I have been refreshing myself with SQL on Access 2002. All was going well until I got to the BETWEEN...AND operator. Using the Northwind sample database I was writing the query on the employee table to select all the columns between 'Fuller' and 'King' :
SELECT * FROM Employees
WHERE LastName
BETWEEN 'Fuller' AND 'King'
However this only brings back the two rows for 'Fuller' and 'King' whereas I would expect at least 5 rows or more depending on whether access would count 'Fuller' and 'King' as inclusive.
Have had a look on the microsoft office help page but seem to be doing everything correct so I am wondering why it still doesn't work? No doubt simple but its concealed in mud at the moment. Any help apreciated.
I am new to this forum, so forgive me if this question has been asked before
I needed exact information about the way the 'like' operator works, so I pressed F1, typed 'like' in the "Answer Wizard" and was told to "rephrase my question". :eek:
The index was slightly more helpful as it obviously contains 2 topics with 'like_operator', but choosing them does not reveal anything. :confused:
Where can I find info about such things? I also need to use an operator called 'contains' which I have used when working with SAS, but appearently it does not exist in Acccess or it has another name. Has anybody heard about it?
It's unknown for me why Access hasn't got MINUS implemented and Unmatched Query Wizard doesn't help me much. So I'm wondered if anyone had to confront the following task:
Book Agent ---------- b1 a1 b2 a2 b3 a3
Book Agent ---------- b1 a1 b3 a3
The problem is I have to eliminate duplicates but I need to find unique row, which is Book and Agent. From my example it's row with (b2 a2). I tried using Select * From Table1 Where (Book, Agent) Not In (Select Book, Agent From Table2) didn't work I also tried EXISTS didn't work Unmatched Wizard compares only one field, not two.
I have an invoice-line table with records for every line on invoices. I'm trying to return all the lines associated with certain invoices, excluding all lines with "FREIGHT" in a line item field. I created a query that lists all the invoice numbers for which I want to display invoice lines for. I created a new query with the invoice line table linked to the invoice number query by invoice number (a one to many relationship). There are about 1400 results from this query. By making the criteria of the line item field "FREIGHT" and running the query, I can see that there are 81 "FREIGHT" records that I ultimately want to exclude. However, by typing NOT "FREIGHT," it appears that not only are the "FREIGHT" line item records excluded, but also records with a blank (null)line item field are excluded, and I end up with about 650 results. What's going on here? Why is the NOT "FREIGHT" critera also excluding null records? I don't have any other criteria specified in the query. :confused:
I have an expression that I'm trying to build into a totaling field in a report. There are two types of items being tallied into this total; 1 is a flat amount, the other is a calculation of # of men * # hours * rate. I already have an expression that works for the first level of calculating:
=IIf([Type]="Lawn Maintenance",[LMAmt],[# hours]*[# men]*35) Note: [LMAmt] holds a flat amount
I wanted to add, after the [Type]="Lawn Maintenance",[LMAmt] an "or" somehow which would basically state or [Type]="Dumping Charge",[Expenses] Note: [Expenses] is also a flat amount and all other [Type] codes are determined using the calculation below:
if [Type] is not = to "Lawn Maintenance" or = to "Dumping Charge", THEN [#hours]*[# men]*35
Below is the code that concatenates a pathway ('c:asset_captureimages) and a column value (c:asset_captureimages)to populate another column ([Carriageway].[Hotlink])
The module works perfectly when the column value is hardcoded as [carriageway].[position] but when a string is replaced as strsql2 then the error message "Run Time Error 3075 Syntax Error (Missing Operator) in Query Expression" is generated.
Any ideas gratefully received what seems a simple problem that is causing significant swearing and hair loss.
well here's my problem, i've been working on this homework for about 3 days i got most of my queries work except for the 2 that use nested or subqueries, i have 2 tables http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/4623/untitledko5.png everytime i run the query i get this http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/7645/untitled2rq0.png i want the query to show me the costumers that have not made any orders, basically it should show me ID #6 no order,
when i use SELECT Costumer.ID, Costumer.fname, Costumer.lname FROM Costumer INNER JOIN [Order] ON Costumer.ID = Order.tblCostumer_ID WHERE (((Costumer.ID) Not In ([Order].[ID])));
it returns the above pic of a blank query
this is what my POS book says i should type:
SELECT Costumer.ID, Costumer.fname, Costumer.lname FROM Costumer WHERE ID NOT IN (SELECT ID FROM Order);
but everytime i try that i get a syntax error after the NOT IN.
i don't know what else to try if anyone could help me out it would be greatly appriciated.
