Automatically Emailing From Access

Apr 9, 2006

Hi all i have a delemma

Im building a database that is required to send out a email once a week to selected parties informing them of what items will go out of date this week.

The main problem im trying to over come is the Automatic email.

Any help would be greatful


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Emailing From Access

Nov 24, 2005

I have a field within a table called E-Mail. I want to send a newsletter to everyone withing the DB. I have created some code which is as follows:

Private Sub testemailer_Click()
Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset

Dim strEmail As String
Set rsEmail = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("QryStoresEmailticked")

While rsEmail.EOF = False
strEmail = rsEmail.Fields("E-mail").Value + ","

DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , "", , _
strEmail, _
"UK KNLogin NewsLetter", , True, ""


Set rsEmail = Nothing

End Sub

Now this works but it opens an individual email per email address into the BCC part. That a major problem if you have over 1000 contacts to send to. How do i get all my email addresses from my DB into the BCC of an email?

Any help would be much appreciated!

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Emailing From Access

Jan 30, 2006

Hello, I am looking for some help on what appears to me to be a very large problem. Hopefully, to others, it's an easy fix. I have a very large database that has several details, of which one is email address.

My report is structure to group first on the email address, 2nd on the cost center, and third on the exeption. I am emailing the report to each individual email on the report. I can get it this far, what I can't get is for the email to only mail out each part of the report that is strictly for that particular email address.

I know this isn't very clear, but right now the entire report goes to each email address, I only want specific pages to go. The kicker to it all is that if I set specific parameters the first time, then I would have to set them every time, because the report varies in length each time it is pulled.

Please helppppppp! Thank You

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HELP -Emailing MS Access Form

Mar 29, 2007

We are a facility maintenance company that do a variety of jobs for many commercial companies with a several different trade groups we have (electrical, hvac, plumbing, painting, masonry, etc...) Our Trade Group Managers submit estimates and budgets for the jobs they are bidding to. I created a database to store all those jobs so we can track what manager has bid to any certain job, what trades are involved, if it has been accepted-rejected-in progress-and such. As of now the managers turn a written (paper) form into me to submit an estimating inquiry request and I put it in the database and print them out a receipt of all the information they submitted to me along with an Inquiry Number (which is the primary key in the database)-then that is how we keep track of that particular bid-with that unique Inquiry Number assigned to it.
Now we are wanting to be able to have this all electronically. So the managers can submit an inquiry request electronically and get a receipt back electronically-either by email or online or whatever. On the form they fill out there are several different trades that are able to be checked off. After they are finished filling out the form I would like for there to be a button at the bottom to email that form to all the checked off trades. How do I go about doing that?

..any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much!!

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Emailing From Access (changing The <From>)

Aug 27, 2007


From the searches of this site Ive got it down and working to send an email with attachment via access. Thanks

The one thing I cant find is how to change the "From". I don't want these emails send via my name but my department. I usually just change the <From> to the department name in Outlook and send.

I cant seem to figure out how to make it work in access.

FYI: I did it via a module

With objMailItem
.To = "emails"
.Subject = "subject"
.Body = "text"
.Attachments.Add "C:file.xls", olByValue, 1, "department report"

needless to say .From does not work.

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Modules & VBA :: Emailing From Within Access?

Aug 29, 2014

I am trying to automate the process of sending a query result via email.

I have code that will export a query as an excel document, using DoCmd.SendObject, but it has the name of the query.

DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "Dailyrpt", acFormatXLSX, email.address, , , "Daily Report", "This is today's report", -1, False (email.address would actually be the email address it is being sent to.)

I also have code that will export the query to excel and save it as a file, using DoCmd.OutputTo, where I was able to name it something meaningful to the end user, and include the date.

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Dailyrpt", acFormatXLSX, "Z:FolderComplete as of " & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xlsx"
Dim Foldername As String
Foldername = "Z:FolderComplete as of " & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xlsx"
Shell "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14EXCEL.exe """ & Foldername & "", vbNormalFocus

Is there a way to either send the saved (renamed) file or to include the current date as part of the SendObject command?

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Emailing From Access Database Via Outlook

Mar 13, 2006

Please help! I wish to set up an access database from which I can email mutiple contacts at once. I would like to send a pretty HTML message and, if possible automatically address each email personally, i.e. Dear John rather than Dear all.

I have experience with access but not sending emails from records stored in a database. My visualbasic is um...basic, but I can understand it if you're kind enough to explain in simple terms! Your advice would be most appreciated - I need ease of use and most importantly the personal touch of addressing each email to the individual.

