Average Calculation Automatically Not Manually Manipulated

Oct 16, 2013

Calculating an average based on 12 fields. The fields are the months (Jan-Dec) I want the blood average of the year. Depending on the result an employee might only have to provide a sample 4 times a year or quarterly.

If their result is greater than 15 a monthly sample must be provided. The employees on the quarterly draws only will have 4 samples to average whereas a monthly draw can have 12 or fewer. I am not getting a correct answer using /12 as there are 0 in the fields and the right answer would be on samples >0

I am attaching a mini mdb ...

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Reading Appending To A Table, From A Manipulated Input

Apr 1, 2007

I need to grab a record from an input table/record set and de-concatenate it based on the underscore and append each instance to an output table. I know this must be possilbe, we do simular things in GIS programming all the time. Below is my "logic"/psuedo code :)

'loop until end of file
strColumnA = tblNewRelationships.PLACE
strColumnBin = tblNewRelationships.NAMES
'loop until strColumnBout is ""
strColumnBout = Left(strColumnBin, Find("_", strColumnBin, 1) - 1)
strColumnBchop = Right(strColumnBin, Len(strColumnBin) - Len(strColumnBout) - 1)
strSQL = "" 'put strColumnA into tblRelationships_2.PLACE and strColumnBout into tblNewRelationships.NAME
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
strColumnBin = strColumnBchop
'end field loop
'end row loop

Any help is seriously appreciated.

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Manually Changing The Order Of Records

Mar 20, 2005

I have records which represent tasks and the tasks need to be scheduled. They can be ordered to some degree by sorting the table on specific fields and then by sorting parts of the table by specific fields, however, the final ordering needs to be done manually as it cannot be done by a field sort. So, how can you move records around manually? It would be like a CUT and PASTE INSERT. Thanks.... Lester

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Manually Entering Data To A Record

Sep 15, 2005


I am new to access programming. I want to do the following but don't know how :-

I have a form which is full of text boxes for people to enter data. I want them to enter the relevant data into those textbox's and then to click a SAVE button. Only when the SAVE button is pressed do I want the contents of the text boxes to go into the relevant fields in a table, i.e. they are all unbound.

Can anyone tell me how this is done please and possibly give an example code?


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Forms :: How To Manually Make New Tabs To Appear On Second Row

Jun 30, 2014

How can I manually make new tabs appear on the second row when they normally would not?

I want to force some tabs onto the second row of a multirow tab control...

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A Solution To Manually Processing 'Entry Forms'

Mar 2, 2007

Hi Guys,

I've been pondering over a problem for a couple of weeks now - We receive around 1000 paper entries to our competition, and these all need manually entered into the access database in a one-er.

Is anyone aware of any ideas of how this could be made easier, and more automated?


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Saving Manually To ODBC Linked Table?

Mar 17, 2005


I have built a form without a record source as i need to mess around with the fields before i save.

On save, i would like the form to save to an ODBC linked table in my database.

I save the record through a save button which has the following code attached to its on_Click event.

' NOTE: DAO 3.6 code
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblODBCLinked", dbOpenTable)
With rs
.Fields("Country") = Me.txtCountry
.Fields("ID") = Me.ID
.Fields("Creation Date") = Now()
End With
Set rs = Nothing

I have no problem saving to a non-linked table with the above coding but always seems to fall over if as soon as i try to open the linked table. Ive debugged and the problem seems to be with opeing the table.

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblODBCLinked", dbOpenTable)

Thanks in Advance for any suggestions

Access 97 / Windows NT / Full Read Write access. Not a permissions issue

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Changing Table Source In Query Using Vb Instead Of Manually Doing It.

Aug 17, 2004

I have a Query called Median and all it does is pulls all the fields and all the records from 1 table. Since the Query is connected to a lot of other queries, and the table it's connected to changes twice a month, I was wondering if there was a way to set this up in a form maybe using vb, so a user could maybe Click a new table from a combo box list of current tables in the database, then click a button that says "Change", and it change all the fields to the new table and removes the old table from the query.

Or what might be better is: Already on the form, i have part of the name of the new table already entered by the user (it bases the new name of the new table off this text box). So, what I can use is the Text in that box and an & " the rest of the tablename", and automatically change the table in the Median Query based on that criteria. If that is too complicated, then a combo box will be sufficient.

Another way i guess, would be to setup a hidden field that takes whatever's in my text box (which is a date) and adds " the rest of the tablename", then I could base the replacement table of the Median on that one text box.

Anyway, is there a way to do this?

