Automatic Date Updates In Memo Field

Oct 15, 2004

I would like to create a memo field which automatically enters the date prior to any text input from the user.
Also allow dated updates in the same field

Many thanks

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Automatic Date Entry Memo Field

Jan 31, 2006

I have a memo field on a form. I am trying to autopopulate it when entered into. For example: I enter in clients info and then tab to the memo field and it automatically enters date and time. Then later when I go back to that same record to append to the memo field it adds the current date. This way I can go back and see all the dates and times when that person called. Any idea how to do this? Thank you

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Automatic Updates

Oct 23, 2006

Hi there,I know very little about Access but been asked to find out if this is possible:On a database we have a date field for when subscription is due, is there any way that if a DirectDebit method of payment has been chosen, when the date of renewal is, access will automatically update the year to the next one?Thank you very muchCathy

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Help With Automatic Date Field

Jul 10, 2007

Hello all how are you? im kindda new in the are of access(2 months)
Im making a db for company which its purpose is salary managment.

now i have a basic question

I have a table named Months which hold parameters like: "price of food","Car Value" and more..

I have field named: "Month and Year" and i want that the default value of this field would be the last month plus 1.

for example: if the first record in "Month and Year" is--> 07/2007
the second record would be 08/2007.

i have tried to use the default value in the tbl properties but it didn`t work for me

hope you can help my guys . thnaks

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General :: Automatic Date Entry For Field Changes

Mar 2, 2015

I have a database that contains 13,772 records and each record contains 34 fields. The database is used for historical research purposes. As I am constantly changing the content in one or more fields I would like to be able to have a field that would show the date of any changes that are made to any of the fields in any given record. Additionally I would like to be able to run a query, lets say every six months and extract all the updated records.

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Insert A Date Into A Memo Field.

May 17, 2005

I have an application that has a text box on a form that points to a memo data type.

On the form, I wish to allow the users to insert the system date with a short-cut key. (Trying to use Ctrl-D).

I have coded a Keypress Event that checks for the Ctrl-D. "Current" code is below:
Private Sub PM_Comments_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim MyString As String
Dim MyDate As Variant

'Check to see if user pressed Ctrl-D
If KeyAscii = 4 Then

MyDate = Date
MyString = Format(MyDate, "Short Date") & ":"
SendKeys ("") ' Perhaps I need to dump the Ctrl-D in the buffer???
SendKeys (MyString)

End If

End Sub
I say current because I have tried MANY variations. The code is executing properly on the Ctrl-D. I have watched the variables in debug mode and they contain what I want, namely "mm/dd/yy:" for the current date. Problem is, it inserts the TIME in the memo field. And it is the system time, not the integer of the date formatted into the time.

Crazy thing is, in debug mode, the darn thing will do what I want and insert the date in the VB editor page. Just won't do it in the memo field on the form.


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Date Stamp A Memo Field

Sep 7, 2006

i'm wondering if anyone has a solution to date stamp a memo field every time information is added.


9/7 11:03 AM>1st sample information added 9/8 10:30 AM>2nd sample information added 9/9 2:34 PM>3rd sample information added

Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,

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Insert Date Into Memo Field

Dec 15, 2005

We have a memo field that we use for on going notes.
Each day they may type more notes.
Is there a shortcut key, a button, or a way to automatically enter the date
and time before the notes?

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Modules & VBA :: Find Each Date In A Memo Field

Jul 21, 2014

Memo field is called [Notes] and data is like this...

5/05/14 - Perry was on another call. LM 2/05/14 - Perry only at centre in the mornings, need to speak to him before sending samples. 13/06/13 - Perry in a meeting. lm 30/05/13 - See Little Hampton Early Learning - s/w Perry, has already received sample and info 29/05/13 - s/w Aspi, said to cb tomorrow and speak to Perry

I want to find each date in the Notes field so I can split the memo field data into another table where the memo field will become multiple records that hold date, text and customer/prospect ID fields. The customer table was easy because there was a <Div> tag before each date. However in the Prospects table there are no tags so how to change my vba code to search for each date before I split off the data.

