Backing Up Entire Database

Sep 12, 2005

Hi :rolleyes:
I would like when I click a button for the system to automatically create a copy of the whole database and place it into a separate folder. How would I do this??? :confused:


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Backing Up A Database

Dec 21, 2004

Is there a way to automatically backup a database? Or is copying the mdb file the only way? Also..has anyone written any VB code that might do this when the database closes?

Any help is much appreciated.

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Backing Up/Recombining A Split Database??

Jun 29, 2005

I am wondering if there is a way to recombine a database once it has been split?

More specifically, I am going to split a database on our server so that different individuals can access it at the same time. I am wondering if there is a way to allow for a backup to be done such that if the server crashed, which I am afraid it might, we could recover our database without difficulties.

Is there a way to make a working backup of a split database if you change the directories that the different files are stored in?

Thanks for the help.

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How To Search Entire Database

Aug 8, 2014

Is there a way to search an entire database? Almost like a Google search where a user could put in a few key words and it would retrieve all records no matter which fields the key words appeared in?

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Rename/Save As Function For Entire Database

Aug 24, 2006


I am running an autocompact module in Access97 which will created a 'compacted version' of my database. I then want to rename this compacted version to the name of the original database I compacted. I cannot however find a way of doing this in code.

Basically the idea is to compact every 45 minutes or so, but what my autocompact is doing is creating a compacted version under a different name, and so compacting a copy of the database, I then want to change this compacted database name to the original name and re compact every 45 mins

Can anyone help?

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Modules & VBA :: Attachment Locking The Entire Database

Jun 13, 2013

I have access BD and every one use it through shared folder. My problem is in attachment ! , if i use the regular attachment filed in access there is one user only able to attach files and others can`t attach any thing until he finish.

I tried to do attachment through VBA like below which make it worse as it lock the DB so, no one can even open the DB and one user only access the DB .

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rsParent As DAO.Recordset2
Dim rsChild As DAO.Recordset2
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rsParent = me.Recordset

[Code] .....

How multi users attach files at the same time without locking the DB.....

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General :: Search Bar That Scans Entire Database

Nov 4, 2012

I wonder if by any chance it is possible to create a search bar that scans the entire database- or lemme say the fields i assigned to such search bar- that can be put in the switchboard or so.

According to my level of understanding of access, this should be a query.

However, is it possible to make it appear like a search bar that could be placed where I want it; in this case in the switchboard??

Does it require a certain code or something?

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Changing Theme Design Of Entire Database

Oct 6, 2011

Not a very important question and is just for aesthetics however is there a way to make every form, every command button the same colour, font, size etc?

I have selected a theme however it does not change all forms, labels, text boxes, etc

I don't really want to have to go change them all one by one

For example I would like to get rid of all the navigation on all my forms can you change it over whole database or just individually?

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Forms :: Button To Make A Copy Of Entire Database

May 28, 2015

Is there any way i can a button on a form which will make a copy of my entire database?

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Modules & VBA :: Database Project - Update Entire Column Of Subform

Oct 31, 2013

I am working on a database project where I will Select a record on a subform

See the picture attached.

I know that using DAO recordset, i can update the checkbox one by one, but it become way too long when I have thousands of record...

May I know if there is a way to Select entire column of the subform?

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Auto Backup On Entire Database Close / Forms Included

May 10, 2014

I have a database with multiple forms and I would like to on close I would assume of the form, save a backup to a specific folder. This will all change once I move the database to the server but for now want a backup on my machine. Here is my code:

Private Sub Form_Close()
Call db_backup
End Sub
Below is in a module


The problem is when I run this the program will give me an error saying: runtime error 438 object does not support this property or method

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Forms :: Adding Field To A Form Breaks Entire Database Record Source?

Sep 26, 2014

I am building a database where one Form displays records from 14 different tables. For some reason, when I recently try to add a field on to a form from a new table, the ENTIRE form loses the record source, and every single field that is already on the form gets that green dot in the corner with errors surrounding a record source that cannot be found. What am I doing wrong? Am I exceeding some limitations with forms?

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Read Only And Backing Up

Oct 24, 2005

Hey, can someone help me out here,
I want to make my database so it is read-only for all other people who use it, besides me, as I'm the only one who really is making changes to it. Would there be a way to do this, perhaps in a multi-user environment?

Also does Access have a tool to automatically backup the database at regular intervals, such as the end of a day. I thought it had that feature but couldn't find it in help.


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The Importance Of Backing Up

Jun 28, 2007

I'm posting this in the general area as it will eventually save nearly everyone a headache of mass proportions.

Any regular reader of these forums has heard myself and many others talk about the importance of backing up your data on a regular schedule. I've described my method in a little detail, and others have also explained their methods. However, almost without fail, there will be a post in here at least once a week about someone's DB becoming corrupted, lost, deleted, or otherwise FUBARed.

It used to be a pain in the butt to remember to back things up, to track CDs, etc. Lately, however, it's becoming increasingly more affordable to simply buy an external hard drive and schedule it to back up once a day, once every other day, or whatever.

I personally bought a 320GB external drive for $99 at a local giant electronics store, and it backs up my entire 300GB drive once a week at 3:00am every Sunday. Mine takes about 90 minutes to complete, but your mileage may vary depending on the size of your drive, what you decide to backup, etc.

I'm just passing along the information that it has become amazingly cheap to backup everything for very cheap, and you don't even have to think about it. It's just there as a just in case when you need it. There's nothing more frustrating than realizing that everything you've worked on for the past month is suddenly gone, be it to DB corruption, hard drive failure, etc. However, that is completely beat out by the feeling that it's backed up securely.

