Automatically Assign Primary Key

Aug 15, 2005


I've compiled a make table query and would really be happy if I could automatically assign a primary key to one of the fields i.e account ref.

Any ideas, suggestions gratefully appreciated


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Assign Two Primary Keys

Jul 31, 2007

SOLVED: Hows it goin?I need to assign a second primary key to a table involving three fields (Student Number, Subject Code and Average). I have to make Student Number and Subject code the primary keys. Any help would be appriciated.

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Assign A Value Automatically

Apr 17, 2008

Hi Im making a database with a form,

The thing that I dont know is how to do this:
I have two fields in the table , one is a text and the other is YES/No

I want that in a form, I will use a barcode when The value was enter in the form automatically the assign YES in the other field and save it

I need help urgent

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Automatically Assign Numbers

Dec 8, 2011

I am very new to database building.I need to create a registeration database for a shooting sport competiton event that can either automatically assign each new registerant a target number when they are entered into the database, or allow me to enter different number if I wish.

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Automatically Creating A Primary Key Without Autonum

Jun 2, 2005

I'm pretty new to access and I've been working on a pretty complex project...

Anyways, my first problem I'm having is that I want Microsoft Access to automatically create a key number. This number depends only on the year, and then it would concatonate another number.

Example: 5-3000, then 5-3001, 5-3002... The five corresponds to the year, and the other part is just incrementing by one for each new record.

What would be the best way to do this? I don't necessarily need the dash in there, it could simply read 53000, 53001, 53002, etc.

Thanks for the help!

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Can Create Primary Key With Macros Automatically

Sep 2, 2015

can I create primary key with macros automatically.

I have created table with Query and I need primary key in this table. I put new field for primary key but after restarting it was delete every time.

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Automatically Drop And Alter Primary Keys

May 23, 2005

Hi guys
I am trying despereatly to fulfill this function with a macro
any help will be appreciated
I know this may be easy but the help files isnt helpful- so what else is new ;)

Database- C:sports.mbd
table - tblbasketball
current primary key - ID

new primary key needed- ID, EMPNO

The following codes dont work :(

ALTER TABLE tblbasketball

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Primary ID Not Showing Automatically In Child Table

Jul 9, 2015

I have an employee table(parent) and family (child)members table. I have a field in the Family table called employee which i have created the one(employee) to many (family relationship). When I add a new family member why does the employee id not show automatically show in family table. I have to add it manually.

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How To Give Primary Key Increment And Decrement Automatically

Aug 8, 2015

I want make one database about office register. I gave primary key for auto increment serial number . That is working fine. Now problem is some times I want delete client name in between table .That is maybe first row or 5th row or anywhere . at the time the row deleted which is i was selected but the primary key is not update . for example I want delete 8th row . after deleting I not seen 8 in primary key place i have seen only ....,5,6,7,9,10...... etc. how to give auto increment and decrement in the primary key......

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General :: How To Give Primary Key Increment And Decrement Automatically

Aug 8, 2015

I am new in ms access , I want make one database about office register. That is Have done . I gave primary key for auto increment serial number . That is working fine. Now problem is some times I want delete client name in between table .That is maybe first row or 5th row or anywhere . at the time the row deleted which is i was selected but the primary key is not update . for example I want delete 8th row . after deleting I not seen 8 in primary key place i have seen only ....,5,6,7,9,10...... etc. So how to give auto increment and decrement in the primary key......

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Primary Key No Longer Primary Key!

Sep 15, 2006

I have created a very simple Access database with a CompaniesTbl, ContactsTbl and CallsTbl. The database is used to record telesales contact with customers. The tables are set up like this:

The CompaniesTbl has an AutoNumber Primary Key field called CompanyID.

The ContactsTbl has an AutoNumber Primary Key field called ContactID and a foreign key called CompanyID.

The CallsTbl has an AutoNumber Primary Key field called CallID and foreign key called ContactID.

The relationships are set up in the relationships window and referential integrity imposed.

