Automatic Population Of Fields On A Form
Nov 23, 2004
Hello, we are creating an input form to update a file in access. We would like to enter an order number and use that number to retrieve extra data from, a non access database. The extra data would be used to populate the
fields in the access file.
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Mar 20, 2014
I am putting together a simple database to do with monitoring maintenace of buildings. I was the building number to automatcially populate when the building name is select.
I have got the the point where I have building name and number in the building name combo box but i'm stuck with the after update code builer part.
I currently have:
Me.Building_NameControl = Me.Building_Number.Column(2)
But doesn't seem to work.I don't really understand syntax!
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Aug 1, 2013
how to automatically populate a certain field. To add some context, I have a form which registers the details of a contact with standard information of contact details. There is a subform which shows the different products that the client from the main form is interested in. This is a actually a data sheet which returns the results of a query (selecting from the relevant table the client in question and the products he/she wants).
I have added a button which opens up another form and allows a product (and hence a new record) to be added for that particular client. I would like that the form automatically populates one of the fields in the form that is the client id. Given that the subform is opened from a form which already identifies the client, how do I do this?
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Dec 30, 2014
use a continuous form to allow users to quickly enter any number of records. One of the fields in this continuous form is an ID (not a foreign key, actually not a key in the database but crucial for other purposes) which is incremental from the last one stored in a table.
I am able to use a combo box and a query to get the ID but I cannot save the value to the text box on the first record, and then requery and get the next id when the user moves onto the next record..and so forth..
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Aug 3, 2015
I've created a table with a form that includes multiple fields that autopopulate after I enter a certain date into the "reciept date" column. After I hit enter or tab, the autopopulation accures. After I completed the table and form for autopopulation, I was tasked with adding even more autopopulating columns to the tablel that was completed. After adding the additional columns to the table and adding the extra code in it's proper place, doing everything exactly like the night before, the autopopulate does not work for any of the columns.
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May 18, 2007
I've put together a database for my company to track our archived files. When the files are archived, there are three important values pertaining to their location: a list number, a box number, and a barcode number.
Each box has a barcode on it, so what I'd like to do is make it so that when any record has both a list and box number entered (since it is dependent on the list number to know which, for example, "Box 1" I'm entering information for), it would automatically insert the appropriate barcode number in the field. It would obviously need a seed for each barcode number to be entered before it would know which one to use, but that could either be based on the first unique entry, or entered another way. If anyone can help me do this, I'd really appreciate it. Also, if my description was insufficient or confusing, just let me know and I'll try to clear it up. Thanks!
If I entered:
List # Box # Barcode #
77 4
It might not know what the barcode is the first time. But once I had entered
List # Box # Barcode #
77 4 366582
It would know what I was entering. Keeping in mind that I'm not showing the rest of the record, but just this end part, my next entry would look like:
List # Box # Barcode #
77 4 366582
77 4 366582
...the red representing that it would automatically fill that in, because it knows that if I'm talking about Box 4 in List 77, that must be the barcode.
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Mar 16, 2008
I am an amature with databases and a bit rusty too. Can anyone help me with this problem?
basically I want to automatically enter a unique asset code for one table that is based on product and manuafacturer's codes from other tables
e.g. for audio visual eqipment
The first table would be a manufacturers table with the manufacturers code as the primary key e.g. JVC, HTC (hitachi), SHP (sharp) etc
The second table would be a product table with the product code as the primary key e.g. AMP, DVD, LCD (lcd tv) etc.
( i would also have a customer table and an asset repair table)
In my asset table I would like to enter an asset code as the primary key of the type JVC-DVD-001, JVC-DVD-002, HTC-LCD-001 etc by looking up codes from the other tables and then adding the last number.
(Ideally once the manufacturer's code has been selected only the product codes for products made by that manufacturer would be displayed).
(Also it would be ideal if referential integrity could be set up so that the asset code components can only contain valid manufacturer and product keys.)
The asset code cannot be a compound key as I want to have a repair records table in which the asset code is entered as a single field with referential integrity to the asset field in the asset table.