Here is the part of the VBA code I used to find the <Div> tag in the customer notes field. How to find each date in the memo field? The date is in d/mm/yy format?

If Not rst.EOF Then
StrSplit = Split(rst![Notes], "<Div>")
For x = 1 To UBound(StrSplit)

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Ordering Lines Within A Memo Field By Date/time

Dec 7, 2006

I have a memo field which records the events that happen on a form. So for example when a user changes the assignment from one user to the next, a row is written to the memo field indicating date, time, windows logon and then a brief description

Basically I end up with :

07/12/06 11:16:34 kleaves : Assigned user changed from Joe Bloggs to John Doe

At present every new row is added to the memo field at the end, so the most recent action is at the bottom.

How can I sort this so that most recent is at the top.

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Automating Date-Based Updates?

Jan 20, 2006

I am a new Access user. I have created a database to track and inventory animals brought to a local animal shelter. The database includes information such as when the animal was brought in, who dropped it off, when it was adopted (Hopefully!), etc. The database is being used by people who have limited computer experience and the challenge has been to automate it and simplify it as much as possible. I have created several Switchboard pages to try and accomplish this.

I have done research through Google and MS support and have found little help with a solution to this problem:

When an animal comes to the shelter, it is held for three days before it becomes available for adoption. I have created seperate fields for Date In Day, Date In Month and Date In Year. There is also a field detailing the animals adoptability status. This field is left blank in the intake process, and is then manually updated to Adoptable, Biter, etc., after the three day period. Is there a way to automate the Adoptability Assessment Field (which is a Lookup Table Field) so that it changes from blank to Adoptable after the three day period? (We have very few animals come in that are marked as Biters, so I just need the field to change over to Adoptable after three days have passed. Unless a solution can be presented to filter animals with Biter status out of the solution.)

I truly appreciate any help that can be offered.

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No Updates Once Date Is Entered Into Text Box

Feb 6, 2006

Hi there all, I tried the search option on this board but maybe its just that i dont know how to ask the question.
I have a text box on my form with and afterupdate event that inputs todays date in to another text box on the same form, can this be set so that once that date is apperas in the text box that no further updates to the date can take place.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Product Price Auto Updates Using Affective Date

Dec 9, 2007

Please find attached a mdb (2000) which includes 2 tables and 2 querys

If you open "QryProductsComboSelections" You will see that some product ID's have duplicate entries.

what I am trying to do is allow for contract pricing updates to be added with an affective date so they will not display until the affective date but also those old contract prices that have a date less than the current affective date will also be hidden thereby always limiting it to one record even if the product only has one pricing entry.

I can do this with a boolean "PriceClosed" but it would only be a last resort as I would like to automate this so it requires no user intervention other than adding the new price for A given date.

I have spent hours playing with this so rather than through the comp out the window Thought I would do the sensible thing and come and ask the experts.

Hope somebody can help as done a search and got loads of unrelated results.

Best wishes


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Date And Time Picker - And General Service Packs Updates

Dec 26, 2005


I use the Date and Time Picker. i know that i can get many other calendars, however, my theory is that i would rather use something that is directly supported by microsoft. but as i found out now that may not be the case.

on of my users updated his Office 2003 after he was having problems using my database (created on 2002 sp3). i know that the same database works on 2003 sp1. however, now microsoft is serving 2003 sp2. so after the update he he can't use the database.

so my questions:

1. how do i generally prevent users from getting update errors. i would like to atleast alert them with a meaningful message that their version of Office needs to be updated.

2. is this true that the Date and Time Picker doesn't work anymore? and if so, why isn't backwards compatible? and how do i prevent this from happening with other controls or scripts?



