I have a table containing about 120 records of 40 fields containing integer values. The values are 0 (for 'no experience'), 1 - 5 (for evaluation of experience) and 9 (for question not answered). I would like to generate a row of averages for the 40 columns.
Access includes the '0's when using the Avg function. (So 1,0,3,0,1,4 yields 1.5 (1+0+3+0+1+4 / 6) rather than the accurate 2.25 (1+0+3+1+4 / 4)). I can tackle this in two ways: I either convert all zero's to NULLs, as Access will not count NULL in an Avg function call, or I can do each column in a seperate query using a WHERE clause. I also have the problem of screening out the 9's. I'm reluctant to create 40 queries and then another to amalgamate the results as this seems a very silly way to solve this problem. I cannot convert both the zeroes AND the 9's to NULL as to do so would lose valuable data.
Can anyone suggest how I can obtain a full row of averages for the 40 fields, ignoring 0's and 9's?
Hi Gurus, Here's my situation. I have three columns in Access: Attribute Name, DateValue, CharValue. I wish to create a make table query which does the following: If Attribute Name = 'approved_date' then take the value from DateValue Column and populate it in a New table 'new'. but if the Attribute Name = 'description' the take the value from CharValue column and populate it in the same table 'new' in a different column. Please help, how to achieve this.
I have had a look through the forum and I am not sure if this can be done. I have a table. i.e. with columns Decsription 1, Cost 1, Description 2, Cost 2 Description 3, Cost 3 description 4, cost 4 etc.
I am looking to try and gave a combo box show this information as follows. I.e
I have a table which has a column and some of them are filled and some are blank. I want to fill the blank ones with the previous values, how do I do this. Thanks for any help..
Is there a way to hide a column in a query that does not have any data in it?
I have tables that are populated with YES/NO boxes and I only want to bring back the information for fields that are YES. Currently, the queries run and bring back all fields.
Each query will only have 1 result as they are limited by the primary key.
I am making this harder than it has to be i'm sure. I had a previous post of auto-texting a field, well why can't I just take two fields I have, such as the ID field which is an autonumber field and combine that with a type field that I have which is D.
If I could merge this in a query, wouldn't it give me the results as D01, D02, etc?
I couldn't find anything helpful online, one side said do the following.
SELECT receivables2.type+receivables2.ID FROM receivables2;
Only I get errors.
I also tried this.
SELECT merge(receivables2.type; receivables2.ID); FROM receivables2;
I created a fixed header cross tab query that totals up how many photos of each size there is in an order. I wrote some visual basic code to total up the price (kind of complex with the different packages) but any orders without at least one of every size photo completely locks up Access. The following is the code:
Private Sub Text66_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) Dim Units Dim UnitsCache Dim PackagesCache Dim F4x5Cache Dim F5x7Cache Dim E8x10Cache Dim E11x14Cache Dim S16x21Cache Dim T21x24Cache Dim WalletsCache Dim T4x5 Dim T5x7 Dim T8x10 Dim T11x14 Dim T16x21 Dim T21x24 Dim TWallets
If [4x5] = Null Then T4x5 = 1 Else T4x5 = [4x5] End If
If [5x7] = Null Then T5x7 = 1 Else T5x7 = [5x7] End If
If [8x10] = Null Then T8x10 = 1 Else T8x10 = [8x10] End If
If [11x14] = Null Then T11x14 = 1 Else T11x14 = [11x14] End If
If [16x21] = Null Then T16x21 = 1 Else T16x21 = [16x21] End If
If [21x24] = Null Then T21x24 = 1 Else T12x24 = [21x24] End If
If [Wallets] = Null Then TWallets = 1 Else TWallets = [Wallets] End If
RerunPackages: PackagesCache = "x" If [T21x24Cache] > 0 And [WalletsCache] >= 2 And [UnitsCache] >= 4 Then PackagesCache = "F" [WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 2 [UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 4 [T21x24Cache] = [T21x24Cache] - 1 Text58 = Text58 + 439 GoTo FoundOne End If
If [S16x21Cache] > 0 And [WalletsCache] >= 2 And [UnitsCache] >= 4 Then PackagesCache = "E" [WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 2 [UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 4 [S16x21Cache] = [S16x21Cache] - 1 Text58 = Text58 + 305 GoTo FoundOne End If
