Automatic Field Entry Contradictions

May 5, 2005

Is it possible to ensure that if a particular field has a specific value, ie, 'yes' then the reaminaing fields on the page are automatically set to 'no' by default?

If No is selected in the field in question then this would subsequently allow the other fields to be set to any value.

Thanks in anticipation :)

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Automatic Field Entry Based On Several Fields

Mar 16, 2008


I am an amature with databases and a bit rusty too. Can anyone help me with this problem?

basically I want to automatically enter a unique asset code for one table that is based on product and manuafacturer's codes from other tables

e.g. for audio visual eqipment

The first table would be a manufacturers table with the manufacturers code as the primary key e.g. JVC, HTC (hitachi), SHP (sharp) etc

The second table would be a product table with the product code as the primary key e.g. AMP, DVD, LCD (lcd tv) etc.

( i would also have a customer table and an asset repair table)

In my asset table I would like to enter an asset code as the primary key of the type JVC-DVD-001, JVC-DVD-002, HTC-LCD-001 etc by looking up codes from the other tables and then adding the last number.
(Ideally once the manufacturer's code has been selected only the product codes for products made by that manufacturer would be displayed).
(Also it would be ideal if referential integrity could be set up so that the asset code components can only contain valid manufacturer and product keys.)

The asset code cannot be a compound key as I want to have a repair records table in which the asset code is entered as a single field with referential integrity to the asset field in the asset table.

When entering repairs I would like the lookup field to display only the assets belonging to a particular customer.

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Automatic Date Entry Memo Field

Jan 31, 2006

I have a memo field on a form. I am trying to autopopulate it when entered into. For example: I enter in clients info and then tab to the memo field and it automatically enters date and time. Then later when I go back to that same record to append to the memo field it adds the current date. This way I can go back and see all the dates and times when that person called. Any idea how to do this? Thank you

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General :: Automatic Date Entry For Field Changes

Mar 2, 2015

I have a database that contains 13,772 records and each record contains 34 fields. The database is used for historical research purposes. As I am constantly changing the content in one or more fields I would like to be able to have a field that would show the date of any changes that are made to any of the fields in any given record. Additionally I would like to be able to run a query, lets say every six months and extract all the updated records.

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Automatic Data Entry

Jul 2, 2007

Hi there,

I have a table called Cars and a table called Rent

In Cars i have Car ID (Autonumber and primary Key) and Price Per Day

In Rent I have Rent ID, Car ID and Price Per day

The Car ID in Rent is a lookup from the Cars table, but is it possible to make it so that when i enter the Car ID in the Rent table, it automatically fills in the Price per day field for me?

Sorry if something like this has already been posted, i didnt know what this is called so didnt know what to look for.


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Automatic Data Entry

May 19, 2006

Hi All,

I'm sure this must be fairly straight forward but I've been going around in circles trying to solve it in VBA without success.

I want the value of a field (Field C) on a form to be automatically entered depending on the value of two other fields (Fields A & B).

If Field A is Null and Field B is Null then Field C is Null
If Field A is not Null and Field B is Null then Field C = "YES"
If Field A is not Null and Field B is not Null then Field C = "NO"

Please, put me out of my agony!!


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Automatic Information Entry

Feb 20, 2008


I have a small database with a list of customers names and addresses in one table and a list of orders in another table.

in the orders table I have a space for customers address. what i would like to do is to be able to type in a customers name and prefill the address details from the customer database to the orders database.

any ideas anyone please

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Automatic Entry Of Transaction At End Of Month

Jun 5, 2005

I am trying to create an Access application where income recognition is automatically calculated and stored at the end of the month based on established parameters. How can this be done? Does it require VBA programming?

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How To Get An Automatic Entry Based On Criteria

May 9, 2007

My database tracks individuals qualifications. These qualifying scores relate to Unqualified, Expert, Advanced etc. What I want to do is add a entry into my roster table which will have the qualification score.
I then want to have the score and actual qualification (Advanced, Expert, etc) in a Report.
The qualification type is a range (less then 30, 31-40, 41-50), and I think that I will need a BETWEEN statement. What I am not sure of is how to put this together to make it equate the number with the equivalent word in a report.

the brewmeister

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Automatic Date Entry On First Day Of Each Month

Feb 27, 2012

How to design a Query that will add a specific date to a Table every month?

