Automatic Date Change

Jan 19, 2007

I have a query that allows the user to see how many hours we've flown, sorted by month for the current year.

Problem is that in the query I have to manually put in the criteria "january 2007" or "february 2007" or etc....

What I would like it to be able to do is based on the current year (2007 for instance) set the criteria by itself. Someday I might not be around to reset the year in the criteria so therefore it should be automated.

Anybody have an idea what I'm talking about and a simple solution a hack of a programmer could figure out?


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Disable Automatic Change Of Tab Order Index?

Nov 26, 2013

When I create a new control, or change the location of an existing one, the tab order index is changed for almost all the controls across the form.

I have many controls in this form. The controls are a combination of textfields and comboboxes. I have carefully selected the tab index for each control manually, and the user can now tabulate through the fields in the correct order. If I later change the position of just one control, or add a new one, all the manually set tab indexes for the controls automatically change so the order is horizontal across the form.

How do I stop the automatic change of tab order index? It is frustrating to manually set this for all fields, when just a small change is needed.

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Tables :: Record Makes Undesired Automatic Change

Mar 4, 2014

I have a training database that I have set up and utilize to track attendee data and who is registered to which course.I have a course registration table that has a course title field which is a drop down list populated by course titles from the courses table, and a trainee id field.

For whatever reason, when I view reports or queries that draw from this table, access will make changes to the first record in the course registration table course title field i.e. it will take whoever is in the first record, and change the course they were registered to.

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Automatic Date Qry

Jan 14, 2008


i need to run a specific qry that runs from 5th to 5th of every month to show payments made between the dates. i dont want to fill anything in as these dates are set. can a qry be made to run and retrive the info between 5th of last month & 5th of current month automatically ( by the press of a button ) every month?

many thanks,


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Automatic Date

Jun 2, 2005

This is going to be a dumb question for all you Access experts, but how do I insert a field that will automatically display the date that the record was created (not updated, but created)?


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Automatic Date

Jun 2, 2005

This is going to be a dumb question for all you Access experts, but how do I insert a field that will automatically display the date that the record was created (not updated, but created)?


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Automatic Date

Dec 7, 2004

I am trying to create a function whereby when I update a memo field or a field where I put in notes, after I am done, it will automatically put in the current date.

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Automatic Date

Feb 20, 2007

Hey ASP Fam,

I am putting this form together that involves the user to enter in the current date 2/20/2007 in that format. Is there a script or something i can do in access that will autmatically put the current date in the date field and just update the date as each day changes everyday?

Thanks N Advance

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An Automatic Date

Mar 7, 2007

OK, next question. I have a query for my database that asks for all records reviewed on a particular date. I've got it set up so that when I run the query, it will ask me for a date range and then run the query only bringing up the records that meet the date range criteria. I then developed a report from this query and it too asks for a date range when I run the report. My question is this: I hit the button to run my report, the box asks me for a beginning date and then a ending date. I enter the date range and the report runs great. Is there a way that after I put in the date range, that date range will show on my report? Thanks once again for your help.


1/12/07 - 1/20/07 (this is the date range I entered)

Body of report

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Automatic Date Insersion...

Mar 15, 2006

I've got a form that writes to a database for news articles.

Is it possible to set up Access so it automatilcally inserts the date of when the article was added to the database??? Ideally in the dd/mm/yyyy format.

This might be basic stuff to the more advanced user but its all new to me :)

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Automatic Changing Date

Mar 29, 2008

Probably this question has been asked before, but I'm new here. Don't know if the question should be asked here and hope that my English is good enough.

I have a database in which I change the content of the records on a regular base. There are two dates in it. One is the day I made/added a new record, one should be the date I made the last change, but I can't get it to work. I have been searching the Help-option in Access as well as Google to find an answer, but so far no results. I don't know anything about Visual Basic, so if you answer please keep it simple.:o


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Help With Automatic Date Field

Jul 10, 2007

Hello all how are you? im kindda new in the are of access(2 months)
Im making a db for company which its purpose is salary managment.

now i have a basic question

I have a table named Months which hold parameters like: "price of food","Car Value" and more..

I have field named: "Month and Year" and i want that the default value of this field would be the last month plus 1.

for example: if the first record in "Month and Year" is--> 07/2007
the second record would be 08/2007.

i have tried to use the default value in the tbl properties but it didn`t work for me

hope you can help my guys . thnaks

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How To Add An Automatic Date Thingy?

May 19, 2005


Is there any way I can add the date to come up automatically (i.e. today's date) on a field called 'order date' on my orders form. I currently have an input mask on this table field (i.e. dd/mm/yyyy) if this is any help/hiderance?

Thanks for any advice !

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Automatic Date Function With Code

Aug 13, 2004

I have a date field (WhitesDue) that I want automatically filled in when information in another field (Conditions) in another table is entered. The field Conditions is a number field and depending on the number of conditions determines when the whites are due.

I saw the other thread, Automatic Date Function, and was wondering if it was possible to put an if then code in to have the date updated with different dates depending on the number of conditions and the date that the information is put in. For example if someone is putting information in today and they have 4 conditions then I want the date to be automatically filled in with 8/17/04 (is it possible to factor weekends in too?).

