach boys~~bob dylan 1
The "~~" is a separater for the PERL job.
Is there a way I can put checkboxes on my form that will auto fill data that repeats often, while leaving space for some hand typed info too?
I use a form that has a combo box and a text box.The combo box values are Email,Cna,Dna.I manage to make users to select values from combo box and show it in the text box.I want to ask if it is possible when user select "Cna" and "Dna" from the combo box the same will appear to text box but the text box will be locked.If you choose email it would be enable.
Is there anyway or code to autofill a bound text/combo box for instance with the person who is working the database i have this code but doesnt work with bound boxes
:confused: I have a combo box on a form that is used for data entry that allows the user to pick the date. This is based on a table that includes date, week ending date and month, all very specific for our business. I used a function that says Me.txtBox=ComboBox.Column1 for example. So my combo box would include all the information, and all but the actual date is not visible. I want this to feed into another table that will be used for reporting, and that table has the same fields of date, week ending date and month. I keep getting an error saying that the value selected from the combo box doesn't fit the criteria, and I believe what is going on is that it is taking all the fields instead of just the date. Any suggestions how I can still have the text boxes update if I only have the date in the combo box?:confused:
So I have a master form, with multiple subforms on different tabs within the master form. This form is not used to look up data, just to only enter data in. In one of the tabs, I have a subform in the form of a data table where the person filling it in can put multiple locations of one dealership. In the next tab, I want these loctions to autofill into the next subform on the second tab in the data sheet. If I were to go with the solution of using an unbound textbox on the parent/master form to refernece the first subform and then have the second subform reference the textbox, how would I go about doing this? Just with the expression builder and conrol source? Am I able to autofill multiple rows of data from one subform to the other for one recond?
Autofill text field using combo box selectionHello,
I'm trying to autofill a field on a form using MS-Access 2010 Web version sharepoint using macros without coding.
The form has an existing Combo Box field called Segment, using the row sources "REW", "WTT", "DBM".
A user begins filling out the form and eventually selects the Combo Box for Segment and selects any one of the segment no Multiple selection
There is another text field, which is actually alpha-numeric, called Job_No. I want this to autofill based on their Segment selection, using this format:
REW-YYMMDD-TTTT, or REW-131210-20001 for example, for today with the time displayed as military time and last Job No.(20001) for REW and Also for WTT (30001) as starting number.
My database has Main form and a Sub form. On main form i place one unbound text box named investigations. In subform of which datasheet there is a column named TestCode. I want unbound text box (Investigations) to display row values which selected in a column (TestCode) of subform.for example:Investigation field should display "CBC,HB,ALP".
I'm very new to Access, having used it for the first time today :)
I've got a database to write for a media database as a learning example and I've run into my first real problem...
I've got a table for users and I've got to allow users to be able to own one or more media types, e.g. CD, DVD, video, record, etc. Of these types, there are sub-categories for most of them. For example, a DVD may be a horror film, action film or music video, and a CD may be hip-hop, rock or blues, etc.
I thought I could have a reference data table containing a category ID and category value, together with a reference data category table which simply listed the categories. This would work fine if a user could only have one type of media but of course they can have several. So, I thought about having a "composite category" instead which would contain a category, whether it contained a sub-category and a sub-category ID. I'm trying to get my head round this and wondered if this must surely be a fairly common issue to solve. Does anyone know of any pointers or any examples I could do with looking at?
Okay here is my silly little issue, my boss decided to add sub categories, just when I get the database set-up. Table 1 Category Category_ID Category_Name
Table 2 Sub_Category SUb_Category_Name
Table 3 Contacts Company Contact Adress Ect Ect
I would like to be able to have each contact grouped by category, then sub category..but I am not sure how to get the relationship to work.
I have a form that is displaying a subform (of which source is a query). I have got the data from one of the columns in the subform going into a text box (entered in the control source) however when the field is empty it comes with a #Error in the textbox.I want the textbox is display some text is the subform value is null.
I am implementing a new database (Access 2000) for my company.
It contains contact details of a subscription base.
Four tables are present MEMBER, ORGANISATION, EVENTS and CATEGORY.
My problem is; people attend events, and i want to record this in the database. Each event has an event ID field, and an event description field.
When recording the events which people attend, i could just use the event ID field, but problem is that people can obviously attend more than one event..
People belong to a certain category
Again i have a category ID field, but people can belong to more than one category.
I am working on a database to list all the inkjet cartridges we sell. Within the printer table, I want to list which category they are on our website. For example, Epson C20 Printer would be in Ink & Toner > Epson > Inkjet > Stylus C & CX Series.
I what some way to enter these in a number of fields, say Cat1, Cat2 etc. I havent a cluw what would be the best way to do this? Has anyone got any ideas? I am thinking about some kind of drill down but wouldnt know where to start on this. Any help would be gratefully received?
I'm wondering how to design an Access database with the same type of structure as "Yahoo Shopping!". The Yahoo site allows search for women's clothing or men's clothing or all clothing...please explain how the relationships are structured.
Is it just one category table with queries that display results of a search of multiple categories? How do I structure it in Access queries and forms?
I've built a contacts database which consists of one table containing contacts and services provided and a table with a list of categories, each has a PK autonumber id field. My problem is that individual contacts could fall into multiple categories, could somebody tell me how to do this.
- Category (A, B, C) - Family (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, etc) - Item - Sales
I'm looking for a way to get the top 10 items in each category + family based on sales (ie: top 10 in A-A1, then A-A2, then A-A3, etc). When I try using the top function, it doesn't treat each category + family combination as unique. Any ideas?
Got a problem here with Access 2003: got 36 categories (example: volume from 0-0.1=category 1 vol from 0.1-0.2=category 2 etc) and a whole bunch of records (in a table) stating volume per record (0.111, 0.23456 etc). For each record I need to know which category it is. Now in order to prevent me from writing 36 update queries for each category (if vol>0 and <0.1 then category = 1 etc) there must b a smarter/faster way to do this. What is it?
I need to create a database of the info of a few hundred companies. Each company (food producers) specializes in various product categories, not just one. This is my problem/question: each company entry should then have a possibility to have as many product categories as needed. How can I do this without using "free text" fields? The website user should obviously also be able to search the db - by clicking checkboxes with the categories maybe?
(+Also: When the admin user needs to add the info of a new company (with, say, 9 product types) into the database, what kind of an SQL clause I need to INSERT INTO the db? For example if the product categories where laid out as checkboxes, and the user would just click the ones he wants.)