Autopopulate A Field In Table Based On Another Table

Mar 24, 2005

Hello everyone. How do I go about automatically inserting a date from one table into another table. This are my tables:

tblPAF (Personnel Action Form)


Every time an employee’s salary or benefits changes we fill-out a PAF (paper format) on it we write all the changes. In my PAF db form I’m thinking adding a command button to open my Benefits Form. Once my Benefits form is open I don’t want to renter the date that was entered in the PAF form I wanted to automatically insert that same date. Hopefully I made myself clear.

Thank you for your assistance.


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Tables :: Autopopulate Field Based On Contents Of Another

Sep 12, 2013

I am in the process of revamping an old database. I have a main table that currently has two fields "Name" and "Job" but will have more. I have another table with the same fields. I want to use as a lookup to populate the main table with a user form from the second table. I can populate the "Name" field using a combo box, but my problem is how to autopopulate the "Job" field. E.g. If the user selects Mr Smith from the "Name" drop down list, the corresponding "Job" populates the second field.

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Tables :: Update A Field In One Table Based On Status Of A Field In Another Table

Aug 2, 2013

I have started work on a database to track the many (several hundred per annum) projects my company undertakes. A 'main' table lists projects, their fees, their key dates, their project numbers, etc. I have created another table for tasks. Each task is assigned to a project (via the project number), and may be 'open' or 'closed'. I have separated the tasks table from the projects table as there may be several different tasks for each project. It is also good to keep a record of the tasks.

I want to prepare a report from the projects table that lists projects IF they have any open tasks.

In my mind, this means 'If a task, with the corresponding project number, is open, put a 'Yes' in the 'Tasks open' field of the Projects table.'

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Update OnHandQty Table Field Based On Qty Field From Another Table / Form

Oct 30, 2012

I have a table called Inventory (table1 - PK=INVID) that contains all inventory ID numbers and descriptions. I have another table called Inventory Transactions (table2 - FK=INVID) that gets updated through a form. When a new transaction is made in table2, I want the transaction amount to get added or subtracted to an OnHandQty field in table1. I tried having table2 (transaction table) as the main form and then table2 as the subform, but I couldn't get table2 to update.

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Autopopulate City & State From Zipcode Table

Mar 1, 2005

I'm stuck on something that should be simple, but maybe it isn't:

Problem 1:

To speed data entry in a contact table, I want an entry in the Zipcode (postal code) field to automatically populate the City and State fields from the data in a Zipcode table (Zipcode-PK, City, ST (2 letter code)). The Zipcode table has only one city /st for each zipcode, so it can be the primary key (always a five digit number, sometimes with leading zero(s)).

Sometimes there are several names for a City associated with a particular Zipcode, so I want the City field to be able to be overwritten with a different city name if the data entry person needs to do that. Alternatively, I could establish a separate primary key for the zipcode table, and allow several choices for the rare zipcode that has more than one city name in use.

If I did that I wouldn't have to store the city and st in the contact table (which is better database design, I realize), but I really do want to be able to store the city and state in the contact table because there will be times when the right zipcode isn't known, and the city and state are known, and forcing the input of a possibly incorrect zipcode would be undesirable.

Problem 2: I've got a table with 4,000 records where I have the zipcode, but the city and state information were lost, and I want to be able to re-populate those fields by writing, I guess, an update query that taps the info in the zipcode table.

Problem 3: When entering addresses, sometimes there won't be info about a certain zipcode, and I need some automatically generated dialog that allows adding city and state info for a new zipcode that won't slow down the entry of contact records.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Send an email if you prefer.


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Autopopulate Data Based On Relationship

Feb 21, 2013

I am trying to create a 2-table database where we can enter our survey data. I want them to be linked by "head"# so that the "Temp" "Date" "island" and "site" are autofilled into the "time dep"table from the data I entered in the first "perm"table.

I would also like if the lookups were filtered so that, for example, when I choose "Cat Island" my only two options are "fishbowl" and "Cuda" then from there depending on which of those I choose, The "head"# can be chosen from a dropdown as well. There are about 22 coral-heads per site, and two sites per island. I don't want to have a giant dropdown of 80+"head"#s, but at the same time, if we are typing them in, it increases chance of error. limiting the options of head number to be site specific would be ideal.

I feel like I may be going about this all wrong, and need a form? But I cannot figure out how to make the form data fill the datasheets that I have created.