Thanks! Look forward to a reply!

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Info Help: Emailing From Access Via Outlook

Jan 19, 2007

Hi to all!

I dont know if this is possible but can someone please suggest if this is possible and if so where I could find some info on how to do it or what I should be looking for in this group.

Can I set something up so that I can email from Outlook to all the customers in the query below?

I have an access database which I have creatged a query that pulls results from a table with 100 customers in it.

Lately I have been cutting and pasting information from the database and email every customer individualy.

An example would be as follows.
Dear JOHN,
Your listing with us contins the following results...
Your listing has been viewed 10 times.

The text in capitals are results from three colums in the database.
Colums are called
Name: JOHN
Result: CAT, DOG & MOUSE
Search Result: 10

Can I set something up so that I can email from Outlook to all the customers in the query above?

Where can i look to learn how.


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Modules & VBA :: Exporting And Emailing From Access

Jul 18, 2013

i am very new to access, but i can code in excel well.what i really want to do is no how to automatically email a report, query or table. I also would like to be able to export the above three to excel as well. I have worked my way up a little bit but my hair is falling out with how hard this is to achieve. I have come up with the following so far:


Dim outputFileName As String
Dim oXL As Object
Dim oExcel As Object
Dim sFullPath As String
Dim sPath As String


The above code works a bit, but it only allows me to export tables (dont know how to modify it). It also doesnt open the table in excel properly, it opens excel, but the table doesnt open. I have to go to the location and manually open it.

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Emailing A Preset Email Draft From Access

Jan 12, 2012

In my database, I need to have a button on a form which when pressed (1) pulls the email address from the displayed record on that form, (2) loads an Outlook instance, (3) in that Outlook instance, load a drafted email for editing and sending.

More detailed: My form, frmReferrals, contains the email address of a contact. I need to have a button, cmdEmail, which loads the email address of the displayed record in an Outlook instance. Ideally, I would like the loaded Outlook instance to pull some other information from the form. For example, I would like it to pull the name of the contact and display it.

Something like this:
"Dear " & [FirstName] & " " & [LastName] & ","
Leads to this:
"Dear John Smith,"

There would be a lot more text in the email with other information to input automatically. I would prefer to use as little coding as possible... but I suspect that all of this will have to be done with coding.

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Reports :: Emailing A Record / Report / Form From Within Access

Aug 7, 2015

My database is stores information about students such as name, student number, programme, email, etc. I have a STUDENT form with this information visible.

I also have a another table and MARKS sub form that contains the details of courses completed by the student and results. I have placed the sub form in the STUDENT form and can see each student's details and a list of their courses.

I want to be able to send this information to the relevant student via email. The student should only receive his information and no one else's.

Can this be done? Do I need to create a report first? Should I be using WORD to produce the emails?

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Modules & VBA :: Word Naming And Emailing Attach From Access 10?

Apr 21, 2015

I need to create a word file (it needs to be word) based on template (not a very complicated template) max 1 to 1 and 1/2 pages long.

the word doc needs to be named from the recordset but for now assume 12345.doc and the next one will be 12346.doc etc (I have a unique number system - available from tables /query .

i can either make the word doc in code or use a template (template would be better) recordset could have 20-30 in it each time i run it - but to be run every week

second half is how to email this out. i had in mind a email system

email to .
file attach = this folder where the docs are store and attach 12345

in a loop

so either

create word file - email word file in a loop each time or create all the word files and then send them individual

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General :: Emailing From Access - Individual Records To Individual Emails

Jan 8, 2015

I have a database where I record grades for my students. I would like to create a macro so that every time I record a grade as an "F", the student will receive an email that will contain an attachment of their scores. A lot of the information I want to include in this email is in several different tables. So to make it easier, I have created a query that lists the following:

Students name (SName)
Student's email (SEmail)
ID# of the form I use to record their grades (ID)
ID# of the studen'ts work (WorkID)
Date of their work (CreatedDate)
Date I graded their work (AuditDate)
Grade="F" (Accuracy)

How can I create something that will automate emailing of this information--to the individual student with only their information? I am using Access 2010. If I can't automatically send the emails, I would like to create a button in my audit screen that will send a report containing that student's information to them.

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Export From Access To SQL Automatically

Apr 21, 2007

Hi -

I have a client that would like to export an news email list from their Access database into an SQL database that we use to send newsletter emails.

