Automatic Record Creation In Table

Feb 18, 2014

I have two tables; Customers and contracts.

I would like access to automatically create a record in the contracts table when I change the status in one of the Customer Fields from prospective to Customer.

The two tables are linked using the Customer ID field.

Is this possible?

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How To Make Creation Of A Record In A Table Trigger Creation Of New Table

Jul 17, 2013

I have a table that is a list of all of my events. Each record of events should have a child table that list all of the things that happened at the event. When a new record (event) is added how can I have a new child table created and linked to that record. Also I have a blank table to serve as a template for what each child should look like. How do I make sure this occurs? The child tables can have the same name as the index. I am just using numbers 1- for the index with 1 being the first event and so on?

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Forms :: Automatic Folder Creation

May 23, 2013

I currently have a database where users input new parts into a database using a part form. When they put in the part type, a tracking number is automatically generated. I would like a folder to be created for each part where we can store pictures and a report. How would i have it create a report to a certain area using the tracking number as the folder name? I also want to be able to upload pictures and eventually save the report in there but creating the folder is the first step.

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Reports :: Automatic Report Creation

Feb 17, 2014

I have a form which produces an SQL query based on a main table and a number of lookup tables. This query is displayed on the screen and then can be executed or produced as a report. If it is produced as a report the user mentions on another input screen the columns of the main table to be printed and the sort orders. A couple of other parameters needed for the report such as its title, date, font family and font size are also given. Then the report should be automatically generated. For this purpose I am using CreateReport and CreateReportControls methods. But the parameters of these two methods are not very clear. I need a report header, a page header and details of the records one on each row. Do I have to use the Create ReportControls method three times? First one only once, Second one on each page, third one on every line? Any example of such a report or point at an example?

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Daily Record Creation

Jun 26, 2006

i have a table..


i want to have a feature in my database like the following..

these are basically day to day clock in times for my staff..

is there a way that everday.. a new record will be created..

eg.. on 04/06/06... i turn on my pc for the first time.. and when i view the timesheet form.. a record for today is automatically created.. then throughout the rest of the day, this form will be displayed..

when i turn on my pc on 05/06/06, the database will know its a different day, so it creates a new record for today... then i can just move back and forth throughout the days to see the details..

if i then turn my computer off for 5 days, then turn it on at 10/06/06, it still should have made records for 6,7,8, and 9th June, but they will be empty, and the record im shown is for the 10/06/06,

how can i make this?

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Run Query On Record Creation

Aug 9, 2007

I been tasked with a project to be written in access which I am rather unfamiliar with, web design is more my area.

For part of the project I need to copy some pricing fields from a pricing table to a new record at the point that the new record is created. The new record is created when a 'new form' button is clicked.

What I would like to know is what and where I should trigger the copy query from and what function should I be using?


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Creation Of New Record When Tab Last Field

Sep 7, 2011

I have a subform with a lot of fields in which require input. I have set the tab order correctly so they go through in sequence. However, I have found when I tab out of the last field. Its creates a new record which I dont want.I want it to either return to the first field to just stop.

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Multi-select List Record Creation Code

Aug 5, 2005

I have a multi-select list box for selecting which faculty members apply to a project. The faculty table and project table are linked in a many-to-many relationship. I have the following code which should create entries in the link table:

Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim varItm As Variant

rs.Open "tblFacultyLink", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

For Each varItm In lstFaculty.ItemsSelected
rs!FacultyID = Me.lstFaculty
rs!EntryID = Me.EntryID
Next varItm

Set rs = Nothing
End Sub

It successfully creates new records and enters the EntryID and LinkID (autonumber). However, FacultyID is always left blank. lstFaculty is the unbound list box which has three columns from the faculty table and is bound to FacultyID. Any ideas on why FacultyID isn't created in the link table (I get no error messages)?

Also, any ideas on how to prevent duplicate links being created every time the button is pushed? I was planning on having it first run a delete query for that EntryID in the link table so that it replaces the old links and any that have now been unselected are no longer linked. Comments on that idea?

Thanks again to everyone on the forums for your help.

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent Record Creation If Form Is Null?

May 11, 2015

Nutshell: My user DB has one menu with 4 tabs (2 for adding records, and 2 for searching/editing records). Since the form opens up in the acFormAdd mode, Access already creates a new record (blank) before they type anything. It is resulting in blank false new records that are getting added to the table and they are getting annoying. My audit table is full of "user X created new record at this time" when it's just a blank record.

There must be a way to prevent this using VBA, but I cannot find it.

I've seen ways to disable "add new record" buttons and such, but nothing that disables Access from being smarter than me and creating a new record before I decide to.