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Manually Changing Displayed Record On A Form

Mar 7, 2006

I have a form that is linked to a table. tblContacts

On the form I have added a listbox which has every possible Contact (Name) listed. I wanted to be able to click on a contact name and then have the form bring up all the information related to the contact.

right now i have on the click of the listbox a msgbox that gives me the contact id associated with the contact name.

BTW, this is a project i am taking over from someone. If it was my choice I would be creating a web app.

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Tables :: Calculated Field OR Manually Entered Value?

Jul 14, 2014

I have a calculated field that is a total based on 5 other fields. These fields are rankings of priority on individual categories, while the calculated field is a total priority ranking for the entire record. (A ticket) The 5 categories are prioritized, and the calculated field runs it through our equation to determine the overall priority of each ticket.

Now, some tickets don't have individual priority numbers in their categories. Therefore, no total priority number is calculated in the calculated field. We would like these tickets to be given a manual total priority, but we can't manually enter numbers into the calculated field to do this.

Is there a way of saying this to the calculated field... "Use the equation to run the individual categories to come up with your total. IF there are no numbers in those categories, reference the field 'Manual Priority' to find your number."

This way, we'd like to keep all of the total priorities in the calculated field. It's just that some of them have to be manually entered because there will be no individual priority categories to calculate the total by.

The current formula for this total priority field is...

(([Size of Financial Risk?]*20)+([Impact on Internal Customers]*15)+([Non-Financial Impact]*20)+([Impact on External Customers]*30)+([Estimated # of Clients Impacted]*15))

I'd like to say, "Do that... or use this manual field if that equation turns out to be nothing."

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What About This Average?...Field Average...

Feb 16, 2007

Hi guys!!!!

I try to find an answer in the forum about "Average Fields",but ican't
I am confused:(

I wan't to export Avg Of the fields like in the panel below:

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Modules & VBA :: Can Manually Stop Auto-Exec Macro From Running By Holding Down Shift Button

Dec 22, 2014

I can manually stop the AutoExec macro from running by holding down the shift button - how do you do it by VBA? I'm opening the db from Excel, and I don't want the Switchboard to display ...

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Jan 11, 2008

I have a query that finds an average. How can I get the average to only show two numbers after the decimal?

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Dec 10, 2005

I apologise for my ignorance, but I’m very new to Access.

I have a database of dates, that I need to analyse.

I have created a Form called "DateRange" with 2 date fields;
Text1 = Date From
Text2 = Date to
Command1 = Preview Report

My Query has 2 fields;
Slotdate = all the dates (show as 20051210)
Actdur = Actual Duration (show as numbers 1 or 12 or -3 etc)

The SQL View is;
SELECT slotapp.slotdate, slotapp.actdur
FROM slotapp
WHERE (((slotapp.slotdate) Between [Forms]![DateRange]![Text1] And [Forms]![DateRange]![Text2]));

I just want to calculate an average of Actual Duration
So that my report displays the average duration between the date ranges.

Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated

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Best 5 Day Average

Oct 2, 2007

I've looked thru a lot of posts, but can't seem to find the solution. It seems like this should be something I could figure out, but so far have not.

I have a table that is showing a production number for each day. What I'm trying to show is the best 5 day average production over a period of time.


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Age And Average

Feb 18, 2005

Could someone please tell me how to work out the age of someone using a query or report and the average age of everyone?? I also need to know how to put on a report the total number of people satisfying the search criteria. It also says i must obtain a single record for each person and to do this i need to change a query property to allow only unique records to be displayed? do u know what this property is??
Please help!!
Thank You

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Rolling Average

Sep 15, 2005

Is there any way i can calculate a rolling average for a field in a record, based on the 10 previous records?


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Finding An Average

Aug 8, 2007

I have a customer concerns database that contains the dates for when the concerns were reported and tyhe dates for when the concerns were resolved. I am trying to make a query that finds the average of how long it takes for the concerns to be resolved. How can I do this?

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10-min Average Query

May 3, 2006


I'm trying to create a query that returns 10-min average wind speed.

