Automatically Output Value When Other Data Is Present

Apr 22, 2007

Hey there,

I'm setting up a small EPoS system for a shop and was wondering if you could help. I want a stock number to be entered (i.e. a barcode) and then the item name and price to automatically be entered.

I have the fields 'StockID, Description, RetailPrice' in tblTransaction and basically want the StockID to be enetered and the description and retailprice to be automatically be read from tblStock and placed in tblTransaction.

Any ideas? Hope this was clear enough...its really hard to describe!


A very puzzeled Tom!:p

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Find Records That Are Present In One Table, But Are Not Present In Other Tables.

May 31, 2007

Hi all :)

Ok, let's say I have 3 tables with the following data

T1 T2 T3
1 , 1 , 1
2 , 2 , 3
3 , 4 , 4
, , 5

I'd like to be able to create a query that has the only record as its result as 5 as it is the only data item the does not exist in Tables 1 and 2. I don't just want to search for 5, I can do that :) I would like to be able to write a query which finds all the records that are present in one table, but are not present in x number (in this case 2) of other tables.

I don't seem to be able to find any simple way of doin this and there doesn't seem to be a definitive answer on any forums. Anyone got any ideas?? :)


Matt :)

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Need Best Way To Present Complex Data

Jan 18, 2007

Hi. Hopefully I explain this well.

Each calendar quarter we get a table which has records of client wage earnings.
Each record has simply the ssn and a currency field for each of 13 calendar quarters, named for the appropriate quarter. (i.e., 1/2005, 2/2005... 1/2006, 2/2006... ) - Each table has 12 overlapping quarters' worth of data. (Constantly adding a quarter and dropping the earliest quarter.)
Unfortunately, wage data sometimes changes for various reasons, so that one table's 1/2006 wage for Joe Smith might be different in the next table that we get.

An administrator needs to compare, at one visual shot/report, all the tables' values for a given quarter for a given ssn.
i.e., For Joe Smith's ssn, all 12 tables' worth of wages for the 1/2006.

How best to do this?


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Greying Out Text Box When No Data Is Present

Sep 5, 2006

I created a form for a database I am building. While in Form View some of the fileds have data in them and some do not (by design). How do I automatically grey out the areas that have no information in them? I know there is a way to do this but I don't know how. Thanks.

I'm using Access 2003.

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General :: Expression To Pull Data From 2011 To Present Date

Oct 7, 2013

I am trying to create an expression to pull data from 2011 to present date. I need the data for 2011 to only reflect 1/1/11 through 10/7/11 (today's date in 2011). I need the same for 2012 and 2013.

I don't want to have to enter dates each time I run this, therefore, a formula would be preferred rather than hard numbers.

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Modules & VBA :: Check If Data In A Closed Workbook Is Present In Access Table

Oct 15, 2014

I am using the following line of excel vba code to extract the name of excel file that I would like to compare with Access table data.

strFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files,*.xls*")

Now i want to write VBA code to check sheet name "Summary" in that workbook and check if any of column D value matches with Access table tblmain field "Reference" values. If yes then change the status field of tblmain to "Yes".

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Queries :: Create Expression To Pull Data From 2011 To Present Date?

Oct 7, 2013

I am trying to create an expression to pull data from 2011 to present date. I need the data for 2011 to only reflect 1/1/11 through 10/7/11 (today's date in 2011). I need the same for 2012 and 2013.

I don't want to have to enter dates each time I run this, therefore, a formula would be preferred rather than hard numbers.

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Forms :: Open Report Button To Select Data From 7 List Boxes And Present In A Report?

Aug 13, 2015

I have a form with 7 List boxes linked to 7 Query's which in turn are linked to a table. Each list box if for a particular trade.

I am trying to select a person or persons from each List box and then have them sent to a report. I have Code to do one list box, but do not know how to link all boxes with code to a 'Open report' button.

The code I am using is as follows:-

Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenReport_Click
Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
'make sure a selection has been made


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List Box Data Output

Feb 21, 2006

I have a list box control on a form which is being populated by a query. It is showing bookings that are placed on three shifts (AM, PM, Night shifts)...the list box is working fine...

- what i'd like is that the output in the listbox is seperated by shift (maybe having a blank line when shift changes, or different text color for different shift, or different background colour for different shift? )

i'm not quite sure if this can be done...or maybe there's another way out ? any ideas?