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Matrix View Allowing Checkbox For New Record Creation / Deletion?

May 29, 2013

What I would like to do it take all 'RoleTitle' from RolesList, all 'CourseID' from courselist and show them as a pivot table/matrix with a checkbox that creates or deletes entries from the RoleRequirements table. So, if it exists in the RoleRequirements table then it should appear a checked, unchecking it would delete it from the table.

I am using access 2010 with a SQL server 2005 backend.

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New Table Creation Using SQL

Apr 9, 2008

How would I archive all orders place by customer 'x' in to a new table called tblArchive?

something like:

CREATE INDEX tblArchive ON tblCustomers WHERE customername = "x" ?

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New Table Creation

Apr 15, 2005

I created a new table for my database that contains three fields. A first name, last name, and a full name field. Is there a way in the definition of the table that I can define the full name to =[TrackComposerFirstName] & " " & [TrackComposerLastName]? I'm not sure where I would define a formula in data elements of a table.

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Create Field That Auto Populates With Record Creation Date/time?

Feb 11, 2008

I think my question is fairly simple - fingers crossed.

I want to create a field that, whenever a record is added, it auto-adds the date & time the record was created. I'd call it Book_Date_Added, or something like that. I tried snooping around the Default Value options but couldn't figure it out.

The table exists and it already has some records, so I'd need to know how to add this field rather than how to create it when I create a table (although that would be helpful too, if it's somehow different).

I'd appreciate any help, thanks a bunch.

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Log Creation For Editing On A Table

Dec 7, 2005


I have created a table containing jobs that need to be done from my team (IT production). Each time someone start or finishes a job, he must fill a box that updates a specific row in the table. I want to log the time of that action.

Any ideas of how I could set this up in Access? I have tried the Now() function in the Default Value of the field End Time, but this is updated everytime I refresh the table

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Automated Table Creation And Backup

Aug 17, 2005

Hello all,

I need some advice for an ASP.NET web application I am working on. I am trying to automate the making of a new table within a database and then have all records from an old table migrated to the newly made table. I would like this task to run from the scheduled tasks on the server in the way of an .exe

The new table would be created on the first day of every month, taking the name of that month. I was thinking to use an empty template table which already has all the fields, and then making a copy and renaming it to the current month.

After the new table has been created I need to copy all the records from the table that represents the previous month over to the new table that represents the current month.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


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Table Calculated Field Creation?

Feb 12, 2008

Is it possible (and logical) for me to create a table with a calculated field from 2 other fields in the same table? Example; I have a long time field (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) aka StartTime, and a long time field EndTime. I would like to subtract the StartTime field from the EndTime field to get the total time elapsed, but in hh:mm:ss format. I can get it in hh:mm format, but I really need the hh:mm:ss format. Any Ideas? :cool:

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Conditional Tallying, Linked .xls, Access Table Creation

May 14, 2007

Hi all-
I work for a staffing firm and I'm trying to figure out a way to turn exports from our vendor-based sql gui (i.e. I can only get .xls files out of it, can't just run SQL queries) into spiffy reports using Crystal Reports. My grand plan is to use Access to process these various XLS files (one for each client) by linking them to an Access DB and coding a table to conditionally tally individual records based on different criteria.

The criteria are company name, position name, date submitted, active, and status. I was able to code an Excel template that did the trick perfectly, but required each file to be edited to reflect the new report format, and updated as more positions are added. My question is this: is there some way for me to create a DB that links to the XLS files for each client and puts each company name, position name, date submitted (pulled straight from XLS files) and then the following tallies:

submitted (just # of pos name by date)
accepted (status != "s" AND active = "y" by date)

I don't really expect someone to do all my coding for me, maybe just point me in the right direction, as the only coding outside of excel formula coding (which I feel doesn't really count despite my proficiency) that I've done has been over a decade ago. Any suggestions?

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Table Creation : Big Table Or A Lot Of Small Ones

May 14, 2007

I want to create a dynamic page which will be composed of quite a lot of elements and will be filled with elements from my database.
First is the headline, 10 or so attributes, separate. Then 30 lines on the same model : Title (different for each line of course), Boolean, String, Date, Another String, Another Date, Another String. These lines are independent.
There will be approximately 1000 pages.
I wonder if I should create one huge table with everything in it (like Id, Headline, Title1, Boolean1, String1, Date1, String1, Date1.2, String1.2, Title2, Boolean2, String2, Date2, String2, Date2.2, String2.2, ...) or one table for each line (on the model : IdPage, Title, Boolean, String, Date, Another String, Another Date, Another String) plus the headline in a separate table?
I think I should take the "lot of tables" solutions, am I right? will it be a problem for Access?

