BIll Of Material Weight

Nov 25, 2005

What is the usual way to store the weight in a Bill of material database? Do you store the weight for each assembly and each component or only the weight of the smallest components (where the weight of each assembly is calculated by adding the weight of each component)?
The way my table is set up just now only the weight of the cast component and screws are recorded and no values are recorded for the assemblies, I just want to make sure that this set up is apropriate as I wouldn't like to redesign my table once the system is up and running.

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Forms Queries With Graphics? Bill Get Up

Nov 4, 2006

Does anyone try to play with graphics? I use a form with 3 tabs and tree forms the second form (tab) I get some numbers from a customer and in the 3rd form I got a graphics with these two numbers but there not working ..i try to get these numbers from the form direct .. I get it but I can see only the numbers and not the graphic…
I try it with a query I get the numbers (Like CustomerId= forms!frm_customers!id or forms! or what ever workd) I get the numbers but again when I try to see in my tab the form or the form only I can’t see the graphic//
Does enyone know what happen?

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Recording Weight Loss

Mar 3, 2007

My wife is slimming, I would like to record weekly results.

How do I make a new entry compare with her ideal weight and flag up her progress.

e.g. ideal weight =10 entry 1 13 entry 2 12.9 etc

Can I get the cell holding the new entry to refer to the ideal weight and flag up the difference each time I update the weight for the new week?

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Can't Get My Weight Field To Accept Decimals...???

Aug 14, 2005

I've got a products table in which I have a field called weight. Obviously, this is to hold the weight of the item. I've it set to Number | Long Integer with desimal places set to 2. However, when I put 2.5 it makes it 2.

What could be causing this?

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Queries :: IIF Statement Query - Pull Information From A Table Based On Specified Weight

Aug 4, 2015

I am having a problem to get my query to run properly. I have a huge IIf statement that doesn't seem to be working but I am not sure what is wrong with it. What it is supposed to do is return a good, actionable, or poor based on a specified weight and an actual weight. So what the query does is pull information from a table based on the specified weight and then using that information it should give back the correct rating in the last column.

Here are the conditions:

AW(Actionable Weight)<Lower Actionable Weight
AW> Upper Actionable Weight

Lower Actionable<AW<Lower Acceptable
Upper Acceptable<AW< Upper Actionable

Lower Acceptable<AW<Upper Acceptable

The lower acceptable, actionable, and upper acceptable, actionable are different numbers based on the specified weight entered.

Here is the IIf Statement I currently have and I wasnt sure if order mattered or what I was doing wrong..

Rating: IIf([LOWER ACTOINABLE]<[Actual Weight]<[LOWER ACCEPTABLE],"Actionable",(IIf([LOWER ACCEPTABLE]<[Actual Weight]<[UPPER ACCEPTABLE],"Good",(IIf([UPPER ACCEPTABLE]<[Actual Weight]<[UPPER ACTIONABLE],"Actionable","Poor")))))

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Finished Product Is Also A Raw Material

Feb 23, 2007

I'm new to Access (2002) and have been trying to learn by reading books, posts, forums and practicing with models. I've set up a database for inventory, primarily to track the cost of goods sold as raw material costs change from month to month. So far I have tables for raw materials, container sizes, suppliers, and finished products. But I have a problem - in some cases a finished product is also a raw material, so cannot appear in both tables. (Let's say we make cookies and we make ice cream, and we also make ice cream with cookies on top as a third/separate finished product!) Should cookies have two records ('CookieFinished' and 'CookieRM') and can they be linked together so cost is determined before it's part of another? Is there a better way? Thanks in advance!

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Assign A Barcode To A Material

Sep 21, 2006

Hi Guys,

I've tried searching the forum to no avail,
I have a table (tblBarcodes) that has two fields, Barcode & Material
The Barcode field is already populated with specific numbers, but what I need to do is when I enter a new material on my form it will assign it a barcode from the tblBarcode and then append the Material code to the that table against the relevant record.

Is this possible?
Thanks again

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Reports :: Sum Amount Of Material Used By Date

Feb 4, 2014

I'm trying to create a report for my organization that sums the amount of material used by date. For example, I have five separate locations in my organization that all consume the same material. It gets reported separately by location. I need to know the total material consumed each day. Then I need to sort that daily total from largest to smallest quantity used. I've tried to do it in a query, and also by summing/grouping in a report. I thought this would be fairly straight forward, but no success as yet.

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Queries :: Material Checked Out And Returned Products

Apr 8, 2013

Finally got my DB straight so I am not using calculated fields however can't figure out the best way to handle the Combo Box so I do not show closed records ( Item checked out and item returned).

Please see the attached table of materials checked out and materials returned. How to setup a query so that if an item has been returned and matches the item checked out, Both the original check-in and the matching return records are filtered and not displayed in the Combo Box.

Also, I am a little worried about partial returns as when an employee only returns half the amount.

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Displaying An Access Form In Printed Material Or Powerpoint

Oct 10, 2005

Maybe a strange question but what is the best way to display access forms in a PowerPoint presentation or in printed material. If i do a print screen and then tidy it up the resolution is not great.
Any ideas

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General :: Count Number Of Line Items For Material

Apr 27, 2014

I have a form that could have duplicate material descriptions , is it possible to have on that form a field that counts the number of line items for that material and when the material changes the new number will appear .

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Incoming / Outgoing Raw Material - How To Get Balance Stock Item Wise

Dec 31, 2013

I have created queries from Incoming Raw Material and Out Going Raw material Tables..Now how to get balance Stock of Item wise,

My Query Look as under
item wt In Coils Out Coils Wt Bala Stock
part A 100 kg 10 3 30 Kg 7
part A 100 kg 10 5 30 Kg 5

I want that Balance Stock shall be 2 Coils of Part A , How shall I get the same result.

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