Does that make sense? Can anyone help me out here?

Okay I stepped through some code that I have in the Conditions after update event. It works, it puts the date in the code like it is supposed to. Now, how do I get it to put the date into a field on another form?

If [Conditions] > 3 And [Conditions] < 5 Then
[Whites] = Now + 2
ElseIf [Conditions] > 5 Then
[Whites] = Now + 4
[Whites] = Now + 1
End If


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Automatic Date Entry On First Day Of Each Month

Feb 27, 2012

How to design a Query that will add a specific date to a Table every month?

In my case, I would like to add / append new record entries on the first day of each month - for example.

Do I have to start with a table that has ALL the future dates required, or is there any other solution?

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Automatic Date And Time In Excel Or Access

Aug 13, 2005

How can I create a database which automaically inputs the date and time when a value is placed it another collumn.

e.g 3 collumns= name, date + time

When the name is inputted the present date and time are assigned to the name.

If the name is changed then the date and time are updated to the present.

Many Thanks.


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Automatic Current Date Entry In A Record

Dec 12, 2005


I have a quick question on how to enter the current date in a record automatically when the record is created.

Here is the situation. Say I have a Products table that lists the products that have come into the inventory. There is a field that denotes the day the product was introduced into the inventory. So ideally when the user creates a new record for the product, I would like this field to be populated automatically with the actual date that this filed was created by the user. Note that in future the user may edit the product (i.e other fields in this record), but the entry_date field should not be altered from what it was the first time is was created.

Is there a way I can do this? Any help much appreciated. thanks.

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Automatic Date Entry Memo Field

Jan 31, 2006

I have a memo field on a form. I am trying to autopopulate it when entered into. For example: I enter in clients info and then tab to the memo field and it automatically enters date and time. Then later when I go back to that same record to append to the memo field it adds the current date. This way I can go back and see all the dates and times when that person called. Any idea how to do this? Thank you

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Automatic Date Updates In Memo Field

Oct 15, 2004

I would like to create a memo field which automatically enters the date prior to any text input from the user.
Also allow dated updates in the same field

Many thanks

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General :: Automatic Date Entry For Field Changes

Mar 2, 2015

I have a database that contains 13,772 records and each record contains 34 fields. The database is used for historical research purposes. As I am constantly changing the content in one or more fields I would like to be able to have a field that would show the date of any changes that are made to any of the fields in any given record. Additionally I would like to be able to run a query, lets say every six months and extract all the updated records.

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General :: Automatic Calculation Of Date Differences

Sep 13, 2012

The project I'm working on is an action list with the following tables;

itemnumber - autonumber PK
originator - text
dateentered - date/time
actiondescription - text
assignedto - text
targetdate - date/time
forecastdate - date/time
actual date - date/time
remarks - text
due - text (not sure if this will be correct)

Basically, when a new task is entered, all info will be manually filled in except last 3 fields. targetdate needs to be locked after entry, and forecastdate initially set to targetdate.

"due" should show how many days between dateentered and forecast date, and preferably update everytime the DB is opened. IF the current date is beyond the forecast date, "due" should read "OVERDUE".

Changing forecastdate would obviously reset the "due" field to show how many days left to complete. If a date is entered into actualdate, then "due" should show COMPLETE.

Reports will be generated based on what is coming due, what is over due, and not show what is already complete.

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General :: Automatic Backup Of Access Database With Date Added To End Of File Path

Jul 28, 2014

Just wanted to confirm which is the best way to create an automatic back up of a access DB. (Split DB, backing up the BE - Access2010)

Firstly I was thinking of just creating a batch file to copy the file to a new source directly with a task scheduler set up.

Ideally I'd like it to run daily and have the date of the back up added to the end of the filepath.

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Automatic Recurring Entry Based On Start Date And Nominal Interval Period

Feb 15, 2012

How to create a table that has a recurring entry, based on a start date and a nominal interval period of e.g. one calendar month?

Is it possible to have these entries applied automatically each time so that they appear, as required, when the table is opened?

For example, for the entry of regular payments due per month.

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How To Change Date Format?

Feb 13, 2008

Hi, I'm newbie.

I did create LANDesk Date Control in the form but the date format shown MMDDYYYY.

I want change the date format to

& how do I link the LANDesk Date Control into tables as database?

p/s - can I change font color date of "Sat" & "Sun" to red color instead? Please guide.


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Updating A Change Date

Oct 21, 2006

How do I set up a date field so that it changes to the current date whenever any other field in the record is changed?

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Update Date After Change

Sep 18, 2006

Before you start yelling, use the search. I did.;)
But the solution mentioned on this forum (place me.lastupdated = Date() after BeforeUpdate event) doesnt work for me. My situation: I have two forms. On the first you are asked for an registrationnumber. This is used to open the second form with that registration number so you can fill in data. I want the date on which things are changed on the second form to be saved. If I use the BeforeUpdate event, I get an error when I try to open the second form. When I use the AfterUpdate event, the date is changed but not stored. Any solutions? :confused:

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