BeforeUpdate Event Executing Too Many Times

Oct 16, 2005

I have a mainform with a search function so the user can select a record to view and update. The selected record is displayed in Subform1 on Page1 of a tab control. The record source of this form is Query1. Page2 of the tab control contains Subform2; record source is the result of Query1 joined to Query2.

The forms correctly displays, updates and adds records my problem occurs when I add VBA code to the BeforeUpdate event of a control on Subform1. The code appears to execute once for each page in the tab control.

Has anyone any suggestions on how I can correct my problem.



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Forms :: BeforeUpdate Event Of Linked Subform Firing Multiple Times

May 27, 2015

I have to maintain an Access form which contain a linked subform (using Master and Child fields).

Basically, in the main form (Form1), the user choose a value in a combobox and the subform (Form2) is automatically updated.

My issue is that I have a BeforeUpdate event on one field of my subform which is preventing to update the field (Cancel=true) when it does not meet the criteria. The alert msgbox should appear once if there is any error in the field but the BeforeUpdate event is always fired 3 times for unknown reason.

What I don't understand is that if I open the subform (Form2) as a main form or if i remove the child/master link fields in the subform property sheet, it is working as expected with the BeforeUpdate event being fired only once.

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Validation During BeforeUpdate Event

Mar 24, 2006

Question - How do you do data validation during the BeforeUpdate event? How do you halt the event without getting an error message?

I have tried the following:

If (Me.Control.Value <> "") Then
'Do nothing.
Msgbox "Please enter a value for Control."
Cancel = True
End If

When Cancel = True is executed, I get the following message:
You can't save this record at this time. DatabaseName may have encountered an error while trying to save a record. If you close this object now, the data changes you made will be lost. Do you want to close the database object anyway?

I can't seem to halt or "cancel" the BeforeUpdate event without getting this error message. After hours of looking for this answer, any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Form BeforeUpdate Event Triggers

Jan 20, 2005

I'm using Access 2K. I have created a Form BeforeUpdate event to check that certain fields in the form have been filled. However, I don't want to do the check until after a subform entry is also complete, but the BeforeUpdate event fires as soon as the subform is entered. Is there any way I can around this?


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Runtime Error '-2147352567 On BeforeUpdate Event

Mar 30, 2005

I've got a form with Text boxes StartDate (datatype = Date / Time) and Interval (datatype = Numeric).
Both text boxes are bound controls.

I'd like to validate whether summing the StartDate with the Interval entered results in a calculated date, falling on either Saturday or Sunday.
If so, the Interval needs to be reset so that the calculated day will fall on the first Monday falling after the StartDate.

The code I've got so far results in an error:

Run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009):

The macro or function set to the BeforeUpdate or ValidationRule property for this field is preventing Microsoft Access from saving the data in the field.

I can understand why this error is generated.
What I can't figure out is how to adapt the code.
The AfterUpdate event is no option as this is triggered too late...

BTW, I'm on Access2000

Here's the code I've got so far:

Private Sub Interval_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

Dim Response
Dim strInterval As Integer

If Weekday(Me.Startdatum + Me.Interval, vbMonday) = 6 Or Weekday(Me.Startdatum + Me.Interval, vbMonday) = 7 Then
Response = MsgBox("Eerstvolgende klusdatum valt in het weekend, laten vallen op maandag?", vbYesNo)
End If
If Response = vbYes Then
strInterval = 8 - Weekday(Me.Startdatum, vbMonday)
Me.Interval = strInterval
If Response = vbNo Then
End If
End If

End Sub



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Modules & VBA :: Putting A Form BeforeUpdate Event

Jul 19, 2013

I have On Load, Current, After Update events on a form, which all work fine. But, when I add a Before Update, I get the error: "Procedure declaration does not match description of event or procedure having the same name". Following is my code:


Private Sub Form_Load()
If InStr(Me.Filter, "=") > 0 Then
If IsNumeric(Mid$(Me.Filter, InStr(Me.Filter, "=") + 1, Len(Me.Filter) - InStr(Me.Filter, "="))) Then
Me.Tag = (Mid$(Me.Filter, InStr(Me.Filter, "=") + 1, Len(Me.Filter) - InStr(Me.Filter, "=")))
End If
End If


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Modules & VBA :: Beforeupdate Event Undo Change To A Combo Box?

