Based On This Checksheet How To Create A Table?

Jan 27, 2005

Below is my attachment file.

ٱ - checkbox
spec 1 is not a record. when u are adding a new checklist, the format should be like that. But i duNNo how to create table based on this.

-no update

but for spec 1 do i need to create another table?

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Create A Table Based On 2 Tables With Different Fields

Apr 17, 2007


I have attached a zipped excel workbook to best describe what I'm trying to do. I have table1 and table2 and I'm trying to write a query in access to get the output as shown in the workbook. I'm having hard time getting this right. I would appreciate your help if possible. Tks


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Forms :: Create Table Based On Textbox?

May 1, 2015

I have a userform that has 4 textboxes and a command button.

The user types in box1 a Rack, in box2 a shelf, in box3 a place and in box4 a shelf.

The user types in Rack textbox 18
The user types in Bay textbox 4
The user types in Shelf textbox 2
The user types in Place textbox 3

I then would like to create that amount of records in a new Temp table.

The attached file shows what the results of the output should be.

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Create Monthly Table Based On Employee List

Dec 26, 2006

Greetings all!!!

I have a database containing a table of employees and their rank. I want to record monthly details regarding these people: hours, performance, etc. Their rank can change dynamically from month to month. They may be a Supervisor for a month, and I want to change this value on a monthly basis. But I want to generate a Table which shows all employees belonging to each of the eight departments, but which has empty fields enabling me to record these monthly values. I then want to be able to pull up that data at any time to see these values for any given month in the past. I also want to add the values of each field and total them for the various departments providing monthly and yearly values on a departmental and organizational (grand total) level.

The employee names and their respective departments rarely change. I don't want to have to select their names (about 125 of them) every month to create a new blank form in which to put the monthly data. I want to have perhaps a button which creates the records and puts the names in for (1) department, (2) year, and (3) month, but that adds the fixed fields ready to put the data in. This data is required every month and the field names will never change. I'm sure the solution is programmatically simple, but I seem to have a mental block over the issue.

I hope that someone casts some light on this.

Do I use a Create Table query? (The data can remain in one table.) I would like to do it programmatically. My VB is pretty good, but, it seems, not good enough.


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Create An Entry In A Table Based On Records Matching

May 23, 2006

Where a many to many relationships is resolved with a linking table...Is it possible to create an entry in the linking table where the two linked tables have the same value e.g. create a entry in the linking table where client table has same value as a job profile table i.e. both are in insurance. Therefore want to create an entry in the middle table with foreign keys from either link automatically


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Create / Update A New Table Automatically Based On Two Other Tables?

Aug 6, 2015

I created two tables, let's refer to them as Cars (VW, BMW and Audi) and Colours (White, Black and Grey).

Is it possible to create another table based on these tables - i.e. in the new table the rows will be the Cars and the columns the Colours as such:





And should I enter another Car or Colour in one of the first mentioned tables, then I would like this "new" table to update automatically. For example, if I have a new Car (say, Merc), then I would like the "new" table to update to the following:






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General :: Update Table Based On Form - Create Multiple Rows

Apr 15, 2014

I have a table with the following columns: Task, Visa type, time it takes to perform the task. There are several taks that are performed for all visa types. I want to create a form to enter data to the table in which for the field visa type I have a list box that can allow multiple values, however, I do not to create a single line with the task and on visa type all the types of visas selected. I want to create a line for each type of visa with the information introduced.

I don't know if this is possible, the reason for which I want for the form to create several rows depending on the visas types is because then I have a query that sums all the types of visas. Can this be possible? I don't want the people to introduce manually directly to the table the data and also that for the same taks they have to enter manually 50 rows with values. I want it to be more simple and easier.

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Auto Create Usernames Based On Name?

Oct 20, 2013

For a project i'm working on i'm manually entering e-mail addresses, names, and surnames. I would like a username and password automatically generated based on what the corresponding fields' first name and surname is with formatting.


Is there any way i can do this using input masks and validation rules? Would this require a VBA script?

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General :: Auto Create Usernames Based On Name?

Oct 20, 2013

For a project i'm working on i'm manually entering e-mail addresses, names, and surnames. I would like a username and password automatically generated based on what the corresponding fields' first name and surname is with formatting.

First Name Surname Username Password
John Smith johnsmith01 j.smith.01

Is there any way i can do this using input masks and validation rules? Would this require a VBA script?

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Tables :: How To Create ID Based On Number Of Records

Nov 26, 2014

I have a table with an empty column called ActionID. I need to generate a numerical number that begins with 5000 and goes up by 1 number on each saved record. I have a basic form that links all of my other field to the table except the one I need to generate (ActionID) but will need that number saved to the table once its created.

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Modules & VBA :: Create Columns Based On Subgroupings

Nov 19, 2013

What I'm trying to do is create columns based on subgrouping. See attached example in excel.

