Automatically Compact And Repair Code

Jan 19, 2007


I found this here:

Public sub subCompact()
On Error goto Err_subCompact

Dim fs, f, ProjectSize, filespec
Dim strProjectPath As String, strProjectName As String

strProjectPath = Application.CurrentProject.Path
strProjectName = Application.CurrentProject.Name

filespec = strProjectPath & "" & strProjectName

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFile(filespec)

ProjectSize = Round((f.Size / 1024) / 1024, 2)

If ProjectSize > 30 Then
Application.SetOption ("Auto Compact"), 1

Application.SetOption ("Auto Compact"), 0

End If

Exit Sub

This was in a 2004 post...does anyone have something similiar that may have more bells and whistles since that was 3 years ago? Dont know if something else was made by someone that works better?

Also does this go into a module?

I am looking to automatically compact and repair the Front-Ends on the Users workstations when it reaches a certain size...

ProjectSize = Round((f.Size / 1024) / 1024, 2) If I wanted to change this is this in kilobytes or how would I change this to compact and repair when it reaches say 5 mb. Its currently at almost 2mb now I believe. Dont know what to change in order to change the size that triggers compaction.

Thanks for any insight to this.

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Compact And Repair DB Automatically

Nov 23, 2005

Hi all -

I could really use your help. Could you tell me how you've set up compacting and repairing the DB every night? My database needs to compact and repair daily to manage replacement of a table that imports daily, but I can't figure out how to automate this. Takes a lot of time and I often forget to do it manually......really slows the DB. Here's what I've tried:
1. Compacting and repairing on close within Access but this would interfere with the use of my users too much.
2. Creating a batch file to open the DB and passthrough keys to compact and repair the DB, but I haven't figured out how to use a Sendkeys function within a .bat like the Access command.
3. Created a 2nd DB with a only a macro in it with Sendkeys commands to open the original DB and compact/repair it. The macro works fine if I double-click it, but it won't work if I use Windows Scheduled Tasks. Any help would be much appreciated.


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Database - Automatically Compact And Repair

Feb 9, 2008

Can anyone give me guidance or code on how to automatically compact and repair.

There is something going on in my database when I open and it goes from 3.7kb to 26 kb each time it is opened - I cant find out why - ope to the why suggestion but another option is to automatically compact and repair

Thanks in anticipation.


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Compact & Repair DB With Code?

Feb 3, 2006

Is there a way to compact and repair DB with vba code?
If so, can someone show me? Thanks in advance ;)

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Compact And Repair

Jan 13, 2006

I use Access XP and I have a problem with the Compact and Repair function.
When I start this function via the normal menu's access doesn't seem to respond anymore. I can leave my comp on for hours dut nothing happens.
He does make a copy (db1) with the same volume but then it stops.

Does anybody else has this problem and what can I do about it


Kind regards


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Compact & Repair

Jan 17, 2006


does anyone know how i would make my database compact & repair itself either when i open or close it?

tried to do it via a macro but it says that it can't compact and repair when a macro is running :(


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Compact And Repair

May 23, 2006

Hi all,

This morning i opened up my database, it worked fine, ie could add new records on to the forms etc but when i went to look at my tables, queries, forms etc nothing was there and an error message about indexes came up.

I had a look through this forum and found a lot of useful information on compacting and repair. I compacted my database and it went from 89KB to creating a new database with only 28KB. The new one which it created works perfect for me and i have deleted my old one, as still no tables, queries etc showed up.

I didn't even have a clue i should have been compacting my database regularly, stupid i know but we all learn. My question is, when looking at threads i have noticed that when people talk about compacting, repair is mentioned too, do i need to run the repair tool now on my database? Or is it ok. Im not entirely sure of its function, i will keep looking though, Thanks for any replys :)

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Compact And Repair

Jul 25, 2006

Hi guys,

This is just for discussion really. What does Compact and Repair actually do? If I was to set my database to compact and repair on close, am I in danger of losing any data, formatting on forms or anything? What are the pros and cons?

I would really appreciate some replies. Thank you in advance :)

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Compact And Repair

Dec 28, 2006

When I 'compact and repair' on my office computer, two tables' autonumber fields become corrupt (I get a duplicate autonumber)

I took the original .mdb home and 'compact and repaired' it at home and to my surprise the tables didn't become corrupt.

Any ideas why the compaction causes errors in the office but not in my home?

Thanks very much

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Compact And Repair.

Jan 30, 2007


Could anyone explain to me what compact and repair actually does? Made a backup copy of my database and did the c and r and reduced the size greatly! Has it lost data? Just would be good to understand how this works.



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Compact Ad Repair

Feb 26, 2007

I have a macro that will copy the database to a folder upon quiting.

The databse also is enabled from the options to compact and repair upon exit.

Problem is the copied databse will be always not compacted becaue the macro will run 1st before quiting (and hence before compacting).

is there a way around it

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Can Not Compact And Repair

Mar 8, 2007

I have search the post and I found several articles about compacting and repair the DB. I just installed 2007. So you think that had an issue with compacting. Before I installed 2007 I had no problems at all. I even tried to import tables, forms and etc. into a new DB. I get error messages there as well.

I can say when I was working in 2007. I had to open the 2007 DB in exclusive. As of now I am just fishing for answers.

Bottom line I must have done something while working in 2007.

Any Ideas would help.

PS. I can go into the db with no problem at all, which is really strange. But when I create a new DB I can't import any of the tables or forms.

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Use Of Compact And Repair

Nov 17, 2007

This is a very general question. so I am not sure if it has been asked before.