Does anyone know of a simple way to;

a: Export a table of data from Access to a csv file automatically.

b: have an SQL database look for a updates to the csv and import all - or all new data into a table in SQL

Any tips would be grateful - I know the task here sounds over complicated but my client does not have the budget to redesign their Access database into SQL, I have CRON running on the same server as the Access database, this could be a handling method for the automation, but I'm not sure if again I am over complicating things here myself, and Access / SQL have the capabilities of doing these things independantly.

Many thanks for reading.

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Can You Program Access To Automatically Close If Not In Use

Oct 12, 2006

We are having a problem with mulitple users leaving an Access db open and then I am not able to make new reports, etc. without calling everyone to close their session.

Is there a way to automatically close a db if user has not used in certain amount of time?

Thanks, Noreene

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Shared Access To DB - Anyway To Refresh Automatically?

Apr 28, 2005

I'm trying to get one database to be shared by multiple users so that the file on the server is always updated as others add new real time. Is there a way for this to work? What settings will I need?

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VBA Access - Automatically Populate List

Jul 8, 2007

I wish to automatically fill in a form in datasheet view with records from a table. Currently you need to select each record to fill the list. I think this can be done using VBA, I'm a begininner to programming but think I need the code to do something like this.

Lookup the table or query, DoCmd select the first record, DoCmd select next record, Loop to end of recordset??

Basically it is automatically entering/ filling in each row (record) in the datasheet for every record in that table or query.

Any idea's please.

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General :: Automatically Add A Checklist To MS Access

Apr 21, 2014

I have done 5 videos (total running time -about half an hour) demonstrating how to add a checklist to MS Access.Here is a link to a YouTube Play List of the 5 Videos..Automatically add a Checklist to MS Access

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Automatically Refreshing Pivot Tables In Access

Jul 11, 2007

Hey all. I posted this over at Mr. Excel too on the Access forums, but I thought maybe someone from this site might know the answer to my question.

I know pivot tables and charts are more up Excel's ally, but my question has more to do with Access I think. I've made a pivot table form from a query and everything is working fine except one thing. I want the table to refresh automatically. I don't want the user to have to go in and refresh the data manually.

I'm thinking I could put something on the forms "On Open" event but I don't know the specific coding. If anyone has any idea on this, I'd greatly appreciate some feedback.

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How To Run A Command Prompt Script Automatically From MS Access

Aug 13, 2007

I want to run a Command Prompt instruction. Is it possible to do it pass it from MS Access, not from the Command Prompt Window?


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Fill HTML With Access Data Automatically?

Nov 18, 2004

Could anyone explain me the best way to fill external HTML pages automatically with data from an Access dbase?
I have spotted several commercial tools that use macro recording. Surely there must be another way using visual basic for example?

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How To Upload Data From Ms-Exell Ms-Access Table Automatically?

Oct 27, 2006

I am Oracle Guy & new to Ms-Access. I want to load the data from Ms-Exell into Table in Ms-Access automatically through Procedure / Macros. How to do this process?. Help me, if anyone knows.


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How Can I Run MS Access Program Automatically From The Startup, Show It In Sys Tray

Jun 3, 2007

I developed a program. Would you please teach me how to run it automatically when the computer restarted, through the startup.

Plus this I want to let this program run through the system tray, and not shown in the the Taskbar, if this feature is provided by MS Access 2003


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Access 2003 And Automatically Finding Records In Forms

Jul 19, 2005

I currently Have this form setup in 2 sections. The first section includes 2 text boxes for Eligibility Number (field name = EligibilityNum) and the second for School (SchoolName). The second section is a subform called sfrmSchools that includes all the eligibility numbers, schools and other useful information.

I have created an Access 2003 database from a ledger. The main key is an eligibility number that corresponds to a school. There are over 2000 schools in my database. How can I program Access to automatically find the record (eligibility number or school) if I type it in the first section. For instance if I was looking for a given school with an eligibility number of 5670A0324. If I type in '56' I would be taken to those eligibility numbers with 56 to show. Same for if I typed in the name of a school. If the school I wanted started with 'D', I would be taken to them.

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General :: Run Access File Automatically After Double Click

Aug 13, 2013

How can I run an Access 2003 file automatically, after double click the Access 2003 Icon?

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General :: Access Automatically Saving A Copy Of The Database

Nov 6, 2013

I have created an MS Access 2007 for a user. When the user uses the database, it automatically saves a copy of the database. Why is this happening? I did create for the database to compact/repair each time to user closes the database. ... However, when I open/close the database, there are not new copies of the database.

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