I don't have any vested interest in this stuff. Rather, there isn't much else for $99 that affords that piece of mind. Keep it in mind the next time you're proud of all the work you've done. It would suck to lose it, wouldn't it? ;)

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Backing Up File

Feb 21, 2006

Is it possible to place a button on a form which will create a backup of the entire file? I add records to a db on a daily basis, and would like to make the process of creating a backup a little easier.


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General :: Backing Up Db While Db Still In Use

Jun 9, 2015

Will copying the database file while it is still in use, cause corruption in the original file?I've read numerous places that you shouldnt copy the file while it is being opened by another user because you dont know what sort of state the db is in.How to interpret that sentence? Is the consern here that the copy may be corrupt, or that copying the db file corrupts the "active" db file?

I have a script that copies the file each 15 minutes. I also take regular backups manually simply by CTRL+C ->CTRL+V
I then check the "new file", and do a compact and repair. If nothing seems to be wrong, I save it in my backupfolder. Is this actually a problem?

But now, I read that simply copying a db file may cause corruption..Split db, backend about 10mb, 15 concurrent users, all users are writing to the db, all users have their own frontend.All users are on citrix terminal server.

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JET Transfers Entire Table?

Oct 8, 2007

I read somewhere that the main difference between JET AND SQL server is that a query rn through JET transfers the whole table across the network to the client machine and then processes it. Whereas, SQL server just transfers the particular record, say if you use a stored procedure.
Is this actually true?
What about if it's usng a SQL back end?
Any links on this subject?

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##### Errors Across An Entire Record

Nov 24, 2004

We have a database that was being used by two different people to edit the same record at the same time. They both got error messages and now there is one record on the table that is now filled with ######. The table will no longer allow any queries to be ran against it. We figured that that table is somehow corrupt. We tried to compact and repair and that didn't work. It won't allow us to copy nor export any data from it. Are there anythoughts as to what we can do?

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Save Entire Record At Once

Jan 24, 2006

Hi Guys

I have a main table, which I then query specifying 'XXX' in multiple fields to bring back no records. Then I set up a form based on that query so I always have a blank form to enter details to the table.

Access is saving the record every time I amend a field. I'm now stipulating that many of the fields must have data in and am repeatedly getting the 'field name must not be zero' error message even when I'm nowhere near that field.

I need to disable autosave and then put the docmd.acsave etc once all fields are complete.

Any ideas how best to do this?

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Excluding An Entire Table?

Oct 9, 2006

I have one table that will consists of about 1,000 rows. I have another table that consists of product codes that we want to exclude from the report. I know how to include the two tables by joining, but I want to EXCLUDE the 2nd table of product codes. Basically, if any of the product codes listed on table 2 are on table 1, I don't want them to appear. So how can I do an exclude function in a query?

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Import Records But Not Entire Table

Dec 23, 2004

Is there a way to import the records from another database table? I have an inventory database, blank, only the backend data is there. So everyone goes out on their own and gets inventory. At the end of the day, I would like to get flie 1, file 2, file 3, and only open file one, and only import the record from the other two inventory tables.

All these files will be exactly the same(Tables, queries,forms, everything). The only thing that will be different will be the data in the inventory table. Thanks for you help!

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Search Entire Table And All Fields

Dec 28, 2005

I have a table that has the following: Joint Account, Employer, Employer1...Employer20, subemployer1, subemployer2... subemployer5, addemployer1, addemployer2... addemployer5, removeemployer1, removeemployer2....removeemployer5.

It might be possible that any of the columns with the word "employer" in them have the same number in them. The Joint Account column might have the repeating number in it as well.

I want to be able to push a button on a form open a input box and enter a 7 digit employer number and search through the whole table and return all the rows where that number particular number is.

I have tried building a query using "like" in the criteria but you can only use that 8 times.

I have searched through this forum, but I am unable to find something that I could use. As I m not a seasoned access user, I do not quite know what to do with some of the other "search" questions I have seen.

Thank you in advance for any help that could be given or pointing in the right direction.


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Select Entire Field Automatically

Mar 14, 2006

I want to have the entire field in a textbox selected, automatically, everytime the control is entered--- so the user can just begin typing and automatically type over the existing data in the textbox.

How do I do this?

I thought it would be as simple as adding something like the following to the textbox's on_enter event:

Sendkeys "doubleclick"

The textbox will always contain just a single "word", so this idea should work....but I can't find anything like a "doubleclick" that can be used with SendKeys.

THanks for any ideas.

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Spell Check Entire Subform

Mar 20, 2006

I have a subform in datasheet view. I would like to put a button on the mainfor that checks all the subform records for spelling mistakes. Is this possible?

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Inserting AND Updating Entire Table

Sep 19, 2004


I am currently working with a database that has a table called "Students." I need to import records from a textfile that has a bunch of records, some new, some existing records but updated. I got them to import into a table used for imports (called "Import Table") and I was able to run a query to append the records if they were not already existing, but how do I get a Query to do both new inserts and updating existing records with new info from the imported data?


Bob is in the database already, but needs to update his records. His updated record is in a textfile which is now in the "Import Table". But in that same textfile/table, there are some new people that need to be added.


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Modules & VBA :: Move Entire Folder

Dec 12, 2014

I have a form which has a field called quote directory, this contains the path of the quote documents and sub folders, I also have a field called project directory.

When a quote is confirmed I have it all working so a new folder is created with specfic details like project number etc.What I want to do is move the folder from the quote directory and put it in the newly created folder in the project directory.

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