Before I Start - Advice/criticism On Small Charity Database (re)design Please?

Aug 8, 2007

I was going to say before I screw it up, but that would have made the title too long.

I've read some forum history and done some searches and can't see that a similar query has come up previously - but if anyone can point me at previous relevant threads then that would be much appreciated. I've looked at some of the design theory threads, but am not really sure whether I've applied some of the good stuff in there effectively - and have put this query here as it's specific to my database rather than a 'general principles' thing.

I am hoping that some kind person/people might be able to pick holes in my planned database revamp as I may not have seen some of the pitfalls - thank you.

Background: I am the first and sole employee of a grant-making trust and set up our (still relatively small) database early on - wish I could have waited, but before my database everything was paper-based and impossible to manage. The data is all on the database, but an exponential growth in number of enquiries/applications over the last year means that it can't be easily manipulated in a way that meets our needs because of my short-sighted (OK, poor owing to inexperience in job) initial design in some areas.

What it's supposed to do: In brief, the way our organisation works is that we get a phone call or a letter or sometimes an entire application from a charity or community group, decide what to do with it and have to manage the funding contract (regular reviews, grant instalments) if the application is successful.

I think existing data is reasonably normalised (certainly at least equivalent to normalisation in the structure below) so migration shouldn't be a problem, but if anyone spots any normalisation or naming convention issues then please do point them out - I'm an Access amateur, but would like to get it as right as I can (this time). Small letters indicate linked tables, numbers indicate 'footnotes'.

ProjID (primary key)
ProjName (a)
Organisation (b)
ProjSource (c)
ProjStatus (d)
ProjResponse (Lookup: Letter, E-mail, No response*) (1)
ProjReasonDecline (e)
ProjNote (description)

(a) tblProjEvent
PEvID (primary key)
ProjEvent (g)
ProjEvDesc - additional detail - e.g. who involved, topic if not obvious from event field.
ProjEvActWho - who is responsible if future action
ProjEvActDue - due date
ProjEvActComp - checkbox
ProjEvNote (NB not to duplicate description - more for 'additional notes arising from completed action' or sensitivities that may need to be considered and kept separate from regular reporting)

(b) tblOrganisation
Details not listed for brevity, but split one field per line of address/detail, org name as primary key - existing table can be migrated as is (2). Includes suppliers, networking orgs. (f)

(c) tblProjSourceLup
How they heard about us - list of sources for speed/consistency of data entry.

(d) tblProjStatusLup
What it says on the tin - where we're at right now with a project. History/status changes recorded in tblProjAction.

(e) tblProjReasonDecline
List of common reasons for speed/consistency of data entry

(f) tblOrgContacts
OrgContact ID (primary key)
Names/personal details of organisational contacts, split one field per item (firstname, lastname, jobtitle, etc).

(g) tblProjEventLup
Letter, Funding contract, review meeting, report, telecon, Board review, etc. May be a future action.

Accounts functions:
Payments in/out linked to organisation with a lookup table for account types (in, out, grant, donation, expenses etc etc). Works fine and can be migrated as is (2)

The current arrangement of relationships has the organisation as the focus - I'm looking to make the project the focus, which seems to make sense as each project is unique - whereas we may get several project applications from the same organisation - and the existing structure makes it impossible to sort these out :o.


1) Vast number of applications that fall into the "arrive, get read, get binned" category make this duplication worthwhile - most applications won't make it into the Project Event table. Apart from the "Greetings in the name of the Lord"/419 e-mails, they do all need recording somehow so we can spot any trends and correct misinformation - save hard-working fundraisers wasting their time*.

2) Of course data validation will be necessary, but in most tables we're talking hundreds or thousands of records only, not tens of thousands so should not be that onerous. Especially as I've been the only person using the database, so there are hopefully not too many inconsistencies!