Oct 7, 2013

I'm working on a bit of code that before a combobox is changed checks with the user to confirm that they want the change to go ahead, if yes a recorded is added to a table

This all work fine apart from if no is selected - I am trying to get the combobox to undo the change however when you select no the msgbox pops up fine but the combobox does not undo

Can't see where I'm going wrong I thought undo worked for comboboxes

' Displays a message box with the yes and no options.
Response = MsgBox(prompt:="Do you wish to change the status of this Job? 'Yes' or 'No'.", Buttons:=vbYesNo)
' If Yes button selected
If Response = vbYes Then

[Code] .....

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Subform's On_current Event Runs Multiple Times

Oct 20, 2005

I'm trying to clean up one HUGE and ugly form by using subforms within tabs. I have a main form with "BottleID" as the key field and linking field. The tab displays pictures based on the BottleID and it works like a dream. My problem is that the "on_current" event happens 4 times on each record. For instance, I go up a record and it sets Picture1.value 4 times and it's the same thing everytime.

I'm wondering if the problems is due to bad table design. Everything is located within one table and I'm really unable to change this. It's been like this from the get go and too much to change to break it apart. Anyway, the subform is pulling data from the same table. I thought maybe this was the cause.

I'd post the database if possible, however there are hardcoded directory's and will not work unless they are all set up. Not worth it IMO. Any ideas? I tried doing the BottleID = forms!frmMain!BottleID instead of the auto-link in Access but it gives me several errors and I don't believe it buys me anything. Thanks in advance!

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Executing Query

Oct 15, 2007

Hi there,

I am trying to run a query from an ASP page, which also uses other queries. I get the following error message: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'Expr1' as part of an aggregate function, this is in qrySessionsEverything.

The query name is qrySessionsEverything.
It executes the line:

SELECT * FROM qrySessionsEverything

The queries are below:

SELECT tblSessions.SessionID AS Expr1, tblSessions.CourseID AS Expr2, tblCourses.CourseName AS Expr3, tblSessions.SessionDate AS Expr4, tblSessions.StartTime AS Expr5, tblSessions.EndTime AS Expr6, tblVenues.VenueID AS Expr7, tblVenues.VenueName AS Expr8, tblVenues.Capacity AS Expr9, tblVenues.Capacity-[bytAttendees] AS bytAvailablePlaces, qrySessionsAccepted.bytAttendees AS Expr10, tblVenues.Link AS Expr11, qrySessionsPending.Pending AS Expr12, [TrainerFirstName] & " " & [TrainerSurname] AS strTrainer, tblSessions.TrainerID AS Expr13
FROM tblTrainers, tblCourses, qrySessionsAccepted, qrySessionsPending, tblVenues, tblSessions
GROUP BY tblSessions.SessionID, tblSessions.CourseID, tblCourses.CourseName, tblSessions.SessionDate, tblSessions.StartTime, tblSessions.EndTime, tblVenues.VenueID, tblVenues.VenueName, tblVenues.Capacity, qrySessionsAccepted.bytAttendees, tblVenues.Link, qrySessionsPending.Pending, [TrainerFirstName] & " " & [TrainerSurname], tblSessions.TrainerID;

SELECT tblSessions.SessionID AS Expr1, tblSessions.CourseID AS Expr2, tblSessions.SessionDate AS Expr3, tblSessions.StartTime AS Expr4, tblSessions.EndTime AS Expr5, tblSessions.VenueID AS Expr6, tblVenues.VenueName AS Expr7, tblVenues.Capacity AS Expr8, [Capacity]-[bytAttendees] AS bytAvailablePlaces, Count(qryDelegatesAccepted.DelegateID) AS bytAttendees, tblVenues.Link AS Expr9
FROM tblVenues, tblSessions, qryDelegatesAccepted
GROUP BY tblSessions.SessionID, tblSessions.CourseID, tblSessions.SessionDate, tblSessions.StartTime, tblSessions.EndTime, tblSessions.VenueID, tblVenues.VenueName, tblVenues.Capacity, tblVenues.Link
ORDER BY tblSessions.SessionDate, tblSessions.StartTime;

SELECT tblSessions.SessionID AS Expr1, tblSessions.CourseID AS Expr2, tblSessions.SessionDate AS Expr3, tblSessions.StartTime AS Expr4, tblSessions.EndTime AS Expr5, tblSessions.VenueID AS Expr6, tblVenues.VenueName AS Expr7, tblVenues.Capacity AS Expr8, tblVenues.Link AS Expr9, Count(qryDelegatesPending.SessionID) AS bytPending
FROM tblVenues, tblSessions, qryDelegatesPending
GROUP BY tblSessions.SessionID, tblSessions.CourseID, tblSessions.SessionDate, tblSessions.StartTime, tblSessions.EndTime, tblSessions.VenueID, tblVenues.VenueName, tblVenues.Capacity, tblVenues.Link
ORDER BY tblSessions.SessionDate, tblSessions.StartTime;