Can't understand why the following doesn't work when changing the operator.
Using the "<>" SELECT qryColleagues.WCN, qryColleagues.ClgName, qryColleagues.Shift FROM qryColleagues, tblTempNew WHERE (((qryColleagues.WCN)<>[tblTempNew]![WCN])) GROUP BY qryColleagues.WCN, qryColleagues.ClgName, qryColleagues.Shift ORDER BY qryColleagues.ClgName;
the particaular part is (((qryColleagues.WCN)<>[tblTempNew]![WCN]))
it works if the operator is "=" but not "<>"
The thing is I'm sure this was working fine.
edit: I have just noticed that this works if there is only one record in the tblTempNew table. As soon as I put 2 records in there it does not work.
I'm working on creating a small database for the company I work at and just can't figure out the syntax to make this work.
If I create a query that looks for clients Like '*Smith*' , it returns records where the client is John Smith, Smith and Company, Edward Smith & Jones, LLC and that part works great! I did this by typing: Like '*Smith*' in the criteria field for Client in the design view of the query. (Also seems to work whether I use single or double quotes - not sure about the implications of that).
Now, I want to replace the word Smith with whatever a user enters into a text box, I can't get the syntax right! In the design view of the query, I've tried things such as: Like '*forms![Search by Client]![Text0]*' with no luck. Any ideas? Maybe I'm missing some brackets or parenthesis?
I have 2 tables, an Oracle source table and an Access table. The data in the Oracle table has Item names, however they tend to end with month and date and other misc info. I set up the Access table with the cleaned up versions of the Item names (took out the excess crap) to be able to set up a query that would pull in data from the Oracle table that had Item descriptions Like the descriptions in the Access table. That is working great, however, i would also like to pull in another field from the Access table to categorize these items in to groups. Once I do this, each record shows up 4 times (the number of categories that exist). How do I link these tables to allow me to do this? None of the standard link types work since the fields are not equal but are Like each other.
I have two tables in the first table there is an outline number and the second table there is a task id (both are text strings, i.e. outline number and task id would be something like
I want a query to return all the results in the first table that are not equal to the second table
I have tried the following but it returns all 54 records Code:SELECT DISTINCT RawData.TeamLeadNumber, RawData.Category, RawData.OutlineNumber, RawData.OutlineDescription, RawData.Start, RawData.Finish, RawData.Milestone, RawData.PercentComplete, RawData.DeliverableDesc, RawData.ReleasePeriod, RawData.OutlineNumber2, RawData.OutlineDescription2FROM RawData, SharePointDataWHERE (((RawData.OutlineNumber)<>SharePointData.TaskID));
I have tried changing the where clause to have it as Code:WHERE ((RawData.OutlineNumber)<SharePointData.TaskID) AND ((RawData.OutlineNumber)>SharePointData.TaskID);
but then no data is returned, and I know that of the 54 records 21 of them are the same so I should be seeing 33 records
I have a problem with a query. Just for info, I export some table from SQL to access. The same query in SQL work fine but when I try in Access come out this error:
------------------------------------------------------------------ Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'tbl_Style.FABRICID = tbl_Info.Infoid INNER JOIN tbl_Info AS tbl_Info_1 ON tbl_Info.Parent = tbl_Info_1.Infoid'. ------------------------------------------------------------------
The query:
SELECT tbl_Style.STYLECODE, tbl_Info_1.Infodata AS [Fabric Type]
tbl_Info ON tbl_Style.FABRICID = tbl_Info.Infoid INNER JOIN
tbl_Info AS tbl_Info_1 ON tbl_Info.Parent = tbl_Info_1.Infoid
I have built a function which passes values into the criteria of a saved query. It has worked very well until I recently built a query builder based on this same concept. The user can select from a list of operators "<=", ">=", ">", "<", "=".
