Beta-testing A Database While Making Improvements?

Jul 23, 2015

I need to start using the database I've created (desktop database). However, I don't want my current version to be the final version.

Should I create another file to work in and use the old version for data entry? When I am ready to start using my new version, is it easy enough to transfer all the data from the old?

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Database Creation And Testing Complete / Will Making It ACCDE Clear Everything Except Forms

Feb 7, 2015

I've created and tested my database. What step or steps do I take now to make it so it's a program that only shows the forms and menu's I created, not all the Tables, Queries etc and the formatting options? Is there a link that explains what to do step by step?

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Core Testing Database

Sep 1, 2005


I hope someone can help me. Thanks ahead for taking the time to read through my post.

I am new to Access (I know the basics,) and will ask my question by hand of describing what I want to do with my database.

I work as a laboratory technician, where I need to test UTP cores (cores are what's called one of the 8 cables inside a UTP/Network cable.) I want to create a database where I can store these test results.

To make it easier to envision my database, I'll explain a bit about the actual testing. Cores are grouped together, and tested, according to batches. There are 40 cores in a batch. Each core has a unique job number. Further, the cores are divided into 8 different colors (Green, W/Green, Orange, W/Orange, Brown, W/Brown, Blue, W/Blue.)

A standard test procedure is done on EACH core: dimensions on the insulation on a X and Y axis; dimensions on the copper on a X and Y axis; a test to determine if the copper sits centre. There are thus 5 values I want to record.

My problem is: I want all 40 cores, each with their 5 values, on one form. I want to save this as one batch, or one record. How would I go about doing this? . It’s a bit more complex than your standard table-query-form-report database.

As I said, I am acquainted with the basics of Access. I can do tables, queries, forms and reports.

Thanks ahead.

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Emptying A Database Aftre Completeing And Testing The Application

Feb 16, 2007

what is the best way to do it without harming anything.

is it also possible to reset autonumbers


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Query Speed Improvements

Apr 24, 2007

I have a lot of queries based on queries. These all work as desired, however they can be slower than I'd like.

Given that my company has no intention of changing to another piece of software I am, therefore, limited to whatever speed I can get out of Access.

Are there any general rules or guidelines that a more experienced person could recommend to ensure that all these queries run as quickly as possible?

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Office 2007 Beta

Jun 12, 2006

Not sure if this has been posted yet. Microsoft has released beta of Office 2007, this includes a new UI to many of the old office programs. For the time being you can get it here:

Beta 2 of Internet Explorer 7 has also been released:

And I know I've posted on this before, but just so it is in the same place, Visual Studio 2005 can be downloaded here:

There are also many business-oriented programs in beta for testing. If you own a small business, or think your company may have a need ~ test it out, get a feel, for free.

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Time & Billing Beta 1

Jan 14, 2007

I've now decide to release this project as it now does All I want and thanks to all those from hear who helped with some of the solutions to my problems I'm happy with it.There are some items that have been disabled this is only because I don't need them at the min but when added I'll update the file, The tables are as complete as can be although there will be addition for later versionsThis version is for 2003 should you require 2002 please post a request for it.There will be additional tables as this project develops plus as I don't really use a lot of reports I've only added what I need but if you have a suggestion for a report let me know I will be adding a few as things develop.Thanks to Kent Telephones ( for hosting this project.IMPORTANT READ THE GETTING STARTED FOR SETTING UP AND INSTALLING THE SMTP DLL WHICH IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT TO RUN.Enjoy

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Making Stock Database HELP!

Nov 2, 2005

I am looking to design a simple stock database for work. This is just an idea at the moment, unless I can get my head round this problem.

I have throught that I can have 3 tables

NEW STOCK(this is where you enter all new and existing stock is)

USED STOCK(this is where all the stock that has been sold used for whatever reason is entered)

ACTUAL STOCK(this is where the items in NEW STOCK have the items sold in USED STOCK deducted from them to give you the ACTUAL STOCK)

PLEASE HELP ME, am I completely on the wrong line or can I do this?
Would be good if I didnt have to use SQL, VBA etc...

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So Im Making A Simple Database....

Nov 14, 2006

Ive just started creating the table..and Ive put fields like name/address etc as text but there are a few fields that need you to select an i want to use the "lookup wizard" to create a listbox or combo box dont know which is best.. BUT the problem is when I select lookup wizard it says "unable to start lookup wizard. The lookup wizard doesnt apply to fields of this data type".

Why does it say that?

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Making A Front And Back End To My Database...

Jun 5, 2006

I need help making a front and back end to my database. How should I do it!?!? All I know is what I should put in the front end and what goes in the back end. The rest needs to be explained to me somehow...

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Making A Enduser Version Of The Database?

Mar 23, 2008

How do I make my database so only the creator (myself) can edit the tables, forms etc and other users see an interface starting with the switchboard, which they can't use any database tools except what the forms allow them to do?

Basically some kind of user permissions.


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My Audit Trail Is Making My Database Too Big

Aug 9, 2007


I have discovered a problem with my database and wonder if anyone here can point me to the best solution...

The problem is this... when I took our company database over about 3 years ago it was around 45MB... now it is almost 350MB and growing steadily.

I have today discovered the main cause of this... the audit trails on a couple of the tables. If I remove these 2 fields only from the database it cuts it down to under 100MB. The Audit trail is quite important for us and so I'd like to keep it if I can. It is stored in a memo data type (the data is well over the 255 char limit of a text box). Is there any other better way to store this data or is there anything I can do to reduce the size of the memo data type?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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General :: Making Database Executable For Others

Mar 15, 2015

If you make your database into a executable file to package it, does the other person you are sending it to have to have or own Access to use it. I was under the impression that I could create a database, package it as its own program and give it to someone that does not have access and it would still work? If not, how would I do such a thing.

