Best Tool For Recovering Corrupt Database?

Nov 11, 2007


This is my firts time to join here and hello to everyone.

We have a database in our office, "access" and most of the time we encounter errors in unexpected way.

Cannot open access same user are attempting to change
this file is corrupt.

something like that.

and i was wondering if there are best recovery tool that i can use
for this scenario and what is it?:confused:



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Database Corrupt Please Help

Mar 26, 2007

Hi there

I am getting error that MS Access db is corrupted and need s to be repaired.
I repaired tht db but still getting the error.
I have attached the error copy . Please help its urgent


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Corrupt Database

Nov 24, 2004

Hi all

I have a corrupt MS access 2000 database. It was saved to a flash stick with a compact and repair on close. It seems the flash stick was removed before the compact had completed. Has anyone got any tools that can recover the database? Or maybe point me to some freeware on the net that can recover it?? I appreciate any help.


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Error 3011 Database Corrupt

Jul 24, 2007

Hi there,

when i am tryint to access my Access database its giving this error:

The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object MSysDB. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly. (Error 3011)

I am not even able to get in there

Please Advice

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General :: Cannot Open Database - File May Be Corrupt

Jun 9, 2015

Cannot Open Database". It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt. I have a colleague that is using Microsoft Access to import objects from SQL server but he's getting the above error. I've checked the login my colleagues uses and it has all the right permissions ect but I cannot seem to figure out why this error is still happening. Is it something to do with the SQL server or Microsoft Access?

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General :: Correct Methodology Rebuilding Corrupt Database

Oct 6, 2013

I had a badly corrupted form in a front end DB. Compact/Repair didn't work. Importing everything into a new DB didn't work .... the db crashed access.

I imported everything except the dud form into a new db and everything was fine. I copied all the fields and controls into a new form.

When it came to copying the VBA, I did it one control/procedure at a time (from the Property Sheet) as I though it was safer.

Was I being over-cautious? Could I have safely copied/pasted all the code in one go ?

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Access As A Research Tool, Not A Database

Apr 4, 2006

I have a research project. I need to capture numerical values from a scroll bar into a table so they can be used to produce excel charts. I can capture the data no problem, my problem is how to present it in a user friendly format - a form.

I have to capture the following data via a form for each research respondent:

Each respondent is then asked to rank five brands against seven different attributes. In format terms, my researcher wants to display one attribute at the top of a page with five brands listed underneath with the slider beside each brand. For example:

"The Worst IT Information" is the attribute at the page top
"Microsoft" is the brand, with a slider beside it so the resondent can select how much they associate/rank this attribute with Microsoft.
"Adobe" is the second brand with slider
"PaintShop Pro" is the third brand with slider
"Corel" is the fourth brand with slider
"Sage" is the fifth brand with slider

The same respondent then clicks to the next page which has a new attribute at the top, but with the same five brands underneath to rank the attribute against.

eg "full of bugs" is the attribute at the page top
brands and sliders are all as above

There are seven pages in all. At the end of the data collection I need to be able to find the average ranking for each brand against each attribute and apply the demographic information, for example

Microsoft had an average ranking of 7 out of 10 against the attribute "Worst IT INformation" against women 30Plus.

I can't figure out how to do this without collecting the information into tables called PageOne, PageTwo, PageThree, PageFour, PageFive, PageSix, Page Seven and using fields like: brand 1 (text), brand 1 (value), brand 2, (text) brand 2, (value). This seems to fly in the face of how you would normally create a table and will require queries to add together all the values gathered using different fields.

Does anyone have any suggestions on where I might be going wrong?

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Recovering Deleted Records

Nov 29, 2006

can anyone please help me out with suggestions of how to recover records that have been deleted accidentally. :eek: thanks.

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Recovering Deleted Data

Jan 4, 2007

Hi all,

I have deleted certain content from a table. After it I have compressed and repaired the database but later I found out that I need those deleted data. But now they are gone. Is there any possibility to recover it? Are there any tools or something?

Thank you very much for your help.

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ADP / ADE - Recovering From Connection Failure

Oct 9, 2012

I admin an Access 2007 ADP that is distributed to our user base as an ADE. The back end is MSSQL 2005. Recently, we have begun deploying this software to employees in the field who connect to the corporate network via VPN. Because our field employees are sometimes connecting from some seriously flaky Internet connections, we have seen an uptick in Connection Failure errors.

I've been researching ways to detect and reestablish a failed network connection from VBA so that the user doesn't encounter the errors, or the need to close and reopen the application to continue working. This post appears to get me most of the way there, in that it both suggests a way to detect the failure and reestablish a connection on the fly:

[URL] ....