This post is too long already, but if I've been uselessly unclear in explaining anything or anyone wants any more before they want to comment on efficacy of structure please let me know. All feedback appreciated (as I said, I work alone, so really looking for idea-bouncing to check I can see the wood as well as the trees as much as anything - thanks).

*As charity is always a sensitive area and some of you may be involved with voluntary work, an OT comment: 'No response' might seem rude - but if an organisation is -clearly- excluded by the criteria on our website, or that very same person (or a large charity who should be able to manage its information effectively) has previously been told that they are ineligible by reason of their location, size or type then they have had their response already. I could spend all day every day writing 'No' letters - I'd rather be doing something more positive with my time (like checking out/meeting with organisations that are potentially eligible so they get their answer - and in some cases money ASAP). Not R-ing TFM (aka grant guidelines) apparently applies to fundraisers as much as any other profession :rolleyes:

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Access 2007 / Design A Small Database For 30 Employees?

May 19, 2013

design a database in access 2007.

employee personal recordemployee job statusleave recordinventory record issue to employeejob performanceinventory control of equipmentforms, queries, tables, login forms.

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Couple Small Design Questions

Oct 18, 2005

Hi All,

I have finished up a database that I will be using to store code snippets. But I have a couple of nagging questions that have been bothering me.

In the right hand portion of my dialog I use a subform to display key words for the code. Is there a way to turn off the column and row headers for the form? Also is there a way to have a transparent background for the subform?

In order to add key words I need to open up another form, enter the words there, close that form and then select them from this dialog. It would be nice to be able to add keywords from this form. FYI, there is a many to many relationship between the key words and the code.

Is there a way to show just my dialog when the database is opened and not the rest of the Access application space? I have unchecked everything in the startup options already.

The last thing is I would love to be able to format the code section so that certain pieces of text are formatted. I am going to start messing around with the some of the free rich text controls but is there an out of the box solution that can handle this task? I was thinking about formatting the code in html and then displaying the html. Is this possible from within Access?

Thanks all,

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Advice On Table Design

Mar 9, 2006

I am trying to decide which is the best way to setup the tables in a customer database.

We have customers with contacts - that bit is simple. Each of out customer has numerous sites and each site has is own contacts.

The questions are:

1. Should there be two tables for Customer sites (main site table and sub site table) or is it best practice to have all sites in a single table with a column linking subsitesID to the ID of the main site: ie

SiteID (PK)
MainSite (if the site is a subsite of another)
More site information fields......

2. The same question really goes for contacts. Should there be a single table for all contacts (easy if only one table for sites) or seperate tables for mainsite contacts and subsite sontact.

I guess this is really about normalisation.

I have managed to get the system I am developing to work with both methods but I would be keen to understand what is the most acceptable method.

Thanks for any help

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Pre-Design Dilemma - Advice Required

Apr 13, 2006

I am about to create a system where I want to use MS Access for data and MS Outlook for email,contact management etc. I have a dilemma (what do I use for storing the contacts)? I know I can use Access and use VBA to send emails etc but I also want the user to be able use Outlook directly to send emails etc as normal using that contacts (Outlook) list.
Using Office XP at the moment btw.

I would appreciate comments as to the best way forward before I start.
Thanks in advance.

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Query Design Problem - Advice?

Feb 4, 2008

Hi all,

I have a table of employee sickness / absence records with the following structure and data:

I have figure out how to write a query which displays the number of days taken for each sickness (END_DATE minus START_DATE).

My problem is that I would to write a query to display the number of days taken for each of the 12 months of the year.

In the example of Employee 4 their sickness spans two different months, I can't get my head around how to produce the correct result which should look like:-

The only way I can think of doing it is by recording each day of sick individually rather than just the start and end days?

ANY input / comments / observations would be greatfully received!


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Report Design Issues - Advice Please?

Mar 28, 2008

My application has 12 main tables, 8 join tables connecting the main tables, 8 tables of attributes about the main tables, 21 note/classification tables, and 1 type table. The application provides relationships between data and does _no_ updating. In order for the data to report correctly, subreports are necessary.