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Making A Template Out Of Existing Database?

Apr 28, 2012

We have a shared personnel access database for our department. Another department is wanting to use the same database. Is there a way to go about deleting all the info and making a template to give the other dept to use?

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Making Daily Backup Of Database?

Oct 29, 2013

As my database is growing and hold more and more data i want to make a daily backup to the local hard disk (it works on a network now) automatically.The way i want it to work is as follows :

When a user quits the application i want to check if there is a copy already existing with the date of today.

If it does it skips the copy process and just quits.

If it doesn't, i want it to make a backup in a directory. if the directory doesn't exist it must be made.

The backup file name must hold the date of today off course.

I realize that i have to have a procedure to delete obsolete (outdated) backups as well, but ill worry about that later.

Off course Ive tried this a few times, otherwise i wouldnt ask it here. But i seem to fail every time..

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General :: Making Access Database Accessible Via Net?

Dec 6, 2012

there is a need to make access database (access 2007) accessible over net. I know Access Database is not web based application. So I want to know if there is any way of making it accessible via net.

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Making Daily List Of People From Database?

Feb 14, 2013

I have created a database of club members in Access 2010. Each day I need to generate a report of who comes to the club. Up to this point I have been using an Excel spread sheet of members that I copy and paste to new daily spreadsheets each day. how to do this.

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Queries :: Making Bird Count Database - Data Recorded On Monthly Basis Week Wise

Feb 21, 2014

I've been requested to make a bird count database.

The bird count data has been recorded on monthly papers like this:

[bird name] [week 1][week 2][week 3][week4]

The number of birds sighted for a given week is written in the [week x] columns.

What I need to do is make another column that shows whichever number is highest from columns [week 1], [week 2], [week 3], [week 4].

So for example:

Blackbird: Week1: 4, Week2: 2, Week3: 6, Week4: 2

highest: =6

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Oct 9, 2004

hi is this working yert?

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Testing For A Sunday?

Feb 22, 2008

Hello peeps,
I have been working on a hours checking application, in which the user can enter their worked hours for the week and the application calculates how many hours at normal rate , time and half rate or double time rate have been worked for the week. All has been going swimmingly, with some help from here of course :)

What I would like to achieve now however, is, testing for a Sunday. This is because all hours worked on a Sunday, is paid at double time, regardless of the previous hours already worked for that week.

Example if a person worked 60 hours in a given week, there would be 47.5 hours of normal rate, 7.5 hours of time and a half rate and the remaining 5 hours would be at double time rate. But, if a person worked 60 hours in a week and 10 of those hours are worked on a Sunday, this would mean 47.5 at normal rate, only 2.5 hours at time and half rate and the remaining 10 hours at double time.

Therefore, is there a way I can test for a Sunday and perhaps automatically set a flag for the overtime calculation? Or is it possible with DateDiff() function, and if so could someone please assist me with the syntax or at least point me in a direction where I could solve this?

All replies gratefully recieved. Thanks in advance to anyone taking the time to read this post.

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New Record, Testing For

Jun 11, 2005

I need to disable a custom goto next record button. How do I find out if the current record is both the last and new or if a new record is possible?

Many thanks in advance,


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Testing For Null

May 2, 2008

I know this is an easy one but have to ask...I am trying to test wether or not a Textbox in my form is Null or not...

Cant get it to work


Code:If Text45 = "" Then MsgBox "45"Else MsgBox "THERE IS SOMETHING"End If

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Testing For Null Fails

Oct 19, 2004

I have a table where some of the values of MyField are null.

I am creating a function that depends on the value of Myfield which I pass to a variable varMyField and am testing it with If IsNull(varMyVariable) but it errors. Have tried setting the variable as a variant but no difference.

Function Test(varMyField as variant)

If isnull(varMyField) then
Dosomething Else
End if

End function

Any suggestions please?

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Tables :: AutoNum While Testing

Feb 6, 2013

I created a table and a form. One of my tables fields is AutoNum. Each time I test the form layout, the AutoNum field increase and yet I am only testing at this stage!How can I bring back this field to zero? Where is my data stored (extension)?

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General :: Testing Folder For A Value

Aug 1, 2013

This code below works, but alot of what it does is unnecessary. I have a directory structure named 1000-2000, 2001-3000, 3001 - 4000 etc and within that is the individual folders 1000, 1001, 1002 etc

How do I test to search top level folder thats no larger than correctNum to then test the subfolder for correctNum? I've looked at instr and a few other funtions, but can't find a solution. Below is what I have now, it works but I know it searches everything and that's not correct

Dim filesys
Dim Subdir
Dim folder
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim oDir
Dim bDir
CorrectNum = Serial.Value

[Code] ....

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Logic Testing For Incremental Numbers

Jan 7, 2005

I need some help with code. I can do this in Excel, but I am not sure how to do it in Access.

Here are the fields:


Here is the scenario: If a customer orders custom paint for their equipment, we need to total how many pounds of Powder Coat paint it takes to paint all the units (PoundsPerOrder). When we order this from the vendor we have to order it by the box which is measured in pounds. In this example, the vendor will sell us a box of white Poweder Coat paint in increments of 55 pounds. (55, 110, 165,...)

Verbally, the logic reads like this: If PoundsPerOrder is less than or equal to PoundsPerBox, then BoxesToOrder equals 1. This logic needs to be tested for each increment value (indefinately) of PoundsPerBox.

Am I making sense? How do I accomplish this in Access? And, as a side note, I need to capture and store this value in a table for future reference.

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