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Tables :: Auto Populate Field Based On Answer Of Another Field In Same Table

Feb 28, 2013

Within my table if Field 1 has an answer of Self (from drop down), then, I would like Fields 6-12 to auto populate; however, if Field 1 does not have an answer of Self, then leave Fields 6-12 blank.

I am not quite sure how to lay this out. I am using Access 2010.

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Queries :: Update In Table From Same Table Based On Criteria Column In Same Table

Sep 29, 2013

How can I update (some columns) in a table from the same table based on a Criteria column in the same table.

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Make Field Auto Populate Based On Value Of Field In Another Table

Mar 4, 2008

I'm creating a database that keeps a track of questions and scores.

The questions in the database need to be dynamic and are changed frequently.

I have a scorecard table which keeps a record of scores and the applicable question at the time the record was saved. I need to do this because in 6 months time we may want to provide feedback. As the question may have changed we need to be able to refer back to what the question was.

I want the question field in my scorecard table to populate with the value in my question table.

I have tried a number of things including setting the question field in the scorecard table to a lookup based on the following query:

FROM tblQ1;

This works however only as a list or combo box. I don't want the user to have to select the question. I want it to auto populate, is this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Updating A Field In A Form Based On Another Table Field

Sep 13, 2013

Using Access 2010. Fairly new to automation and macros.I have two tables (tblProductReceived and tblBins) and a form (frmProductReceived).A field in tblBins corresponds to a location the bin is at (named BinLocationID) and the tblProductReceived table tracks product that a specific bin has received.

What I need is for the tblProductReceived field PRLocationID ([tblProductReceived].[PRLocationID]) to be automatically populated with where the bin is at ([tblBins].[BinLocationID]) when selecting a specific bin in the form (frmProductReceived).

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Tables :: How To Make Calculated Field Based On Field In Another Table

Jun 18, 2014

Table1 contain Two fields (3Months) and (6Months)

Table2 contain Two fields (3Months) and (6Months)

the table 2 is the source of a form that will let the user change the numbers. table 1 should change Date1 and Date2 Fields based on the two fields (3months) and (6months) if i want to make a lookup wizard it should be changed manually and if i make a calculated field i can't find other tables in the expression builder

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Tables :: Autopopulation Of Field From Another Table Based On Another Field Criteria

Dec 5, 2012

I have a main table which is autonumbered on unitid, I have another table which is linked via the unitid which holds items purchased for the main table, so the second table is a subform of the suppliers and will have multiple entries of the same unitid. What I would like to do is when an item is entered into the second table, check the main table to see if it exists, if it does populate the unitid field with the unitid from the main table, and if not exist create a new record in the main table with the next unitid number.

This in essence is what I want, bearing in mind that the tblinvoices is a subform and the tblmain is not open.

If ([tblinvoices]![Unit] = [tblmain]![Unit]) Then
[tblinvoices]![UnitID] = [tblinvoices]![UnitID]
End If

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General :: Autopopulation Of Field In Table Based On Entry In Second Field

Jul 22, 2014

Please see attachments. (384.0 KB) (58.8 KB)

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Match Field Based On Table

Jan 4, 2006

Hello all,

Happy New Year.

Hope you ca help with the following.

I have 2 tables in access. One is a table with the us state abbreviations.

I have another table, one of the fields is an address field, e.g.


I would like to create a query, joining these two tables together so that the query can give me the 2 state abbreviation e.g.:

Address field/ Abbreviation field
SOQUEL, CA 95073/ CA

Is this possible?

Thanks for your help,

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Trying To Update Field Based On Other Table

Jul 25, 2006

I have the following situation.
Table 1:
Primary Key
Secondary key

Table 2:
Primary Key
Secondary Key

This is just an example. The first table is totally populated. The second table does not have the secondary key assigned, but otherwise is populated. In additon, some of the records in Table 2 do not have a matching entry in table 2.
I would like to be able to update table2, populating the Secondary Key field in order to allow me to delete the Primary Key fields. The Primary key was assigned by somone else who created the db, and makes no logical sense, i'm trying to replace it with a key that can be used more easily. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kevin S. Jones

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Update Table Field Based On Another Field.

Mar 3, 2008

Ok. I've got a table named SIPATable and some of the fields contain summed values. Let's say for instance I have a field named "GaDRaw", which represents a raw score. now...I need to update a field called "GaDPer", based upon the value in "GaDRaw". So...If "GaDRaw" <=16, then I would want "GaDPer" to be updated to = 35. Further, if "GaDRaw" = 17. then I want "GaDPer" to = 37. and so on....