In my case, I would like to add / append new record entries on the first day of each month - for example.

Do I have to start with a table that has ALL the future dates required, or is there any other solution?

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Automatic Current Date Entry In A Record

Dec 12, 2005


I have a quick question on how to enter the current date in a record automatically when the record is created.

Here is the situation. Say I have a Products table that lists the products that have come into the inventory. There is a field that denotes the day the product was introduced into the inventory. So ideally when the user creates a new record for the product, I would like this field to be populated automatically with the actual date that this filed was created by the user. Note that in future the user may edit the product (i.e other fields in this record), but the entry_date field should not be altered from what it was the first time is was created.

Is there a way I can do this? Any help much appreciated. thanks.

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Automatic Recurring Entry Based On Start Date And Nominal Interval Period

Feb 15, 2012

How to create a table that has a recurring entry, based on a start date and a nominal interval period of e.g. one calendar month?

Is it possible to have these entries applied automatically each time so that they appear, as required, when the table is opened?

For example, for the entry of regular payments due per month.

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Automatic Update For A Field Depending On The Value Selected In Another Field.

Mar 28, 2007

tblAppointment will take register appointments.

tblTreatment contains Cost for different AppointmentTypes.

The above two tables are linked as 1-M relationship (1 Treatment can have Many Appointments)

Entering data in the tblAppointment - AppointmentType and AppointmentCost are the fields in tblAppointment. AppointmentType a drop down box, so that a specific AppointmentType can be selected.

Problem: Now depending on the AppointmentType selected the AppointmentCost field should automatically display the correct Cost.

Can anyone help please?



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Automatic Field Completion

Jun 23, 2007

Ok, i'm very new to access, so please be patient!

Right, disclaimer over, hopefully someone can help me with this.

Essentially, I have a table of employees who have something called an OUC - this is a group identifier which allows us to recognise certain info about them. The first three digits relate to the line of business (LOB) that the employee is in.

ie. John Doe - JPGA2X; Joe Bloggs - JPGB3Y; Frank McRank - JDH3B;

John Doe and Joe Bloggs both are in the IT LOB (as defined by JPG), and Frank is in Finance (as defined by JDH).

I currently put the OUC in the employee table, and have got a translation table for OUC->LOB (ie the left three digits of ouc's, and how they equate to the correct LOB). What i can't work out how to do is get the two tables to interact. How do i get the employee table to automatically work out which LOB the employee is linked to?

I hope this is clear, and that someone is able to work out why i am being such an idiot about this! (it's probably basic principles of Access that i've skipped over in my haste!!).

Thanks in advance,


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Help With Automatic Date Field

Jul 10, 2007

Hello all how are you? im kindda new in the are of access(2 months)
Im making a db for company which its purpose is salary managment.

now i have a basic question

I have a table named Months which hold parameters like: "price of food","Car Value" and more..

I have field named: "Month and Year" and i want that the default value of this field would be the last month plus 1.

for example: if the first record in "Month and Year" is--> 07/2007
the second record would be 08/2007.

i have tried to use the default value in the tbl properties but it didn`t work for me

hope you can help my guys . thnaks

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Update Field Automatic !!!!!!

Nov 23, 2007

I don't now how to update field automatic when new record in another table entered.

I now I suppose to use update query by SQL language when I want to make that , but I can't configure the query.

I want any example for that problem .

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Automatic Field Update

Mar 4, 2005

I have a form (Access 2000) on which one of the fields shows the date on which the record was last updated.

The idea is that when the the form is closed (or the user navigates to another record), this field is automatically set to the current system date, but ONLY if any of the other fields on the form have been changed. If the user has merely viewed the form without changing any data, then the 'Date Updated' field would not be changed.

I'm sure this is a common enough scenario, but I'm struggling! Any suggestions most gratefully received!



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Automatic Count Of Field Contents

Jan 11, 2007

My company requires a query to aid distribution, however I am experiencing some problems implementing the system.