I know that compact and repair can sometimes fix problems with the database.

Should it be done only when problems seem to be creeping in? Or should this be done on a regular basis - say once a week or once a month?

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Compact And Repair ...

Dec 28, 2007

Can compact and repair be set up to run either on a specified day of the week (for example every Monday), or day of the month (for example the first of each month)?

Alternatively can I have it run automatically when the database is closed?

If so, how would it be done?

I am using A2003 with Windows XP.

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Compact & Repair

Apr 18, 2007

Okay... unlike my last post (although unintentional), this is legitimate.

Whenever I do a compact and repair on my database, access crashes and offers to attempt to repair my db. IF I allow it to do that, it will blow away all of my VBA code and so everything stops working.

If i uncheck the repair box, access will just close. I can reopen my db myself and it's find. I'm not sure about any repairs (never understood, what it's repairing), but it's definately compacted any everything is fine.

So why does it crash and why does it eat my db unless i uncheck the box upon crashing?

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Compact And Repair

Feb 10, 2005

I have built a DB in Access 2002 which includes an automated Compact and Repair button. My problem is that the DB, (I have just found out) must run on 97. The code I am using is as follows:

CommandBars("Menu Bar"). _
Controls("Tools"). _
Controls("Database utilities"). _
Controls("Compact and repair database..."). _

This is producing an error in 97 because, I belive, the compact and repair are two seperate headings. Can someone advise me where I'm going wrong or even correct my code for me? Thanks!

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Compact And Repair

Feb 23, 2005

I understand how to compact and repair and also the fact that you need to do it so that you can increase the efficiency of your database, but my question is why? I have a database that is used fairly heavily all day by 4 to 5 users. At the beginning of the day the file is about 91 mb, by the end of the day the file size is about 133 mb. Why does it grow so much in just an 8 hour period? What causes access to need to be compacted and repaired?

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Compact And Repair Question

Jan 26, 2006

I have an Access database that's on our in-house server. This database has never been compacted/repaired. Recently our server crashed (but we were able to retrieve the database). Does the fact that the database has not been compacted have anything to do with the server crashing? Could that have affected it in any way?
Also, how often should the database be compacted/repaired?

Thanks for your help!

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Compact And Repair Database

Jan 31, 2006


I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me. What i'd like to do is to be able to get the access to trigger compact and repair database tool automatically just before it shuts. Is it feasible? or has to be done manually?

Thank you in advance

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Compact/Repair Issue

Apr 27, 2006

Gents I hope you can help me with this issue.

If my BE DB crashes I use compact/repair and it fixes the problem.

If I Just use compact/repair on my BE DB when nothing is wrong with it then it causes the data to disappear in certain fields.

Any Ideas what i am doing wrong. (Besides from telling why do you use this utility when nothing is wrong)

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Automatic Compact & Repair

Jan 25, 2007

I have a large DB that I want to compact & repair daily. I have the option set to "compact on close"

is there a way to write a batch file that will open the program, then close it again so it will do a compact?

if not a batch file then any type of program that might be able to handle this?

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Compact And Repair Problems

Mar 20, 2007

Hi all. I am having some problems with some users, not allowing the database enough time to compact and repair before they switch off their PC or laptop. Although they have been told many times about the function needing time many are just impatient. This has resulted in various db1, db2 etc being created within the folder which are then being opened and used by other members of staff being less then smart.

My question is, is there a way to have some sort of splash screen or something similar run during the compact and repair process that tells the user what is happening. Any other alternatives or methods would be fine this was just my first thought.



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Compact And Repair Database

Apr 17, 2007

The compact and repair utility is very good.
Since all my record operations are done through menu, I would like to put a command button for this utility also. But I dont know how to do this. Would somebody help? Thanks in advance.

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Compact And Repair Issue

May 23, 2007

hi.. my client had a minor problem with the database i made him..

he uploaded the database to our webspace via ftp..

i then downloaded the database and fixed his problem..

i then did a compact and repair.

the database shrunk from 5mb to 2.5mb.

i double checked the records and it looked ok.. i thought nothing of it and uploaded the new version..

he downloaded it and thats that..

today i find that a job is missing completely from the database....

for the first time ever..

is there any chance that compact and repairing can delete records?

also on our wireless network.. sometimes the same database is opened from more then one pc..

i have not set up any user/rights/permission...

its just the same DB (held on one PC) being opened by more then one pc at once...

could this explain why records go missing.. or altered wrongly..


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Compact And Repair Error

Nov 21, 2007


Again, I've had a search, but can't find anything to solve my problem - so sorry if I've missed it.

Basically, when I compact and repair the database I'm developing at the moment, I get the error message - Table 'TempMSysAccessObjects' already exists.

There is no table of that name (or at least I can't see one and I haven't created one!) and the database just opens up again but has not compacted or repaired.

Any ideas folks?

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Compact And Repair Database

Mar 17, 2008

Hi all,

I ahve come across a small problem and i am wandering if someone can helo me out on this.
I have a programme which is for the fast food and uses a order no for each receipt, now the problem is each time the form is closed and opened the number goes to the next avaialable number so last nunber was 32 the next will be 33 etc this number adding is done by code but i am having a problem somewhere along the lines and it goes back to 1 every so often, so the you have to log off and log in to to to the next available record,

So i was thinking rather having to do the number increment by code why not have a auto number field in there instead, the only problem is at the end of the day the number should go back to 1 for the next day so is there a way to compact and repair the database or better still to zero the tables i wish??

Thank you


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