I think it's an If Then Else statement, but not sure how or where to place it. Id like it to be as code under a command button, and update the table all at once.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

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Automatically Set A Field Based On A Field In Another Table

Aug 12, 2005

I have two tables, each has a "status" for a project. In the first table there is only one instance of each project name, in the second table there may be more than 1, will always have the same name but may have a different "Status" (field).

I need the Status field of the first table to be set to "Assigned" if ANY of the records in the second table pertaining to that project are set to "Assigned".

Can I do this with my table or will I need to do it with a query/form combination?


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Return Value From A Table Based On A Text Field

Aug 27, 2006

I have created a text field on a form that uses the DateSerial function to return the value of last month e.g. Jul-06.

I have a table that contains months (e.g. Jul-06, Jun-06 etc) and a corresponding numeric value (e.g. 1,2,3).

I have another text box on the same form that I want to display the numeric value in based on the value that has been returned by the DateSerialfunction. What properties/control source should I set for this field? Or do I need to write some VBA?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Update Field Based On A Reference Table

Mar 15, 2006

I would like to update two fields [Category] and [ProdType] in tblAccum based on a reference table.

The reference table is tblReference and contains the fields [Code], [Category] and [ProdType].

tblReference example of field values:

Code Category ProdType
A Blank Accessory
BS Blank Blank Stock
O Printed Offset

So if the Code field in tblAccum has a value of O then based on the tblReference table the Category value would be Printed and the ProdType value would be Offset.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Searching For Records Based Off Of One Field From A Table

Mar 19, 2014

I have a database that I am creating for my work. I have a form that I am trying to get it to search the information from a table to pull the record on the form. I would like to search infomation such as employee id and wanting it to pull that information from the table.

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Tables :: Enter Item In One Field And Autopopulate It Into Another Field

Dec 27, 2012

I have a relationship from one table to another. If one item is entered into one field, I would like it to auto-populate it into another field. But there are several more fields I would like to be autopopulated.


item no, hull no, description

item no, hull no, description..

I want to enter data into table 1 and have it auto populate into table 2. How is this to be done

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Autopopulate Related Field

Apr 4, 2008

I have a table that I'm storing Horsepower and Watt in. Is there anyway to set it up so that when I provide Horsepower it automatically populates Watts? (just a simple multiplication)

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Need To Autopopulate A Field In A Form

Jun 21, 2007

Have form as follows.

Can # (Lookup/dropdown)
Movement Date (date/time)
Current Location (lookup/Dropdown)
Current Address (lookup/Dropdown)
Prior Location
Prior Address

When I drop the can # down in the form, I want the Prior Location and Address to auto Populate with the last known current Location and address of that can.

Any ideas on the best way to do that?? I assume there is code and a query, but I am an absolute database illiterate so exact directions would be nice.

To explain again, whenever I put a new record in, as soon as I select the Can# from the drop down tab, I want the prior location and address to be populated with the last known current address for that Can#. And if I change the can # I want the prior location and address to change with it.


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Verify Imported Field Based On List In Table

May 15, 2006

Hi, I'm not sure if this is possible, but I've heard you guys really know your stuff.

I have a client who would like to import a list of e-mail addresses, but would like to verify the domain name used in the provided address against a list of domain names pre-populated in a table. Do I need to use Dlookup? Here are some additional details. Thanks in advance!




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Trouble Extracting Field From Table Based On 2 Criteria

Jun 30, 2005

Hi all,
Been pulling my hair out about this for a while, so i hope someone's feeling kind:

I'm using the BHRefPrefix to build part of a reference number. The Principal and Site exist on a separate form, and i need to use both as criteria in order for the correct BHRefPrefix to be returned.

I sort of get it working using two joins, but it doesn't let me add any new records. I've tried straight queries, queries with DLookup expressions, and i just can't get what i need.


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Select 10 Or Fewer Records Based On ID Field Within Table.

Apr 19, 2007


I've looked through the thread and was unable to find exactly what I'm looking for ?

Basically I have a table with multiple fields & records and I would like to key on the ID field which has a slew of different ID's..... these ID's can be the same & show up on the table anywhere from 1 to 600 times.

What I'm trying to do is select each ID and pull only 10 records for each or if less than 10 pull in those as well.

So instead of pulling in the 600 records for that particular ID I only want to pull in 10 of those records, and for the ID that only has the 1 record pull in the info for that as well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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