Having read many posts here regarding normalization, table designs with a view to avoiding duplication of data, avoiding storing of calculated contols into a field in a table (duplication as well as danger of keeping data updated, etc) - I would like to clarify something...
I've designed 2 databases, one sticking to the rules and one breaking them...
I hear the 'don't store' - calculate on demand principle - and this works well in the case of closing a new record where you 'store' a value by passing a subtotal from a subform to a field in the main form. All that passing of values works but there are time delays. Look at the time delay of summing a range of values in a form footer...bout half a second in general...So in this case, storing values fails...(incidentally is there an 'event' for this time delay a calculated control takes to show it's value in a form? - OnErrorCausedByDelayOfCalculatedControlToDisplayIt 'sValue?? Oops ignore the apostrophe ;-).....).
On the other hand you may want to work through many thousands of records, summarising all your data into reports, charts, etc...It just seems that if you stored each records 'total' (say an invoice total) it would be quicker for to work through thousands of 'ready stored numbers' rather than thousands of 'calculations to get those numbers'...or maybe I'm missing something!?
Sorry for all the fuss, but I'm self taught and I wish I wasn't LOL. I shoulda definitely done college instead of getting hooked on databases in my 30's)
And I'm also sorry if this question has been asked before, even under different wording...
The first time a person tries to use Microsoft Access, they are likely to miss the whole point of what a database is and how to use it. When they start having trouble making it work for them, they think in terms of what they may be doing wrong in their use of the obvious tools of Access. But often their problem is that they are unfamiliar with the principles that make databases so useful and they have started with a flawed database schema.
This tutorial is intended to explain the underlying principles of relational databases. It is, admittedly, rather theoretical and perhaps even boring. But without an understanding of these principles, a beginner cannot hope to use Access for any really useful purpose. If you are a beginner, I urge you to read through the entire tutorial.
There are several issues that arise time and time again, such as:
. Storing multiple values in a field. . Storing calculated values in a table. . Determining primary keys. . Using Autonumbers. . How many tables does this database need? . Why don't my queries work?
Sometimes answers in the forum make it sound like these things are a matter of preference, or "which is the best?" But in most cases, they are not--there are well established rules that determine the one correct answer. It is only with an understanding of the principles of relational database theory that you can determine the answers.
So I hope you will find it worth your time to study this 7-page tutorial. If you think you've found something in it that's incorrect, incomplete or impossible to understand, please feel free to contact me. I have been known to make mistakes!
Please can you guys give me some basic help, im pulling my hair out over this one!
Attached is a test database which im writing at work, what I would like to happen is that when a new machine ID is selected from the drop down box (combo box) all the relevant fields update with all the information in them.
Please could somebody download my test database have a quick look, see if they can sort it for me then upload it back and explain how they did it.
I am trying to create a database for our organization that will keep track of our "Gift Fund". I have a table with all of our personnel that includes all of their basic info with a customer ID field as the PK. I then have a table that is for all of the transactions. Deposits, withdrawls, description, date, customer ID to relate the two tables and transaction ID as the PK.
So we have a table with our personnel and a table to record transactions. Transactions occur anytime we put money in or take money out as well as when one of our personnel becomes a member of this fund by paying their "dues".
I have created a form to update our personnel table. It works fine. I also have a form to enter basic transactions. It also works fine. My problem lies where I try to make a form that will add a member to this fund (which in the personnel table is a yes/no checkbox) at the same time entering this as a transaction. Ideally the form would have the user pick personnel from a drop down list, click the yes/no checkbox making them a member and then entering their "dues" as a transaction.
Ultimately I would like to be able present this info in several dif reports showing all the silly statistics that boss' love to see.
Any help would be appreciated and if I have left out any key info, let me knw and I will be more specific.
A family is to enter basic income and expenses data comprising of date, description, catagory and price. The family don't work on a budget that is lost at the end of the month if it is not used, but rather it accumulates in each allocated catagory. example: Money not spent on a 'holiday' this month will build up each month in the 'holiday' catagory until it is spent.