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Output Data From Three Fields

Oct 15, 2007

I know I am being particularly stupid, but I can't work out how to do the following:
I have a table in which is recorded information about orders for customers. These fields are for orders of meat and poultry. As customers may wish to order more than one Turkey, I have created three fields called Turkey, Turkey 2, and Turkey 3. The data that is input is the weight of the Turkey e.g. 22 (lbs), 16 (lbs).

When it comes to ordering the turkeys, I need to produce a report which shows, by weight, the number of turkeys needed. This will need to add the number of turkeys in each of the 3 fields and order them by weight.

I've just got lost, trying to work out whether I base my report on the table or on a query based on the table. Help!!!

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Output Data To Text File

Dec 13, 2004

Could anyone help with a simple answer please ?

I have an Access db that schedules the sending of emails with attachments.
I run a query on the table that returns all active users
I then need to create a separate file for each active user - in the format as shown below.
Each file is called "ddmmXX.epe"
- where dd=day,mm=month,XX=sequential number starting 01.
The file needs to be formatted ascii text file.
The file extension must be .epe


All the fields within the {} are fields in the Access table
Each file must then be saved to a directory c:mailout
(eg C:mailout141201.epe)

Sample file would look like this:

SUBJECT:{Daily Newsletter}
BODY:{Please find attached today's newsletter}

Can anyone help - it would be much appreciated, as I am still learning the slightly more advanced methods of VBA.


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Form Data Output To Text File

Jul 25, 2005

:confused: I've created a form within our company database which will track hardware/software requests. I'd like to create a macro, or add code to output the data entered into a notepad file. Nothing extraordinary. I'd like for it to be like this:

Ticket: XXXXX
Employee: xxxxx
Reason for Request: xxxxx
Part Number:xxxxx

Those are the headings of the fields and x's denote entered data. I'd like to keep the headers and have the entered data as well. Is it possible?

Thanks to all for your help

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Taking Data From Table1 Modify And Output To Table2

May 25, 2006

hey all,

bit of a head scratcher for me here.

i have a database and i need to be able to read all the records from table1 modify the data and output the data to table2 and I would prefer this to be done via just one button in a form so im guessing VBA need to be used.

table1 consists of an ID field, firstname field, lastname field and date field.

table2 has ID field, full name field, date field

so i want to read the first and last name and date from table1, merge the first and last name and then output the merged names and date to table 2.

ive googled around and all ive come up against is recordsets but im having a hard time actually getting them to even work.

any help is appreciated.



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How To Get Two Pieces Of Selected Data In A Form To Output A Certain Number

Feb 14, 2014

I've been working on creating a database for a Physical Therapist that will store patients information and information on past appointments (including the amount of money paid per appointment). I created a form that he can then easily select the patient and their D.O.B. and insurance carrier will show up.

But I need to create a way that when he then selects the treatment received for the appointment that the correct payment amount will show up and be recorded as well. The reason this is an issue is because for each insurance there is a different cost per treatment.

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Reports :: Output To PDF Different Than Printed Output

Aug 20, 2013

I'm using Access 2007 SP3.

Whenever I export reports to PDF, the output appears zoomed and clipped. No extra pages are generated as they would be if I'm going over margins, it's just the report is clipped.

The report looks perfect in preview mode, and it looks perfect when going to an actual printer. However, when using OutputTo to save it as a PDF, this is when the report content is clipped.

Here is the code I'm using:

DoCmd.OpenReport MyReport, acViewPreview
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "", acFormatPDF, "MyReport.pdf"
DoCmd.Close acReport, MyReport

I open the report in preview mode first so events are fired that show/hide various objects based on fields in the recordset.

I've tried reinstalling, and I've tried this on two different machines, one running Windows 7 and one running Windows Server 2008...both with the same results.

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Select 1 Pce Of Data And It Automatically Selects And Inputs Relating Data In A Form

Oct 24, 2007

i would like in a form for a combo box to be able to select an item from a table and input relating information automatically into other boxes in the form..

I have 3 tables: Table 1 has product code and product description.
Table 2 has invoice number company details, address etc.
Table 3 has product code and product description qty and invoice number..
Table 3 relates to table 2 by the invoice number and table 3 product code looks up the product codes available in table 1 and also table 3 looks up the list of products descriptions in table 1 using the combo wizard.
This means the wrong code can be put with wrong description.
What i would like to know is how i select a product description and the product code in the form fills out automatically?? i hope this makes sense please helppppp!!