SELECT tblDelegates.DelID AS Expr1, tblDelegates.SessionID AS Expr2, tblDelegates.DelTitle AS Expr3, tblDelegates.DelFirstName AS Expr4, tblDelegates.DelSurname AS Expr5, tblDelegates.DelHospital AS Expr6, tblDelegates.DelDepartment AS Expr7, tblDelegates.DelPhone AS Expr8, tblDelegates.DelBleeper AS Expr9, tblDelegates.DelEmail AS Expr10, tblDelegates.DateSubmitted AS Expr11, tblDelegates.Accepted AS Expr12, tblDelegates.Rejected AS Expr13
FROM tblDelegates
GROUP BY tblDelegates.DelegateID, tblDelegates.SessionID, tblDelegates.DelTitle, tblDelegates.DelFirstName, tblDelegates.DelSurname, tblDelegates.DelHospitall, tblDelegates.DelDepartment, tblDelegates.DelPhone, tblDelegates.DelBleeper, tblDelegates.DelEmail, tblDelegates.DateSubmitted, tblDelegates.Accepted, tblDelegates.Rejected
HAVING (((tblDelegates.Accepted)=True) And ((tblDelegates.Rejected)<>True));

SELECT tblDelegates.DelegateID AS Expr1, tblDelegates.SessionID AS Expr2, tblDelegates.DelTitle AS Expr3, tblDelegates.DelFirstName AS Expr4, tblDelegates.DelSurname AS Expr5, tblDelegates.DelHospitall AS Expr6, tblDelegates.DelDepartment AS Expr7, tblDelegates.DelPhone AS Expr8, tblDelegates.DelBleeper AS Expr9, tblDelegates.DelEmail AS Expr10, tblDelegates.DateSubmitted AS Expr11, tblDelegates.Accepted AS Expr12, tblDelegates.Rejected AS Expr13
FROM tblDelegates
GROUP BY tblDelegates.DelegateID, tblDelegates.SessionID, tblDelegates.DelTitle, tblDelegates.DelFirstName, tblDelegates.DelSurname, tblDelegates.DelHospital, tblDelegates.DelDepartment, tblDelegates.DelPhone, tblDelegates.strDelegateBleep, tblDelegates.DelEmail, tblDelegates.DateSubmitted, tblDelegates.Accepted, tblDelegates.Rejected
HAVING (((tblDelegates.Accepted)<>True) And ((tblDelegates.Rejected)<>True));

Please can you help me.


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Executing Query In VBA

Oct 31, 2007

Hi, I am a beginner in access. I am trying to execute the below query through VBA on a click event on a Command Button in a Form. I am taking input parameter from Form, based on which I want the query result( dynamic Query Parameter).
I getting the attached error message

Please help me out in executing this query in VBA. An example would be of great help. Thanks in advance..

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SQL INSERT -- Asking For Parameters When Executing?!

Jul 22, 2005

Hi all,

I've searched for a solution, and the proposed solution didn't work for me.

I am executing an SQL statement to insert values into a History table when deleting a value in a subform. Two of the 5 values are asking me for parameters when the SQL executes and I cant figure out why! The datatypes they are inserting into are correct and I'm at a loss. The 2 values giving me grief are Manufacturer and Model.

Here's the code:

Dim sSQLMachHistory As String

MsgBox "me.acctid: " & Me.AccountID
MsgBox "me.manufac: " & Me.Manufacturer & " me.serial: " & Me.SerialNumber
MsgBox "model: " & Me.Model

'Insert into History Table:
sSQLMachHistory = "INSERT INTO tblMachineHistory (SerialNumber, Manufacturer, Model, AccountID, MachineID) VALUES (" & Me.SerialNumber & ", " & Me.Manufacturer & ", " & Me.Model & ", " & Me.AccountID & ", " & Me.MachineID & ")"

MsgBox sSQLMachHistory

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL sSQLMachHistory
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

My message boxes show me all the values are displaying and should be inserting into the table -- any ideas??? :confused:



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Executing Code On Database Open?

Apr 10, 2007


I was wandering if it is possible to implicitly execute code upon the opening of a database? If so how do I do this? I have code to convert the page settings of a report from a command click but wanted this to be done automatically...