I have the logging date,time and the wind speed per second in the wind log table.
Date and Time Wind Speed(mph)
28/04/2006 2:17:01 PM 10.5
28/04/2006 2:17:02 PM 10.6
28/04/2006 2:17:03 PM 10

And I would like something like this from the query:
Date and Time Wind Speed Ave
28/04/2006 2:17:00 PM 10
28/04/2006 2:18:00 PM 7
28/04/2006 2:19:00 PM 5


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Average Time Per Day

May 21, 2007

i have a date field with time and date each record is entered. results look like this

4/9/2007 8:26:11 AM
4/9/2007 8:31:25 AM
4/9/2007 8:34:14 AM
4/9/2007 8:34:21 AM
4/9/2007 8:34:29 AM
4/9/2007 8:34:36 AM
4/9/2007 8:34:49 AM
4/9/2007 8:41:27 AM
4/9/2007 8:41:49 AM
4/9/2007 8:42:32 AM
4/9/2007 8:42:39 AM
4/9/2007 8:42:49 AM
4/9/2007 8:43:36 AM
4/9/2007 8:44:21 AM
4/9/2007 8:45:48 AM

I want a query or report to give me the average entry time per record. Something like: Average time between orders 1:25 (one minute twenty five seconds)

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Running Average Of 5

Sep 26, 2007

I want to create a running or moving average of the most recent 5.

can anyone help here?

see attached file

Mix IDTest Date 7 Day1 Avg of 5Ave 28 Day
2/1/2007 3870
2/1/2007 2160 5415
2/7/2007 3580 5505
2/7/2007 3510 4955
2/12/2007 2990 32204965
2/19/2007 2800 30085500
2/19/2007 3330 32424920

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Find Average

Jan 2, 2008

I need to make a query which counts the number of days between "Date of Complaint" and "Effective Date". This is what I have so far:

[SELECT [Customer Complaint Log].[Complaint Number], DateDiff("d",[Date of Complaint],[Effective Date]) AS Expr1
FROM [Customer Complaint Log]
WHERE ((([Customer Complaint Log].[Effective Date]) Is Not Null) AND (([Customer Complaint Log].[Date of Complaint]) Is Not Null));

I need to make it so that it uses todays date for "Effective Date" if there is no "Effective Date". Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Rounding An Average

Jan 15, 2008

I am running a query that returns the minimum, maximum, and average mileage of a list of cars. I have set decimal places to zero in all places I can think of, but of course the average returns with a long decimal output. These figures are then displayed on a report.

How can I truncate the 'average' display so it rounds to show no decimals?

I have tried using Round([YourNumberFieldName],3) in the query but that doesn't seem to work.

The numbers are stored in a table as double numbers. Again the decimal places are set to 0.


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Average Of A Group

Jan 29, 2008

I have a file with hundreds of home builders. It has three fields for this problem.
Table = Permit
field = Per_date (Date Field) Date BLD record appears in table.
field = BLD (Char) Builder number or Name
field = SQFTArea (N) Size of home.

1. I need to be able to get the average for (SQFTArea) for all records greater than 950 (SQFTArea).
2. For year 2007.
3. Grouped by Builder (BLD).

Example: Per_date - BLD - SQFTArea
Record: 2006 - 012 - 0500 Not becouse of 2006 and 0500
Record: 2007 - 012 - 2500
Record: 2007 - 012 - 3500
Record: 2007 - 058 - 2000 Not becose of BLD=058
Answer is for 2007 BLD 012 has an average of 3000

BLD 058 would be figured with it's self at average=2000 if the only record with this number or used with any other records that are BLD 058.

I have asked for help in the past but must likely my examples not that great. Here’s hopping. Hopping?? I hope I got that right being as I'm not a rabbit. Spell checker no help on this one.


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How To Average Scores

Mar 9, 2008

First of all I consider myself to have Intermediate knowledge of Access. I am comfortable building tables, queries, reports, macros, etc. but get a little lost when needing to manually code something in a query.

I need to create a database to document quality reviews of certain reports the plant creates. Typically each report gets reviewed by 2 to 6 people and each section is scored. So lets say the database table has the following fields


I need a query that will average each of the Section Scores and Total Score so I can build a monthly report showing the report and the average grade for each section and the average total grade.

Any suggestions on how to do this is appreciated.


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Quarterly Average

Dec 7, 2004

I need help with a calculation in my form. I have a form named families. IN this form I have 12 check box's, one for each month. I would like to set up another box which would take the average of the past 3 months and tell me what percentage of the time the box is checked. For example, since it is december, I would like a box named quarterly average to look at the past 3 months, obviously september, october and november, and tell me in percentages what the percentage is that the past 3 months check boxes have been checked. This is the basic code which I created for my unbounded box, but I want it to be dynamic, so that it recognizes what the month is today and tells me automatically what the percentage is.

Control sourceis set to =Abs(([Sep]+[Oct]+[Nov])/(3))



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