I wish to create one report for a Section of data. There are 3 report possibilities:
1. Report of "section" item in one table, with all connections to items in main tables;
2. Report of "section" item in one table, with all connections to items in main tables and connections to items in attribute tables and note/classification tables, omitting printing of Description fields for all tables;
3. Report of "section" item in one table, with all connections to items in main tables and connections to items in attribute tables and note/classification tables, including printing of Description fields for all tables;

My questions are as follows:
1. Should I be building the report in Access or Crystal? (I have a licence for both, but so far have used only Access).
2. Can these options be built into one report, or do I need multiple reports? I.e. I could build the report with Subreport A) including a report on a main table and Subreport B) including a report on a main table, attribute table, note and classification tables. Are there better ways to do this?
3. How do I make the Description field, printable or not, flaggable at run-time?

Any advice on how to proceed appreciated. Thanks.

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Small Database Help Needed

Aug 29, 2007

Hi Access World Forums,

I'm an audio/video technician at a college and wish to use Access for a simple camera booking system, but do not have time to go through all the extensive help menus and tutorials about this program, and none I have viewed seemed to help.

I want four columns in the table. First, the user inputs a student ID number. Now my first problem is that I want the student name to appear in the 2nd column after entering their number. I don't know where to create the list of names or how to link them to their student ID numbers.

My second problem is I would like the 4th column simply to display the date seven days from the current one (as in whenever the db is used) for the return date without having to input it manually.

Any help towards these 2 problems would be most appreciated, and thanks in advance.

Edit: I'm using Access 2003.

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Without Any Success To Build A Small Stock Control Database.

Feb 15, 2008


I am trying without any success to build a small stock control database.

very simply put I am the main site and I have many other sites. each site has a unique code. I have 4 products only. I want to have the total stock that I hold in my site and as I send stock to other sites I want the number to decrease from my site and be added to the other specified site.

any ideas anyone.

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Need Advice On Database Structure

Nov 17, 2005

Hi ,
I am developing an access application that will be used by our Marketing Dept to create BRIEFS for our AD agencies.

The Brief has the following structure

1. Option1
1.1 A1
1.2 A2
1.3 A3
1.3.1 AA1
1.3.2 AA2
1.4 A4

2. Option2
2.1 B1
2.2 B2
2.2.1 BB1
2.2.2 BB2
2.3 B3
2.3.1 BB3

3. Option3


The users will be basically selecting from a list of Categories,Sub Categories and Sub-Sub Categories.

I am a bit confused as to what kind of Database Structure should I use for this kind of requirement.

Right now I have a table tblBRIEF that conatins the basic information about the BRIEF like
Project Name
Company Name
Responsible etc etc

My question is , where and how should I store the selections made by the user for each of the Categories , subcategories and su-sub categories.

Should I have a table for each of the Categories and Subcategories and have a relation with the BRIEF table ???

You advice will be apprecaited?

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Need Advice On Understanding A 3rd Party Database

Jan 9, 2006

I have to create reports from an Access database used in a commercial application. The backend uses Access but the front end does not.

The vendor does not document the data or provide any support for that. The database has over one hundred tables and thousands of fields.

I'm thinking I'll create small transactions in the application and then study the database to see what has changed. But this seems overwhelming considering how many tables and fields there are. So I'm looking for advice on how to approach this.

I have a FoxPro background but I'm new to Access.

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Advice On Updating Someone Else's Access Database!

Mar 15, 2007

Hi, im currently working on a database which is for someone else. Whe it is handed over to them, they will no doubt want some changes done every so oftern eg new reports, changes to forms etc.

What is the best way to do this? The database holds a lot of data, so I dont think its feasible for them to send it to me via email everytime they need something changed!

Ive noticed a few posts here about splitting the database into a front/back end. If this was done, would they just have to send me the front end; this would probably be a smaller file ye?