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Forms :: Controlling Row / Field Updates By Field Value

Jul 10, 2015

I have a table, it is an on going update for a meter reading. When the last record for a particular meter is closed, a new record is created with updated information and carry forward numbers. Something like this:

Meter# - Opening - Closing - Active - Date
123 - 1776 - 1876 - No - 2014-Jul-04
123 - 1876 - 1976 - No - 2015-Jul-04
123 - 1976 - 0 - Yes - 2016-Jul-04

This is in a table form for the user to see the old data, and be able to edit the last line only. My problem is how to I tell access that that can edit only the last row? Since there are 1,000's of meters involved this is not going to be the last line of the datatable nor is it a new record. The trick is the use can edit only rows where the Active field is True. Once set to false the record should not be changed any more.

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Forms :: Date Control In Header Updates Appointments In Details Section

Jul 3, 2013

Working in Access 2007 - I would like to have an updatable calendar in the header section of a form, and when this is changed by the user I would like the subforms (there are several) in the details section to be updated with various appointments with dates corresponding to the date selected in the header.

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Automatic Date Qry

Jan 14, 2008


i need to run a specific qry that runs from 5th to 5th of every month to show payments made between the dates. i dont want to fill anything in as these dates are set. can a qry be made to run and retrive the info between 5th of last month & 5th of current month automatically ( by the press of a button ) every month?

many thanks,


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Automatic Date

Jun 2, 2005

This is going to be a dumb question for all you Access experts, but how do I insert a field that will automatically display the date that the record was created (not updated, but created)?


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Automatic Date

Jun 2, 2005

This is going to be a dumb question for all you Access experts, but how do I insert a field that will automatically display the date that the record was created (not updated, but created)?


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Automatic Date

Dec 7, 2004

I am trying to create a function whereby when I update a memo field or a field where I put in notes, after I am done, it will automatically put in the current date.

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Automatic Date

Feb 20, 2007

Hey ASP Fam,

I am putting this form together that involves the user to enter in the current date 2/20/2007 in that format. Is there a script or something i can do in access that will autmatically put the current date in the date field and just update the date as each day changes everyday?

Thanks N Advance

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An Automatic Date

Mar 7, 2007

OK, next question. I have a query for my database that asks for all records reviewed on a particular date. I've got it set up so that when I run the query, it will ask me for a date range and then run the query only bringing up the records that meet the date range criteria. I then developed a report from this query and it too asks for a date range when I run the report. My question is this: I hit the button to run my report, the box asks me for a beginning date and then a ending date. I enter the date range and the report runs great. Is there a way that after I put in the date range, that date range will show on my report? Thanks once again for your help.


1/12/07 - 1/20/07 (this is the date range I entered)

Body of report

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Automatic Date Insersion...

Mar 15, 2006

I've got a form that writes to a database for news articles.

Is it possible to set up Access so it automatilcally inserts the date of when the article was added to the database??? Ideally in the dd/mm/yyyy format.

This might be basic stuff to the more advanced user but its all new to me :)

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Automatic Changing Date

Mar 29, 2008

Probably this question has been asked before, but I'm new here. Don't know if the question should be asked here and hope that my English is good enough.

I have a database in which I change the content of the records on a regular base. There are two dates in it. One is the day I made/added a new record, one should be the date I made the last change, but I can't get it to work. I have been searching the Help-option in Access as well as Google to find an answer, but so far no results. I don't know anything about Visual Basic, so if you answer please keep it simple.:o


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Automatic Date Change

Jan 19, 2007

I have a query that allows the user to see how many hours we've flown, sorted by month for the current year.

Problem is that in the query I have to manually put in the criteria "january 2007" or "february 2007" or etc....

What I would like it to be able to do is based on the current year (2007 for instance) set the criteria by itself. Someday I might not be around to reset the year in the criteria so therefore it should be automated.

Anybody have an idea what I'm talking about and a simple solution a hack of a programmer could figure out?


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How To Add An Automatic Date Thingy?

May 19, 2005


Is there any way I can add the date to come up automatically (i.e. today's date) on a field called 'order date' on my orders form. I currently have an input mask on this table field (i.e. dd/mm/yyyy) if this is any help/hiderance?

Thanks for any advice !

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