Twice now, while editing a contact record, an error has occured. Task Manager has had to be used to get out of it. The error is either a 'run-time error with a message that does not mean anything' or it says 'unrecognized database format' (!?).

If you open the database again the ContactID field in the Contacts Table is no longer a Primary Key field. If you look in the relationships window - the relationship between the Companies and Contacts tables no longer exists.

Any ideas much appreciated.

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Can't Assign Value To Object

Apr 14, 2006

I keep getting this message when I try and input a product ID in the subform in my 'Order Form', the message says 'you can't assign a value to this object' and when i try to click the row below it says 'You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'Invoices'', how can I change this? do i have to relate it to the Products table and if so how do i do this? Thanks, Bob.

System Link:
Gamez System (

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Assign Value To Label

Apr 20, 2006


in vba i done a query
strQuery = "select sum(x) as X, sum(y) as Y from test3"

how to run this query and get sum(x) value, sum(y) value and
set it to label

txtX.caption = ...
txtYCaption = ...

any idea?


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Assign Variable From SQL

Dec 28, 2005

I have a table set up like this:

account, invoice
11111, 1
22222, 1
33333, 5
44444, 3

I want to create a function module or something similar which will assign a variable to the max invoice # used on that table, using sql if possible. I tried something like this, but it's not working.

Public Function max()

Dim maxinvoice As String

maxinvoice = "SELECT Max(tbl_original.invoice) AS MaxOfinvoice" & _
"FROM tbl_original;"

MsgBox maxinvoice

End Function

I would like the msgbox to popup saying "5", since that is the max invoice # used based on the above table.

I don't have too much experience using modules on their own without forms and variables on the form to assign to, can someone make a suggestion?

Thanks in advance!


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How To Assign A Row A Number? Help Please!

Jan 12, 2006

Hello! I'm trying to assign a number to a set of rows so I can, essentially, create a dual primary key on a table. Below is an example of what I have...

654321 | Course 1
654321 | Course 2
123456 | Course 1
123456 | Course 2
123456 | Course 3
123456 | Course 4
123456 | Course 5

The numbers are just "student numbers" if you will. Something that identifies them. The second column is basically the name of a course. What I would like to do is number each row, but only within the group of that individual.


1 | 654321 | Course 1
2 | 654321 | Course 2
1 | 123456 | Course 1
2 | 123456 | Course 2
3 | 123456 | Course 3
4 | 123456 | Course 4
5 | 123456 | Course 5

Can I accomplish this?

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Assign Default Value

Jan 21, 2006

See Attached database

I have a frm called frmaddprovider Main form see database
I Also i have subform called frmsubformproviderids with
2 command buttons Add Provider ID and Refresh data

When i generate a report by selecting insurance name, insurance id, from the table called tbladdinsurance and also select Provider, Pin from the table called tblproviderids

When i generate the report as you can see by the sample database only insurances that are selected in the combo box shows up

How do I assign a default value so if the insurance combo box in the subform field is left blank it will automatically assign the Pin# to all insurances and when i generate the report it will show all insurances along with provider and Pin#

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Can't Assign Value To An Object

Mar 19, 2006

I keep getting this message when I try and input a product ID in the subform in my 'Order Form', the message says 'you can't assign a value to this object' please have a look at it, thanks.
Gamez System (

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Can't Assign A Value To This Object

Mar 27, 2006

Greetings, all.
Run into a snag with a payroll db, appreciate any help you can give me.

Main Form, with ordinary payroll/personnel info--clock no, first and last names,, etc.
Subform for entering regular hours worked, OT hours worked, etc per Period Ending, keyed to main form by SS no. Pretty basic stuff.

Problem is, when we try to enter the first data in the subform, we get this error message :
"You can't assign a value to this object.
*The object may be a control on a read-only form.
*The object may be on a form that is open in Design view.
*The value may be too large for this field."

We get the message in the first field we go to, no matter which field we go to first.
None of the "may be" conditions apply.

When we hit "OK" the message goes away and we can enter our data, the records are created corrected. But as soon as we move to the next record, we get the same error.

Any idea why we're getting this error message?