If [E11x14Cache] > 0 And [WalletsCache] >= 1 And [UnitsCache] >= 3 Then PackagesCache = "D" [WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 1 [UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 3 [E11x14Cache] = [E11x14Cache] - 1 Text58 = Text58 + 236 GoTo FoundOne End If
If [WalletsCache] >= 2 And [UnitsCache] >= 4 Then PackagesCache = "C" [WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 2 [UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 4 Text58 = Text58 + 169 GoTo FoundOne End If
If [WalletsCache] >= 1 And [UnitsCache] >= 3 Then PackagesCache = "B" [WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 1 [UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 3 Text58 = Text58 + 127 GoTo FoundOne End If
If [WalletsCache] >= 1 And [UnitsCache] >= 2 Then PackagesCache = "A" [WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 1 [UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 2 Text58 = Text58 + 89 GoTo FoundOne End If
FoundOne: If PackagesCache <> "x" Then If Text56 = " " Then Text56 = PackagesCache GoTo RerunPackages ElseIf Text54 = " " Then Text54 = PackagesCache GoTo RerunPackages ElseIf Text52 = " " Then Text52 = PackagesCache GoTo RerunPackages End If End If
UnitsCache = (T8x10 + T5x7 2 + T4x5 4) - UnitsCache Do If F4x5Cache < 4 Or UnitsCache = 0 Then GoTo Skip4x5 End If F4x5Cache = F4x5Cache - 4 UnitsCache = UnitsCache - 1 Loop Skip4x5: Do If F5x7Cache < 2 Or UnitsCache = 0 Then GoTo Skip5x7 End If F5x7Cache = F5x7Cache - 2 UnitsCache = UnitsCache - 1 Loop Skip5x7: Do If E8x10Cache < 1 Or UnitsCache = 0 Then GoTo Skip8x10 End If E8x10Cache = E8x10Cache - 1 UnitsCache = UnitsCache - 1 Loop Skip8x10:
Text42 = 0 Redo: If WalletsCache >= 5 Then Text42 = [Text42] + 40 WalletsCache = [WalletsCache] - 5 GoTo Redo End If If WalletsCache = 4 Then Text42 = [Text42] + 37 ElseIf WalletsCache = 3 Then Text42 = [Text42] + 33 ElseIf WalletsCache = 2 Then Text42 = [Text42] + 28 ElseIf WalletsCache = 1 Then Text42 = [Text42] + 18 End If
I have a database containing values in 16 fields. the fields are filled in over a period of three years. I would like to be able to calculate the average of the last four values entered, regardless of when in the cycle the value is required. I have tryed to use quereies but connot find away to assign the four fields to the expression so that it is the last four values and if four don't exist, avearage what values there are.
In my database, I have clients and client hours. I need to calculate average client hours. My total client hours expression is: TTotals: Sum((Nz([SessionHoursCompleted])+Nz([OptionalHoursCompleted]))). I need to divide this number by the number of clients. Any suggestions ie sum of client number, sum of clients, count of clients. I've tried these and the results are incorrect.
I am trying to calculate the average patients age from 2671 records using this SQL:
SELECT tbl_Customer_Details.DOB, CalcAge([DOB]) AS Age, DAvg("[Age]","qryAvgAge") AS Average FROM tbl_Customer_Details GROUP BY tbl_Customer_Details.DOB, CalcAge([DOB]);
why am I getting the result:
I would have thought that it would have been 68 a whole number, has anyone got any suggestions why this should be.
Now there will be many patterns, the above however only contains one (called 1). Now what i need is the average Depth, Subdrill, Burden, Spacing, bcm/h. In MS Excel I would have following:
Average BCM per hole = Sum of BCM / Sum of Holes
How to do this in Access? Then just to make it more difficult I want to have the average BCM for each different pattern.
once again I have a problem for which I am looking for some hints...
I still have one table, called tblTransactions, which contains security market transactions. For each buy and sell order, respectively it contains one data set with columns Date, Ticker (i.e. the unique identifier of each security), Quantity (positive for buy, negative for sell orders) and Price (at which the trade was executed).
The following code gives me all stocks, which are no longer part of the portfolio since they have been sold out completely for any arbitrarily chosen date (here 1/30/07) together with the date, on which the last position in a certain stock (identified by the ticker) were sold:
SELECT T.Ticker, max(T.Date) AS SellDate FROM tblTransactions AS T WHERE T.Date<=#1/30/2007# GROUP BY T.Ticker HAVING sum(T.Qty) =0 ORDER BY T.Ticker;
Now it becomes complicated: What I am looking for is a sub-query, which I want to add to the code above and which gives me the weighted average price at which the stocks were bought and sold, respectively if there have been more than one buy or sell transaction.