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Having Trouble In Executing TreeCtrl Code

Jul 11, 2006


I am having trouble in implementing the TreeCtrl structure. I have a simple database for testing purpose and I am not able to make it work. There appears to be a problem with the bookmark property and I get an error message:
"can't Add child:Arguments are of wrong Type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another".

I have attached the database here and could you please see what is wrong with my code.


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Executing Command Buttons On Other Forms

Sep 20, 2004


I have a Visible form and an Invisible (visible=false) form open at the same time. Is it possible to use a button on the visible form to execute the code behind a button in the invisible form. The subroutine on the invisible form is Public. I tried DoCmd.RunCommand and a macro with RunCode but... nada...

(There is a valid reason for this approach but i will spare you the boring explanation. I can think of a work around where I can bypass this need, but this way is cleaner (there are cases where the invisible form is visible and used directly, the form has data which is sent to a report to create a label). I have done everything else with VBA code but for some reason can't get this to work, so now i am obsessed)

Thanks, this forum is really a gem!

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Executing An Update Command With “'” In The String

Nov 3, 2006

I try to execute an update command i.e.:
UPDATE Results set Data = 'Heiner's key' where ValidationNumber = 1 and TestNumber = 2 and Line = 'E1'.
Access does not let me do this because the “'” in Heiner's terminates the update string prematurely.
Does anyone have a suggestion how to do this? Thank you.

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Create Custom Box Before Executing Query

Jan 9, 2012

I am looking to check, whether i would be able to "add an Message box with a "Message : "Executes all queries all is well.mdb before executing this query ?" , if yes, continue executing the query, else, Exit out of the database?

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BeforeUpdate Not Called...

Jul 22, 2005

A stupid question here...

I have a form that has a single bound text box that is set to currency. The table is also set as currency with decimal places set at 2. I have my own save button

Now I want to catch if the user types in text instead of numers and display a suitable error message.

When the user presses the save button I call this code:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord

heres the before update event

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo errHandle

If Not IsNumeric(hourlyRate) Then

MsgBox "Please enter a number for the hourly rate", vbInformation
Cancel = True
If (hourlyRate < 0) Then
MsgBox "Please enter a positive hourly rate", vbInformation
Cancel = True
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number
Resume Next
End Sub

However the update event isnt called and I get an access message saying that the value you entered isnt correct for the field blah blah blah.

Q - How do I stop this access message from being shown???

btw - If I enter in a negative number my message box is shown, and then i get another access message saying that the run command was cancelled.

arghhh - I dont want these :-)

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BeforeUpdate Problems

Aug 6, 2005

I not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I have searched several forums and "think" I'm doing this the same way.

I'm trying to validate some fields before allowing the record to be saved, which if the user doesn't fill in the appropiate fields then the msgbox does fire, and the record is not saved but my problem is that I don't want the form to close. I would like to force the user back to the form and fill in the required fields. Any idea's as to why the forms closes?

Here's my code.

Dim ctl As Control

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Then
With ctl
If ctl.Tag = "Required" Then
If ctl.Value = "" Or IsNull(ctl.Value) Then
MsgBox "Missing data"
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End With
End If

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Problems With BeforeUpdate

Nov 28, 2006

I have the following code entered on a subform:Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.RegVerify = -1 And Me.RegStatus = 0 Then
Dim strMsg As String
strMsg = "This household has not been registered." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"Do you wish to register the household now?"
If MsgBox(strMsg, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Register Household?") = vbYes Then
Me.RegStatus = -1
Me.CurrentYearRegDate = Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy")
End If
End If
End SubThe code is placed on the subform 'Form_Main_Hshld' with the intention that if the 'RegVerify' checkbox is selected the data entry person will receive a reminder that they did not register the current household. The code seemed to work fine, but there are 4 subforms on the 'Form_Main_Hshld' form and if any of those are selected the code will run inadvertantly. Is there anyway to code so that the program only runs the verification process when moving between records on the 'Form_Main_Hshld' form?


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BeforeUpdate Problem

Sep 23, 2005


I'm a total novice with VBA/Access so would desperately appreciate some help!

After making some amendments to an Access form I didn't set up, I came across a runtime error 2115 (about BeforeUpdate).

I think that the code I have causes a further set of data input boxes to appear, dependent on whether 2 separate checkboxes are ticked or not. Anyway, the only thing I changed to the database that I can think of was adding an autonumber to the main table. It all seemed to be working before I did that.