Basically, it suggests replacing the call to CurrentProject.Connection with a call to your own custom function, looking something like this:

Function fCurrentConnection () As ADODB.Connection
If CurrentProject.Connection.State = 0 Then
CurrentProject.OpenConnection "YourConnectionString"
End If
Set fCurrentConnection = CurrentProject.OpenConnection
End Function

My problem is that I define my connection in the built in server properties of the project. My users connect using Windows NT Integrated security. I don't know what I should put in the "YourConnectionString" area. Is there a way to tell Access to use the stored settings to reconnect, or alternatively, any example string that connects to a server name and database name using Windows NT Integrated security?

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Recovering From Disabling Startup Options

Aug 4, 2005

1. I disabled the tool bars for startup and hence not able to get back the tool bar again after i started the database. Can someone pls help me get back my tool bars again ?

2. How are we able to implement autocomplete in the forms?

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Choosing Database "tool"

Jun 29, 2007


I´ve gotten a project on my hands, making a database of different materials for CAE purposes. But im a bit confused as to which "language" to use.
I´ve done quite a bit of programming before, mostly in Java.
My "boss" (who dont have much experience at all in programming) feels that Excel is a good program to use when building this database.
But since I will have so many different types of data to store i dont know if Excel(or Access, pretty much the same thing IMO?) will be enough.
For instance i might need to store a couple of different arrays for each material along with simpler data like strings and so on.
My question is this, can I make a General table containing short info about all materials and some sort of link to a uniqe table for each material? If this is possible, is it worth it? Seems like the database would become extremly large and hard to grasp in the future for someone who might want to update/add functions to.


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Corrupt LDB

Sep 22, 2005

Hi, I have a networked DB and I can't update the FE because the LDB file is locked. It says there are about 8 users in the DB which I know isn't true (I keep a table of current users and I prevented any new people from logging on before I went home last night)

I've never had this happen before? Does anyone know how I can fix it and kill the connections/Delete the .ldb?

I'm sure I caused the problem cause I've just put a few weeks development into the live system but i'm not sure why. I know if I have left recordsets open this can keep the connection but are there other reasons why this may be happening?

Thanks, Tom

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Dec 16, 2006


I have a question.

I know that mdb file maybe corrupt sometimes, but I want to know what conditions will make it corrupt?

And also, if we create adp file as frontend, and SQL Server as backend, can we mimimize the corrupt condition?

Please let me know about it, thanks.

Because I don't want to happen corrupt.


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Corrupt DB

Nov 28, 2005

I'm getting the following message when trying to open a database and the db will not open:

Record(s) cannot be read; no permission on 'MSysAccessObjects'

All other databases on the network open fine. I can't run compact repair on the said db nor can I link to it.

Any pointers would be good.

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Corrupt Characters

Oct 3, 2006

My client is reporting corrupt characters cropping up in fields. These characters appear as Asian Characters. They only corrupt one record.

This happens very seldom. In fact, it hasn't happend for about 2 months and today it happend again. Their was no change to the database.

Is this a network problem? Network noise corrupting data?


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Corrupt Data

Jan 4, 2007

Hi there,

I have recently converted an Access 97 database to Access 2003 and have noticed some records have been replaced with oriental symbols. I've noticed about 2 new corrupt records a month since it was converted. Does anyone know why this is happening and if the corrupt records can be recovered?


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Corrupt Backend

Mar 21, 2005

I have a database with backend tables. I came back to work today and somehow the main table in the backend has been corrupted. I tried to repair the table in the Backend and I get the following error Could not find field 'Description'..

Now when I try and open the Backend I get this error. The database 's:SOE_CONTROLSoeControlDatabaseBackendew_1-8T_SOE_DATABASE_be.mdb' needs to be repaired or isn't a database file.

You or another user may have unexpectedly quit Microsoft Access while a Microsoft Access database was open. Do you want Microsfot Access to attempt to repair the database?

When I click yes I also get [B]Could not find field 'Description'.[/]

Each time I have done this another DB1 or DB2 or DB3 or DB4 table has been created. When I look in the tables I can see that somehow there is a deleted record and it will not let me delete that record. I delete it and then open the table again and the same deleted record is still there.

I hope this is making sense because I sure need help!!


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I've Always Been Able To Fix Corrupt Databases Until Now...

Nov 6, 2006

Hi all:
Would appreciate any help that anyone can offer. Have a client with an Access2K database that gives the dreaded "...No read permissions on table MSysObjects..." error. I'm trying to just get the data into a new clean mdb but Access blocks me at every turn.

Have tried compact & Repair
Have tried JetComp
Have tried TransferDatabase via code
No luck, can't get at the data.

Now here's the kicker, the database is the back end to a VB6 application. The application continues to run fine and is happily accessing and updating the database. Any suggestions about alternate ways to get the data into a new clean mdb would be much appreciated.



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Is My Table Corrupt?... If So, How Do I Fix It?

