Back-up And Recovery

Oct 12, 2005


I come with a mainframe background so please excuse me for my Ignorance on Ms-Access/VBA. :(

I am in the process of developing a solution using Access/VBA. I want to include custom Database Backup and Restore facility within my Application. :rolleyes:

For example:

Say I take a backup of the Database before the monthly update and store the backup (in a folder).

After the update, if a user thinks that the monthly update did not go as he was expecting (this could be because of the data that he fed into the application) - I want to give a option asking user if s/he want to rollback to a previous version of the database. (This will be similar to Windows SYSTEM RESTORE facility).

The Database sits on a network drive (mostly this would be used by one user for the update part and may be 1-2 users who would be viewing the reporpts that come out of it)...So I can safely say it is a stand-alone, single user system.

What I would to ask your help is on following.

1. While my application is running how do I do the restore?
Or do I have to have a seperate application which performs this (ie., restore/backup) operation?
2. While my application is running, Can I take a backup copy of the Entire Database?

Any other hints/help regarding this would be much appreciated. :)


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Recovery A Database With Replication

Nov 16, 2006

I created replication through Access, but when one of the users try to update a record he was getting the message Record deleted. So i search the internet and found that the solution of this error message was to Compact and Repair the database. When i did that i lost the replication, and now i can't create it back because there records on the database and i am getting an error message.

Any suggestions how to recover the database? By the way is the master database not one of the replicas.

Is replication causes these kinds of malfunctions?

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General :: Database (ACCDB) Password Recovery

Feb 6, 2015

I need to recover a database password (.accdb). How or is there any good software password recovery out there?

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Back End Security

Apr 25, 2005


I have a database which is secured via a workgroup.

I have just ran the database splitter to seperate the data into a back end. But now I can open the back-end directly without any password.

How do I ensure that the back end is still secured when doing this?


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Back End Security

Jul 28, 2005

Hi folks,

I've built a few simple databases in the past, but never one where security was required. Now someone wants a database where access to certain areas is limited. Everything I read about Access Security here makes it seem complicated, and flaky, so I was wondering about doing something simpler ;

1. Make the Back End password protected so no one can open it

2. Make the front end an MDE. Put certain forms behind a form which prompts for a password. Store the password in a table to allow it to be changed if required.

So this looks like a crude method to me, but it is for a small user base, where the manager needs access to certain info which employees shouldn't see. I suppose if an employee was so minded, and put in some effort, they could get around the simple password-protection, but is it worth setting up proper security for a small project ?

Can anyone offer any advice on how much more secure the database would be if I did it properly ?


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Back End Won't Open

Jun 12, 2007

For some unknown reason I am unable to open the back end of my database, as far as I can see it has not effected people adding data through the front end, I just can't open the back end.

I checked the file format and it has changed to a LDB file, no idea what this is or why it has changed, any ideas on what has happened and how I can fix it?

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Back End And Front End

Oct 19, 2007

Hi friends,

I think I am having some problem with my back end and frond end files. I have a mde file that anytime I enter new data or change some things in the old clients file, it does not update on the mdb file. Anytime I need to change forms or report or any thing at all, I am suppose to copy the BE file and the MDB file to my workstatio, remove the table link, make the changes I want to make on the design mode and then import the files back to the live copy of the mdb file then make another mde file to work with. But When I copy the BE and the MDB files, I don't have the updated client list or new client just added. So as not to affect other users, I can not make changes in the MDE file and even the MDE file will not even let me make any changes in design mode. I don't know If I am making sense but any help will be appreciated


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Back End Database

Oct 24, 2007

Cannot open back end database.
There are no other users logged on
Tried opening it in open exclusive mode but still error message.
Front end on number of desktop PC's.
Back End on server.
I need to get in design mode on back end but won't let me.
I get logon screen but when try to log on get message below
I can log onto front end ok.

Error message something like.