It's almost like transposing but not it.

The names of the columns don't really matter. It's to be used in a dynamic excel workbook for looksups.

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Queries :: Create New Records Based On Query?

Dec 24, 2013

How do I create new records based on the results of a query?

I opened the query results in a form then I want to have a button that basically creates new records based off the query data ... is this possible?

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Use Vb To Create New Records Based On Number Range

Apr 16, 2014

I am looking for a way to use vb, or any other way, to allow my users to enter a railcar initial and then a number sequence and add new records to the end of the table.

For example in a form the user can enter the car initial and the number sequence
Railcar initial: GATX
Number sequence : 290001 - 290100

I would like a way to create a temp table that then has 100 records
GATX 290001
GATX 290002
GATX 290003
etc etc.

I can then use this temp table in an append query to add them to my main table.

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How To Create A Summary Page Based On Selection

Sep 21, 2015

I created a database with a list of companies, with many details in separate tables linking them - shareholders, directors, address etc.

Now i want to create something where the user will be able to just Select the company, and the information would be shown below just for that company. I would want to design of course in order to appear nice.

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Create Multiple Records Based On Date Range

Jun 28, 2006

I have developed a Debt Management program for work but I am stuck on a feature that we need to add to it. Basically I have a table which holds "planned future transactions". These are ad hoc transactions that need to be added from time to time to the clients budget. For example the client might have $500 a quarter for school fees for the next two years or he might receive a bonus every six months for the next 5 years. Currently we are putting these in manually but it is tedious and is causing complaints. The feature I require is to be able to add a record such as the school fees, nominate that this fee is paid every three months for the next 8 quarters and get the system, say through an append query? to create 8 records, each with the appropriate date 3 months after the previous one.

Any suggestions or assistance would be appreciated.


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Can You Create New Column In A Query Based Off Of Data From Two Columns Already There

Feb 4, 2008

I will need to create a new column in a query with data based off of two columns currently in my DB.

Current fields are: [TestType] & [TestReason].
New TEMP field will be [TestCombo]

TestType has 4 possible option via drop down.
TestReason has 21 possible options via drop down.
TestCombo will be one of 10 options depending on the data in TestType & TestReason.

examples: (here is an example of how the combo field will be populated. There will be ten total rules like this. one for each possible text option in the combo box.)
If [TestType] is "DRUG" & [TestReason] is "PRE" or "RAND" or "PA" then [TestCombo] would be "DOTDT".

If [TestType] is "ALCOHOL" & [TestReason] is "PRE" or "RAND" or "PA" then [TestCombo] would be "DOTAT".

If [TestType] is "DRUG" & [TestReason] is "N-PRE" or "N-OTHER" or "N-FUP" then [TestCombo] would be "NDDT".

The data does not need to be saved anywhere at all in the database, just generated when pulling this query. It will then be exported and dumped into another system.

Thanks. Here is a temp copy of the database with some junk data to maybe make it a little more clear.

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Create A New Record, Opening A Form Based On The Key Field

Jan 28, 2005

I seem to need some help!
I have a table with customer information in it ie: name, vehicle, (Key=Id number)...
it is the master link to the repair table ie: mileage, (Key=ROnumber), and repair data..
these two work together beautifull
now I need to add another table, a check sheet for checking over a vehicle.
I create the table and the form however I cannot open a new form with the ROnumber from the second already open form into the newly open form.
(the second form is based on a Query, and I have tried changing it to a SQL statement both with no luck)
is there an example of what I need to be doing to link the ROnumber to the ROnumber in the new form, or create the ROnumber so it will add the data in the linked table?
I need this to open using a button on the open repair form

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Create Checkboxes During Form Open Based On Query

Feb 20, 2005

I am working on a database that tracks products. The products are divided into groups (Bath Salt, Stick Incense, Candle, etc.) and these are store in a table. The products themselves are stored in another table.

When a new scent is created, it can belong to multiple groups ... for instance, Strwberry Vanilla could be a perfume, a bath salt, a candle, stick incense.

When the form is opened, I want to read the contents of the groups table and create a check box for each entry.

I do not really want to use a list/combo box for this task ... would prefer to be able to check in a list of boxes to specify what groups to create entries for when a new product is entered.


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General :: Create Chart Based On Unbound Textbox

Mar 5, 2014

I try to develop an access 2010 Forms that contains 1 or 2 charts. So my problem is, in my form I have 1 combobox and 5 unbound textbox. Inside Event OnChange combobox, there is function DCount that will setup value to the 5 unbound textbox. Until this point, the 5 unbound textbox is have its value.

Now I would like to create a chart that value are based on the 5 unbound text. How can i accomplish this ? i see in many articles, a chart row source is link to a cross tab query.