Apr 18, 2007

Hello All,

Let me start by saying that I do not claim to be an expert database developer. I own a small company. I'm good with Access, but from time to time, it gets the best of me.

I've been reading alot of the posts so please forgive me if this topic has been covered. I couldn't find a thread to help me with my problem.

I have a table called 'projects'. This table has an autonumber field (you know where this is going, huh?) that serves as the primary key for the table. I realize that this is a big no-no now. Please go easy on me... :-)

I have a form, also called 'projects'. This form has a comboBox that uses fields from the 'projects' table as its rowSource. The user (myself) selects a record from the comboBox and the afterUpdate finds the record in the table and bookmarks it. The corresponding fields on the form update. We all know the drill.

I'm calling any record entered prior to today, an 'old' record...
... anything from today is a 'new' record.

So now I can still pull up 'old' records, but not 'new' records. Even if I close the form and try to add it directly into the table, it's like access doesn't recognize it. It'll let me enter it, but I cannot pull it up via the comboBox.

My first instinct was to just copy the table (structure & data) into a new one and see if the problem goes away. Two things... the problem does not go away and it renumbers my primaray key and so even if the problem did go away it would give all of the related records in other tables new parents, leaving a few orphans. so much for no child left behind...

anyway, i tried copying the structure only into a new table. I manually added a record. I was able to pull it up using the form. I copied the 'old' records from the old table to the new table. I can pull up those... but now I can't pull up the record I entered manually. I imagine that I copied the corruption into the new table.

It's almost like that the table is corrupt in that it will not index new records properly. I'm not referring to my own indexing, I'm referring to something that I suspect microsoft has on the backside.

Can anybody help me?... :-)

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Table Corrupt! Help Me!

Aug 23, 2007


I have a table within my large database application (one of the main tables) and some of the records keep doing strange things, characters such as: '佀渀攀 䌀愀氀氀 㐀 䌀愀爀 䌀愀' keep appearing and it splits the fields and mixes them all up. I presume they are corrupt records. Without having to create a new table and importing all the data in to a new table (there is a lot of data and this application is used throughout the normal working day - all day) is there any easy way out? Has anyone else had this problem? Is it something I have done which has caused this or is it a problem with Access?

Many thanks

Paul S

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Corrupt Table

Dec 18, 2007

i'm totally confused

i have a weird table that is corrupted, it has some sort of bad record at the end

i can't copy the table, export it, link it, or copy and paste the records, but i can view it until i move down to the bottom

how do imake it normal?


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Corrupt MDB File

Jan 20, 2008

I have an application which I have split into a database mdb file with the data, and another mdb file with the front end (all the forms, reports, etc). The database file is OK. However, the front end file has some kind of curruption. Running a C/R (Compact and repair) runs clean. The forms and the reports all work OK. But I found a bug in one of the forms, and upon trying to correct it by changing a variable type in the code behind the form, MS Access crashes. I can modify other forms, reports, and modules, but there are about 5 forms (out of about 60) that cause Access to crash.

I have also tried creating a brand new mdb file and copying all the forms, reports, etc out of the corrupted one, but apparently the corruption travels with the forms, because as soon as I copy the forms that make Access crash with the old mdb file, it now crashes with the new mdb file.

Does anybody know of a way to clean something like this, or to export the form and its code so that it can be imported again into anothe mdb? Or maybe someone knows of some program to find and fix these corruption problems in an mdb file?

Anything will be welcome. At this point it is quite a large application and I really don't want to redo it.

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Corrupt Tables ... Oh Please Help

Sep 13, 2007

Hi Everyone...

Thanks for reading this ahead of time and forgive me for my ignorance.

My father in law runs a business and has a 800MB Access file that is corrupted past the point of compact and repair functions. Some tables can't even be viewed by opening them directly but only through queries (if that makes sense).

I don't know a lot about Access but I have setup a SQL server and an append query to move the data over and for the most part this works ... but ... there are about 100 or so corrupt records per 100,000 in each table ... so I can't append the whole thing but must do a thousand or so at a time until an error appears and then narrow it down to the record and then skip the corrupt records one by one...

What I need to know is ... is there an easier way ? Can I run a query to delete the invalid rows or skip the errors ... or am I just screwed ? I'm worried if I wait too much longer the database will just fall over one day.

Thanks, PB.

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Sep 25, 2006

Hi all,

Big problems on access 2003.

When opening my live db, the message

"The Visual Basic for applications project in the database is corrupt."

I've had a quick search but can't find a solution.
This db has always been access 2003 (Not converted from prior file version).
I can't even import into a blank db as the same error occurs.


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Searching For # Or Other Corrupt Characters

Mar 12, 2007

How can you find corrupt characters in a table? Also, I tried searching for # but it just throws up numbers! How do I search for # itself?

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