* You do not have perimission to open or enable database
* You must have open/run open/exclussive administer permissions.
* Request other users to log off

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Front End And Back End

Oct 27, 2007

I am having a trouble with a multiuser DB. I have split it using the Splitter Wizard and have put a copy of my FE to a second computer and relinking its tables. When I opening the bound form in computer 1, computer 2 can not open that form and sometimes computers lock and had to restart the machines. But if I open that form in computer 2 first and then the same form in computer 1 , it works fine. I have set full sharing to computer 1. I am using Access 2007 and Windows VISTA.

Both have FE, the BE is located in a shared folder with full permissions in C: in computer 1, the FE of computer 1 is in that same folder. Both computers are connected via a Cat5e Cable.

FE in computer1 table links to c:databaseBE and computer 2 links to computer1_IP_Addressc:/databaseBE

Can anyone help me please!!!

I'd appreciate it a lot

Thank you!!

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Front End & Back End

Mar 23, 2007

Hi there, :cool:

I've one FE & BE related question here. Ok first of all I've BE in server and each user have copy of FE in local PC. But I've one problem with linked tables between FE & BE.

Is there a way that FE can programmatically create connection to BE linked tables or user is able to link those tables manually, if FE can't find/connect to linked tables in BE? Or do I just have to manually configure each users FE linked tables?

All replies are welcome and well approciated at all costs! :D

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Back Button

Jun 2, 2005

I have some parameters set up the user needs to enter information. Is there any way to put a back button on these parameters, so, if the user makes a mistake, he/she can just go back one step. :confused:

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ADO Connection To SQL Back-end

Aug 30, 2005

I am working on an MS Access database that will connect to an MS SQL db back-end through ADO code only (no constant connection), so I am using connection strings when it is needed to pull back data, other wise it is not connect to the back-end database.

I am trying to get the code correct, and I believe I am close but missing one piece. Here is an example of what I have so far:

Dim cat As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

cat.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;SERVER=KCNTLBASE;DATABASE=Test;U ID=testuser;PWD=testpassword"

Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
cmd.ActiveConnection = cat
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
cmd.CommandText = "Select MttrNm from dbo.Page0"

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open cmd 'cmd.Execute

MsgBox rs.RecordCount, vbOKOnly, "Test"
'Debug.Print rs.GetString


I believe my error is at this line:

cmd.ActiveConnection = cat

I want the cmd to use the connection string. But all the help I find is just the code "CurrentProject.Connection" which only connects me to the MS Access database itself.

Does anyone know what I need to place here so that the cmd is using the correct connection string to the SQL back-end?

Thank you for your time.

TJ Bernard

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Autonumber Back To 0

Mar 8, 2007

the autonumber datatype in access automatically adds numbers when a new record is added, since i have been using it to test my database new users already started at 100, without creating a new table how do you change it back to 0.

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Importing Data To Back End

Jul 25, 2005


I have a DB that relies on text file imports as well as input and I recently split it. Unfortunately now my refresh script that updates the tables based on the text files imports them into the FE rather than the BE. I have messed around with workspaces but am struggling to get a solution. Ideally i'd like to be able to call DoCmd commands directly in another database but if anyone could give me the code to execute a function I can take it from there.

Thanks, Tom

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Accessing Back End Over Network

Oct 31, 2005


I've got a back end database on one of my computers and i'm trying to get the link tables to work over a network from another computer. Ive set the link tables up but it wont let me edit any data because it is read only. Its not read only when i run the front end from the computer that stores the back end. How do i enable the front end to edit the data over the network?

also, it is a multi-user system so i want multiple front end parts accessing the one back end but whenever i try and access the data from one system when another is already open it says the file is in use and i can't do anything!

I'm really stuck at the moment and i really need some help please! :confused:

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Decompile Both Front End AND Back End?

Nov 22, 2005

Hope this isn't too silly, but I've just discovered "decompile". Instructions don't mention back ends and front ends. Do you have to run decompile on the FE and again on the BE, or is it sufficient to do it only on the FE (which has links to tables in the BE).


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Front End/Back End Issue.

Jan 26, 2006

I have a db that I have split out into a front end and a back end. The back end is on a network drive, and I have a copy of the front end on each user's computer.