We have purchased a large database of addresses and need to be able to query a town/street to find out how many houses are in that street.

I have the query and form set up to display the street/town and list of house numbers when searched for, however the houses are grouped by postcode rather than street, with multiple house numbers in the same field (see example).

Main Avenue

HG23 0DF


HG23 1DF

Houses 95;97;98


Basically, I need a total of how many individual houses there are in a street, regardless of postcode. In this case, it should treat the ";"s as dividers and return the result of '6'. Or in some cases ignore the semicolons as some fields look like ";;;;;;;;13". It should then add both the total for one postcode to the other postcode to display a complete total of houses in one road.

Can anyone make any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

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Forms :: Automatic Insertion Of The Value Of Field?

Aug 10, 2014

I have a form that when I insert a registration number I would like the value of the field "nom" the name automatically appears in the "nom" field of the form. The form uses a query.

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Automatic Date Updates In Memo Field

Oct 15, 2004

I would like to create a memo field which automatically enters the date prior to any text input from the user.
Also allow dated updates in the same field

Many thanks

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Forms :: Automatic Alphanumeric Increment Field

Mar 5, 2015

I've got most of what he wants sorted but this last task I am completely flummoxed. All of his projects are allocated an ID (named Project Reference), starting from P010010 and increasing by 1 each time. I've made a form that allows a new project to be recorded by entering all the details and hitting the 'record' button, but he wants the Project Reference field to be automatically filled in each time (understandably), increasing by 1 from the last record.

So if the last record was P010311, then when the form opens the Project Reference should automatically be P010312.

I've looked into this and found many guides talking about DMax and DIM and strCriteria and whatnot, but no matter how many of them I follow and try to adapt to my own database I can't get it to work at all.

The table the ID comes from is called General, and the field is Project Reference. The ID should automatically be filled into a text box called txtRef whenever the form opens and a button to add a new record is pressed, being 1 higher than the previous ID.

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Forms :: Automatic Population Of Field When Name Is Selected

Mar 20, 2014

I am putting together a simple database to do with monitoring maintenace of buildings. I was the building number to automatcially populate when the building name is select.

I have got the the point where I have building name and number in the building name combo box but i'm stuck with the after update code builer part.

I currently have:

Me.Building_NameControl = Me.Building_Number.Column(2)

But doesn't seem to work.I don't really understand syntax!

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Automatic Translation Of A Column (field) Currency

Jan 18, 2015

Currently, I develop an Access application (+ VBA).

Clients computers are English and the developers works with french clients.

When updating the application to the French posts, the word "currency" is automatically replaced by "devise" in all requests.

The name of the column in the table remains "currency".

(US / UK) => devise (fr)

How to disable the automatic "translation"?

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Forms :: Automatic Population Of Field In Adding A New Record

Aug 1, 2013

how to automatically populate a certain field. To add some context, I have a form which registers the details of a contact with standard information of contact details. There is a subform which shows the different products that the client from the main form is interested in. This is a actually a data sheet which returns the results of a query (selecting from the relevant table the client in question and the products he/she wants).

I have added a button which opens up another form and allows a product (and hence a new record) to be added for that particular client. I would like that the form automatically populates one of the fields in the form that is the client id. Given that the subform is opened from a form which already identifies the client, how do I do this?

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General :: Adding Automatic Timestamp Field To The Table For New Records?

Jul 2, 2015

I am looking to add a field to my table with a timestamp for each new entry.

I am working with a split database. All of the records are inputted by forms (in the back end by other users). I want to be able to see the exact time that a record was added, but without having to add this field to the actual form. I just want to be able to have a field in the table that shows me when the user submitted an entry. Is there a way to add an automatic timestamp field to the table?

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Forms :: Automatic Fill In A Field From Info Keyed Into Previous Fields

May 4, 2013

I am wondering if Access 2010 has the capability of automatically filling in a field from info keyed into previous fields. For example, I want a confirmation number issued which is made up of all the characters keyed in the previous three fields. For example, assume the previous three fields are:

Block = 01
Building = 125
Room = A
Confirmation Number =

Therefore, the confirmation number would automatically be filled in as 01125A.

If so, how do I go about setting it up?

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