That is, for the following sample data of tblTransactions...
My database has 8 clients. During a sample date range, between 1/1/05 and 1/1/11, they worked a total of 348 hours. I need to query them for hours divided by client by date range. 3 clients, for instance, worked a total of 162 in the sample date range but the query is dividing the 162 hours worked by all 8 clients. I need it to divide the hours in this case by 3. Needless to say, these numbers will change when a different date range is inputted but if the expressions are correct... Currently, to calculate this number I am using this expression : Averages: Sum((Nz([SessionHoursCompleted])+Nz([OptionalHoursCompleted])))/DCount("IDOC","spise clients_OLD_OLD"). A copy of the query 'Current Average/Total' is attached.
Im in need of some help with a query that i am trying to set up. I have a table with data shown roughly below. And need to extract the average [call length] for each heading of [Call type] on a given date.
Ie. The query will be run and the date can be inputted. It would the display each category only once and the average of that category.
Is there a way to calculate three different rolling averages in one query?
I just inherited a database where someone is using three queries to capture the same information only with different time frames. They were calculating a rolling three month average, six month average, and twelve month average. I would like to combine these queries into one to reduce time spent running reports from the database. All three queries are based on one table. One of the columns in that table is called "Month Start Date". That field shows the first day of the month when a call was entered. I can get the query to tell me the first month in the three month period and the first month in the six month period, but I can't get it to calculate the averages of the calls that fall in those time frames. Here is the SQL for the query I have now. When I try to run this, I get the error message that my formula is not part of an aggregate function.
Code: SELECT DISTINCT DateAdd('m','-2',(Max([Month Start Date]))) AS ThreeMonthStartDate, DateAdd('m','-5',(Max([Month Start Date]))) AS SixMonthStartDate, Max([Month Start Date]) AS MaxStartDate, IIf([Month Start Date] Between [ThreeMonthStartDate] And [MaxStartDate],Avg([All Call Rate]),' ') AS ThreeMonthAverageCallRate, LIST_WITH_TNC.Device, LIST_WITH_TNC.Model, LIST_WITH_TNC.[Item Num] FROM LIST_WITH_TNC;
I need to create a query where in the end, I will have four rows of data based on based on two combinations of WaterSourceType and Crop.
I need the query to bring back the results of the average Top N (lets say Top 10%) for each combination.
I have tried this every which way and I can't seem to get it grouped like I want it. I NEED to have four distinct rows with the average of the ProfitPerBushel for each grouping.
Basically, what this does is show me the average profitablity of the top 10% in each grouping.
My database is set up to track call evaluations with 4 fields for number data (S, A/C, C/E and B) each of these have a possible point total. I also have a percentage field to track out of total possible points.When I run my query I get a list of each of the totals for each of the evaluations with the associates names (as expected).I take that query and try to run a report wizard to give me an average socre for each associate. and the system returns averages of 0 or an odd number that does not make sense.when I use the =Avg([fieldname]) process I get an accurate average of the total but can not get it to do a "subtotal" for each associate.
I am designing queries to return averages for quality test data.
I have this query that functions as I want it too [URL] .....
It returns the averages of all the values received for different tests for a lot number (the lot number criteria should be filled out as well)
When I want the query to be more specific and average only certain box numbers in the lot (that start with the prefix PB") the query does not return an average for box numbers starting with PB but splits them up, showing an average for PB1, PB2 instead of combining the data for those boxes into a single unified average ...
Let's say I have a table sort of like this one: [URL] .... (Table 1)
What I want to do is make another table that references the first table: [URL] ... (Table 2)
I want the cells in the Average field in Table 2 to calculate an average of all the values for records in Table 1 with Color fields that correspond to the Color field in Table 2 (this makes a little more sense if you look at the pictures). I could do this in Excel, but then problems would arise whenever I would add a new entry to the database, or re-alphabetized the data, since Excel math is depends entirely on the positions of cells, and I want these averages to be continually calculated correctly and to change whenever I add related records to the database.
Normal Pay: Sum(IIf([PAYCODE]="STD" Or [PAYCODE]="PAY_R" Or [PAYCODE]="RATE*",[AMT],0)) .
as an expression and need my query just to pick up one row with a total sum of these values, however I am still receiving 2 or 3 lines of seperate values.