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Automatic Sort After Copying A Record

Oct 3, 2005

I have a huge problem,
I have a form where there are companys with different contact-persons.
I sometimes need to add contact-persons for that company without typing adress and those kind of things, so i created a copy record button, But now i want the following:
If i copy a record (using the button) i want it to sort on [company] automaticly

Is this Possible, And if so Can some1 tell me hoe to do this

Kind Regards


There's Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself

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Automatic Record Navigation Failure

Feb 6, 2006

Hi all,
We have an Access 2000 db on a server that I can open.
Problem is, when other users open it up and use the Navigation buttons to say, view the next record, Access crashes with the following error:
"Method 'Requery' of object '_Subform' failed." (this is the Access supplied record navigation functionality - I havent customised it in any way)

Other users have been using it before with no problem (upto last week). I can still open the db and do not have any errors...
So, it appears to be a user related problem.

Any suggestions or things I should check out, please?

Many thanks,

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Record Automatic Ranking On Form

Feb 11, 2012

I have a number of records in my database and I use a form to input information, update fields etc. One of these fields is a ratio. I would like to create another field, in the record, input from the form, that automatically generate the ranking of the record in the database using the ratio, in descending (or ascending) order. So if I have 1000 records, the field would return, right after I update the ratio, which ranking within these 1000 it now holds.

Is this possible? In the event two (or more) records share the same ratio, what happens?

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Automatic Current Date Entry In A Record

Dec 12, 2005


I have a quick question on how to enter the current date in a record automatically when the record is created.

Here is the situation. Say I have a Products table that lists the products that have come into the inventory. There is a field that denotes the day the product was introduced into the inventory. So ideally when the user creates a new record for the product, I would like this field to be populated automatically with the actual date that this filed was created by the user. Note that in future the user may edit the product (i.e other fields in this record), but the entry_date field should not be altered from what it was the first time is was created.

Is there a way I can do this? Any help much appreciated. thanks.

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Forms :: Automatic Population Of Field In Adding A New Record

Aug 1, 2013

how to automatically populate a certain field. To add some context, I have a form which registers the details of a contact with standard information of contact details. There is a subform which shows the different products that the client from the main form is interested in. This is a actually a data sheet which returns the results of a query (selecting from the relevant table the client in question and the products he/she wants).

I have added a button which opens up another form and allows a product (and hence a new record) to be added for that particular client. I would like that the form automatically populates one of the fields in the form that is the client id. Given that the subform is opened from a form which already identifies the client, how do I do this?

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Tables :: Record Makes Undesired Automatic Change

Mar 4, 2014

I have a training database that I have set up and utilize to track attendee data and who is registered to which course.I have a course registration table that has a course title field which is a drop down list populated by course titles from the courses table, and a trainee id field.

For whatever reason, when I view reports or queries that draw from this table, access will make changes to the first record in the course registration table course title field i.e. it will take whoever is in the first record, and change the course they were registered to.

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Forms :: Autonumber On Form - Automatic Generating New Record?

Oct 23, 2013

I am working on school project. I created priority table that has primary key (ID number) and other data, and three tables(also with data) that are linked to this table, with ID number of priority table and primary keys of other tables (relations many-to-many, I formed tables between them).

Problem: - my solution is created so that I can fill all neccessary data of ALL tables in ONE FORM. But ofcourse Access wants you to enter at least one field in primary table for opening new record, so that It links you to all other tables (in my case with ID number) - then It is possible to enter data of all other tables in whatever tab order you like.

What I want to do is that my autonumber field from primary table would automatically open a new record number when opening the form, without entering any data to primary table. Is that even possible ?

So far I tried to add another field in my primary table (Date/time format) and set the date to =Now(), and used macro of Refresh on form, but nothing happens. Date is shown in field, but Autonumber doesn't generate new number of record. maybe I did it wrong...

Any option to lock Tab order and force user to fullfill data only in desiring order ? I want to make solution more user friendly

I'm using Access 2003...

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Insert Automatic Value In A Table

Oct 20, 2006

Is it possible to save data in a table, just doing a check on the value of a combobox?

I need to insert a Num_CC value that I got from a table called TB_ANAGRAIFCA, in the table called TB_ALLEGATI. But the value of Num_CC depends on the value selected in a combo box. So I have to save the Num_CC related to the Provider selected in the combobox namade Nome_Provider.

Any suggestion?

I tried to draw in the form interested a textbox invisible, but I don't know how to retrieve the data.
Please, HElp me ....


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