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Reports :: Using Transfer Spreadsheet Command To Output Data In Query To Excel 2010 Format File

Aug 18, 2015

I'm working with Access 2010 and am trying to use the transferspreadsheet command to output data in a query to an Excel 2010 format file. Here is the line of code:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "q_calldetails_tmp", "c: emp estoutput.xlsx"

It works fine and produces the output file but when I try and open it with Excel I get an error saying the format is incorrect. If I change the extension to .xls it opens with no problem but I need it to be an Excel 2010 format with correct extension.

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Already Present

Apr 26, 2007

How do I check a field value in my form isn't already in the table?

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Automatically Clearing Data

Feb 1, 2006

I have been tweaking my friend's database for him. I included some sample data in the main table (ficticious names and addresses etc.) and in a linked table.

I want to leave the sample data in so my friend understands how the database works. However, once he has tested it, he will want to blank those tables (not all tables, though), and reset the primary keys to start from 1 again.

Can I have a button on a form that will do this? Obviously with an OK/cancel message box. If so, how?

The tables are called Main and Workshops.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Automatically Asign Data

Jun 6, 2005


I am trying to create a form which involves 3 tables. The 2nd table (CaseRef_Case_Control) is the junction because I needed many-to-many relationship between “CaseReference” and “Cases” tables.

All I want to do is automatically fill in the fields in the “CaseRef_Case_Control” table when I add data to “CaseReference” and “Cases” table. Check the relationship diagram attached to make more sense. Can someone please help me with this?


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Automatically Generating Order Data?

Aug 2, 2005

Hi all,

I'm currently working on a simple inventory system that i keep trying to improve and making it much less simple :(

In my product table I have a min and max level. What I'm trying to achieve is to set up a form where i can select a Supplier, then hit a button (or another form of trigger) and it comes back with all the products for that supplier where we are low on stock ie

Product - Supplier - On Hand - Min - Max
Prod1 - Supp1 - 2 - 2 - 4
Prod2 - Supp1 - 4 - 2 - 4
Prod3 - Supp1 - 1 - 2 - 4

So if on my form I selected supplier Supp1 it would automatically fill in order detail for Prod1 & Prod 3 for 2 & 3 units respectively.

Now I'm pretty sure i could do this as a report as the formulas are relatively simple, however i want to pull the data on a form so it creates an actual order with order id etc.

Is there a way i can do this?

Any help would be appreciated, cheers

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Automatically Delete Data From Certain Fields

May 23, 2005

I have a table in my Database that uses the feilds Location and partnum. I use a barcode scanner to generate each of these fields. The problem I am having is that when our part number is scanned it contains data such as "des--. 123456 --aa". I have been doing a find/replace on this data to remove the "des--." and "--aa" but I was wondering if access has a function to do this for me so that I can get a macro to check automatically for this type of problem. Any ideas?

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Sharing Data With Another Table Automatically

Feb 17, 2007

I am pretty new to access and have created a pupil details table which contains: Unique pupil Number(PK), Full Name, Date of Birth, Teachers Name and want those details to populate another table when requested. The secondary table looks up the Unique pupil Number and i wanted the same details in the second table to fill themselves. The Unique pupil number in the second table is not the Primary key and allows duplicates, which has allowed me to create a one to many relationship. I fill the Unique Pupil Number in on the second table via a combo box but am unsure how i get it to fill in the other details on the second table. Can anyone help please???? :confused:

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Automatically Copy Data Into A Subdatasheet

May 9, 2006

Please forgive me if this has already been explained...but I've searched and searched and haven't found anything like it...

I have a form which contains a command button to open another form which is attached to a subdatasheet in Microsoft Access 2002. When I click on the button to open the sub form, I would like for it to automatically copy the contents of a text box on the original form to a text box on the sub form.

Any help you could offer would be appreciated.

- Taylor

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Tables :: Add Data Automatically In Table

Jun 25, 2013

I am working with a table where I want to be able to add choose the customer name from a dropdown and have the customer number automatically populate. I set up the dropdown already using the query builder for customer name and it works perfectly. I also chose customer number in the query, but it does not show.

Even better, in case of duplicate names, I would like to be able to select the customer number and have the name populate.

So ultimately, when I select either field, I want the other to auto populate...

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Imported Data Gets Deleted Automatically?

Oct 1, 2015

Am trying to import data into a blank database (MS access 2013). The import operation is successful. But the data in the tables gets deleted after a while. And all I can see are blank tables in Access 2013.

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