If this is going to be the best way round the problem; how easy is it to split a database which is basically already made?


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Advice On Updating Someone Else's Access Database!

Mar 15, 2007

Hi, im currently working on a database which is for someone else. Whe it is handed over to them, they will no doubt want some changes done every so oftern eg new reports, changes to forms etc.

What is the best way to do this? The database holds a lot of data, so I dont think its feasible for them to send it to me via email everytime they need something changed!

Ive noticed a few posts here about splitting the database into a front/back end. If this was done, would they just have to send me the front end; this would probably be a smaller file ye?

If this is going to be the best way round the problem; how easy is it to split a database which is basically already made?


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Need Expert Advice On My Current Database.

Nov 1, 2004

please see post #4

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Emptying Out A Database To Start Over

Jul 6, 2007

I have been testing data entry forms in a new database. Is there an easy way to reset the whole thing, autonumbers and all to new, as if nothing had ever been in the tables?

Thanks for your input.

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Reduction Of A Database Size - Implications + Advice

Jul 14, 2006

Hi there

I want to know if anyone has taken a large database (e.g 400,000 records) and had to take a subsection of this so to reduce size. (E.g you randomly would like to take 20,000 records). I need to reduce a database size for a test situation but would like to know what I should consider when reducing the size in this way.

Do I take the base database structure – table organisation with fields linkages etc and load data in?

I have some help in this task but would like to know of any advice that could be provided.

Many thanks

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Start Up Database Window Problem

Jan 18, 2006

I recently created a database to be posted on a network. In order to eliminate users prying into the mechanics of the database, I unclicked some menus on start up. The database is also password protected. I did such a good job that now I can't get into the database window myself. I used shift while opening the database, which used to work, but now I get the password box which brings me to the switchboard form. F11 doesn't work either.

Does anyone know how I can reverse this process so I can get into my database window and get full menus again?

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Form Load On Database Start

Dec 7, 2005


how do I setup a "welcome" form to start on database start?


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Payroll Database- Advice Needed On Relationships/normalisation

Aug 22, 2006

I would like to get your advice on my table setup and relationships for this payroll project. The company is an engineering company with Projects (or construction sites) around the world.

The 'Candidates' are current or potential employees and contractors. There are three main pay categories:

All shift workers doing a particular job on a particular project are paid the same rates e.g. all welders on a particular project or site in England are paid the same as each other. For that reason I want to link the pay rates with the job description for these workers. This avoides creating 50 records for 50 welders on the site in England to say that they make £10 an hour normal time (or whatever it is) etc.

2. Contract
Contract workers usually get paid a flat rate per hour. As these are negociated on an individual basis I would need to have this information linked to each individuals job (M_CandidateJobDetails).

3. Salary
Again this information needs to be input for each individuals job.

For the contract and salary people the pay frequency can vary (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly). So can the currency they are paid in. I haven't got as far as the currency issue yet.

The reason for the one-to-many relationship between M_JobClassifaction and M_CandidateJobDetails is that many candidates can have the same type of job e.g. there can be many employees that in the job classifaction of 'Electrician'. For many of the jobs at managerial level e.g. 'site manager' there will only be one.

I will have a table with the hours worked by each person per week. I can use this for those on shift work or contract to calculate what they will be paid.

One of the main reasons for this database is so that the company can print reports to see what is paid out in payroll for each site and in total (in euros). These will be gross figures and I don't need to take expenses, vacations, bonuses or taxes into account. They other thing we will need to be able to do is assign candidates to vacant positions and change them from one position to another - possibly between different projects.

So basically does anyone have any comments on the relationships, normalisation or anything else. Is this the best way to do it?

I've attached a screenshot of the relationships.

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Forms :: Loading Only Default Form On Start Up Of Database

Mar 23, 2014

I need to load my Default Form at start up of my database while office button,the Ribbon and the Navigation pane will be hidden. And when i go to form design view then i can use the ribbon and navigation pane.