When entering repairs I would like the lookup field to display only the assets belonging to a particular customer.
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Sep 20, 2007
Morning everyone
I have made up a database to record generations of birds; along with others I have the following fields:
Ring number (primary key)
Data entry via a form view.
For new entries I pick up from a combo box the parents, what I need to do now is create a relationship between 1, 3&4 and 2, 5&6 so that the data will automatically slot in the relevant fields.
1Parent Cock
2Parent Hen
3Grand Parent Cock C/S
4Grand Parent Hen C/S
5Grand Parent Cock H/S
6Grand Parent Hen H/S
would I do it via a query.’ And would one cover relevant generations
Thanks for any help
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Apr 9, 2014
the project I have comprises four seperate databases all linked but kept apart for logic and data reasons. I must have rapidly approaching 300k records across all of them. As a result I am trying to extract on a regular basis (monthly) the dimensions of each database. Specifically, I want to be able to produce for each database;The number of tables (I have two types data and reference, it would be nice to be able to split the result).The number of fields per table.The number of records per tableI am not really interested at this point about other database objects, such as queries or reports.
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May 4, 2013
I am wondering if Access 2010 has the capability of automatically filling in a field from info keyed into previous fields. For example, I want a confirmation number issued which is made up of all the characters keyed in the previous three fields. For example, assume the previous three fields are:
Block = 01
Building = 125
Room = A
Confirmation Number =
Therefore, the confirmation number would automatically be filled in as 01125A.
If so, how do I go about setting it up?
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Nov 23, 2005
Hi all, could help me with a problem. I have a form that displays only the records for a specific field. in my table I have many records so I have narrowed the records I want to display by displaying only the records with the same pin number. So if Pin number 2550 has 10 records then on my form there will be 10 records. Now I would like to add a record to make it 11 so I would like to have my fields populated from the information that I already narrowed. so the user doesnt have to enter it again. IE. my phone number, my name, and the current date doesnt change so I would like to be able to have that data appear when the button is clicked. any help would be great. So Any code Ideas would be great!:) Thanks
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May 24, 2005
Hi, I was wondering if someone could look at this code and see where I am going wrong. I open form 2 from form 1 and Form 2 has date fields populated by a calendar. When I click the search button on Form 2 I am trying to populate the listbox on form1 with records between the selected dates on form2. I think the listbox is requering as if flickers. Hope this makes sense!
Here is the code so far:
Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim sSql As String
Dim sCriteria As String
sCriteria = "WHERE 1=1 "
If Me![StartDate] <> "" And EndDate <> "" Then
sCriteria = sCriteria & " AND tblWO.Created between #" & Format(StartDate, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & "# and #" & Format(EndDate, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & "#"
End If
sSql = "SELECT DISTINCT [work_priority], [UDF1],[WOnumber],[Status],[Property],[Description],[Requested],[RequestedBy],[Service],[Created],[Phone],[Asset] from tblWO " & sCriteria
[Forms]![FrmFilter]![Listbox1].Form.RowSource = sSql
End Sub
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Feb 2, 2006
Hi All,
I am having trouble getting a form to populate a table with certain information. Sergeant was good enough to help me out with getting two combo boxes to work together in the form but now the information from the two boxes are the only info from the form that will not populate the tbl.
The fm is Sightings and the tbl is sightings too, the two conbo boxes in fm sightings sorce is, tbl BBList. The two combo boxes are called CommonName & Species.
I have attached the DB in a zip file, it only very small and really only a trial run, so if anyone could put me out of my misery and tell me how to do it I would be most grateful.
I have tried relationships and queries but to no avail, I am as you will be able to tell very new to DBing. I am using Access 2002 in Office XP
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Sep 15, 2006
I am hoping someone can point me to a direction to help me achieve what I am trying to do.
I have a form (shown below)
I have 2 combo boxes, type and state
What I to do is when some one chooses the type, it automatically populates the state that the type coresponds to.