They need to enter data. Query, add, modify, and delete records. Also, to print simple reports.
1. Is this a big project for a novice? 2. What exactly is required to be done? i.e What do you suggest I need? 3. Would it be better to buy SimplyAccounting Basic if it did the job?
I have written a basic query that looks at the date field, department field and cost the cost field on a table. What I would like is a form that you can chose a date (19/09/2005) and a it looks at the table and calculates the total sum of money for each department for this date. Ie.
Hello all This is a pretty basic query I guess but I am having trouble solving this.. Can anyone help plsssssssss. I have two tables Table1 Code Serial_No Amount1 Amount2 1 ABC 100 200 1 ABC 720 220 4 ABC 150 112 9 PQR 11 25 9 ZZZ 122 44 9 ZZZ 1250 42
Table2 Code Serial_No Amount1 Amount2 1 ABC 24 20 1 PPP 72 22 4 ABC 15 12 9 PQR 11 54 9 ZZZ 22 44 9 ZZZ 150 99 and total of the amount as 844 and 440
I have write a query to select only the Code common to both the tables and add total of amounts for these codes. For eg. I want rows Outpput 1 ABC 100 200 1 ABC 720 220
I have two tables: A & B, and I want to join the two by a common field, and only add one field from B to the A table (based on the common field). How do I accomplish this?
I'm trying to understand queries a little better -
If I have a query linked to a Report does the query run first - then open the report? It's just that If I make a new entry to a table the query seems not to be showing the new entry.
Secondly there are different types of query - what are they for? EG Updat Append etc
Hi, Many thanks to those who helped with my last couple of problems.
I've allmost completed my project now and am debugging.
I've found that in order to close one of my forms, which has combo boxes on it, I need to have no values selected in those combo boxes. Could someone give me the visual basic script (or any alternative meathod) for resetting the combo boxes to their default values; i.e. nothing selected in them!
I have a table with eight fields. I want to do a chart where I the piles are "tighten" togther two and two. I would like the chart to look something like this (Example):
If I am developing a form for data entry into a table, should the various controls in the form be bound to the fields in the table or not?
I have seen that if they are then any entry into the form control automatically fills up the fields in the table.
So, as an alternative, should the controls be unbound and the data entry be through an event procedure with an SQL string?? I will be glad to supply more specific information if needed... Thanks in advance!
if i have multiple tables set up with multiple attributes and one common attribute, say email, is there a way for the user to enter once from a site or form or whatever and the email record be filled in all the tables.
So I have a table with two fields of info that I want to concatenate into a new field. My problem is Field 1 consists of data as such (FI, EDG, EQ, EM, etc...) I only want to concatenate if the value in field 1 is NOT FI (all others are okay). I am trying to no avail to build an if/then statement. Is there an easy way to accomplish this goal and preserve the same # of rows in the resulting query?
How do I create a form with multiple subforms? I need to create a receiving report that allows for entry of multiple types of merchandise received (tracked by barcode) as well as multiple employees (tracked by employee ID#). I think I need a form with two subforms. Has anyone ever dealt with this?
I'm not sure how to proceed. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm in the military. I have a table with individuals who have been awarded various decorations. With each decoration a set of orders has to be published. If there is a mistake on the orders, another set of orders has to be published (amendments).
The original orders and subsequent amendments are sequentially numbered and dated. For example, GA001, 1 Jan 05; GA002, 3 Jan 05.
I have two tables: (1) demographic and award data; (2) Order numbers (with issue date; y/n field for amendment).
I linked the tables with a common field Table One (one) to Table Two (many).
I built a form for Table one. I want a subform in the master from to show all the orders issued for that person/decoration but I don't know how to show the next available order number without calling up Table two.
Is it possible to show all the assigned order#s/date PLUS the next available order number?
I just want it to deduct: one numeric field from another - to get a miles travelled number ? one currency figure from another - to get how much more/less fuel was used than last month ?
also to work out: an average of 3 figures to multiply one figure by another ?
Is this possible ? How easy is it ?