Any help on this is much appreciated. (and yes, I've learned my lesson and won't be touching somebody elses database again!!)


This is my code (I'm afraid I've posted it all as I don't know which bit is useful)

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Combo39_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Private Sub Coroner_PM_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If (Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Coroner PM] = False) Then
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label22.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label23.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(a)].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label24.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(b)].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label25.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(c)].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label26.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 2].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Box21].Visible = True
End If

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRefresh

If (Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Coroner PM] = True) Then
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label22.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label23.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(a)].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label24.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(b)].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label25.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(c)].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label26.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 2].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Box21].Visible = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Current() 'NEW
If (Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Coroner PM] = False) Then
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label22.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label23.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(a)].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label24.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(b)].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label25.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(c)].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label26.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 2].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Box21].Visible = True
End If

If (Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Coroner PM] = True) Then
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label22.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label23.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(a)].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label24.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(b)].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label25.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(c)].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label26.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 2].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Box21].Visible = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Hospital_PM_AfterUpdate()

If (Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Coroner PM] = False) Then
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label22.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label23.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(a)].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label24.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(b)].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label25.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(c)].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label26.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 2].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Box21].Visible = True
End If

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRefresh

If (Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Coroner PM] = True) Then
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label22.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label23.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(a)].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label24.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(b)].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label25.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(c)].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label26.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 2].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Box21].Visible = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Hospital_PM_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If (Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Coroner PM] = False) Then
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label22.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label23.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(a)].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label24.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(b)].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label25.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(c)].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label26.Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 2].Visible = True
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Box21].Visible = True
End If

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRefresh

If (Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Coroner PM] = True) Then
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label22.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label23.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(a)].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label24.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(b)].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label25.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 1(c)].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]!Label26.Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Cause of Death 2].Visible = False
Forms![Death Certificate DB]![Box21].Visible = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Place_of_Death_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

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Executing A Query On Periodic Basis At Midnight At 00:05

Oct 31, 2005

I am trying to execute query every midnight at 00:05 and append data into a table. This query reads the data from a linked table and appends the records into the local table.

Access doesn't triggers so I have no clue which way to proceed.

Can anybody help me creating a logic to execute query at midnight?


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Executing A Query On Highlighted Record In Listbox

Jul 25, 2005

How do i apply a query that i want to execute only on a highlighted record in a listbox.

If there is a link, sample database or lines of code could you please assist.

Currently everything is being executed on all of the records in the query.

Also Does Access 2000 support codes for drag and drop forms?

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Executing A Subforms Procedures From The Parent Form

Dec 19, 2005

is there a way i can call a sub forms procedure from the main parent form.

in other words i have a button command i want to execute

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Modules & VBA :: Error When Executing OnOpen Report?

Sep 8, 2013

I am using ACCESS 2010, win 7 Home Premium 64bit

difficult to handle error when executing my report. I put a code into OnOpen section but ACCESS states:


The expression OnOpen you entered as the event property produced the following error: A problem occurred while Microsoft Access was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control.

Additionally it says in description:

This error occurs when an event has failed to run because the location of the logic for the event cannot be evaluated. For example, if the OnOpen property of a form is set to =[Field], this error occurs because a macro or event name is expected to run when the event occurs.

I am genuinely confused by that. I have also provided the code in the case if I am missing something I don't know yet. In a debug window, I have executed the code line by line and it worked. Whenever I try to open the report, the error occurs. Should I be aware of something when I write code for reports?

Below, the code in my report "module":

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Call CreateTempTable
End Sub
Private Sub CreateTempTable()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim strTable As String


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Prob With Msg After Cancel Beforeupdate?

May 16, 2005

I have pasted the code that SJ posted on another thread that any changes to a record will ask the user to save before closing the form, this located in the beforeupdate event.

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If MsgBox("Save changes?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Cancel = True
End Sub

The problem i am getting is that if the user selects no it pops up another message saying "You can't save the record at this time" followed by a description.
How do i prevent this second message appearing i cannot find a thread with this in?

Thanks as always


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Cancelling Events In BeforeUpdate

Aug 15, 2005

Hello all,

I have a form where I want to validate enties before moving off the record.

I put my validation in the BeforeUpdate event of the form. If validation fails, then I set Cancel=True. So far, so good.

But if the user closes the form (either with my close button, or the standard close button), or presses 'Page down' to move to the next record, then even if validation fails, the form will close (or move record). What I want is for the user to be left with the form open, on the current record.

Can someoneon point me in the right direction ?


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