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Queries :: Create Numerical Sequence Based On Second Field

Aug 30, 2014

Have two tables: Assignment and StudentHeader - they are related by AssignmentGUID

Have the SQL:

SELECT StudentHeader.[Student ID], StudentHeader.GUID
FROM Assignment INNER JOIN StudentHeader ON Assignment.GUID = StudentHeader.[Assignment GUID]
WHERE (((Assignment.[Assignment Type])="Q") AND ((Assignment.[Assignment Number])=2))
GROUP BY StudentHeader.[Student ID], StudentHeader.GUID
ORDER BY StudentHeader.[Student ID], StudentHeader.GUID;

This returns:

Student IDGUID

I want a third field - Sequence - based on the Student ID and GUID, therefore

Student IDGUIDSequence

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Queries :: Create Sums Based On Weekly Range?

Jun 26, 2014

I'm creating a query for a someone who wants quantities summed by a weekly range and correspond to a week number. This person wants Access to do something that is a simple function on Excel.

I have no clue how to do this or if Access is even made to do something like this.

This is an example of what I have so far


P/N QTYWork DateWW (Work Week)

....And so on

My code is

SELECT dbo_JBKLG.JKPRT AS P/N, dbo_JOB.JBQOR AS QTY, CDate(Mid([JKDDT],5,2) & "/" & Right([JKDDT],2) & "/" & Left([JKDDT],4)) AS [Work Date], DatePart("ww",[Work Date]) AS [WW]
GROUP BY dbo_JBKLG.JKPRT, dbo_JOB.JBQOR, CDate(Mid([JKDDT],5,2) & "/" & Right([JKDDT],2) & "/" & Left([JKDDT],4))

There are more part numbers and the data from the other parts must be in the same format in the same query.



25COMP 15506/09-06/15WW24
25COMP 22706/16-06/22WW25
25COMP 16006/23-06/29WW26
25COMP 20006/30-07/06WW27

.....And so on

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Dynamically Create N Fields Based On User Input

May 31, 2015

I run a charity pre-school and have invoices to send out. Some of the parents cant afford to pay the whole amount in one go, so we give them a payment plan. e.g. If an invoice is for a 6 week term we let them pay weekly. So I have a check box on my form to say "are you on a payment plan".

Then - I have an free form input box..."How many payments..." and the answer may for instance be '6'.

What I want to do now is dynamically create/display 6 date fields, to record what the agreed payment dates are.

but maybe the answer is 4, or 7, etc. So I need to create/display the correct number of payment date fields.

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Reports :: Create Consecutive Numbers In A Row Based On User Input?

Jul 31, 2013

I have list of candidates shown in report. I need each candidate to have a unique number based on user input. And this number increases by 1 for the rest of the candidates in the report.

Example is below:

If user enters 1132 in the user input box then the numbers shown in report should be as below:

Name Assignment Number

Felicity Thomas 1132
Andrew Sen 1133
Andy Luker 1134

Similarly if number entered is 2345 then the numbers shown in the report will be:

Name Assignment Number
Felicity Thomas 2345
Andrew Sen 2346
Andy Luker 2347

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Forms :: Create A Filter Based On A Set Of Inputs Via Combo Boxes

Sep 19, 2013

I have a form and a subform with a master/child relationship set based on the primary key of each underlying table. All good there.Now, I want to use VBA to create a filter based on a set of inputs via combo boxes. But the filter must filter both the Parent and Child records.Example. "Show me only records where both only the Parent.Field1 = "string" and Child.Field = "string".I can do this in a QRY as follows:

SELECT Projects.[Project Number], Lessons.[Actions Resolved]
FROM Projects INNER JOIN Lessons ON Projects.ProjectsRecordID = Lessons.ProjectsRecordID
WHERE (((Projects.[Project Number])="AU-2102421") AND ((Lessons.[Actions Resolved])=True));

But, if I make this as a record source for the Parent Form, then the records in the Parent Form are repeated for each individual record in the Child form.

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Trying To Create A Report (calendar Style) Based On Weekly Activities

Jan 15, 2015

I have created a table for a Gym that shows which classes / activities are on which days. You will notice in the image below that i have assigned Boolean to associate a class with a day of the week.

I now am trying to create a Calendar STyle report that GROUPS all activities by the day they are on. So, for example, see below:

As you can see, all of Monday's activities will appear first (in a group) followed by Tuesdays.

One way I think I could achieve this is by doing a QueryMonday, QueryTuesday...etc so I have dataset or resultsset for each day. Then I could bring into a report, each query as a sub-report. I believe this is overly complex for what i'm trying to achieve. Also, using 5 grouping levels in one report doesn't achieve it either.

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Create A Query With Derived Field Based On Each Change In Recordset

May 5, 2013

I need to come up with a way to derive field X (see below) in a query.

For each change in field A, Set X=1
For each change in field B, X=X+1

The below table shows what the query results should look like.



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