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Modules & VBA :: Calendar Database - How To Get Week To Start On Monday

Mar 17, 2015

I have found a calendar database witch I wanna use in one of my own databases.

But.. on the form the weeks start on sunday, I want the week to start on Monday but I can't figure out how to do it.

I've posted the original database as an attachment. I'd like to know what I have to change in the code and/or in the form to get what i want.

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Need To Remove Hash At The Start And End Of Link Address Stored On Database

Apr 16, 2014

I am using asp and database to store info for example link addresses. Unfortunately, they have become stored in database column with a # on either side. I have tried find and replace but this does not work on # symbol. It can not be stored as a hyperlink because I need my website to extract info from remote database and then display info in results page as a hyperlink. Works fine if I remove them by hand but there are 3000 of them!

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Anyone Willing To Help Me Design A Database?

Nov 8, 2005

Hello everyone. Im relatively new to access, i've only been using it for a few weeks. There are certain aspects that I cannot get my head around.

Is anyone willing to let me email them what I have done so far and the criteria for the database I am making and advise me where I am going wrong and where I need to be heading to get it right?

Thanks very much. Any help will be very much appreciated.

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Database Design

Apr 15, 2007

When creating a database is it true that ideally i should avoid using the lookup wizard at table level and instead do that with combo boxes at form level ?


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Database Design

Feb 13, 2008


I have three tables

1 tblAssistFMWork in which is stored the fields JobNumber, SiteRefNumber, SurveyorNo
2 tbltable1 which has the field SiteRefNumber, Address1, Address2 etc
3 tblAssistFMSubJobNumbers which has the fields JobNumber, SubJobNumber.

JobNumber is the relationship between tables 2 and 3 and SiteRefNumber is the relationship between tables 1 and 2. There are other fields in each table but these are the relevant ones for this question.

Each JobNumber will have a minimum of one SubJobNumber but may have many. Each SubjobNumber starts at 1 for each new job so this may look like this in the table

JobNumber SubjobNumber
0001 1
0002 1
0002 2
Each SiteRefNumber may have one or many JobNumbers

I wish to enter the date a SubJobNumber is completed and have been struggling with pulling the record into a form using a combo box because of the need to enter the JobNumber and also the SubJobNumber. So I decided to create a new table tblAssistFMJobDateCompleted which has the fields

JobNumber, SubJobNumber, DateJobCompleted

I need to report on a jobs status ie done or not done, but when I created the query for this it would only pull the records which have a completed date on them.
Could someone please give me some advice as to a way forward.



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Help With Database Design

Feb 20, 2005

I have been reading other posts, and this where i should have started from the beginning,I am not very experienced with access (or forums as yous propably know) but can learn anything in no time (hopefully).

I would like to design a database to store all the info about a drag racing event including;

• event info (Event name, track name, event date)
• car info (Car name, gearbox type, diff ratio, engine name,)
• driver info (driver firstname, driver lastname)
• Engine info (make, model, engine compression, carburetor, front carburetor jets, rear carburetor jets, fuel pressure, engine timing at idle, total engine timing)
• Race info (track temperature, relative altitude, milibars, humidity, air temperature, tyre type, tyre size, tyre pressure hot, tyre pressure cold, stage RPM, shift RPM, reaction, 60foot time, 330foot time, 660foot time, 660foot MPH, 1000foot time, elapsed time, elapsed MPH, comments.)

My issue is design of tables and relationships. as you can probably see, obviously cars will do many runs at each event, and there engine setups and car setups(diff ratio) can differ each run. there might also be different drivers for the same car. weather info like track temp etc also change from race to race so I think it is possible I might need some sort of race time as-well. My main reason for the database, apart from organizing all my results would be so that I could do a run at an event and search previous races by the current runs weather info (relative altitude, milibars, humidity, etc) as to set the car up similar to keep it’s elapsed times consistent. Please, please, please help as I am at a total loss.
Thanks in advance!!

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