The issue that I'm having is that 2 people can open the front end and 2 cannot.

When the database opens I have a form that loads on startup with a username/password combo.

On the 2 machines it works on, everything loads flawlessly, on the others they get an error message stating "\networkpathaccess.mdb" is in use

we are all using the same version of Access...

they are all using windows xp...

anyone have any ideas I can check out?

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BLOBS - Front End Or Back End?

Apr 18, 2006

I am about to place my database on a network. I have two extra folders in the database. The first contains excel spreadsheets that are lined to a form. The second contains .pdfs that are linked to a second form.

Where is the best place to put the folders, front or back end.

Many thanks for any assistance.

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Back Ground Colors

May 3, 2006

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to translate the background colors used in Access to RGB?

Thank you.

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Let Only One User Edit My Back End?

Jun 6, 2006

Is there a way to only let one user at a time edit or save to the table in the back end of my database? For example; I want it to pop up and say "you dummy there is another person with this file open"

Can I do this just incase two people try to edit the same table information???

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Auto Back Up Of Access

Jul 13, 2006

What I would like to do is put a re-writable CD into the CD drive and leave it there. Access would copy it's back end onto the CD every day (say at 3 AM).

The "network" is the PC. Others link to it.

I've done a search and checked a few other places but no one seems to cover this.

I would like to keep it in Access but if I have to do somthing in Windows I will.

Using Access 2003 and WindowsXP Pro


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Multiple Back-ends

Oct 16, 2006

For the company I am doing my thesis, I developed a tool in MS Access for monitoring sales data, customers, employee data etc…
The tool is working with a front-end database, installed locally on every PC and a Back-end on the company’s server ( Located at city Genk)
The tool is working smooth on the location in Genk.
But then the problem occurs when this tool had to be used on an other company location, 100km from the server (Antwerp); the waiting and loading times are very long, even for the smallest data.

Obvious this is because the companies network from one location to another is too slow. But because of financial reasons I’m looking for a software solution.

An idea is to create a Back-end server for each location, for all local data and one general back-end server for unique data ( for instance: there has to be a unique calculation number for each calculation made in the entire company).
I think this will decrease waiting times for some data, but not all…

Or does anyone have an other idea?

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Take My Database Offsite And Back?

Dec 28, 2006

Howdy all.

I need to take my database 50 miles to a factory site so that an engineer and I can review/modify all the records, ~450 so far.

Can I copy the front end and back end files to my laptop, review edit the data offsite, and then overwrite the back end file on my server when I get back? Are there any issues with doing that?



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Front End Back End Question

Jan 14, 2007

access 2000 with 30 users. 10 of which enter info. rest just use for reference.

I have all tables on network server all users get a front end access version with all queries, forms, reps, ect. Now I think I need to enable record locking but do not know what to do.

Do I enable record level locking for just the back end or only the front end systems? what is the best way to set it up? thanks.


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Yet Another Front End Back End Issue

Feb 26, 2007

Hi All
I've been going through lots of posts in this forums, but could not find the perfect solution for my problem. I've got a front end database with forms. And back end database with data tables. The FE database is stored in all the computers with the linked tables in BE database in shared drive. I now want to totally disable the BE database from even being opened. The Data has to be so secure that people should not be able to open it(when they find out where the files are stored in). But it should still retrieve results based on data in BE database. I tried applying password to the BE .mdb. But it did not help running the front end. Instead came up with an error. Is there a way to restrict access to BE .mdb totally (as it is only a copy of the database I have in my drive). Any help would be greatly regarded.

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Front And Back Ends

Jul 25, 2007

Hi guys,
I need help with security settings and that. I have a database which i want available on a shared server. Basically i only want people to beable to see one form but not beable to see anything else or make any changes to this form.

Do i need to split and make a front and back end? I will want to make occasional changes to tables etc.. and so would want this to automatically update on the database seen by everyone else.

Sorry, not making much sense but am bit confused about it all!

Any help from some clever peeps?

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