Thanks for looking,

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Using VBA To Assign Value To Control

Aug 18, 2006

I have been pulling my hair out (OK, I would be if I had enough to do so) over trying to assign a value to a control on a form. Basically, when a change is made to the form, I'm using the AfterUpdate event to trigger the code. The code in the event is

Me.txtWho = Environ("UserName")

Simple, straightforward or so I thought. Problem is, it gives me an error stating I cant' assign a value to that object. txtWho is bound to a field in the query underlying the form and the control is enabled and not locked. Can anyone shed some light on this for me please????

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Assign PO #'s In Batches??

Aug 1, 2007

Hi, all! I'm working on another project and need some advice.

I've got a form where users enter items that will be listed in a budget report. This budget report is submitted to the client for approval. Once approved, these items need to be entered into a PO (purchase order) form and report. There is a checkbox that says approved for PO on the budget form for each record.

What I'm looking for is a way to group the records (that have been approved for purchase) together by vendor, and assign them PO #'s. I know that the end result will be doing an append query that will throw all the records into the PO table, but I don't know how to get the grouping and everything to work.

Does this question make sense? If not, please let me know what info you need. I really need help with this. Any ideas? Thanks!


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Cannot Assign A Variable

Nov 7, 2007

I have a simple combo box with two options - elective and emergency. They are set up on a continuous form.
When i try to choose a value it comes up with the message "You cannot assign a value to this object". I have checked the three criteria it mentions, object being on a form open in design view (no), value too large for field (no - text field with (defaulted) size of 50), control on a read -only form (no, form is editable).
The strange thing is as soon as you clear the error message box it lets you enter the value anyway.
Any ideas?

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Assign Default Values

May 16, 2006

Hi, in my database I have a 7 subforms that shows fields for daily tasks for each day of the week. On the Monday, the tasks are assigned and then stored for every record for the corresponding date. The process is done again on tuesday, then wednesday etc. However, often the daily tasks for say tuesday will be very similar (sometimes the same) to that of monday's.

Therefore is there a way to set the default values for each day as the previous days tasks and then alter them if needed?

Thanks for helping!:o

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Assign The Value At Run Time In SQL Query

Aug 28, 2007


i want to use this query into my code..

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO joint_ledger (owner_ref, value_settled, ClientONo, trans_against, con_veh,) VALUES (" & G_current_client & "," & (G_value_os = 0) & " , '" & G_clientono & "', " & jjref & ",'" & con & "')

the part of statement highlighted in red the value for the filed value_settled whose data type is yes/no..

now i am confused with thise highlighted part..will it assign the 0 to G_value_os or first use the original value of G_value_os to insert the value into database... please help me...

many thanks...

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Error - You Can't Assign A Value To This Object

Jul 7, 2006

I have searched the forums and I don't see this problem. I have a split database. When I test it it works fine. It resides on a network drives and permissions have been checked. When users try it they get an error message that says "you can't assign a value to this object". This occurs after they have selected a project and the user form opens. The user form appears blank.

I have gone to other offices and if I am signed on to their machines it works but if they are the message comes up. I'm at a complete loss and need some advice. It's probably as plain as the nose on my face but I've been struggling for days.

By the way - I used to be Mrs.Meeker...I haven't been around for a long time.

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Problem To Assign A Query

Aug 8, 2006


i created a query named: qryTest

on a form, i put a subform/subreport (name: resultQuery)

i have also a button

when i click on the button, i would like to run my query: qryTest and i want to display the result to my component: resultQuery

i tried

resultQuerysourceobject = currentdb.querrydefs("qryTest");

i get error syntax....

any idea?


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Assign A Barcode To A Material

Sep 21, 2006

Hi Guys,

I've tried searching the forum to no avail,
I have a table (tblBarcodes) that has two fields, Barcode & Material
The Barcode field is already populated with specific numbers, but what I need to do is when I enter a new material on my form it will assign it a barcode from the tblBarcode and then append the Material code to the that table against the relevant record.

Is this possible?
Thanks again

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