Example, the function will pass into the criteria the following: <150
Unfortunately, I have exhausted all avenues for passing the "<" less than or greater than signs into the criteria. The Access SQL forces an equals sign before the passed in criteria and thus treats the "<150" as the entire criteria.
I have overcome no criteria by defaulting the function value to pass in the wildcard "*" and putting "Like" in the criteria.
Has anyone every handled a "variable" operator in a saved query in Access? :confused:
I am aware that I can change the QueryDef, use temp tables, and do several other longer methods, but the success of this concept will reduce an large amount of coding effort as well as make the software much easier to transfer knowledge on.
This overall method is really a great way to reuse criteria based on a form without hard coding.
Hi, can anyone help ? I have 2 tables 1 called orderforminput and another called customerdetails. If i run the following sql statment on the orderforminput table it works just great.
With this code i am trying to retrieve customer name and address from the second table and conbine the results in a query called invoicequery. I keep getting syntax error in query missin operator in query expression. I am new to access and sql can any one shed some lite PLEASE
I have a problem with a query. Just for info, I export some table from SQL to access. The same quary in SQL work fine but when I try in Access come out this error:
------------------------------------------------------------------ Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'tbl_Style.FABRICID = tbl_Info.Infoid INNER JOIN tbl_Info AS tbl_Info_1 ON tbl_Info.Parent = tbl_Info_1.Infoid'. ------------------------------------------------------------------
The query:
SELECT tbl_Style.STYLECODE, tbl_Info_1.Infodata AS [Fabric Type]
tbl_Info ON tbl_Style.FABRICID = tbl_Info.Infoid INNER JOIN
tbl_Info AS tbl_Info_1 ON tbl_Info.Parent = tbl_Info_1.Infoid
I have a field that contains semester info ie: F07 Sep.
What I am trying to do is using an if statement to test for which month and returning a section number based on the month. I can make it work using an exact match but am trying to make it work on the partial match "Sep" so I don't have to change it next year as F07 stands for Fall 2007
This is what I've tried and various combinations. Section1: IIf([tblOnlineCoursesDetails]![Semester]="* Sep","70","")
Dim AppendUsers As String AppendUsers = "INSERT INTO tblPermissions ( empid )" & _ "SELECT tblEmployee.empid" & _ "FROM tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tblPermissions ON tblEmployee.[empid] = tblPermissions.[empID]" & _ "WHERE (((tblPermissions.empID) Is Null) AND ((tblEmployee.active)=Yes) AND ((tblEmployee.inputname)=Yes));" If MsgBox("This will search for new users with valid logins and add to the permissions table, do you wish to continue?", vbYesNo, "Append Users") = vbYes Then DoCmd.RunSQL (AppendUsers)
I am trying to select specific records based on input in a query. This criteria currently works to select everything with an ID less than 21 or 31 based on the users entry: <IIf([Enter "Y" for List 1]="Y",21,31)
I now need to change the query so that only certain records are selected based on the users entry. As an example, I would like to select 1, 3, 5 and 7 if they enter Y. And I would like to select 2, 4, 6 and 8 if they dont enter a Y.Here is what I have tried:
In IIf([Enter "Y" for List 1]="Y",(3,5,7,9),(2,4,6,8)).With this criteria, I get this error .The In operator you entered requires parentheses.
I have a Listbox and when i double click on a selected record (Student Name), I receive a syntax error. I am trying to open a form containing the student information.
Private Sub List1_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) DoCmd.OpenForm "NEP", , , "[Student Name] = Forms!NEP!Student Name" End Sub
I have the following query, which I simplied to show only the WHERE clouse.
Code: WHERE ((([Using our own appt date].PrblDiagCode) Like "519" Or ([Using our own appt date].PrblDiagCode)="414" Or ([Using our own appt date].PrblDiagCode)="428" Or ([Using our own appt date].PrblDiagCode)="250" Or ([Using our own appt date].PrblDiagCode)="430" Or ([Using our own appt date].PrblDiagCode)="585" Or ([Using our own appt date].PrblDiagCode)="573"));
Is there any way to also include the ones with fractions? For example, a record can be 519.3. I find that the current code doesn't give me the ones with fractions. What needs to change in the query?