This is because I want to move my Excel spreadsheets to Access so I can alalyse it better and create custom reports. But despite browsing Access for a while, I can't find the features I need, or anything in the help file to help me.
I've been using Access for a few years (Access 2000) and have created two custom databases from scratch.
Jay Evans IT Support Co-ordinator for Simply Drinks Ltd
It has been a long while since I messed with Access (or any database) and I am having some trouble finding my way around in design and query.
I have a database with approximately 30 tables which are identical. (All imported from the same application.) The tables vary in size from 2 to 100 records. 6 fields in each. The database will be mainly used for retaining historical data. I would like to be able to query all of them at the same time for a keyword in a field for instance, but as well I think that there may be value in keeping them as individual tables.
I’m having trouble getting my head around the easiest way to tackle this simple project, and any guidance would be much appreciated.
Hi I posted a thread in the tables section but two things have made me decide to try again. 1) No one answered my Question 2) I Asked my question in a way that was VERY confusing.
So I'm trying again here. I have a DB that will be used for invoicing clients. Some of the data is variable between jobs, clients & vice versa. Some of the data is recurring.
I have several tables that I need to link. They hold information that is labourious to enter over & over in a spreadsheet so I thought a database would be the answer.
One table is called tbl_Consumables This table has data which varies from time to time but not all data is changed (IE the price of an item may change from month to month. This presents a problem because if I use a table to store the consumables data & the table is linked to an invoice via the ConsumablesID field I can't change any of the consumables data without changing past invoices that should show the old price not the new price.
Basically I can get my head around how the basic design should be set up. I have two main problems. A) Trying to link a days work to an invoice & be able to change data in the future without affecting past invoices and, B) I don't know how to set up the relationships & tables so info is linked.
I have a copy of the DB here. The tables are only minimal fields & data at the moment as I don't want to go to all the trouble of setting this up & then having to change everything.
Here is something I wonder if it has already existed or been asked before, a program or an add-in feature that can compile an Access database (including forms, reports, tables...) to a stand-alone .exe application, just like Visual Basic does. The reason why I think it's doable is because in Access, we use VB codes anyway and it wouldn't need to be rocket-science for Access to do something like that or this would be an improvement for future versions.
There are plenty of advantages of going from an Access form to a stand-alone app, i.e. we wouldn't need codes to hide background and menu or status bar; we wouldn't need to disable mouse-scroll or prevent users to go back and accidentally delete past records; or we wouldn't need to worry about users seeing your terrific coding techniques and on and on.....Agree that all these can be done within Access but imagine how much time it'd save you from not doing all these things.
ok I'm an accounting major and for one of my classes which is accounting information systems, they are making us design a database in access. Long story short, our teacher is horrible and is not teaching us access and continues to assume we know it and ignores us when we explain to her that access was never taught in our lower level classes. Our book also does not cover access to an extent that will help us with this project.
I have a small access assignment that requires we make a database for a small video rental store. The only things that need to be kept in mind are that the store has many customers, you stock over 2,500 different movies with most having multiple copies. All daily transactions need to be managed.
I have a relational database done.. I'm just asking if anyone feels like looking at it and pointing out some mistakes or areas that should be worked on or improved I would really appreciate it.. Thank You in advanced!
I am new to databases,, in fact I've never created one before,, However I started learning today , for this project,, I'm going to be learning on my own, but if someone feels kind they can give me the basics on how (the following) database would be created.
Box # (Number)
CBS Code (number)
Shackle Code (Number)
Agent Name
Property Street
Date Out
Date In
Where I can put in a Box # and it will fill in the other information for that box, showing if its currently out (aka no check in date with most current record),
If its not I can input Agent name, property, and Date out (then it will be checked out)? or some way to accomplish this.
Info can also be looked up by Agent name with autofill for the rest of the fields?,
Or Property with autofill
If searched by box Num, I want all previous agents used (check in and check out value) as well as current
If search by Agent, I want all box information from past, check in, and check in/out. with the rest of the records,,
I know this is possible,, And I'll figure it out,, But help speeding my learning would be appriciated