For example if I choose Type 1, it will populate, IL. WI, MI, NY into the State combox box and then the user can select the state they want.
If they choose Type 2, it will populate NV, CA, CO, TX into the State combo
I know how to populate a single value, but to populate all relating to a type, I am not sure.
Here are the screens:
Here's the table that the data has:
I appreciate any help anyone can provide.
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Dec 4, 2006
hi Guys
I have a request from a customer to create an form to view images in a table. The idea is this....
a really quick scanner scans 100's of images to a folder. But because they're all different, we dont want to use expensive OCR's the thing:
I can view the images if I import their location (from a CSV file) but I wanna be able to view them directly out of their folder. So the user scrolls through each image, renames the filename and then moves the image to another folder....
The part that confuses me is this:
How do you populate a list box with a list of files in a folder? And then, how do you move the images????
Sorry to lay this on ya's but its driving me mad right now. I've never worked with the DIR() functionality :(
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Jan 21, 2008
Hi guys....I m facing problem with Text field population that comes from query. I successfully get the value on comboX.Rowsource from one query. Like comboX.Rowsource =" Select count[field1] FROM Table".
But how can I do the same result with Text field. My email address
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Oct 30, 2005
I'm trying to build a Form that will allow one field to be automatically populated when data is entered in another field. I have a table that contains two Fields: Course Name and Course Code. When I enter the Course Name in a Form, I would like the corresponding Course Code to appear in the relevant box on the Form.
Can anybody point me in the right direction as to how this can be achieved
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Aug 23, 2012
I have a table where names are associated with information. However, we are now not allowed to have any identifying information with the information, so I need to move the names to another table with some kind of indentifier to associate which patient goes with which information. I was thinking about having the auto assigned ID numbers act as the ID numbers for each set of information.
So I need find a way that when someone enters information in the main table, they then enter the name into the "ID table" with the same autoassigned number. The problem now is there is already information in the table, and since data has been deleted, the ID autoassign field has gaps. I also don't know if I can set up an autopopulate field. How to make this easier or how to create the auto-population.
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May 6, 2014
I have a form set up so that a supplier code combo box is populated with a simple SQL statement to get values from a lookup table. I have a second combo box that is populated when the supplier code is selected by the user. It works well. For example, if the user selects supplier Dog then the current record value of the Product field is displayed and the combo box shows all Dog products. So that's great.
My problem arises when the form loads. I can't convince Access to fill the Product combo box with the current products. For example, if the first record has Cat as the supplier, I want it to display the Product value for the first record and to show all the Cat products in the drop down. It isn't doing it on load or on record navigation. It does work if the user reselects the supplier.
I have tried various events.
Right now I have the following code in the AfterUpdate event of cboSupplier:
qry = "SELECT SupplierCodeProductCodeEquityTypeQuery.Product.Nam e, SupplierCodeProductCodeEquityTypeQuery.ProductCode ,
SupplierCodeProductCodeEquityTypeQuery.SupplierCod e, "
qry = qry & "SupplierCodeProductCodeEquityTypeQuery.Supplier.N ame, SupplierCodeProductCodeEquityTypeQuery.ProductId FROM SupplierCodeProductCodeEquityTypeQuery "
qry = qry & "WHERE SupplierCodeProductCodeEquityTypeQuery.Supplier.Na me = '" & cboSupplier.SelText & "';"
Me.cboProduct3.RowSource = qry
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Apr 7, 2008
I am basically doing FORM to automatically figure out my stylists commission pay, based on 5 levels of sales and 3 different pay levels, that I will cut and paste in a table from my POS system.
3 Total Tables.
tbl_Employees, with the headers ID, Name, Payroll ID, Comm_Level.
tbl-Current Year with the headers ID, Payroll ID, Name, Service Sales.
tbl_Comm with the headers ID, CommLow, CommHigh, Level1, Level2, Level3
In a query, Qry_Years, I have Payroll ID, linked between the tbl_Employees and tbl-Current Year.
I am close in a FORM to getting this to work, unless DLookup is the wrong why to go about this.
This is not correct, but gives you an idea of what I am trying to do. In a FORM text box (called framePayrollIDLookup) I have
=DLookUp("Level1","tbl_Comm",[tbl - Current Year.Service Sales] & " between [CommLow] and [CommHigh]").
This pulls up the correct pay percent for level1 employees, but i need to change out Level1 to something variable.
This also doesn't work, but gives you an idea of my though process.
=DLookUp(" " = framePayrollIDLookup,"tbl_Comm",[tbl - Current Year.Service Sales] & " between [CommLow] and [CommHigh]"), but this doesn't work.
I might be way off base on how to do this, but I am trying. Thanks for any help.
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Feb 11, 2012
I have a number of records in my database and I use a form to input information, update fields etc. One of these fields is a ratio. I would like to create another field, in the record, input from the form, that automatically generate the ranking of the record in the database using the ratio, in descending (or ascending) order. So if I have 1000 records, the field would return, right after I update the ratio, which ranking within these 1000 it now holds.
Is this possible? In the event two (or more) records share the same ratio, what happens?
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Jan 9, 2014
The datasheet is populated in a subform, based upon a table.
Within this datasheet, I have several combo boxes.It is easy to give them a query to show all values possible.
SELECT tbl_PPV_RPM.Createdby
GROUP BY tbl_PPV_RPM.Createdby;
This gives me a list of all possible values in "tbl_PPV_RPM.Createdby".What I want, is to be able to select only the relevant values in this combobox, based upon a materialnumber in the same row. "tbl_PPV_RPM" contains a row named "Material". The datasheet also contains a row named "Material". These need to be linked. When I try to link them through the query builder, I get this:
SELECT tbl_PPV_RPM.Createdby
WHERE (((tbl_PPV_RPM.Material)=[Forms]![frmSub_TD_List_Edit].[Material]))
GROUP BY tbl_PPV_RPM.Createdby;
But then I get a popup box, requesting for the Material number in "frmSub_TD_List_Edit".So, it does not recognise the Materialnumber in the row I'm trying to select a value.
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Nov 4, 2013
I'm building a test registration form, and I want to populate 2 additional fields based on the TestID ComboBox selection. This same TestID table has a Requirement and Expected result field, that I want to display for the end user, to make sense of the test in question. Multiple fields in the ComboBox does not work since you cannot select a single testID; you can click on the relevant testID, but the table remains in view, rather than displaying only the relevant testID.
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Mar 16, 2014
I have a sheet of inventory I am working on creating. The price for storage for an item is determined by 2 things. 1. the type of material and 2. the size of that material. I have created a table with the material types and sizes. Is there a way that I can have the price automatically populate when I select the type of material and then size?
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Oct 23, 2013
I am working on school project. I created priority table that has primary key (ID number) and other data, and three tables(also with data) that are linked to this table, with ID number of priority table and primary keys of other tables (relations many-to-many, I formed tables between them).
Problem: - my solution is created so that I can fill all neccessary data of ALL tables in ONE FORM. But ofcourse Access wants you to enter at least one field in primary table for opening new record, so that It links you to all other tables (in my case with ID number) - then It is possible to enter data of all other tables in whatever tab order you like.
What I want to do is that my autonumber field from primary table would automatically open a new record number when opening the form, without entering any data to primary table. Is that even possible ?
So far I tried to add another field in my primary table (Date/time format) and set the date to =Now(), and used macro of Refresh on form, but nothing happens. Date is shown in field, but Autonumber doesn't generate new number of record. maybe I did it wrong...
Any option to lock Tab order and force user to fullfill data only in desiring order ? I want to make solution more user friendly
I'm using Access 2003...
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Apr 17, 2015
I have a ms access application in Front End and linked tables to sql server 2008 r2 in back end.. every time I open my application the linked tables ask to me for the user and password of the sql server user of the odbc conection. I want to connect to my sql database without login every time the user open the application, I know that can be possible if I start session from vba code...
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